This letter was sent by e-mail to several related parties within the European Commission, some of which were unavailable probably on vacation. No response was received but recently March 2021, Saudi Arabia signed agreements along the lines of my suggestions. The Israeli Ministry of Energy also adopted a similar path after dismissing my proposal of cooperation with Jordan and the EU
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Mrs. Ursula G. von der leyen
1. Haim Rolland Branisteanu
Address: 12 Gotlieb Street Tel Aviv Israel 64392 Tel +972-3-523-2744 Cell +972-52-2523 Page 1
To: Mrs. Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen,
President is the head of the European Commission. August 13, 2020
Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 200
1049 Br端ssels Belgium CONFIDENTIAL
Lowering the dependence of EU energy needs from Russian suppliers
and using more solar energy from desert lands within the Middle East
transferred by underwater VHDC cables and/or hydrogen pipelines.
Dear Mrs. Ursula G. von der Leyen;
In hope that you will have the chance to read my short letter, I would like to bring to your
attention a proposal on which I am working since summer 2017 in conjunction with a JV
between Israel Egypt and Jordan, which mainly for political reason did not come to fruition.
My proposal is simple and makes use of the desert land within the borders of 3 Sunni countries
which include Egypt, Sinai Peninsula, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, with an average solar radiation
of 2,700kwh/sq. meter/year. The concept is simple and doable, by using the ample solar
radiation in those countries desert location for solar farms of bifacial panels to take advantage of
the desert albedo, storage in places as needed including hydrogen & not only newer Na or Mg
batteries to be decided. Issue of safety will be minimal as the facilities will be placed in deserts.
The electrical energy will be upgraded to VHDC voltage similar to Siemens project in China
connected with cables below the Gulf of Aqaba to Sinai Peninsula which emptiness will be also
used for similar solar farms as will be the vast desert of Jordan. From a chosen place on the
Mediterranean shores bot energy carriers (hydrogen and VHDC electricity) will be delivered
with an undersea cable and pipeline to Cyprus or Crete as a mid-station and further to Greece
and the EU. Australia announced a similar project to supply SE Asia with an undersea
cable of 3,700 km. My proposal entails a mere 1,300 km of undersea transmission lines.
Due to my familiarity with the region, I posted the concept on LinkedIn, to which the response
or interest to my post was from big concerns like Shell, Wood, Worley, McDermott Int., and
others which I would be happy to mention to you and of course with more details.
As mentioned before I have several write ups on the subject since 2017 and earlier. About my
background you can learn from my posts on LinkedIn & 際際滷Share. My resume is available.
I would be happy to be of assistance if there is an interest to develop further this concept.
Sincerely yours
Haim Rolland Branisteanu (I am also an EU citizen)