The document summarizes an event called MSC Malaysia Innotech that brings together entrepreneurs and innovators to learn, share experiences, and try new technologies. The event is divided into two parts on March 25th and 26th. It includes pre-event tasks to engage participants through social media. The first day consists of presentations and breakout sessions where participants can try out technologies like Twitter, Facebook, and Google Docs. The second day focuses on pitching ideas and includes a session on crafting effective elevator pitches.
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Msc Malysia Inno Tech
1. Hakim Albasrawy | +6019 2618466 | [email_address] Entrepreneur
2. MSC Malaysia Innotech is an intense event bringing brilliant minds together to learn, experience, sharing and try
3. The Event is divided into 2 parts 25 th March and 26 th March 09
7. The Website Tutorials - Commoncraft Contests Goal orientated, Blog us, Prizes Content Tutorials, Lifehacks, tips Links Content, Cool Stuff, Technologies to try Information Event details, Press kits, faq Social find out who else is coming
9. Netbash Audience油 Government, NGO's, Enterprise, and those with tech skill set ranging from basic to advanced .油 100 pax per event Focus on industry mavens
10. Netbash Objectives Teaching advance users so they improve current practices Sharing new ideas and applications with the newbies Enlighten and Motivate油 Target a 50% rate of adoption across the board (participants)
11. Pre-Event Checklist Give Task Get a twitter account, link 50 friends, etc Trial油 Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, Collaboration Adopt and organization (set small goals) and start working on ideas to help them using the tools provided. Monitor Task Through website, getting participants to add us on their FBs, Twitters, Blogrolls, Tweetbacks. etc Interact Get participants to socialize and share through our site + community tools.
12. Day 1 Itinerary This is where the participants will get a chance to try out all the technologies under the guidance of the facilitators. Time Activity 08:30-09:30 Registration, Networking + Food 09:30-09:35 Opening Video 09:35-10:35 Speech 1 10:35-12:35 Keynote 12:35-01:35 Lunch 01:35-03:35 Try-angle session .Culture Twitter Now Public Blogger .Community Facebook .Collaboration Google Docs 03:35-04:45 Applied Session each Tryangle will be given a specific task set to accomplish with the new skills they have been provided 04:45-05:30 Closing Address
13. 10 Break out sessions are scattered all around the are and anyone interested to participate can just pull a chair and get involved and "TRY out Sessions will be moderated by one facilitator, no switching tables once seated. Each tryangle focuses on one cause and teaches roughly the same content customized to cause 油 Try-angles
14. Penang Charities? Focus areas of development Increasing awareness Increasing participating Crowd sourcing for help ? > to select Penang based charity ?
16. Non-entrepreneur, Students Graduates Unemployed working class non-ICT companies Researchers Preseeders non-preseeders
17. Learning, experiencing, sharing Acclimatize participants to pitching and selling their ideas To create awareness and build confidence
18. Day 2 (Pre-event check list) Upload a video and hyperlink it, then allow for people to vote the video. This will be considered the informal interview and their pass to enter. Interact Get participants to socialize and share through our site + community tools.
19. Art of the pitch An elevator pitch (or elevator speech ) is an overview of an idea for a product, service, or project. The name reflects the fact that an elevator pitch can be delivered in the time span of an elevator ride (for example, thirty seconds and 100-150 words). The term is typically used in the context of an entrepreneur pitching an idea to a venture capitalist or angel investor to receive funding. Venture capitalists often judge the quality of an idea and team on the basis of the quality of its elevator pitch, and will ask entrepreneurs for the elevator pitches to quickly weed out bad ideas and weak teams.