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                                                            (HYDROCHLORIC ACID)

I.        PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION                                         INHALATION : Remove to fresh air. If breathing stops,
                                                                             administer artificial respiration. Call a physician.
Chemical Name : Hydrochloric Acid                                        INGESTION : DO NOT induce vomiting. Rinse or wash mouth
Trade Name    : Technical Grade Muriatic Acid                                with water. If person is conscious, give 2 or more
Synonyms      : Muriatic Acid, Spirit of Salts                               glasses of water. If unconscious, never give anything
                                                                             by mouth. See a physician immediately.
                                                                         V.         FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES
Hydrochloric Acid, %       :   32  34 % by weight
   Chemical Formula       :    HCl                                       Autoignition Point : Not Applicable
   Molecular Weight       :    36.46 g/mole                              Flash Point        : Not Applicable
   CAS Registry No.       :    7647-01-0                                 Flammability/Explosive limits : Not Applicable
                                                                         Fire/Explosion Hazards: Emits toxic and choking fumes of
III.           HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION                                         hydrogen chloride. Hydrochloric acid is not flammable
                                                                              but flammable and explosive hydrogen gas may be
THIS PRODUCT MAY BE : corrosive, toxic and a major potential                  formed on contact with metals.
       hazard upon contact to skin, eyes and respiratory tract.          Fire Prevention/ Extinguishing Media : Not Applicable
       Ingestion can cause severe burns of the mucous                    VI.      ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES
        membranes of the mouth, esophagus and stomach; pain,
        nausea and vomiting may also occur.                              IN CASE OF SPILL OR RELEASE      ;
       Inhalation causes irritation of the upper respiratory tract              Move people from the area. Move upwind. Avoid contact
        resulting in cough, burning of the throat and choking                   with acid. Stop leaks if safe to do so. Reposition
        sensation.                                                              container if this will reduce or stop leakage. If leak
       Skin contact to a high concentration of the HCl gas or                   continues, remove leaking container from vehicle or
        liquid may cause burns; repeated or prolonged exposures                 move other materials from vehicle away from container.
        to dilute solutions may cause dermatitis.                               Absorb spill with sand or earth. If available, cover the
       Eye exposure to high concentration of the acid can cause                 spill with excess soda ash, lime or sodium bicarbonate,
        eye irritation to severe destruction like prolonged or                  otherwise, wash away with large amounts of water.
        permanent visual impairment, including blindness. These                 Scoop slurry to plastic drums. If leak cannot be safely
        effects occur rapidly affecting all parts of the eye. Mist              stopped or if contents cannot be safely transferred to a
        can also cause irritation to destructive burns.                         sound container, contact fire brigade.
       Can cause serious damage to all body tissues contacted.           VII.         HANDLING AND STORAGE
       Fumes may aggravate eye, skin or respiratory conditions.
       Effects are usually limited to inflammation and                   Storage Requirements: Keep container tightly closed.
                                                                         FOR SMALL VOLUMES : Maybe stored in plastic               jugs,
       occasionally ulceration of the nose, throat and larynx, if
                                                                         carboys, and plastic drums.
       inhaled deeply, pulmonary edema may occur.
                                                                         FOR LARGE VOLUMES      : Store in rubber-lined or epoxy
IV.            FIRST AID MEASURES                                        lined steel storage tanks or fiber glass reinforced polyester
                                                                         (FRP) tanks.
SKIN       :Remove contaminated clothing and immediately                 Incompatible Materials: Store away from heat
   wash skin for a minimum of 15 minutes. Call or see a                  Use Instructions: Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves
   physician.                                                            and eye/face protection. In case of insufficient ventilation,
EYES : Immediately flush eyes with large amount of water.                wear suitable respiratory equipment.
   Occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids and
   rotating the eyeballs. Continue flushing for a minimum of
   15 minutes. Call a physician.

