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This official academic transcript in Portable Document Format (PDF) was requested by the individual identified above in compliance with the
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REFNUM: 20057392367
FAIRBANKS, AK 997012738
Karin N. Baldwin
P. O. Box 119
Peyton, CO 80831
Date Issued: 01/12/2016
SSN: xxx-xx-8045
DOB: 12/17/xxxx
Page 1
Course Level: Undergraduate
Current School: College of Business
Current Major(s):
'90 -- '90 Colorado State University 90 Credit(s)
Course Title Cr Gr GT
Summer 1994
ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I 3.00 A
ECO 202 Principles of Economics-Micro 3.00 A
MKT 300 Principles of Marketing 3.00 B
Attempted: 9.00 Earned: 9.00 Sem gpa: 3.67
Fall 1994
ACC 202 Principles of Accounting II 3.00 B
ACC 309 Income Tax I 3.00 B
MGT 221 Legal Environment Business I 3.00 A
MKT 304 Managerial Communications 3.00 B
Attempted: 12.00 Earned: 12.00 Sem gpa: 3.25
Spring 1995
ACC 310 Income Tax II 3.00 B
ACC 340 Cost Accounting 3.00 C
ECO 201 Principles of Economics-Macro 3.00 B
FIN 330 Managerial Finance 3.00 NC
MGT 453 Organizational Behavior 3.00 B
Attempted: 15.00 Earned: 12.00 Sem gpa: 2.75
Summer 1995
ACC 351 Intermediate Accounting I 3.00 NC
FIN 330 Managerial Finance 3.00 A
Attempted: 6.00 Earned: 3.00 Sem gpa: 4.00
Fall 1995
ACC 320 Governmental Accounting 3.00 A
ACC 330 Intro to Accounting Systems 3.00 B
ACC 352 Intermediate Accounting II 3.00 B
MGT 322 Legal Environment Business II 3.00 A
Attempted: 12.00 Earned: 12.00 Sem gpa: 3.50
Spring 1996
ACC 351 Intermediate Accounting I 3.00 A
ACC 420 Auditing 3.00 B
ACC 451 Advanced Accounting I 3.00 A
SPE 190 American Sign Language I 3.00 C
Attempted: 12.00 Earned: 12.00 Sem gpa: 3.25
Earned Crs. GPA Crs. Grade Points GPA
Transfer 90.00
MSU Denver 60.00 60.00 198.00 3.30
Total 150.00 60.00 198.00 3.30
Transcript Guide
FICE ID number
Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver) is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North
Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Prior to July 2012, the Universitys name was Metropolitan State College of
Denver, and before 1990 it was Metropolitan State College. All credits are articulated in semester hours. Prior to Summer
Semester 1976, the University operated on the quarter system. A quarter credit is equivalent to 2/3 of a semester credit.
Prior to Spring 1998 Grade Grade Quality Points AP = Advanced Placement Credit
AU = Course Audit
Below 100 Remedial (discontinued
Summer 1971)
A+ 4.00 AW = Administrative Withdrawal
A 4.00 CC = Continuing Correspondence
100-199 Primarily freshman-level A- 3.67 Course Only
200-299 Primarily sophomore-level B+ 3.33 CL = College Level Examination Program
300-399 Primarily junior-level B 3.00 Credit
400-499 Primarily senior-level B- 2.67 EX = Departmental Course Examination
500- Postbaccalaureate C+ 2.33 Credit
C 2.00 I = Incomplete is assigned when the
Effective Spring 1998 C- 1.67 student, in consultation with faculty,
1000-1999 Primarily freshman-level D+ 1.33 has agreed to make up assignments
2000-2999 Primarily sophomore-level D 1.00 P = Pass, P is equivalent to the grade of
3000-3999 Primarily junior-level D- 0.67 D or better
4000-4999 Primarily senior-level F 0 PL = Portfolio Assessment Credit
PP = PEP Exam
Effective Fall 2010 A# All grades accompanied by the # symbol are
calculated in the grade point average (GPA),
nor are they counted toward graduation.
S = Satisfactory, S is equivalent to the
5000-6999 Primarily graduate-level B# grade of C or better
C# SA = Study Abroad
D# SE = Satisfactory in Education, SE is
F# equivalent to the grade of B or better
S# SN = Study Abroad, no credit
U# NR = Not Reported
SP# U = Unsatisfactory
U is equivalent to the grade of F
GT - GUARANTEED TRANSFER UE = Unsatisfactory in Education,
This column indicates courses approved for the Statewide General Education Transfer Program among
Colorado Public Institutions.
