Charles Kang'ethe Mbugua has over 7 years of experience in teaching, operations management, and hospitality research. He is currently the Operations Manager at Nairobi Institute of Business Studies, where he helped launch internal broadcast and TV stations for students. Previously he has held roles as a temporary teacher, acting campus principal, and coordinator at various colleges. He has a Bachelor's degree in Home Economics and is pursuing a degree in Human Resource Management.
This document is a curriculum vitae for John Pipis. It includes personal details, qualifications, work experience, education, skills, seminars attended, interests and memberships, and references. John Pipis has over 15 years of experience in education, including currently serving as Head of Business Faculty at The Senior School in Nicosia, Cyprus. He holds a BA in Business Administration and an MBA, and has taught subjects including economics, business studies, and management.
This document summarizes case studies from 15 colleges on their innovative approaches to implementing study programmes in the 2013-2014 academic year in accordance with new Department for Education guidelines. The case studies are grouped into categories such as strategic approaches and quality of teaching, work experience, maths and English provision, and employer involvement. Examples of innovative practices included highly structured work experience programs, personalized curriculum and teaching approaches, employer-focused assignments, and strategic planning to ensure efficient and sustainable implementation of study programmes.
The Motors. This partnership approach has ensured that the curriculum is relevant
summary should not and responsive to the needs of employers and the local economy.
include direct quotes The College has become the first choice provider for STEM education in the
from the document. region, helping to secure a sustainable future for the energy sector in Anglesey.
This document outlines the revised syllabus for the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at the University of Pune, incorporating a choice-based credit system and grading system. Key highlights include:
1. Adopting a choice-based credit system and grading system to provide flexibility and align with national and international standards.
2. Emphasizing concurrent evaluation through continuous assessment throughout the program.
3. Offering a range of generic core, subject core, generic elective, and subject elective courses to allow institutes to customize course offerings.
4. Incorporating new specializations like supply chain management, rural business management, and technology management to provide more options for students.
The document describes a food management internship program for nutrition and food science students. Students must complete between 4-12 credits or 200-400 hours of internship experience. Internships involve hands-on experience in areas like menu planning, budgeting, food safety, and event planning. Students work under an on-site supervisor and are evaluated by a faculty advisor. The goal is to provide professional development opportunities beyond entry-level jobs.
This document provides an overview of statistical process control (SPC). SPC uses statistical techniques to monitor processes and detect changes, helping to prevent defects and drive continuous improvement. It aims to identify problems in production as early as possible through analysis of process capability. Control charts are a key tool in SPC, monitoring the average and variation of a process over time through control limits. Being in statistical control means a process's measurements vary randomly within control limits in a predictable way. Patterns outside the limits indicate the process is out of control due to assignable causes that need correction. Benefits of SPC and control charts include reduced scrap, preventing unnecessary adjustments, and providing diagnostic information.
Este documento describe una asignaci坦n sobre la gesti坦n de documentos en tres plataformas: 際際滷share, Scribd e Issuu. La asignaci坦n requiere que el estudiante cree cuentas en cada plataforma, aloje al menos un documento en cada una con contenido relacionado a las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n, y suba la portada de la asignaci坦n al aula virtual. Adicionalmente, el estudiante debe editar su perfil en cada plataforma y considerar qu辿 tipo de contenido alojar鱈a si usara las cuentas
The document describes the process of power line inspections using aerial drones. It involves several stages:
1. Pre-flight planning and setup which includes verifying client specifications, certifications, and flight planning.
2. Flight operations and data collection using sensors, cameras and tools to record images, video and other inspection data.
3. Post-flight data analysis in the back office including identifying faults, generating reports and integrating the data into GIS systems.
Professional PHP web application development faces a multitude of challenges today, especially in case of large and complex applications developed using agile methodologies. Plenty of factors influence the product, its architecture and the developers working on it. During this talk we're going to explore those factors and attempt to build a set of guidelines that will benefit the developers, code, product and business at the same time.
