S. Renee Wright worked as a secretary for Mt. Hood Piping & Welding from November 2008 to September 2009, where she helped organize their offices with filing, billing systems, and more. While she maintained a friendly and professional manner, she was laid off due to a project slowdown. Since then, the company's president states that Wright has assisted them on various other projects such as taxes, organizing billing onto QuickBooks, and more.
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Mt Hood Reference 2011
1. March 18, 2011
Mt. Hood Piping&Welding,Inc.
PO Box 1266
Boring,OR 97009
To Whom It May Concern:
S. Renee Wrightworkedasa SecretaryfromNovember2008 thru September2009. Duringthat time,
she helpedorganize ourofficeswithfiling,systemset-ups,billing,etc.She maintainedafriendlyyet
professionalmannerwithourclientsandvendors.Due toslow downof projects,we hadtolayher off.
If it were possible,we wouldhire herback.
Since that time,she hasassisteduswithvariousotherprojectssuchastaxes,organizingbillingand
Thank you,
Michael McTeigue,President
Mt. Hood Piping&Welding,Inc.