                                                         (HYDROCHLORIC ACID)


Ventilation: Use only in well-ventilated areas.                       Reproductive Effects:       No data available
Protective Equipment for the eyes and skin :                          MUTAGENICITY :               Not applicable
    Splash proof and face shield goggles, disposable latex/           CANCER INFORMATION         : Not applicable
    rubber apron, PVC rain suit, rubber boots with pant legs
    over boots.                                                       XII.        ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION
Respiratory Protection Requirements: NIOSH/MSHA approved
     respirator should be used.                                       ECOTOXICITY DATA: High acidity may pose potential hazard
Precautionary Hygiene/control measures :                                     to plant and marine life.
    Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Do not breathe       WATER-POLLUTION RISK CLASSIFICATION: Slightly water-
    mist or vapor. Wash thoroughly after handling. Safety                    polluting substance.
    showers and eye wash fountains should be available in
    storage and handling area.          Any protective clothing       XIII.       DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS
    contaminated with hydrochloric acid should be removed
    immediately and thoroughly laundered before wearing
                                                                      Dispose of in accordance with all Government and Local
                                                                      XIV.        TRANSPORT INFORMATION
STATE              :   fuming liquid
                                                                      Transportation of Dangerous Goods
APPEARANCE         : colorless to slightly yellow
                                                                      TDG Classification: Do not ship by air.
ODOR             : Irritating
                                                                      DOT Hazard Classification: Class 8 : Corrosive: Group II
pH              : Strong acid <1
                        0                                             DOT Shipping Name : Hydrochloric acid ID: UN 1789
FLASH POINT      ; Not determined
SPECIFIC GRAVITY : 1.150 -1.164                                       XV.         REGULATORY INFORMATION
VAPOR PRESSURE : 20 hPa @ 20 C
SOLUBILITY IN    : WATER: miscible, BASE : miscible                   No data available

X.         STABILITY AND REACTIVITY                                   XVI         OTHER INFORMATION

Stability : Stable under normal handling conditions.                  This MSDS contains information under the sixteen (16)
Hazardous polymerization will not occur.                                  section headings required by ISO 11014 Safety Data
Hazardous decomposition product: HCl gas will              not            Sheet for Chemical Products.
Materials and conditions to avoid (incompatibility) are:
     Avoid high temperatures.       Containers may burst.
Corrosive to most metals, concrete, some plastics, some
rubber and coatings. Fumes forms droplets which settle and
promote corrosion of metals and unprotected equipment.
Mixing with strong acids can cause evolution of hydrogen
chloride gas. Oxidizing agents will cause the release of toxic
chlorine gas. Contact of liquid acid or gas with alkali or
active metal may develop enough heat to cause fire in adjacent
combustible material.



