This document describes several indoor and outdoor games played in India. For indoor games, it discusses Atak Matak played in Maharashtra using fingers and singing a song, chess which improves thinking skills, and Hatavarcha Kach played by girls using five stones. Outdoor games described include Zimma played in a circle by girls in Maharashtra, Bhowra (top) played nationwide by boys in winter using a spinning top, and Wagh Bakri (Tiger and Goat) with two teams, one as tigers trying to sit on a bamboo goat structure before the other team counts to ten.
3. Atak matak
Atak matak is mostly played in maharashtra.
? We play this game with our fingers.
? There is one song sang by the players while
? That song is atak matak chauli chatak.
4. Chess(Buddhibal)
Mostly it is played everywhere in country.
? We play this game with our mind and tricks.
? This game also helps in increasing our skills and
thinking power.
5. ?
Hatavarcha kach
ke this game is played by girls.
Everywhere this game is played.
? This game is played with stones.
? There are five stones one by one we have to
throw them up and catch it while holding the
other stones.
Mostly this game is played in Maharashtra.
? Generally girls play this game.
? We sit down in the circle and keep our hand on
the knee and sings a song and moves in the
? The song which is sang while playing is zimma
ga pori zimma.
8. Bhowra(Top)
This game is played everywhere in India.
? Generally boys play this game.
? This game is mostly played in the month of
? They ties a thread around the Bhowra and then
swings it down, so it moves round and round.
9. Wagh Bakri(Tiger and Goat)
This game is mostly played by boys and sometimes
There are two teams one tiger and goat.
The team of goat holds bamboo and makes a big goat.
The team of lion then one by one runs and jumps and
sits on the goat.
Then the goats starts to move and lion team will
count till ten.
If they fall they will loose and if they sits they will