NRE is privately owned and receives no government funding. It handles over 400 million customer contacts per year across its digital channels and employs less than 30 people. NRE has funded services such as real-time journey planning, ticket calculators, and alerting. It costs around 贈16 million per year to run NRE, including over 贈3 million spent on development. A key application called Darwin that powers many NRE services costs nearly 贈2 million per year to run. NRE has a responsibility to both the public and train operating companies to provide accurate rail information.
This document is the first published version of the new NRE Usage Charging Document. The document contains information about usage charges for NRE information feeds. The contents will be discussed at the NRE Developer Engagement Day.
This document is the first published version of the new NRE Usage Charging Document. The document contains information about usage charges for NRE information feeds. The contents will be discussed at the NRE Developer Engagement Day.
This document provides guidelines for developers accessing and using real-time train information from National Rail Enquiries (NRE). It outlines requirements like acknowledging NRE as the source and not embedding ads. It clarifies terms of the Open Government Licence used and recommends following industry best practices. The registration process to access information will soon be automated. Technical specification documents are also available for each information feed.
The document provides brand guidelines for the National Rail Enquiries logo and branding. It specifies that the full color logo should be used whenever possible, and includes guidelines for acceptable uses of secondary black and white logos. The document also outlines incorrect uses of the logo, such as altering its proportions, opacity, or removing the icon. Specific color codes and contact information are provided.
This short document discusses a documentary film called "Queen B's Eye" that tells an emotional story in an aesthetic and documentary style. It focuses on conveying a personal story through documentary filmmaking techniques and evoking emotion from viewers.
Pratham is the largest non-governmental organization in India focused on providing quality education to underprivileged children. It was founded in 1994 to provide pre-school education in Mumbai slums and has since expanded across India. Pratham's vision is to ensure all children are enrolled in school and learning well. The organization addresses gaps in education through various programs focused on literacy, English skills, computer education, early childhood learning and vocational training. It is supported by individual donors and corporate/foundation partners.
The document discusses hopes and dreams, providing examples of sentence structures used to express hope using different verb tenses and particles. It also discusses congratulating others and provides sample congratulating responses. It concludes with the author's personal hopes, which are to be successful to make their parents proud, to be more helpful as humans are social beings, and to fulfill all of their dreams.
This document is the first published version of the new NRE Usage Charging Document. The document contains information about usage charges for NRE information feeds. The contents will be discussed at the NRE Developer Engagement Day.
This document provides guidelines for developers accessing and using real-time train information from National Rail Enquiries (NRE). It outlines requirements like acknowledging NRE as the source and not embedding ads. It clarifies terms of the Open Government Licence used and recommends following industry best practices. The registration process to access information will soon be automated. Technical specification documents are also available for each information feed.
The document provides brand guidelines for the National Rail Enquiries logo and branding. It specifies that the full color logo should be used whenever possible, and includes guidelines for acceptable uses of secondary black and white logos. The document also outlines incorrect uses of the logo, such as altering its proportions, opacity, or removing the icon. Specific color codes and contact information are provided.
This short document discusses a documentary film called "Queen B's Eye" that tells an emotional story in an aesthetic and documentary style. It focuses on conveying a personal story through documentary filmmaking techniques and evoking emotion from viewers.
Pratham is the largest non-governmental organization in India focused on providing quality education to underprivileged children. It was founded in 1994 to provide pre-school education in Mumbai slums and has since expanded across India. Pratham's vision is to ensure all children are enrolled in school and learning well. The organization addresses gaps in education through various programs focused on literacy, English skills, computer education, early childhood learning and vocational training. It is supported by individual donors and corporate/foundation partners.
The document discusses hopes and dreams, providing examples of sentence structures used to express hope using different verb tenses and particles. It also discusses congratulating others and provides sample congratulating responses. It concludes with the author's personal hopes, which are to be successful to make their parents proud, to be more helpful as humans are social beings, and to fulfill all of their dreams.
La panoramica si realizza
facendo ruotare la
macchina da presa
fissata ad un cavalletto
munito di testata.La
prima scena e la
seconda sono un
esempio di panoramica
orizzontale.Mentre la
terza 竪 verticale perch辿
la rotazione avviene dal
basso ,mentre Marion 竪
distesa sul sedile, allalto
dove si affaccia al
finestrino per parlare al
Qualsiasi sia il supporto
grazie al quale viene
realizzata, la carrellata
pu嘆 esseredi diversi tipi
come in avanti in
stringere, allindietro ad
are.La prima 竪 avanti a
stringere per il
pacchetto dei soldi,
mentre la seconda 竪 ad
accompagnare e
lultima circolare.
La cinepresa viene
fissata al corpo
dell'operatore mediante
un sistema di molle e di
contrappesi, cos狸 da
compensare i
movimenti bruschi che
la persona pu嘆
fare.Potrei sbagliarmi
con la gru nella seconda
ma nella prima in uno
spazio poco ampio credo
che abbiano usato una
cosa simile al standy.
La macchina da presa
viene sistemata
all'estremit di un
braccio mobile,
sostenuto da una
piattaforma munita di
ruote o collocabile su un
veicolo, cos狸 da
consentire movimenti
molto fluidi in tutte le
direzioni .La differenza
tra dolly e gru sta nella
maggior complessit e
capacit di elevazione
che la seconda ha
rispetto al primo.La
prima non sono del tutto
sicuro mentre la seconda
竪 per forza.
E un modo di simulare
la carrellata, attraverso
l'impiego di un
obiettivo a fuoco
variabile, chiamato
appunto zoom, che
permette effetti di
avvicinamento o
allontanamento del
soggetto inquadrato.Il
secondo 竪 sicuramente
una zoomata mentre la
prima potrei
confondermi con
carrellata allallargare.