UE is equivalent to the grade of F
W = Withdrawal
Advanced Placement (AP): Prior to Spring 1998, CEEB high school AP credit appears as MSU
Denver course credit with an AP grade notation. From Spring 1998 forward, Advanced Placement
credit appears as a block of transfer credit.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP): Prior to Spring 1998, CLEP General and Subject
examination credit appears with a CL grade notation. From Spring 1998 forward, CLEP credit appears
as a block of transcript credit.
Departmental Course Examination: Credit by examination for MSU Denver courses appears with an
EX grade notation.
FYS: First Year Success Course
Portfolio Assessment: MSU Denver course credit approved by an academic department and college
committee, which appears with a PL grade notation.
Proficiency Examination Program (PEP): Prior to Spring 1998, PEP credit appears with a PP grade
notation. From Spring 1998 forward, PEP credit appears as a block of transfer credit.
SL: Service Learning Course
Transfer: The name of the college or other source of credit appears with the years of attendance and
total semester credits accepted.
Inter-Institutional and Study Abroad Programs:
MSU Denver participates in programs which allow MSU Denver students to register for courses at
participating colleges. The college abbreviation will usually appear in the course title or as the course
subject code. However, the subject code and course number of the other college will sometimes appear
instead of the course title. The credit and grade for the course count in the MSU Denver totals, except
when carrying a # symbol/notation (please see Grades above), or a subject code beginning with an X,
e.g. XMA 100. Following are abbreviations for the participating colleges and universities: ARC -
Arapahoe Community College; ASC - Adams State University; CCD - Community College of Denver;
CUA - University of Colorado Study Abroad Program; FRC - Front Range Community College; MSC -
Colorado Mesa University; RRC - Red Rocks Community College; STA - Study Abroad; UCD -
University of Colorado at Denver; WSC - Western State Colorado University.
NC = No Credit, this notation is strictly
non-punitive and indicates approved
withdrawal, course repetition or
non-completion of course
SP = Self-Paced
TF = Technical Failure
WF = Withdrew Failing
WP = Withdrew Passing
This Academic Transcript from Metropolitan State
University of Denver located in Denver, CO subject
to, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of
1974, Credentials Inc. of Northfield, IL is acting on
behalf of Metropolitan State University of Denver in
facilitating the delivery of academic transcripts from
Metropolitan State University of Denver to other
colleges, universities and third parties using the
Credentials TranscriptsNetwork.
This secure transcript has been delivered
electronically by Credentials Inc. in a Portable
Document Format (PDF) file. Please be aware that
this layout may be slightly different in look than
Metropolitan State University of Denvers
printed/mailed copy, however it will contain the
identical academic information. Depending on the
school and your capabilities, we also can deliver this
file as an XML document or an EDI document. Any
questions regarding the validity of the information
you are receiving should be directed to: Office of the
Registrar, Metropolitan State University of Denver,
Campus Box 84, P.O. Box 173362, Denver, CO,
80217-3362 Tel: (303) 556-3991.
Office of the Registrar  Campus Box 84  P.O. Box 173362  Denver, CO 80217-3362  303-556-3991  Fax: 303-556-3999

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MSU Official Transcripts

  • 1. OfficialOfficial AcademicAcademic TranscriTranscript frompt from:: METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF DENVER OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR CAMPUS BOX 84 PO BOX 173362 DENVER, CO 80217-3362 TELEPHONE: 303-556-3991 DocumentDocument Type: THType: THIRD-PARTIRD-PARTY SECUREY SECURE PDFPDF AcademicAcademic TranscrTranscript of:ipt of: IntendedIntended RecipieRecipient:nt: KARIN N BALDWIN KARIN BALDWIN Date of Birth: 17-Dec-xxxx 1251 SUTTON LOOP Transcript Created: 12-Jan-2016 FAIRBANKS, AK 99701-2738 E-Mail: karinbaldwin@aol.com RequesteRequested by:d by: DelivereDelivered by:d by: KARIN N BALDWIN CREDENTIALS INC. / TRANSCRIPTSNETWORK(tm) 1251 SUTTON LOOP Under Contract To: FAIRBANKS, AK 99701-2738 METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF DENVER Order Number: 6AM758569- 1 E-Mail: karinbaldwin@aol.com Telephone: (847) 716-3005 StatemenStatement of Aut of Authenticthenticityity This official academic transcript in Portable Document Format (PDF) was requested by the individual identified above in compliance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as Amended and in conformance with the prescribed ordering procedures of Metropolitan State University of Denver who has contracted with Credentials Inc. of Northfield, IL for electronic delivery of official