Lanci ishraneThe Little Art School "The Blue Bunny"This document discusses food chains in nature. It explains that plants like phytoplankton and algae are producers at the start of the food chain, obtaining energy through photosynthesis. Zooplankton and other organisms then consume the plants as primary consumers. Secondary consumers feed on the primary consumers, and in some ecosystems there are tertiary consumers that feed on both. Decomposer bacteria break down dead organisms, recycling nutrients. Each link in the food chain is important for the survival of the whole chain.
Шума - природно стаништеNevena TosicШума је једно од животних станишта.Врсте шума.Живи свет шума. Које биљке и животиње живе у ком делу шумеНа крају тест са повратном иформациом.Са доста слика и добрим ефектима
Lanci ishraneThe Little Art School "The Blue Bunny"This document discusses food chains in nature. It explains that plants like phytoplankton and algae are producers at the start of the food chain, obtaining energy through photosynthesis. Zooplankton and other organisms then consume the plants as primary consumers. Secondary consumers feed on the primary consumers, and in some ecosystems there are tertiary consumers that feed on both. Decomposer bacteria break down dead organisms, recycling nutrients. Each link in the food chain is important for the survival of the whole chain.
Шума - природно стаништеNevena TosicШума је једно од животних станишта.Врсте шума.Живи свет шума. Које биљке и животиње живе у ком делу шумеНа крају тест са повратном иформациом.Са доста слика и добрим ефектима
YE Open mind knows no borders - engEna HorvatThis document provides information about a Youth Exchange (YE) event taking place from July 24-30, 2017 in Sombor, Serbia. The YE will focus on the topic of human rights and aims to allow participants to learn from each other through fun and friendship. Participants are expected to be open-minded and motivated to gain experience. They will stay in student homes and participate in activities like intercultural evenings, games, and a talent show. Additional details about participation requirements, contacts, and related resources are provided.
Sistem organa za izlučivanjeEna HorvatGrađa i funkcija organa koji čine sistem organa za izlučivanje.
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17. Primeri lanaca ishrane:
1. trava, zec, zmija, sova
2. Trava, skakavac, žaba
, zmija, sova
3. Trava, skakavac, miš, li
4. Semenke, miš, lisica
Jedna vrsta
može biti u
većem broju
lanaca ishrane