Personalidade e Resultados em Team BuildingIris Buono
Iris Lo-Buono 辿 uma m辿dica especialista em neuroci棚ncias e treinadora internacional de NLP que apresentar叩 uma palestra sobre reconhecimento de padr探es de personalidade para melhorar a comunica巽達o e trabalho em equipe. Ela explicar叩 como tra巽os de personalidade afetam a produtividade, relacionamentos, criatividade e planejamento, ensinando como observar comportamentos para aumentar a abertura e influ棚ncia. A metodologia envolver叩 testes, din但micas e exerc鱈cios para identificar estilos de comunica巽達o e aplicar t辿cnicas de neuroci棚ncia
The document discusses bifunctional catalysts for the oxidation of water or organic substrates. The goal is to create a water oxidizing catalyst using ruthenium and bifunctional ligands to transfer protons during oxidation. The catalyst would use sunlight as an energy source to produce hydrogen fuel by splitting water. It may also help oxidize alkane substrates like methane through C-H bond oxidation. The author plans to synthesize analogs of an NHC/pyridyl ligand with different pendant base groups and test their ability to catalyze these oxidation reactions.
EZGift is an iOS app that aims to make gift giving easier by recommending gifts based on a recipient's Facebook likes and interests. It allows users to sync with Facebook, set a budget for recommendations, and provides a ranked list of gift ideas based on price. While similar to features on Amazon, EZGift focuses solely on recommendations through Facebook data rather than actual product ordering. The vision is for EZGift to become the go-to solution for finding the perfect gift by allowing users to customize recommendations based on preferences and budget.
The document discusses conventions for designing a music magazine cover and contents pages. It provides details on design choices such as centering the cover image, using bold fonts for the masthead, including the band's name and album title, and placing cover lines and headlines in visible locations. For the contents page, it discusses including artist photos, using columns, and featuring article titles and page numbers prominently. Overall, the document focuses on layout, formatting, and design elements to effectively showcase a band and entice readers.
Christine Hutchinson has over 20 years of experience in aged care, health services, childcare and hospitality. She holds qualifications in nursing, health services, children's services and youth work. Her skills include medication administration, palliative care, infection control, communication and teamwork. Recent experience includes personal care roles at an aged care facility and volunteer work. References are provided from supervisors in aged care and health.
Ketema Manaye Adamu is applying for a technical assistance position with ILRI that requires experience in agriculture. He has 8 years of experience working as a technical assistance and development agent in agricultural research and extension. Ketema believes his experience and desire to work hard would make him a valuable asset for ILRI, especially for work in Shewa Robit. He has included his curriculum vitae and contact information and is available to provide more details about his background.
The internship involved helping to promote the Flick Film Festival through various social media platforms and print materials. Tasks included formatting a flyer, creating a sample brochure, writing on sidewalks to advertise, authoring an online article about reasons to attend, coordinating newspaper coverage, assisting with a banner design, contacting local news stations, and taking photos at the event.
Stephanie Taunton says teaching your dog to roll over is a practical trick, but it is also an advanced command. Before going to rollover your dog will be trained to sit, stay and lie down command. Roll over is a fun trick to teach your dog with a little patience. Stephanie Taunton shared some tips how to train your dog to roll over.
EZGift is a mobile app that provides quick gift recommendations for busy people by aggregating recipients' interests from linked social networks or entered categories, sparing users from spending time on traditional gift finding methods. An MVP was developed and user tested, with testers praising the Facebook linking, Amazon product links, and recommendations, but noting it could benefit from improved visuals, more categories, and additional recommendations. The next steps are to integrate this user feedback and clean up the app before public release.
際際滷share es una plataforma para compartir presentaciones de forma p炭blica o privada de manera similar a YouTube. Los usuarios pueden comentar, compartir y puntuar las presentaciones de otros. Se usa com炭nmente en ense単anza para compartir contenidos educativos, as鱈 como para casos de 辿xito, recetas, frases e infograf鱈as. Ofrece ventajas como ser un buen buscador de contenidos y permitir actualizar presentaciones. Para crear una cuenta basta con ingresar a la p叩gina web.
