Pasākumi Limbažu Galvenajā bibliotēkā - 2017Limbažu Galvenā bibliotēkaAtskats uz Limbažu Galvenās bibliotēkas klientu apkalpošanas centra darbu 2017. gadā - pasākumi, izstādes, ekskursijas u.c. پٱ
Umurgas bibliotēka par Lādezera bibliotēkuLimbažu Galvenā bibliotēkaLimbažu Galvenās bibliotēkas PROJEKTA “…un tinam Gaismas kamolu tālāk” ietvaros Limbažu un Alojas novada bibliotekāri viesojās kādā citā novadu bibliotēkā.
Pēc sadraudzības bibliotēkas apmeklējuma tika izveidoti stāsti par apmeklēto bibliotēku prezentācijas veidā.
Vintāžas tējkannu izstāde “Tējai jāuzplaukst īpašā mājiņā” virtuālajā apskatā...Krāslavas novada bibliotēkaVintāžas tējkannu izstāde “Tējai jāuzplaukst īpašā mājiņā” bibliotēkā
Krāslavas novada centrālā bibliotēka
2022. gada marts
Umurga konkurss 2021Limbažu Galvenā bibliotēkaLimbažu Galvenās bibliotēkas rīkotais bibliotēku profesionālais konkurss "No radoša impulsa līdz idejai...". Konkurss ir par bibliotēku radošumu un idejām.
Tour planningSystech Digital LimitedThe document provides planning tips for international travel. It recommends booking hotels and transportation before the trip, obtaining necessary visas and documents, and preparing items for business meetings. Money should be converted before travel. Travelers should pack essential items like a passport, tickets, medicine and chargers in carry-on luggage. Safety tips include never leaving bags unattended, being wary of strangers, avoiding restricted areas when taking photos, and shopping at known restaurants and stores.
ITFT-Itinerary Plannig & its FactorsDr. Dikshit GuptaAn itinerary outlines a travel plan including destinations, transportation, accommodations, and activities. It is essential for travel agents to help clients select appropriate tours and itineraries to gain their trust. There are different types of itineraries including tourist, tour manager, and tour escort itineraries which vary in level of detail. Effective itinerary planning considers factors like travel purpose and length, transportation options, including optional activities, avoiding backtracking, accommodating check-in/out times, and communicating trip requirements.
Pasākumi Limbažu Galvenajā bibliotēkā - 2017Limbažu Galvenā bibliotēkaAtskats uz Limbažu Galvenās bibliotēkas klientu apkalpošanas centra darbu 2017. gadā - pasākumi, izstādes, ekskursijas u.c. پٱ
Umurgas bibliotēka par Lādezera bibliotēkuLimbažu Galvenā bibliotēkaLimbažu Galvenās bibliotēkas PROJEKTA “…un tinam Gaismas kamolu tālāk” ietvaros Limbažu un Alojas novada bibliotekāri viesojās kādā citā novadu bibliotēkā.
Pēc sadraudzības bibliotēkas apmeklējuma tika izveidoti stāsti par apmeklēto bibliotēku prezentācijas veidā.
Vintāžas tējkannu izstāde “Tējai jāuzplaukst īpašā mājiņā” virtuālajā apskatā...Krāslavas novada bibliotēkaVintāžas tējkannu izstāde “Tējai jāuzplaukst īpašā mājiņā” bibliotēkā
Krāslavas novada centrālā bibliotēka
2022. gada marts
Umurga konkurss 2021Limbažu Galvenā bibliotēkaLimbažu Galvenās bibliotēkas rīkotais bibliotēku profesionālais konkurss "No radoša impulsa līdz idejai...". Konkurss ir par bibliotēku radošumu un idejām.
Tour planningSystech Digital LimitedThe document provides planning tips for international travel. It recommends booking hotels and transportation before the trip, obtaining necessary visas and documents, and preparing items for business meetings. Money should be converted before travel. Travelers should pack essential items like a passport, tickets, medicine and chargers in carry-on luggage. Safety tips include never leaving bags unattended, being wary of strangers, avoiding restricted areas when taking photos, and shopping at known restaurants and stores.
ITFT-Itinerary Plannig & its FactorsDr. Dikshit GuptaAn itinerary outlines a travel plan including destinations, transportation, accommodations, and activities. It is essential for travel agents to help clients select appropriate tours and itineraries to gain their trust. There are different types of itineraries including tourist, tour manager, and tour escort itineraries which vary in level of detail. Effective itinerary planning considers factors like travel purpose and length, transportation options, including optional activities, avoiding backtracking, accommodating check-in/out times, and communicating trip requirements.
