The 8085 microprocessor is an 8-bit microprocessor designed by Intel in 1977. It has an accumulator, arithmetic logic unit, general purpose registers, program counter, stack pointer, temporary register, and flag register as its main functional units. The 8085 also includes an instruction register, timing and control unit, interrupt control, serial input/output, address and data buffers, and address and data buses to perform operations and interface with memory and peripheral devices.
2. The Microprocessor :
? An electronic component
used by a computer to do
its work
? A single integrated
circuit chip containing
transistors, diodes &
3. The 8085 Microprocessor :
? An 8 bit microprocessor
designed by Intel in 1977
using NMOS technology.
? Requires +5 volt power
? 8 bit data bus & 16 bit
address bus
5. Functional Units :
? Accumulator
? 8 bit register
? Connected to internal data bus & ALU
? Arithmetic & Logic Unit
? Performs the actual numerical & logical operations
? Uses data from memory and accumulator
6. Functional Units :
? General Purpose Register
? 6 general purpose register is available
? Each can hold 8 bit data
7. Functional Units :
? Program Counter
? 16 bit register
? This register is a memory pointer
? Stack Pointer
? 16 bit register
? Functions similar to stack
? Temporary Register
? 8 bit register
8. Functional Units :
? Flag Register
? 8 bit register having five flip flops
? The combination of the flag register and
accumulator is called Program Status Word and it
is the 16 bit unit for stack operation
9. Functional Units :
? Instruction Register & Decoder
? 8 bit register
? Temporary store for the current instruction of a program
? Timing and Control Unit
? Control Signals : READY, RD, WR, ALE
? Status Signals : S0, S1, IO/M
? DMA Signals : HOLD, HLDA
10. Functional Units :
? Interrupt Control :
? Controls interrupts during process
? Serial Input / Serial Output
? Used to read/write one bit data to and from
peripheral devices. They are :- SID (Serial Input
Data) line, SOD (Serial Output Data) Line
11. Functional Units :
? Address Buffer & Address-Data Buffer
? It stores the copied information from the memory
for the execution
? Address Bus & Data Bus
? Address bus is uni-directional
? Data bus is bi-directional