El documento describe la lengua de se単as y su importancia para las personas sordomudas. Explica que la lengua de se単as es una lengua natural con su propia gram叩tica y estructura, y no es simplemente una representaci坦n visual de un lenguaje oral. Tambi辿n discute c坦mo las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n (TIC), como videos, animaciones y herramientas interactivas, pueden enriquecer la educaci坦n de las personas sordomudas al facilitar la visualizaci坦n de la informaci坦n.
Ogweyo Peter Ogalo
Mr. Peter Ogweyo Ogalo is a Kenyan Hospitality and Tourism professional with a passion for research, education, and training in the field. He holds a Master of Science in Hospitality Management from Mount Kenya University, a Post Graduate Diploma in Education from the University of Eldoret, and a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management from Pwani University, where he earned Second Class Honors. Additionally, he has completed a certificate in Python Data Science and Machine Learning from Modcom Institute of Science and Technology.
Throughout his career, Peter has gained valuable experience in various roles, including:
Research Development and Innovation Officer, responsible for coordinating performance indicators, sensitization, and capacity building in Baringo Technical College, with a focus on Research Development and Innovation (RSTI). Principal Investigator leading the establishment of an Applied Research Hub, fostering industry linkages, and ensuring compliance with sustainability principles at Baringo Technical College. Department Head of Catering and Accommodation, overseeing training matters, resource management, curriculum development, and more. Senior Vocational and Technical Trainer at Baringo Technical College, where he supervises students, teaches various hospitality and tourism classes, and evaluates learning outcomes. Hospitality Trainer positions at Uzuri Institute and Dykaan College, where he trained and equipped students with industry-related skills, organized field visits, and connected students with potential employers.
Assistant Research Analyst at Sustainable Travel and Tourism Agenda Ltd, where he introduced the Young Changers program and managed projects related to academic work and sustainability. Industrial Attachments at the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife (Kilifi County) and Namsagali Gardens and Conference Centre, where he gained experience in proposal writing, project management, and policy-making.
Peter Ogalo is not only an accomplished professional but also an active researcher and presenter. He has presented at various conferences, focusing on topics such as customer satisfaction, sustainable tourism development, and the role of technical education in the hospitality industry. He has also authored research publications in recognized journals.
His skills include proficiency in English, PC skills, data science, and grant proposal writing. In his free time, Mr. Ogalo enjoys traveling, sports, spiritual music, and spiritual movies.
For further information or references, you can contact his referees:
Dr. Antony Pepela, H.O.D. Hospitality and Tourism Management, Pwani University
Contact: 0722214914,
Dr. Arnest Safari, Senior Lecturer, Hospitality Management, Mount Kenya University - Rwanda
Contact: 0786056050,
Ms. Judy Gona, Director, Sustainable Travel & Tourism Agenda
Contact: +254718127557,
Zafar Iqbal has over 15 years of experience in education and business roles, currently serving as Head of Department for Business Studies at the American International School in Dubai. He has previously held positions as a teacher, consultant, and representative for various companies in Pakistan, China, and the UK. The document provides details on his educational background, work experience, responsibilities in various roles, and qualifications.
This document provides an overview of statistical process control (SPC). SPC uses statistical techniques to monitor processes and detect changes, helping to prevent defects and drive continuous improvement. It aims to identify problems in production as early as possible through analysis of process capability. Control charts are a key tool in SPC, monitoring the average and variation of a process over time through control limits. Being in statistical control means a process's measurements vary randomly within control limits in a predictable way. Patterns outside the limits indicate the process is out of control due to assignable causes that need correction. Benefits of SPC and control charts include reduced scrap, preventing unnecessary adjustments, and providing diagnostic information.
Este documento describe una asignaci坦n sobre la gesti坦n de documentos en tres plataformas: 際際滷share, Scribd e Issuu. La asignaci坦n requiere que el estudiante cree cuentas en cada plataforma, aloje al menos un documento en cada una con contenido relacionado a las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n, y suba la portada de la asignaci坦n al aula virtual. Adicionalmente, el estudiante debe editar su perfil en cada plataforma y considerar qu辿 tipo de contenido alojar鱈a si usara las cuentas
The document describes the process of power line inspections using aerial drones. It involves several stages:
1. Pre-flight planning and setup which includes verifying client specifications, certifications, and flight planning.
2. Flight operations and data collection using sensors, cameras and tools to record images, video and other inspection data.
