This document summarizes the campaign strategies used by opponents of Proposition 8, a California ballot measure that eliminated the right of same-sex couples to marry. The campaign focused its message on convincing voters that allowing gay marriage would not be "live and let live" and that there would be consequences. They emphasized the argument that gay marriage would be taught in schools through grassroots videos. Despite playing on fears, the campaign strategically focused every message on this one point, betting that it would sway voters to say no to Proposition 8.
13. Playing it out on YouTube
* More than three million views of NO on 8 videos online,
with over one million from the campaign YouTube channel.
* 3 days before the election, YouTube ranked the NO on 8
channel as 41st in viewer hits, eclipsing the Obama channel,
which was ranked 47th.
14. More Grassroots: “True Voices on Prop 8”
“We refuse to be scared by all the lies about what will be taught in school”
“Leave our constitution alone”
15. "We had made the decision we were going to bet
the farm on this argument over whether gay
marriage would be taught in public schools. And so
we made sure that every message medium in which
we were communicating was on that point."