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  • 1. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (HYDROCHLORIC ACID) I. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION INHALATION : Remove to fresh air. If breathing stops, administer artificial respiration. Call a physician. Chemical Name : Hydrochloric Acid INGESTION : DO NOT induce vomiting. Rinse or wash mouth Trade Name : Technical Grade Muriatic Acid with water. If person is conscious, give 2 or more Synonyms : Muriatic Acid, Spirit of Salts glasses of water. If unconscious, never give anything by mouth. See a physician immediately. II. COMPOSITION / INGREDIENTS V. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Hydrochloric Acid, % : 32 34 % by weight Chemical Formula : HCl Autoignition Point : Not Applicable Molecular Weight : 36.46 g/mole Flash Point : Not Applicable CAS Registry No. : 7647-01-0 Flammability/Explosive limits : Not Applicable Fire/Explosion Hazards: Emits toxic and choking fumes of III. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION hydrogen chloride. Hydrochloric acid is not flammable but flammable and explosive hydrogen gas may be THIS PRODUCT MAY BE : corrosive, toxic and a major potential formed on contact with metals. hazard upon contact to skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Fire Prevention/ Extinguishing Media : Not Applicable TOXICITY ROUTES OF EXPOSURE : Ingestion can cause severe burns of the mucous VI. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES membranes of the mouth, esophagus and stomach; pain, nausea and vomiting may also occur. IN CASE OF SPILL OR RELEASE ; Inhalation causes irritation of the upper respiratory tract Move people from the area. Move upwind. Avoid contact resulting in cough, burning of the throat and choking with acid. Stop leaks if safe to do so. Reposition sensation. container if this will reduce or stop leakage. If leak Skin contact to a high concentration of the HCl gas or continues, remove leaking container from vehicle or liquid may cause burns; repeated or prolonged exposures move other materials from vehicle away from container. to dilute solutions may cause dermatitis. Absorb spill with sand or earth. If available, cover the Eye exposure to high concentration of the acid can cause spill with excess soda ash, lime or sodium bicarbonate, eye irritation to severe destruction like prolonged or otherwise, wash away with large amounts of water. permanent visual impairment, including blindness. These Scoop slurry to plastic drums. If leak cannot be safely effects occur rapidly affecting all parts of the eye. Mist stopped or if contents cannot be safely transferred to a can also cause irritation to destructive burns. sound container, contact fire brigade. OVEREXPOSURE : Can cause serious damage to all body tissues contacted. VII. HANDLING AND STORAGE MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Fumes may aggravate eye, skin or respiratory conditions. Effects are usually limited to inflammation and Storage Requirements: Keep container tightly closed. FOR SMALL VOLUMES : Maybe stored in plastic jugs, occasionally ulceration of the nose, throat and larynx, if carboys, and plastic drums. inhaled deeply, pulmonary edema may occur. FOR LARGE VOLUMES : Store in rubber-lined or epoxy IV. FIRST AID MEASURES lined steel storage tanks or fiber glass reinforced polyester (FRP) tanks. SKIN :Remove contaminated clothing and immediately Incompatible Materials: Store away from heat wash skin for a minimum of 15 minutes. Call or see a Use Instructions: Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves physician. and eye/face protection. In case of insufficient ventilation, EYES : Immediately flush eyes with large amount of water. wear suitable respiratory equipment. Occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids and rotating the eyeballs. Continue flushing for a minimum of 15 minutes. Call a physician. 1
  • 2. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (HYDROCHLORIC ACID) VIII. EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PROTECTION XI. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ventilation: Use only in well-ventilated areas. Reproductive Effects: No data available Protective Equipment for the eyes and skin : MUTAGENICITY : Not applicable Splash proof and face shield goggles, disposable latex/ CANCER INFORMATION : Not applicable rubber apron, PVC rain suit, rubber boots with pant legs over boots. XII. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Respiratory Protection Requirements: NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator should be used. ECOTOXICITY DATA: High acidity may pose potential hazard Precautionary Hygiene/control measures : to plant and marine life. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Do not breathe WATER-POLLUTION RISK CLASSIFICATION: Slightly water- mist or vapor. Wash thoroughly after handling. Safety polluting substance. showers and eye wash fountains should be available in storage and handling area. Any protective clothing XIII. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS contaminated with hydrochloric acid should be removed immediately and thoroughly laundered before wearing Dispose of in accordance with all Government and Local again. regulations. IX. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES XIV. TRANSPORT INFORMATION STATE : fuming liquid Transportation of Dangerous Goods APPEARANCE : colorless to slightly yellow TDG Classification: Do not ship by air. ODOR : Irritating DOT Hazard Classification: Class 8 : Corrosive: Group II pH : Strong acid <1 0 DOT Shipping Name : Hydrochloric acid ID: UN 1789 BOILING POINT : 85 C FLASH POINT ; Not determined SPECIFIC GRAVITY : 1.150 -1.164 XV. REGULATORY INFORMATION 0 VAPOR PRESSURE : 20 hPa @ 20 C SOLUBILITY IN : WATER: miscible, BASE : miscible No data available X. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY XVI OTHER INFORMATION Stability : Stable under normal handling conditions. This MSDS contains information under the sixteen (16) Hazardous polymerization will not occur. section headings required by ISO 11014 Safety Data Hazardous decomposition product: HCl gas will not Sheet for Chemical Products. decompose. Materials and conditions to avoid (incompatibility) are: Avoid high temperatures. Containers may burst. Corrosive to most metals, concrete, some plastics, some rubber and coatings. Fumes forms droplets which settle and promote corrosion of metals and unprotected equipment. Mixing with strong acids can cause evolution of hydrogen chloride gas. Oxidizing agents will cause the release of toxic chlorine gas. Contact of liquid acid or gas with alkali or active metal may develop enough heat to cause fire in adjacent combustible material. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS PRESENTED IN GOOD FAITH AND BELIEVED TO CORRECT AS OF THE DATE OF ISSUE. HOWEVER, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED IS GIVEN BY MABUHAY VINYL CORPORATION REGARDING THE USE OF THIS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) . 2