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Short cuts for MS Office
   (MS word, MS excel, MS Ppt)

  (Work In Progress)
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Short Cuts With Ctrl & Alphabets
Ctrl+A     Select All

Ctrl+B     Bold

Ctrl+C     Copy

Ctrl+ D     Font Dialog Box (in Word), Duplicate slide (in excel)

Ctrl+E      Centre

Ctrl+ F     Find (Find & Replace)

Ctrl+G      Go to

Ctrl+H     Replace (History in internet explore)

Ctrl+I     Italic

Ctrl+J    Justify

Ctrl+K    Insert Hyper link

Ctrl+L    Left

Ctrl+M    increase indent (In Ppt New 際際滷)

Ctrl+N    New File (In Ppt New Window)

Ctrl+O    Open File

Ctrl+P    Print

Ctrl+Q    Canal Indent

Ctrl+R    Right

Ctrl+S    Save

Ctrl+T    Hanging Indent (In Ppt Font dialog Box)

Ctrl+U    Under line

Ctrl+V    Past

Ctrl+W    Close File (Save and Exit)

Ctrl+X    Cut

Ctrl+Y    Redo

Ctrl+Z    Undo
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                       Short Cuts with Alt Button

Alt+F4          Close Program

Alt+F4+Alt+F4   Close Program & then Shout Down System

Alt+F5          Document decrease size

Alt+Tab         Select Program from task bar

Alt+Space+N     Maximize File
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                    Short Cuts with Shift Button

Shift+F3       Font Pattern Capital (Change Case)

Shift+F5       際際滷 Show (In Ppt)

Shift+F7       Thesaurus

Shift+Delete   Delete the selected file

Shift+        Select Line
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                     Short Cuts with Ctrl Button

Ctrl+Mouse Wheel       Increase/Decrease current Page size

Ctrl+End               Go to the end of file

Ctrl +F7               Spelling Checking

Ctrl+F10               File Selection

Ctrl+F12               Save As

Ctrl++                 Go to the new row (Subscript)

Ctrl+ -                Delete Current Row

Ctrl+/+Spacebar      Select Next file on desktop

Ctrl+F5                In Ppt Decrease Window Size

Ctrl+Shift+Enter       Next Page

Ctrl+Shift+F3          Change Case

Ctrl+Shift+F3          Change case

Ctrl+                 Go to next word

Ctrl+                 Go to previous word

Ctrl+/               Down/Up one paragraph at one time

Ctrl+Page Down(Button) Go to next page

Ctrl+Page up           Go to previous page

Ctrl+Home(Button)      Go to start of file (in MS excel)

Ctrl+End               Go to end of file

Ctrl+]/[               Increase / Decrease font size

Ctrl+1/2               Single/ Double line spacing

Ctrl+5                 1.5 line spacing

Ctrl+T                 (In Ppt) Font Dialog box
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 Some Random Shorts Cuts

F5                     Refresh the whole system

Escape                 In Ppt Exit 際際滷 Show

Spacebar (Button)      In Ppt Next 際際滷 (in slide show)

F4+Space Bar button    Open Address Bar

Ctrl+Z/R               Stop File on KM Player

Tabe (Button)          File Info /Detail in KM player

Ctrl+E                 Save As (The running File on KM player)

Ctrl+ +               Insert New Cell( In excel)
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Short Cuts with Alt & Ctrl Button

Alt+Ctrl+Delete   Task Manager

Alt+Ctrl+        Screen on Right side

Alt+Ctrl+        Screen on Left side

Alt+Ctrl+/      Screen to down/Up side

Alt+Ctrl+1        Heading

Alt+Ctrl++        Superscript
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Some Selective Formulas for MS excel
Grading :

=IF(cell address>=80,卒卒A,IF(cell address>=70, 卒卒B,IF(cell address>60=,卒卒C)))


Sum(cell address:cell adress)


Count(cell address:cell adress)

Maximum Value Find:

Max(cell address:cell adress)

Minimum Value Find:

Min(cell address:cell adress)


AVERAGE (cell address:cell adress)

Perday Salary =Salary of month ( Amount)*Months in Year(12)/Dayes in Year(365)
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Websites that provides help in learning MS Office

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         List of shortcut keys for the program
                    Microsoft Word
              Action                     Keybord shortcut
Application window-maximize        Alt-F10
Application window-previous        Alt-Shift-F6
Application window-restore         Alt-F5
AutoFormat                         Ctrl-Alt-K
AutoText-create                    Alt-F3
AutoText-insert entry              Ctrl-Alt-V
AutoText-insert                    entry F3
Bold                               Ctrl-B
Bookmarks                          Ctrl-Shift-F5
Break-column                       Ctrl-Shift-Enter
Break-page                         Ctrl-Enter
Browse a document                  Ctrl-Alt-Home
Browse next/previous item          Ctrl-PgDn/PgUp
Capatilize word                    shift+f3
Case-All Caps                      Ctrl-Shift-A
Close                              Ctrl-F4
Close                              Ctrl-W
Copy                               Ctrl + C
Copy formatting                    Ctrl-Shift-C
Create a nonbreaking hyphen        CTRL+HYPHEN
Create a nonbreaking space         CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR
Customize a menu                   Ctrl-Alt =
Customize a shortcut               Ctrl-Alt-Num +
Cut                                Ctrl-X
Date Field                         Alt-Shift-D
Decrease font size                 CTRL+SHIFT+<
Dialog box next tabbed section     Ctrl-Tab
Dialog box previous tabbed section Ctrl-Shift-Tab
Document window-move               Ctrl-F7
Document window-restore            Ctrl-F5
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Ms office shorts cuts word document