transcripts in PDF form via Credentials' TranscriptsNetwork(tm). You may verify the authenticity of our relationship with Metropolitan State University of Denver by visiting their website at https://www.msudenver.edu/registrar/student/transcripts/. CollegeCollege or Univeor Universityrsity If you are an accredited post-secondary academic institution, please be advised that you are receiving this transcript as a "Third-Party" receiver. Since you are not registered in our TranscriptsNetwork, additional security provisions have been added to this document to prevent content copying or alteration. You also are not permitted to print the document without watermark protections or add notations to the document when saving to your student information system. Should you wish to receive future documents through our TranscriptsNetwork without these additional security features, please contact Mr. Terry Reed at 847-716-3024 or tsr1@credentialssolutions.com and register your institution. Please note that there is no cost to be a Receiving Institution in the TranscriptsNetwork. PrivacyPrivacy and Otheand Other Inforr Informationmation This Official Transcript is for delivery to the above-named "Intended Recipient". If you are not the "Intended Recipient", please notify the Office of the Registrar at Metropolitan State University of Denver. You are not permitted to copy or alter this document. You may not forward this document or disclose its contents to any person or organization other than the "Intended Recipient" without the express written permission of the student. If this document is copied or printed, the words "PRINTED COPY" will appear in the replicated transcript image. You may verify the authenticity of this electronic document and have us independently certify that the document has not been altered since its creation by going to https://www.credentials-inc.com/cgi-bin/cicgipdf.pgm?VALID and following the instructions for transcript certification. In the interest of security and privacy, we delete this Official Academic Transcript from our server 48 hours after it is initially downloaded excluding weekends and holidays. If a replacement is subsequently needed, the requesting party must order another transcript from Metropolitan State University of Denver. If you have any questions about this document or require further assistance, please contact Credentials Customer Service at (847) 716-3005. Our operators are available from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday through Thursday and 7:00 am to 5:00 pm on Fridays (Central Time).
  • 2. KARIN BALDWIN 1251 SUTTON LOOP REFNUM: 20057392367 FAIRBANKS, AK 997012738 Karin N. Baldwin P. O. Box 119 Peyton, CO 80831 Date Issued: 01/12/2016 SSN: xxx-xx-8045 DOB: 12/17/xxxx Page 1 Course Level: Undergraduate Current School: College of Business Current Major(s): Accounting Undergraduate TRANSFER CREDIT(S) ACCEPTED BY MSU Denver '90 -- '90 Colorado State University 90 Credit(s) Course Title Cr Gr GT Summer 1994 ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I 3.00 A ECO 202 Principles of Economics-Micro 3.00 A MKT 300 Principles of Marketing 3.00 B Attempted: 9.00 Earned: 9.00 Sem gpa: 3.67 Fall 1994 ACC 202 Principles of Accounting II 3.00 B ACC 309 Income Tax I 3.00 B MGT 221 Legal Environment Business I 3.00 A MKT 304 Managerial Communications 3.00 B Attempted: 12.00 Earned: 12.00 Sem gpa: 3.25 Spring 1995 ACC 310 Income Tax II 3.00 B ACC 340 Cost Accounting 3.00 C ECO 201 Principles of Economics-Macro 3.00 B FIN 330 Managerial Finance 3.00 NC MGT 453 Organizational Behavior 3.00 B Attempted: 15.00 Earned: 12.00 Sem gpa: 2.75 Summer 1995 ACC 351 Intermediate Accounting I 3.00 NC FIN 330 Managerial Finance 3.00 A Attempted: 6.00 Earned: 3.00 Sem gpa: 4.00 Fall 1995 ACC 320 Governmental Accounting 3.00 A ACC 330 Intro to Accounting Systems 3.00 B ACC 352 Intermediate Accounting II 3.00 B MGT 322 Legal Environment Business II 3.00 A Attempted: 12.00 Earned: 12.00 Sem gpa: 3.50 Spring 1996 ACC 351 Intermediate Accounting I 3.00 A ACC 420 Auditing 3.00 B ACC 451 Advanced Accounting I 3.00 A SPE 190 American Sign Language I 3.00 C Attempted: 12.00 Earned: 12.00 Sem gpa: 3.25 Totals Earned Crs. GPA Crs. Grade Points GPA Transfer 90.00 MSU Denver 60.00 60.00 198.00 3.30 Total 150.00 60.00 198.00 3.30