3. Post-flight data analysis in the back office including identifying faults, generating reports and integrating the data into GIS systems.
Professional PHP web application development faces a multitude of challenges today, especially in case of large and complex applications developed using agile methodologies. Plenty of factors influence the product, its architecture and the developers working on it. During this talk we're going to explore those factors and attempt to build a set of guidelines that will benefit the developers, code, product and business at the same time.
Personalidade e Resultados em Team BuildingIris Buono
Iris Lo-Buono 辿 uma m辿dica especialista em neuroci棚ncias e treinadora internacional de NLP que apresentar叩 uma palestra sobre reconhecimento de padr探es de personalidade para melhorar a comunica巽達o e trabalho em equipe. Ela explicar叩 como tra巽os de personalidade afetam a produtividade, relacionamentos, criatividade e planejamento, ensinando como observar comportamentos para aumentar a abertura e influ棚ncia. A metodologia envolver叩 testes, din但micas e exerc鱈cios para identificar estilos de comunica巽達o e aplicar t辿cnicas de neuroci棚ncia
The document discusses bifunctional catalysts for the oxidation of water or organic substrates. The goal is to create a water oxidizing catalyst using ruthenium and bifunctional ligands to transfer protons during oxidation. The catalyst would use sunlight as an energy source to produce hydrogen fuel by splitting water. It may also help oxidize alkane substrates like methane through C-H bond oxidation. The author plans to synthesize analogs of an NHC/pyridyl ligand with different pendant base groups and test their ability to catalyze these oxidation reactions.
EZGift is an iOS app that aims to make gift giving easier by recommending gifts based on a recipient's Facebook likes and interests. It allows users to sync with Facebook, set a budget for recommendations, and provides a ranked list of gift ideas based on price. While similar to features on Amazon, EZGift focuses solely on recommendations through Facebook data rather than actual product ordering. The vision is for EZGift to become the go-to solution for finding the perfect gift by allowing users to customize recommendations based on preferences and budget.
The document discusses conventions for designing a music magazine cover and contents pages. It provides details on design choices such as centering the cover image, using bold fonts for the masthead, including the band's name and album title, and placing cover lines and headlines in visible locations. For the contents page, it discusses including artist photos, using columns, and featuring article titles and page numbers prominently. Overall, the document focuses on layout, formatting, and design elements to effectively showcase a band and entice readers.
Christine Hutchinson has over 20 years of experience in aged care, health services, childcare and hospitality. She holds qualifications in nursing, health services, children's services and youth work. Her skills include medication administration, palliative care, infection control, communication and teamwork. Recent experience includes personal care roles at an aged care facility and volunteer work. References are provided from supervisors in aged care and health.
Ketema Manaye Adamu is applying for a technical assistance position with ILRI that requires experience in agriculture. He has 8 years of experience working as a technical assistance and development agent in agricultural research and extension. Ketema believes his experience and desire to work hard would make him a valuable asset for ILRI, especially for work in Shewa Robit. He has included his curriculum vitae and contact information and is available to provide more details about his background.
The internship involved helping to promote the Flick Film Festival through various social media platforms and print materials. Tasks included formatting a flyer, creating a sample brochure, writing on sidewalks to advertise, authoring an online article about reasons to attend, coordinating newspaper coverage, assisting with a banner design, contacting local news stations, and taking photos at the event.
Stephanie Taunton says teaching your dog to roll over is a practical trick, but it is also an advanced command. Before going to rollover your dog will be trained to sit, stay and lie down command. Roll over is a fun trick to teach your dog with a little patience. Stephanie Taunton shared some tips how to train your dog to roll over.
EZGift is a mobile app that provides quick gift recommendations for busy people by aggregating recipients' interests from linked social networks or entered categories, sparing users from spending time on traditional gift finding methods. An MVP was developed and user tested, with testers praising the Facebook linking, Amazon product links, and recommendations, but noting it could benefit from improved visuals, more categories, and additional recommendations. The next steps are to integrate this user feedback and clean up the app before public release.
