Telepy sport.talentComenius ComeniusThe Telepy Sports School aims to make sport accessible to everyone and support gifted and talented students in physical education and sport. It identifies talented students using both formal and informal assessments of their physical, cognitive, social, personal and creative abilities. The school then provides differentiated teaching and support to help students develop their talents and achieve in both school and sport. Its programs encourage students to take on leadership roles and develop lifelong habits of physical activity and sport.
Telepy SchoolComenius Comenius1. The Károly TELEPY Primary and Secondary Sports School is located in Budapest and was opened in 1898, originally becoming a field hospital in 1914.
2. The school has around 600 students aged 6-18 who take classes like math, literature, history, and foreign languages from 8am to 2pm.
3. Traditions at the school include celebrating holidays like Advent and Christmas, holding a sports day and ribbon ceremony, and hosting a summer camp at Lake Balaton.
Sports.gamesComenius ComeniusHungary has had great success in Olympic competition, winning 42 gold medals. Some notable Hungarian Olympic champions include Alfréd Hajós, who won gold in swimming in 1896, and water polo teams that have won 9 gold medals. Hungary also excelled in boxing, with three boxers winning three Olympic titles each. Famous Hungarian footballers include Ferenc Puskás and Flórián Albert. Many Hungarian athletes got their start in sports through programs at schools like Telepy School.
History of HungaryComenius ComeniusThe Hungarian tribes originally lived in the Ural region but wandered for hundreds of years before settling in the Carpathian Basin under the leadership of Árpád. King Stephen established Christianity as the religion and the country developed, but was later devastated by the Mongol invasion. The Turks defeated Hungary's army at Mohács, beginning 150 years of Ottoman occupation over much of the country. Hungary was eventually liberated but lost territory in subsequent treaties.
Hungarian folk music and danceComenius Comenius1) Verbunkos was a popular Hungarian dance style in the 19th century originally performed at military recruitment ceremonies.
2) The táncház movement in the 1970s revived traditional Hungarian folk music and dances. Prominent musicians that emerged from this scene include Muzsikás and Márta Sebestyén.
3) Béla Bartók studied over 300 Hungarian folk melodies and noted structural and tonal patterns that distinguished Hungarian peasant music from other national styles.
Traditional jobs and occupationsComenius ComeniusTraditional Hungarian occupations can be found in several crafts and industries. Szentendre and Pécs are known for their ceramic and porcelain work, with Zsolnay porcelain still being produced in Pécs. Other crafts included shoemaking, wheelwrighting, rag-and-bone collection, carpentry, coopering, herding, fur trading, dyeing, distilling pálinka and Tokaji wine, baking, and confectioning. Baking and confectioning supported trade fairs and guilds that celebrated Hungarian culture and traditions.
Hungary.geographical curiositiesComenius ComeniusThis document provides a summary of key geographical features and natural attractions found in Hungary, including:
- The Matra Mountains, with the two highest peaks in Hungary including Kékestető, the highest point.
- Other highlights mentioned include the Zemplén Highlands, "Vadálló" rocks in the Visegrád Mountains, the bend of the Danube River and rivers like the Tisza and Drava.
- Natural areas described are the "Small Balaton" national park, Lake Balaton which is called "The Hungarian Sea", and Velence Lake which is popular for surfing and sailing.
Telepy sport.talentComenius ComeniusThe Telepy Sports School aims to make sport accessible to everyone and support gifted and talented students in physical education and sport. It identifies talented students using both formal and informal assessments of their physical, cognitive, social, personal and creative abilities. The school then provides differentiated teaching and support to help students develop their talents and achieve in both school and sport. Its programs encourage students to take on leadership roles and develop lifelong habits of physical activity and sport.
Telepy SchoolComenius Comenius1. The Károly TELEPY Primary and Secondary Sports School is located in Budapest and was opened in 1898, originally becoming a field hospital in 1914.
2. The school has around 600 students aged 6-18 who take classes like math, literature, history, and foreign languages from 8am to 2pm.
3. Traditions at the school include celebrating holidays like Advent and Christmas, holding a sports day and ribbon ceremony, and hosting a summer camp at Lake Balaton.
Sports.gamesComenius ComeniusHungary has had great success in Olympic competition, winning 42 gold medals. Some notable Hungarian Olympic champions include Alfréd Hajós, who won gold in swimming in 1896, and water polo teams that have won 9 gold medals. Hungary also excelled in boxing, with three boxers winning three Olympic titles each. Famous Hungarian footballers include Ferenc Puskás and Flórián Albert. Many Hungarian athletes got their start in sports through programs at schools like Telepy School.