Tour planningRodney JohnsonThis document provides guidance on planning tours, including setting up a tourist profile, researching accommodation, transport, attractions and activities, compiling a day-to-day itinerary, and preparing a tour budget. It discusses the key components of a tourist profile, planning a tour based on a profile, guidelines for an effective itinerary including being realistic and logical, and the requirements for accommodation lists, transport reservations, attraction lists, maps, and additional documents. It also covers determining individual costs for accommodation, travel, and other expenses and compiling them into a final tour budget.
Tour planningMamta SolankiThis document outlines the key steps involved in tour planning and operation, including researching destinations, negotiating with suppliers, pricing packages, marketing tours, and carrying out pre-tour preparations. It discusses the planning, negotiation, administrative, marketing and departure stages of the tour operating process. It also describes negotiating with airlines and hotels, pricing strategies, and the duties of overseas representatives during tours.
Sample itineraryKate SevillaThis document provides a sample itinerary for a one-day tour package in Puerto Galera, Philippines from June to October for PhP1590/person or November to May for PhP1890/person. The itinerary includes a roundtrip ferry ticket, island tour with snorkeling, picnic lunch at the beach, and overnight accommodation. Optional activities like visiting an adventure park or banana boat rides are available for additional fees. A detailed schedule is then provided outlining the planned activities and transportation for the one day tour of Puerto Galera.
Tour Operations ManagementMamta SolankiThis document discusses tour operations and the role of tour operators. It begins by defining a tour operator as a company that combines various travel components, such as flights, transfers, and hotel accommodations, into packaged tours. It then outlines the history of tourism, including key figures like Thomas Cook who organized early package tours in the 1800s. The document also categorizes different types of tours and tour operators, such as escorted, independent, inbound, and outbound operators. Finally, it describes the main functions of tour operators, which include providing travel information, creating itineraries, booking reservations and accommodations, pricing packages, and arranging travel insurance for clients.
TOUR PPTKristel LaurencianoThe document discusses the Philippine National Tourism Development Plan for 2011-2016. It outlines the plan's SWOT analysis, goals, and strategic directions. The three main strategic directions are: 1) Improving market access and connectivity by expanding airports and transportation links, 2) Developing and marketing competitive tourist destinations and products through public-private partnerships, and 3) Improving tourism institutional governance and building human resource capacities. The overarching goal is to increase international tourist arrivals to 6.3 million and domestic travelers to 64 million by 2016.
Tour packageKate SevillaPackaged tours include components like air travel, accommodation, sightseeing, and other travel services arranged by tour companies for independent travelers. Packaged tours can be all-inclusive or allow purchasing components separately. Escorted tours include an educational tour manager to assist travelers, especially those visiting foreign countries for the first time. Hosted tours utilize the services of local agencies at destinations to provide personalized services. Incentive tours are fully paid reward holidays provided by companies to employees to motivate performance and loyalty. Freedom tours are self-planned tours that allow tourists flexibility in deciding their travel.
Tour costingAnil VermaThe document discusses concepts related to costing in the travel and tourism industry. It describes how full costing includes all fixed and variable costs to compute the total cost per unit of output. It then outlines the various components that make up the costs of a tour, including hotels, meals, transportation, guides and other miscellaneous expenses. Finally, it discusses how travel agents calculate pricing by adding a markup to the total costs.
Tourism PlanningRamakrishna KongallaThis document discusses tourism planning. Some key points:
- Tourism planning seeks to integrate social, economic, political, and environmental factors related to tourism development and management. It involves planning at multiple levels from individual businesses to national governments.
- Tourism planning in India began in the 1980s with the recognition of tourism as an industry and the establishment of committees and plans to develop the tourism sector. Subsequent five-year plans further encouraged tourism development and private sector participation.
- The tourism planning process generally involves defining objectives, collecting and analyzing data, formulating preliminary and final plans, implementing plans, and monitoring and evaluating outcomes. Challenges include stakeholder commitment, establishing baselines, and identifying appropriate indicators.
Travel agency and tour operations lectureJheffrey PalmaThe document discusses the Philippine tourism industry and the roles of travel agencies and tour operators. It notes that tourism is a key contributor to the Philippine economy. It then provides details on the functions of travel agencies, including providing travel information and arrangements, processing documentation, and assisting with refunds or cancellations. The document also distinguishes between tour operators and travel agencies, and outlines the typical organizational structure and responsibilities of travel agency departments.
Konkurss "Pozitīvie foto mirkļi bibliotēkā"Limbažu Galvenā bibliotēkaFoto konkursa Limbažu un Alojas novadu publiskajām bibliotēkām 2015. gadā ar tēmu "Pozitīvie foto mirkļi bibliotēkā" LGB kopsavilkums