際際滷share es una plataforma para compartir presentaciones de forma p炭blica o privada de manera similar a YouTube. Los usuarios pueden comentar, compartir y puntuar las presentaciones de otros. Se usa com炭nmente en ense単anza para compartir contenidos educativos, as鱈 como para casos de 辿xito, recetas, frases e infograf鱈as. Ofrece ventajas como ser un buen buscador de contenidos y permitir actualizar presentaciones. Para crear una cuenta basta con ingresar a la p叩gina web.
El documento describe la lengua de se単as y su importancia para las personas sordomudas. Explica que la lengua de se単as es una lengua natural con su propia gram叩tica y estructura, y no es simplemente una representaci坦n visual de un lenguaje oral. Tambi辿n discute c坦mo las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n (TIC), como videos, animaciones y herramientas interactivas, pueden enriquecer la educaci坦n de las personas sordomudas al facilitar la visualizaci坦n de la informaci坦n.
Ogweyo Peter Ogalo
Mr. Peter Ogweyo Ogalo is a Kenyan Hospitality and Tourism professional with a passion for research, education, and training in the field. He holds a Master of Science in Hospitality Management from Mount Kenya University, a Post Graduate Diploma in Education from the University of Eldoret, and a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management from Pwani University, where he earned Second Class Honors. Additionally, he has completed a certificate in Python Data Science and Machine Learning from Modcom Institute of Science and Technology.
Throughout his career, Peter has gained valuable experience in various roles, including:
Research Development and Innovation Officer, responsible for coordinating performance indicators, sensitization, and capacity building in Baringo Technical College, with a focus on Research Development and Innovation (RSTI). Principal Investigator leading the establishment of an Applied Research Hub, fostering industry linkages, and ensuring compliance with sustainability principles at Baringo Technical College. Department Head of Catering and Accommodation, overseeing training matters, resource management, curriculum development, and more. Senior Vocational and Technical Trainer at Baringo Technical College, where he supervises students, teaches various hospitality and tourism classes, and evaluates learning outcomes. Hospitality Trainer positions at Uzuri Institute and Dykaan College, where he trained and equipped students with industry-related skills, organized field visits, and connected students with potential employers.
Assistant Research Analyst at Sustainable Travel and Tourism Agenda Ltd, where he introduced the Young Changers program and managed projects related to academic work and sustainability. Industrial Attachments at the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife (Kilifi County) and Namsagali Gardens and Conference Centre, where he gained experience in proposal writing, project management, and policy-making.
Peter Ogalo is not only an accomplished professional but also an active researcher and presenter. He has presented at various conferences, focusing on topics such as customer satisfaction, sustainable tourism development, and the role of technical education in the hospitality industry. He has also authored research publications in recognized journals.
His skills include proficiency in English, PC skills, data science, and grant proposal writing. In his free time, Mr. Ogalo enjoys traveling, sports, spiritual music, and spiritual movies.
For further information or references, you can contact his referees:
Dr. Antony Pepela, H.O.D. Hospitality and Tourism Management, Pwani University
Contact: 0722214914,
Dr. Arnest Safari, Senior Lecturer, Hospitality Management, Mount Kenya University - Rwanda
Contact: 0786056050,
Ms. Judy Gona, Director, Sustainable Travel & Tourism Agenda
Contact: +254718127557,
Zafar Iqbal has over 15 years of experience in education and business roles, currently serving as Head of Department for Business Studies at the American International School in Dubai. He has previously held positions as a teacher, consultant, and representative for various companies in Pakistan, China, and the UK. The document provides details on his educational background, work experience, responsibilities in various roles, and qualifications.
Jaime Pujals is an experienced English teacher and hospitality professor with a background in hotel management. He has taught English in Saudi Arabia and helped students improve their language skills. Pujals also has experience managing teams in the banking and collections industries, where he provided coaching, developed policies and procedures, and increased employee performance. He holds a Bachelor's degree in hospitality management and obtained TESOL certification and fluency in Spanish.