  • 1. Page |1 Short cuts for MS Office (MS word, MS excel, MS Ppt) (Work In Progress)
  • 2. Page |2 Short Cuts With Ctrl & Alphabets Ctrl+A Select All Ctrl+B Bold Ctrl+C Copy Ctrl+ D Font Dialog Box (in Word), Duplicate slide (in excel) Ctrl+E Centre Ctrl+ F Find (Find & Replace) Ctrl+G Go to Ctrl+H Replace (History in internet explore) Ctrl+I Italic Ctrl+J Justify Ctrl+K Insert Hyper link Ctrl+L Left Ctrl+M increase indent (In Ppt New 際際滷) Ctrl+N New File (In Ppt New Window) Ctrl+O Open File Ctrl+P Print Ctrl+Q Canal Indent Ctrl+R Right Ctrl+S Save Ctrl+T Hanging Indent (In Ppt Font dialog Box) Ctrl+U Under line Ctrl+V Past Ctrl+W Close File (Save and Exit) Ctrl+X Cut Ctrl+Y Redo Ctrl+Z Undo
  • 3. Page |3 Short Cuts with Alt Button Alt+F4 Close Program Alt+F4+Alt+F4 Close Program & then Shout Down System Alt+F5 Document decrease size Alt+Tab Select Program from task bar Alt+Space+N Maximize File
  • 4. Page |4 Short Cuts with Shift Button Shift+F3 Font Pattern Capital (Change Case) Shift+F5 際際滷 Show (In Ppt) Shift+F7 Thesaurus Shift+Delete Delete the selected file Shift+ Select Line
  • 5. Page |5 Short Cuts with Ctrl Button Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Increase/Decrease current Page size Ctrl+End Go to the end of file Ctrl +F7 Spelling Checking Ctrl+F10 File Selection Ctrl+F12 Save As Ctrl++ Go to the new row (Subscript) Ctrl+ - Delete Current Row Ctrl+/+Spacebar Select Next file on desktop Ctrl+F5 In Ppt Decrease Window Size Ctrl+Shift+Enter Next Page Ctrl+Shift+F3 Change Case Ctrl+Shift+F3 Change case Ctrl+ Go to next word Ctrl+ Go to previous word Ctrl+/ Down/Up one paragraph at one time Ctrl+Page Down(Button) Go to next page Ctrl+Page up Go to previous page Ctrl+Home(Button) Go to start of file (in MS excel) Ctrl+End Go to end of file Ctrl+]/[ Increase / Decrease font size Ctrl+1/2 Single/ Double line spacing Ctrl+5 1.5 line spacing Ctrl+T (In Ppt) Font Dialog box
  • 6. Page |6 Some Random Shorts Cuts F5 Refresh the whole system Escape In Ppt Exit 際際滷 Show Spacebar (Button) In Ppt Next 際際滷 (in slide show) F4+Space Bar button Open Address Bar Ctrl+Z/R Stop File on KM Player Tabe (Button) File Info /Detail in KM player Ctrl+E Save As (The running File on KM player) Ctrl+ + Insert New Cell( In excel)
  • 7. Page |7 Short Cuts with Alt & Ctrl Button Alt+Ctrl+Delete Task Manager Alt+Ctrl+ Screen on Right side Alt+Ctrl+ Screen on Left side Alt+Ctrl+/ Screen to down/Up side Alt+Ctrl+1 Heading Alt+Ctrl++ Superscript
  • 8. Page |8 Some Selective Formulas for MS excel Grading : =IF(cell address>=80,卒卒A,IF(cell address>=70, 卒卒B,IF(cell address>60=,卒卒C))) Sum: Sum(cell address:cell adress) Count: Count(cell address:cell adress) Maximum Value Find: Max(cell address:cell adress) Minimum Value Find: Min(cell address:cell adress) Average: AVERAGE (cell address:cell adress) Perday Salary =Salary of month ( Amount)*Months in Year(12)/Dayes in Year(365)
  • 9. Page |9 Websites that provides help in learning MS Office www.gcflearnfree.org
  • 10. P a g e | 10 List of shortcut keys for the program Microsoft Word Action Keybord shortcut Application window-maximize Alt-F10 Application window-previous Alt-Shift-F6 Application window-restore Alt-F5 AutoFormat Ctrl-Alt-K AutoText-create Alt-F3 AutoText-insert entry Ctrl-Alt-V AutoText-insert entry F3 Bold Ctrl-B Bookmarks Ctrl-Shift-F5 Break-column Ctrl-Shift-Enter Break-page Ctrl-Enter Browse a document Ctrl-Alt-Home Browse next/previous item Ctrl-PgDn/PgUp Capatilize word shift+f3 Case-All Caps Ctrl-Shift-A Close Ctrl-F4 Close Ctrl-W Copy Ctrl + C Copy formatting Ctrl-Shift-C Create a nonbreaking hyphen CTRL+HYPHEN Create a nonbreaking space CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR Customize a menu Ctrl-Alt = Customize a shortcut Ctrl-Alt-Num + Cut Ctrl-X Date Field Alt-Shift-D Decrease font size CTRL+SHIFT+< Dialog box next tabbed section Ctrl-Tab Dialog box previous tabbed section Ctrl-Shift-Tab Document window-move Ctrl-F7 Document window-restore Ctrl-F5
  • 11. P a g e | 11