  • 3. Transcript Guide FICE ID number 001360 Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver) is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Prior to July 2012, the Universitys name was Metropolitan State College of Denver, and before 1990 it was Metropolitan State College. All credits are articulated in semester hours. Prior to Summer Semester 1976, the University operated on the quarter system. A quarter credit is equivalent to 2/3 of a semester credit. COURSE NUMBERING GRADES GRADE NOTATIONS Prior to Spring 1998 Grade Grade Quality Points AP = Advanced Placement Credit AU = Course Audit Below 100 Remedial (discontinued Summer 1971) A+ 4.00 AW = Administrative Withdrawal A 4.00 CC = Continuing Correspondence 100-199 Primarily freshman-level A- 3.67 Course Only 200-299 Primarily sophomore-level B+ 3.33 CL = College Level Examination Program 300-399 Primarily junior-level B 3.00 Credit 400-499 Primarily senior-level B- 2.67 EX = Departmental Course Examination 500- Postbaccalaureate C+ 2.33 Credit C 2.00 I = Incomplete is assigned when the Effective Spring 1998 C- 1.67 student, in consultation with faculty, 1000-1999 Primarily freshman-level D+ 1.33 has agreed to make up assignments 2000-2999 Primarily sophomore-level D 1.00 P = Pass, P is equivalent to the grade of 3000-3999 Primarily junior-level D- 0.67 D or better 4000-4999 Primarily senior-level F 0 PL = Portfolio Assessment Credit PP = PEP Exam Effective Fall 2010 A# All grades accompanied by the # symbol are calculated in the grade point average (GPA), nor are they counted toward graduation. S = Satisfactory, S is equivalent to the 5000-6999 Primarily graduate-level B# grade of C or better C# SA = Study Abroad D# SE = Satisfactory in Education, SE is F# equivalent to the grade of B or better S# SN = Study Abroad, no credit U# NR = Not Reported SP# U = Unsatisfactory U is equivalent to the grade of F GT - GUARANTEED TRANSFER UE = Unsatisfactory in Education, This column indicates courses approved for the Statewide General Education Transfer Program among Colorado Public Institutions. UE is equivalent to the grade of F W = Withdrawal ADDITIONAL NOTATIONS IP = In Progress Advanced Placement (AP): Prior to Spring 1998, CEEB high school AP credit appears as MSU Denver course credit with an AP grade notation. From Spring 1998 forward, Advanced Placement credit appears as a block of transfer credit. College Level Examination Program (CLEP): Prior to Spring 1998, CLEP General and Subject examination credit appears with a CL grade notation. From Spring 1998 forward, CLEP credit appears as a block of transcript credit. Departmental Course Examination: Credit by examination for MSU Denver courses appears with an EX grade notation. FYS: First Year Success Course Portfolio Assessment: MSU Denver course credit approved by an academic department and college committee, which appears with a PL grade notation. Proficiency Examination Program (PEP): Prior to Spring 1998, PEP credit appears with a PP grade notation. From Spring 1998 forward, PEP credit appears as a block of transfer credit. SL: Service Learning Course Transfer: The name of the college or other source of credit appears with the years of attendance and total semester credits accepted. Inter-Institutional and Study Abroad Programs: MSU Denver participates in programs which allow MSU Denver students to register for courses at participating colleges. The college abbreviation will usually appear in the course title or as the course subject code. However, the subject code and course number of the other college will sometimes appear instead of the course title. The credit and grade for the course count in the MSU Denver totals, except when carrying a # symbol/notation (please see Grades above), or a subject code beginning with an X, e.g. XMA 100. Following are abbreviations for the participating colleges and universities: ARC - Arapahoe Community College; ASC - Adams State University; CCD - Community College of Denver; CUA - University of Colorado Study Abroad Program; FRC - Front Range Community College; MSC - Colorado Mesa University; RRC - Red Rocks Community College; STA - Study Abroad; UCD - University of Colorado at Denver; WSC - Western State Colorado University. NC = No Credit, this notation is strictly non-punitive and indicates approved withdrawal, course repetition or non-completion of course requirements SP = Self-Paced TF = Technical Failure WF = Withdrew Failing WP = Withdrew Passing This Academic Transcript from Metropolitan State University of Denver located in Denver, CO subject to, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Credentials Inc. of Northfield, IL is acting on behalf of Metropolitan State University of Denver in facilitating the delivery of academic transcripts from Metropolitan State University of Denver to other colleges, universities and third parties using the Credentials TranscriptsNetwork. This secure transcript has been delivered electronically by Credentials Inc. in a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. Please be aware that this layout may be slightly different in look than Metropolitan State University of Denvers printed/mailed copy, however it will contain the identical academic information. Depending on the school and your capabilities, we also can deliver this file as an XML document or an EDI document. Any questions regarding the validity of the information you are receiving should be directed to: Office of the Registrar, Metropolitan State University of Denver, Campus Box 84, P.O. Box 173362, Denver, CO, 80217-3362 Tel: (303) 556-3991. Office of the Registrar Campus Box 84 P.O. Box 173362 Denver, CO 80217-3362 303-556-3991 Fax: 303-556-3999