This document is a curriculum vitae for John Pipis. It includes personal details, qualifications, work experience, education, skills, seminars attended, interests and memberships, and references. John Pipis has over 15 years of experience in education, including currently serving as Head of Business Faculty at The Senior School in Nicosia, Cyprus. He holds a BA in Business Administration and an MBA, and has taught subjects including economics, business studies, and management.
The document outlines Liverpool Hope University's 2014-2016 strategy to enhance student employability. The strategy's key objectives are to establish the university as a leading institution for employability, improve graduates' job outcomes, incorporate employability skills training across academic programs, and increase work experience opportunities for students.
The strategy will be implemented through focusing on curriculum development, employer engagement, internal collaboration, and marketing careers services. Curriculums will integrate employability skills training and work placements. Employer partnerships will provide input into curriculums and graduate profiles. Collaboration between careers services and academic departments will connect students to resources, alumni mentoring, and career fairs.
Ayah Helmy is seeking a position that utilizes her experience in administration, education, and editing. She has over 10 years of experience in roles such as administrator, teacher, copy editor, and sales associate. Her skills include data analysis, training others, and fostering collaboration. She has a Master's degree in Secondary Education and is proficient in Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Cloud, and other software.
Christopher Castro is a Canadian educator seeking a senior management position in education. He has over 10 years of experience in education management in China, including directing an international school and developing curriculum. He holds a master's degree and has experience overseeing over 50 employees from diverse backgrounds. His resume outlines his career achievements in education strategy, staff development, and marketing. It details his employment history managing schools and developing teachers in China.
This document is a resume for Olumide Osoneye Peter, a 27-year-old Nigerian seeking a career in chemistry, teaching, or laboratory analysis. It summarizes his educational and professional experiences. He has a BSc in Biochemistry from Lagos State University and experience teaching chemistry and biology at the secondary level. He has also worked as a computer operator, laboratory analyst, and sales representative. His resume emphasizes his skills in teaching, laboratory analysis, sales, and computer use. It provides references and expresses his career objective to develop excellence while utilizing his potential to add value to organizations.
The Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs and Online Learning (AVPAAOL) provides visionary leadership and oversight of the University's online and blended courses and programs. This position works to promote innovative teaching, develop and maintain an excellent general education curriculum, and create and implement a strategic plan for online learning. The AVPAAOL also monitors student success, ensures compliance with accreditation standards, and identifies opportunities to expand online offerings.
Munhungowarwa Zinyandu is seeking a position as a general administrator or school administrator. She has 8 years of experience in administration in Zimbabwe, including roles as an office administrator, public relations officer, and junior administrator. She has a Bachelor's degree from Great Zimbabwe University and is proficient in Microsoft Office applications.
Lee Pamuspisan Malapad has over 20 years of experience in education, training, and business management. He currently works as the Training and Consultancy Manager for RIMANSI Organization for Asia and the Pacific, where he designs and implements training programs for partner organizations. He has a Bachelor's degree in Marine Biology from UP Los Ba単os and is trained in areas such as corporate governance, sales, and scuba diving. Prior work experience includes operating his own deli business, managing a coffee shop, teaching science and entrepreneurship, and representing a pharmaceutical company.
This curriculum vitae summarizes an individual's education and work experience. They received a Bachelor's degree in Business Studies from Massey University in New Zealand. They have over 10 years of work experience in student services, administration, marketing, and institutional development roles at various universities and private companies in Malaysia. Their current role is Student Services Coordinator at Monash University Malaysia, where they provide support to local and international students.
Marina Mogutova is a Russian national currently working as the HR & Administrative Manager at Kids Kare Nursery in Dubai. She has over 15 years of experience in education, administration, and human resources. She holds a Diploma in Teaching Japanese & English Languages and has worked as a private Japanese language teacher and co-founded a Japanese language school in Mexico. She is fluent in English, Russian, Spanish and has a good understanding of Japanese.
Criselyn Castro Unciano is seeking a position that utilizes her education and experience. She has over 6 years of experience as a cashier, waitress, and tutor in the United Arab Emirates and Philippines. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from Cagayan State University. Her objective is to apply her knowledge and skills to advance in her career and learn about new positions.
