Making Sense of Wearables, ITP, NYU, Spring 2015, Class 01
Introduction to the course and review of the landscape over the past 15 years: what has worked, what has not, what are some of the recurring challenges that prevent wearable technologies and wearable environments from gaining mass adoption.
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Making Sense of Wearables: Introduction
1. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
Making Sense of Wearables
ITP, Spring 2015
Class 01
2. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
Seeing & Mediated Reality
3. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
Hearing & Feeling / Touching
Seeing & Mediated Reality
4. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
Hearing & Feeling / Touching
Identity and the Quali鍖ed Self
Seeing & Mediated Reality
5. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
Hearing & Feeling / Touching
Identity and the Quali鍖ed Self
Seeing & Mediated Reality
6. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
Hearing & Feeling / Touching
Identity and the Quali鍖ed Self
Seeing & Mediated Reality
7. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
Hearing & Feeling / Touching
Fashion Dilemmas
Culture, Symbols & Gestures
Intimacy and Communication
Identity and the Quali鍖ed Self
Seeing & Mediated Reality
8. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
Hearing & Feeling / Touching
Fashion Dilemmas
Time, Space, Location & Distance
Intimacy and Communication
Identity and the Quali鍖ed Self
Seeing & Mediated Reality
9. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
Hearing & Feeling / Touching
Fashion Dilemmas
Culture, Symbols & Gestures
Time, Space, Location & Distance
Intimacy and Communication
Identity and the Quali鍖ed Self
Seeing & Mediated Reality
10. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
Hearing & Feeling / Touching
Fashion Dilemmas
Culture, Symbols & Gestures
Time, Space, Location & Distance
Intimacy and Communication
Identity and the Quali鍖ed Self
Seeing & Mediated Reality
11. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
Hearing & Feeling / Touching
Fashion Dilemmas
Culture, Symbols & Gestures
Materials and Materiality
Time, Space, Location & Distance
Intimacy and Communication
Identity and the Quali鍖ed Self
Seeing & Mediated Reality
12. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
- human centered design
- behavioral change
- being better
13. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction13
The Fall from Paradise, Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo, (1508-12)
14. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
The Fall from Paradise, Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo, (1508-12)
And the man and his wife were both naked
and and they felt no shame.
15. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction15
Then the eyes of both of them were opened,
and they realized they were naked; so they
sewed 鍖g leaves together and made
coverings for themselves. Then the man and
his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as
he was walking in the garden in the cool of the
day, and they hid from the LORD God among
the trees of the garden. But the LORD God
called to the man, "Where are you? He
answered, "I heard you in the garden, and I
was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.
Genesis 3:7
The Expulsion Of Adam and Eve from Eden,
Brancacci Chapel, Church of Santa Maria del Carmine in
Firenze, Masaccio,
16. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction16
Linen shirt - Egypt, 3000 BC -- JCrew 2010
17. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction17
Armor of George Clifford ,
Third Earl of Cumberland,
ca. 1580
18. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction18
19. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction19
20. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction20
21. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction21
22. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction22
23. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
"... fashion represents nothing more than one of the many forms of life by the
aid of which we seek to combine in uniform spheres of activity the tendency
towards social equalization with the desire for individual differentiation and
It is peculiarly characteristic of fashion that it renders possible a social
obedience, which at the same time is a form of individual differentiation."
Georg Simmel, On Fashion, 1904
24. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction24
Imitation Distinction
Heredity Individual Variation
Universality Particularity
Submission Sense of Power
Duration Mutability
Femininity Masculinity
Stillness Movement
Receptivity Productivity
Creation Destruction
"As fashion spreads, it gradually goes to its doom. The distinctiveness which in
the early stages of a set fashion assures for it a certain distribution is destroyed as
the fashion spreads, and as this element wanes, the fashion also is bound to die.
(...) The attractions of both poles of the phenomena meet in fashion, and show
also here that they belong together unconditionally, although, or rather because,
they are contradictory in their very nature.