History of HungaryComenius ComeniusThe Hungarian tribes originally lived in the Ural region but wandered for hundreds of years before settling in the Carpathian Basin under the leadership of Árpád. King Stephen established Christianity as the religion and the country developed, but was later devastated by the Mongol invasion. The Turks defeated Hungary's army at Mohács, beginning 150 years of Ottoman occupation over much of the country. Hungary was eventually liberated but lost territory in subsequent treaties.
Hungarian folk music and danceComenius Comenius1) Verbunkos was a popular Hungarian dance style in the 19th century originally performed at military recruitment ceremonies.
2) The táncház movement in the 1970s revived traditional Hungarian folk music and dances. Prominent musicians that emerged from this scene include Muzsikás and Márta Sebestyén.
3) Béla Bartók studied over 300 Hungarian folk melodies and noted structural and tonal patterns that distinguished Hungarian peasant music from other national styles.
Traditional jobs and occupationsComenius ComeniusTraditional Hungarian occupations can be found in several crafts and industries. Szentendre and Pécs are known for their ceramic and porcelain work, with Zsolnay porcelain still being produced in Pécs. Other crafts included shoemaking, wheelwrighting, rag-and-bone collection, carpentry, coopering, herding, fur trading, dyeing, distilling pálinka and Tokaji wine, baking, and confectioning. Baking and confectioning supported trade fairs and guilds that celebrated Hungarian culture and traditions.
Hungary.geographical curiositiesComenius ComeniusThis document provides a summary of key geographical features and natural attractions found in Hungary, including:
- The Matra Mountains, with the two highest peaks in Hungary including Kékestető, the highest point.
- Other highlights mentioned include the Zemplén Highlands, "Vadálló" rocks in the Visegrád Mountains, the bend of the Danube River and rivers like the Tisza and Drava.
- Natural areas described are the "Small Balaton" national park, Lake Balaton which is called "The Hungarian Sea", and Velence Lake which is popular for surfing and sailing.
Magyarország prezentáció linaKarolina RaczEducational Hungary presentation in English. I has been using this presentation during my EVS in Poland to share interesting facts for Polish students/adults.
Famous peopleComenius ComeniusThe document lists several famous Hungarian Nobel Laureates and their achievements, including Albert Szent-Györgyi for vitamin C discoveries, Eugene Wigner for work in nuclear physics, Imre Kertész for literature, and others. It also mentions notable Hungarian inventors, artists, composers, and figures in cinema. Overall, the document highlights some of Hungary's most influential historical figures and their significant contributions across various fields such as science, literature, music, and film.
BudapestComenius ComeniusBudapest is the capital city of Hungary formed by the unification of Buda, Pest, and Óbuda in 1873. It has over 1.7 million residents within its 525 square kilometers and is situated along the Danube River. Budapest has a long history dating back to Roman settlements and was an important focal point during the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 and Revolution of 1956. Major landmarks include Buda Castle, Matthias Church, Heroes' Square, Fisherman's Bastion, and the Hungarian National Museum. The city is also known for its thermal baths and spas dating back to Roman times and has several islands along the Danube such as Margaret Island and Csepel Island.
Hungarian traditionsComenius ComeniusHungarian traditions include the Busó walk where people wear traditional clothes and chase away winter at carnival time, burning the Kisze doll when winter ends and spring comes, men sprinkling women with water on Easter Monday in exchange for Easter eggs, women dyeing and painting Easter eggs, celebrating the Reaper Holiday when the harvest is finished, giving a Reaper wreath as a present to the land owner, making Luca's chairs on Luca's Day which is a day of witches on December 13th, performing plays about the birth of Jesus Christ, decorating the Christmas tree with Szaloncukor which is marzipan covered in chocolate, and eating Bejgli, a traditional Hungarian Christmas cake filled
Hungarian cuisine.Comenius ComeniusHungarian cuisine features hearty soups, stuffed vegetables, meat stews, and sweet pastries. Influenced by neighboring cultures over centuries, it combines paprika-flavored dishes with noodles, dumplings, and cold fruit soups. Staple meals include stuffed cabbage, goulash soup, paprika chicken, and palacsinta crepes filled with various savory or sweet fillings. Sausages, salami, and cheeses also feature prominently in Hungarian breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.
Tourist attractions in HungaryComenius ComeniusThe document summarizes key attractions in Budapest, Hungary. It mentions Heroes' Square as one of the major squares featuring Matthias Church. It also mentions St. Stephen's Basilica, a Roman Catholic basilica named after Stephen, Hungary's first king. The document concludes by describing the annual Sziget Festival, one of the largest music and cultural festivals in Europe held every August on an island in the Danube River in Northern Budapest.