The document outlines the improvement plan priorities for Currie High School. It discusses priorities around learners' experiences including increasing the use of ICT in learning and teaching. It also discusses ensuring consistently high quality learning and teaching through continued professional development for staff. Other priorities include evaluating and developing the curriculum, meeting learning needs, improving performance, and engaging in self-evaluation.
This document contains the resume of Yunyao Mo, including contact information, education history, work experience, leadership experience, and references. Mo has a BSc in Mathematics with Finance from Queen's University Belfast and is eligible to work in the UK with a 3-year dependent visa. Recent work experience includes assistant financial manager and language teacher roles in China.
The document provides a job description for teachers working for the Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC). Key responsibilities for teachers include delivering effective teaching to promote student achievement, developing students' knowledge and skills, maintaining communication with parents and staff, and complying with ADEC policies and procedures. Performance is measured based on student outcomes, satisfaction surveys, participation in professional development, and ensuring a positive classroom environment. Teachers must have a bachelor's degree in education or the relevant subject area along with minimum English language requirements and experience teaching depending on their nationality.
This document contains the resume of Yap Wei Chee, a 30-year-old Malaysian female seeking a challenging position. She has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and over 7 years of work experience in education counseling, marketing, and retail. Her most recent roles include being an Educational Counselor and she is looking to contribute her skills and knowledge to a well-reputed organization.
This strategic plan by the Cavite National High School outlines goals and objectives for 2014-2019. Goal 1 aims to provide quality education and improve student performance through remedial classes and teacher training. Goal 2 is to develop highly qualified teachers through continuing education programs. Goal 3 seeks to upgrade school facilities by maintaining furniture in acceptable condition through acquisitions and repairs. The plan lists strategies, performance measures, timelines, and budget requirements to achieve these goals over the five year period.
Martin Shelton is a highly experienced leader and manager seeking a new opportunity. He has over 20 years of experience in further education with a proven track record of strategic success. He is currently the Vice Principal of Learning, Standards and Outcomes at a college federation where he is responsible for the strategic plan, quality improvement, and managing a 贈10 million budget. Shelton has extensive experience developing curriculum, raising achievement rates, and building employer partnerships.
1. Postal address: 6544-00200, Telephone 0721794715, email;
Charles Kangethe Mbugua
College principal/Administrator/marketer and an operations manager
with 7+ years of experience it teaching, learner development and
hospitality research
Good interpersonal, management and communication skills coupled with
problem solving skills
Possess comprehensive knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook
Creative and dynamic in modern teaching techniques
July 2015-to date-Operations Manager
a. Spearheaded internal student course enrichment program by
facilitating the launch of an internal broadcast Radio station (NIBS
FM) and the TV station (NIBS TV).
b. I secured a second partnership with the intercontinental hotel
Nairobi Kenya, Nature Kenya where Students will participate in the
various activities organized by these institutions.
c. Undertook the task of spearheading TVETA preliminary registration
of the institution.
To be informed of current practices and techniques relating to school
programs, teaching and administration by attending meetings and
professional development conferences, and reading professional
Marketing the institution to stakeholders to bring in more business
opportunities for the benefit of the institution and learners.
Offering quality lectures for the students in the hospitality department in
the institution in both practical and theory areas.
Responsible for the smooth running of the institution by ensuring all
supporting facilities are in good working conditions
In charge of supervising the Teaching and Non-teaching staff with the
help of the Head of Academic affairs
Identifying appropriate courses to be offered in the institution, periodic
review of the same and applicability in the market.
Ensuring the institution is properly licensed to do business i.e. in charge of
2. paying government bodies respective documents
Allocating and planning the staff leave schedule
Ensuring students are adequately prepared ,registered and presented to
the various examination bodies
Identifying skills, talent and knowledge that will benefit the institution
Negotiating and influencing strategic decision making with senior
management and the board of directors.
May- June 2015 Temporary teacher hotel and Tourism department
Acting campus Principal , March 2015-July 2015
To provide leadership, direction and co-ordination within the school.