Georg Simmel, On Fashion, 1904
25. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction25
26. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction26
27. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction27
The 'Glasses Apostle' by Conrad von Soest, 1403
28. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction28
pocket sundial, c. 1600
29. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction29
Cosimo I de Medici, Duke of Florence and Grand Duke of Tuscany, 1519-1574
30. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction30
Cosimo I de Medici, Duke of Florence and Grand Duke of Tuscany, 1519-1574
31. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction31
Spinning Jenny, invented by James Hargreaves in 1764
32. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction32
33. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
34. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction34
Inventor Edwin Armstrong gave this radio, said to the '鍖rst portable radio' to his wife Marion in 1923, as
a wedding gift. Photo credit: unknown
35. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
Back to Fashion (and Technology)
36. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction36
Diana Dew, Harpers Bazaar, 1967
37. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction37
Museum of Contemporary Crafts, New York, Body Coverings, 1968,
- photo form Body Coverings catalogue
38. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction38
Museum of Contemporary Crafts, New York, Body Coverings, 1968,
- photo form Body Coverings catalogue
39. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction39
Sonys Walkman, 1979
a technology for a generation that has nothing else to say
40. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction40
LA Gear Light Up Shoes, 1992
41. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction41
MIT Wearable Computing Group, 1995
42. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction42
MUSICAL JACKET, Maggie Orth, 1997
43. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction43
Love Jackets, Despina Papadopoulos, 1997
44. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction44
45. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction45
Alexander Queen for Givenchy
46. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction46
Alexander McQueen Spring Summer 1999
47. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction47
Smart Shirt, Sensatex and Carnegie Mellon, 2003
48. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction48
49. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction49
2006, Hussein Chalayan
50. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction50
Zap Sandal, Jimmy Choo, 2010
51. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction51
Nicholas Kirkwood for Rodarte, 2010
52. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction52
Nicholas Kirkwood for Rodarte, 2010
Chanel, 2010
53. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction53
Nicholas Kirkwood for Rodarte, 2010
54. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction54
55. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction55
under armour 39Om Signal
live athos
56. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction56
57. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction57
58. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction58
Glass-out. Glass was built for short bursts of information and interactions that allow you to quickly get back to doing the
other things you love. If you 鍖nd yourself staring off into the prism for long periods of time youre probably looking pretty
weird to the people around you. So dont read War and Peace on Glass. Things like that are better done on bigger
Rock Glass while doing high-impact sports. Glass is a piece of technology, so use common sense. Water skiing, bull
riding or cage 鍖ghting with Glass are probably not good ideas.
Wear it and expect to be ignored. Lets face it, youre gonna get some questions. Be patient and explain that Glass has
a lot of the same features as a mobile phone (camera, maps, email, etc.). Also, develop your own etiquette. If youre
worried about someone interrupting that romantic dinner at a nice restaurant with a question about Glass, just take it off
and put it around the back of your neck or in your bag.
Be creepy or rude (aka, a Glasshole). Respect others' privacy and if they have questions about Glass dont get
snappy. Be polite and explain what Glass does and remember, a quick demo can go a long way. In places where cell
phone cameras arent allowed, the same rules will apply to Glass. If youre asked to turn your phone off, turn Glass off
as well. Breaking the rules or being rude will not get businesses excited about Glass and will ruin it for other Explorers.
59. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
Fashion Seasons VS Electronics Development
Safety Standards it is not just clothing anymore
FDA: see Like Kale, letting the FDA regulate wearables, is bitter but its good for you
IFCC: international 鍖re code council
UL: underwriters laboratories, not-for pro鍖t organization testing for product safety
CE: Conformite Europeenne, product has met EU consumer safety, health or
environmental requirements
RoHS: Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (related to Waste Electrical and
Electronic Equipment Directive)
ISO: International Organization for Standardization
Lack of Standards
Electronics Packages and volumes
Marketing the Invisible
Who is the Consumer? What is the need?
60. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
- human centered design
- behavioral change
- being better
61. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
62. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction
63. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction63
64. Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 01: Introduction64