This document provides a list of keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Office applications like Word, Excel and PowerPoint. It includes shortcuts using Ctrl, Alt, Shift buttons alone or in combination for common commands like copy, paste, bold, italics, find and replace. The document also shares some Excel formulas for calculations and websites that can help learn MS Office.
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Ms office shorts cuts word document
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Short cuts for MS Office
(MS word, MS excel, MS Ppt)
(Work In Progress)
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Short Cuts With Ctrl & Alphabets
Ctrl+A Select All
Ctrl+B Bold
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+ D Font Dialog Box (in Word), Duplicate slide (in excel)
Ctrl+E Centre
Ctrl+ F Find (Find & Replace)
Ctrl+G Go to
Ctrl+H Replace (History in internet explore)
Ctrl+I Italic
Ctrl+J Justify
Ctrl+K Insert Hyper link
Ctrl+L Left
Ctrl+M increase indent (In Ppt New 際際滷)
Ctrl+N New File (In Ppt New Window)
Ctrl+O Open File
Ctrl+P Print
Ctrl+Q Canal Indent
Ctrl+R Right
Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+T Hanging Indent (In Ppt Font dialog Box)
Ctrl+U Under line
Ctrl+V Past
Ctrl+W Close File (Save and Exit)
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+Y Redo
Ctrl+Z Undo
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Short Cuts with Alt Button
Alt+F4 Close Program
Alt+F4+Alt+F4 Close Program & then Shout Down System
Alt+F5 Document decrease size
Alt+Tab Select Program from task bar
Alt+Space+N Maximize File
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Short Cuts with Shift Button
Shift+F3 Font Pattern Capital (Change Case)
Shift+F5 際際滷 Show (In Ppt)
Shift+F7 Thesaurus
Shift+Delete Delete the selected file
Shift+ Select Line
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Short Cuts with Ctrl Button
Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Increase/Decrease current Page size
Ctrl+End Go to the end of file
Ctrl +F7 Spelling Checking
Ctrl+F10 File Selection
Ctrl+F12 Save As
Ctrl++ Go to the new row (Subscript)
Ctrl+ - Delete Current Row
Ctrl+/+Spacebar Select Next file on desktop
Ctrl+F5 In Ppt Decrease Window Size
Ctrl+Shift+Enter Next Page
Ctrl+Shift+F3 Change Case
Ctrl+Shift+F3 Change case
Ctrl+ Go to next word
Ctrl+ Go to previous word
Ctrl+/ Down/Up one paragraph at one time
Ctrl+Page Down(Button) Go to next page
Ctrl+Page up Go to previous page
Ctrl+Home(Button) Go to start of file (in MS excel)
Ctrl+End Go to end of file
Ctrl+]/[ Increase / Decrease font size
Ctrl+1/2 Single/ Double line spacing
Ctrl+5 1.5 line spacing
Ctrl+T (In Ppt) Font Dialog box
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Some Random Shorts Cuts
F5 Refresh the whole system
Escape In Ppt Exit 際際滷 Show
Spacebar (Button) In Ppt Next 際際滷 (in slide show)
F4+Space Bar button Open Address Bar
Ctrl+Z/R Stop File on KM Player
Tabe (Button) File Info /Detail in KM player
Ctrl+E Save As (The running File on KM player)
Ctrl+ + Insert New Cell( In excel)
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Short Cuts with Alt & Ctrl Button
Alt+Ctrl+Delete Task Manager
Alt+Ctrl+ Screen on Right side
Alt+Ctrl+ Screen on Left side
Alt+Ctrl+/ Screen to down/Up side
Alt+Ctrl+1 Heading
Alt+Ctrl++ Superscript
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Some Selective Formulas for MS excel
Grading :
=IF(cell address>=80,卒卒A,IF(cell address>=70, 卒卒B,IF(cell address>60=,卒卒C)))
Sum(cell address:cell adress)
Count(cell address:cell adress)
Maximum Value Find:
Max(cell address:cell adress)
Minimum Value Find:
Min(cell address:cell adress)
AVERAGE (cell address:cell adress)
Perday Salary =Salary of month ( Amount)*Months in Year(12)/Dayes in Year(365)
10. P a g e | 10
List of shortcut keys for the program
Microsoft Word
Action Keybord shortcut
Application window-maximize Alt-F10
Application window-previous Alt-Shift-F6
Application window-restore Alt-F5
AutoFormat Ctrl-Alt-K
AutoText-create Alt-F3
AutoText-insert entry Ctrl-Alt-V
AutoText-insert entry F3
Bold Ctrl-B
Bookmarks Ctrl-Shift-F5
Break-column Ctrl-Shift-Enter
Break-page Ctrl-Enter
Browse a document Ctrl-Alt-Home
Browse next/previous item Ctrl-PgDn/PgUp
Capatilize word shift+f3
Case-All Caps Ctrl-Shift-A
Close Ctrl-F4
Close Ctrl-W
Copy Ctrl + C
Copy formatting Ctrl-Shift-C
Create a nonbreaking hyphen CTRL+HYPHEN
Create a nonbreaking space CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR
Customize a menu Ctrl-Alt =
Customize a shortcut Ctrl-Alt-Num +
Cut Ctrl-X
Date Field Alt-Shift-D
Decrease font size CTRL+SHIFT+<
Dialog box next tabbed section Ctrl-Tab
Dialog box previous tabbed section Ctrl-Shift-Tab
Document window-move Ctrl-F7
Document window-restore Ctrl-F5