To spearhead the college registration in line with the TVETA Act 2013
To be informed of current practices and techniques relating to school
programs, teaching and administration by attending meetings and
professional development conferences, and reading professional
Hold regular meetings with head of departments and discussing the
various changes and trends in the respective programmes
Develop and support a high degree of student morale through curricular
and extracurricular activities and services and co-ordinate the
participation of all members of the teaching staff in the extracurricular
Assist the teaching staff in the development, implementation,
modifications, and selection of curriculum materials, and keeping them
Responsible for the proper registration and transfer of students in the
school and for the maintenance of up-to-date student cumulative records.
Helping to link the institution with various organizations to foster growth
and development
Responsible for the administration of the instructional supplies budget for
school and the safe keeping of monies or materials that belong to the
Maintain communications with parents or guardians regarding the total
school program, student achievement, placement and behaviour.
Curriculum Harmonization coordinator January 2012-February 2015
I was able to design a practical manual for the hospitality department which is yet
to be published.
Daily maintenance of all departmental records.
Research into various programmes and recommending the same to the
Sourcing syllabi for the various courses and programmes run by the
Hold regular meetings with head of departments and discussing the
various changes and trends in the respective programmes
Helping to link the institution with various organizations to foster growth
and development
Head of department and tutor January 2008-September 2015
d. I secured a partnership with Stadion hotel, the intercontinental
hotel Nairobi Kenya, I organized a partnership that enabled our
students to go for casual jobs to get real time industry experience
and also be the preferred choice for attachment places.
e. With connections with various players in manufacturing I was able
to pioneer the modernization and full change of our practical
f. Pioneered entrepreneurship program for the hospitality students
for them to become self-reliant
Evaluation of internal approvals in respect of student progress and
attachment placements.
Liaising with students through e-mail, fax memos, written &
telephonic communication to ensure that thy are coping with the
job market and solicit for feedback on improvement
Daily updates of records of exams cats and assignments
Negotiation with stakeholders to allow our students into practical
sessions in the industry
Preparation of integral data (to include budgets & long term
financial forecasting) as required by the management
Aligning departmental operations to ensure compliance with
statutory requirements.
Preparing menus and plan for food production practical classes.
4. Daily maintenance of departmental records
Temporary teacher May2011-June 2011
Equip learners with practical skills in clothing and textiles and meal
Giving learners classes using the various teaching methods to ensure
maximum retention.
Maintenance of departmental records e.g. Exam marks, stock take reports
Evaluate learners using mid-term examinations
Part time teacher and instructor A.K.A chefs club May2008-May 2011
Maintenance of teacher professional records
Evaluation of internal approvals in respect of student progress
Liaising with students through e-mail, written means to find out how they
are coping
Research into menus
Provide learners with basic culinary skills
Liaise with other department heads and teachers to follow up on learners
Apprentice chef June 2007-January2008
a) Four months into the training I was able to run a partie
b) Ran a sea food station during the Safaricom dealer of the year award
Daily mis en place for the chef de partie.
Research into menus
Preparation of different sea foods and accompaniments
Assist in outside catering functions for the carnivore restaurant
Store duties
Human resource management(ongoing)
Bachelor of Education (Home Economics)
Member of the hospitality club
Rugby player
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
Member Drama club
Chairman journalism & Home science club
Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE)
Proficient in Microsoft Office and excel
Peer educator
Trained chef
Awards and
Hobbies and
Best tutor front office operations and administration 2008
Certificate in emergency rescue services.
Marketing and sourcing products and meeting new clients.
Cooking African dishes particularly with the aimof making them be part of
a five star menu, with an interest in Swahili and Indian dishes.
Foodie (I visit restaurants and eateries to enjoy their meal experience as
well as learn the modern trends in eating out.
Travelling and camping in the vast parks and campsites in Kenya.
Amateur photography with interest in nature, landscapes and
architectural photography.
Reading magazines particularly hospitality business magazines, fashion
magazines and cultural magazines
Community work which includes organized visits to cook for children in
children homes.
6. Referees
1. Stephen Olusatima,
Director of Studies
Nairobi Aviation College
P.O. Box 2018 - 00100
Tel. + 254723402379
2. Mr. Elon Mbaka
Innscor Ltd,
Tel: 0720647794
3. Grace Mumo,
NIBS College,
Cell: +254722220088