Hungary.stateComenius ComeniusThis document provides information about various places and things related to Hungary. It includes brief descriptions of Budapest as the capital and largest city, Lake Balaton as the largest lake in Central Europe, and Ferenc Puskás as a famous Hungarian footballer who scored many goals for Hungary and in Spanish leagues. Visuals are also included showing crown jewels, the Hungarian Parliament building, and other locations around Hungary.
Hungary Pptinma_gananHungary is located in Central Europe and borders Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia and Austria. Hungary has a population of 10 million people and its capital and largest city is Budapest. Hungary has a democratic government and a continental climate. The official language is Hungarian, though some also speak German. The official currency is the Hungarian Forint.
Presentation Of HungarySalih Ck- Hungary has a long history dating back to Celtic and Roman periods, and was once part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It is now a parliamentary republic.
- Natural resources include the largest stalactite cave in Europe and second largest thermal lake. The largest lake is Lake Balaton.
- Famous Hungarians include Ernő Rubik who invented the Rubik's Cube, and Albert Szent-Györgyi who discovered vitamin C.
- Hungary has 19 counties with Budapest as the independent capital. The landscape includes mountains, national parks, and rivers like the Danube and Tisza.
- Most Hungarians are Catholic or Protestant. Traditional cuisine includes goulash and dessert
4. Eddigi eredmények
•650 – 700 helyi értéktár
•Minden megyében van megyei értéktár
•Több, mint 100 elem a Külhoni Magyarság Értéktárában
6. Eddigi eredmények
Hungarikum Bizottság Magyar Értéktár
Benne: Ajka kristály, Badacsonyi kéknyelű
Theodora ásványvizek
Döntésre vár:
•Lőrincze Lajos életútja
•Polányi passió
•Veszprémi püspök királyné koronázási joga
7. Eddigi eredmények
Veszprém megye
•Több, mint 50 helyi értéktár
•1 tájegységi értéktár (Somló)
•2013 óta megyei értéktár
8. Veszprém Megyei Értéktár Bizottság
•2013. júniusában jött létre
•önálló bizottság, 6 fő, tagjai: megyei közgyűlési képviselők
•de...különleges a döntéshozatali eljárás
9. Együttműködő partnerek
•Nemzeti Művelődési Intézet Veszprém Megyei Irodája,
•Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Veszprém Megyei Levéltára,
•Laczkó Dezső Múzeum,
•Veszprém Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara,
•Vállalkozók és Munkáltatók Országos Szövetsége Veszprém Megyei Szervezete,
•Veszprém Megyei Agrárkamara,
•Veszprém Megyei Mérnöki Kamara,
•Veszprémi Akadémiai Bizottság,
•Magyar Építészek Veszprém Megyei Kamarája
•Veszprém Megyei Honismereti Egyesület
javaslatot tesznek
a bizottság "csak" dönt
11. Veszprém megye kincsei
•Alsóörsi permi vörös homokkő
•Balatonfelvidéki vert csipke
•Balatoni halászlé
•Kinizsi vár Nagyvázsony
•Pálos kolostor Nagyvázsony
•Balaton-felvidéki és Bakony-vidéki himző kultúra
•Művészetek völgye fesztivál
•Magyarpolányi passió hagyománya
•A veszprémi püspök királyné koronázási joga
12. Veszprém megye kincsei
•Bakonyi cifraszűr
•Baricska csárda, Balatonfüred
•Füredi Anna-bál
•Nagyvázsonyban készült pálos kódexek
•Népművészet Mestereinek és a Népművészet Ifjú Mestereinek Veszprém megyei szellemi és tárgyi alkotó tevékenysége
•Az 1000 éves sólyi templom
•Somlói Juhfark
•Vámosi csárda
•Várpalotai Thury vár XIV. századi világi témájú freskói
18. Miért legyek érték? Mi a haszna?
•pályázati lehetőségek, elkülönített források
•helyi értékek ünnepe
•védjegy, címerhasználat
•legyen a közoktatás része
19. Települések, melyekkel egy nyelvet beszélünk
Veszprém megye zászlóshajói
•Nemesvámos: lencse és hurka fesztivál
•Bazsi: az önellátó település
•Halimba: a "halimbárium" és sok más...
•Litér: az újjáéledő hagyományok
•Sóly: a módszeres értékgyűjtés
•Öskü: először nem!!! ...aztán minden!!
20. Civil közösségek a hungarikumok mellett
•Élő Forrás Hagyományőrző Egyesület
•Közép-Dunántúli Szövetség az Ifjúságért
•Dörögdért Ifjúsági Egyesület
•Éltető Balaton-felvidékért Egyesület
•Veszprém Megyei Népművészeti Egyesület
•Pannon Térség Fejlődéséért Közhasznú Alapítvány
dr. Horváth Zsolt