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Using the Programs
I. Introduction
II. Running mtLine and fdData
III. Input Formats
1. Evaluation of the Line Parameters
1.1. Series Impedance
1.2. Shunt Capacitance
1.3. Elimination of Ground Wires and Bundling
1.4. Symmetrical Components
1.5. Modal Parameters
1.6. Equivalent E-Circuits
1.7. Electric Field Strength at Ground Level Across
1.8. Frequency Dependent Line Model: fdData
2. Description of the Data Deck
2.1. Title Card
2.2. Units Card
2.2.1. Data in Units Card
2.2.2. Example
2.3. Conductor Cards
2.3.1. Data Description
2.3.2. Example
2.4. Frequency Cards
2.4.1. Data Description
2.4.2. Example
2.5. fdData .Keyword Cards
2.5.1. .NODES
2.5.2. .CTLFIT
2.5.3. .DBGFIT
2.5.4. .OUTFIT
2-l 2
3. Description of the Output
3.1. Listing of Conductor Characteristics
3.1.1. Line Parameters
4. Error Messages
4.1. Fatal Error Messages
4.2. Non-Fatal Error Messages
5. Appendix A:
Geometric Mean Radius and Internal Impedance
6. Appendix B:
s Correction Terms
7. Appendix C:
Output Samples
8. Appendix D:
Internal Impedance of Stranded Conductors
9. Appendix E:
Formula by Gary, Deri et al
10. References
I. Introduction
The program mtLineTM calculates the parameters of an overhead transmission line based
on the conductor characteristics and the geometrical tower configuration. The program
can accept any combination of line circuits, phase conductors, and ground wires up to a
total of 100 conductors and 50 phases.
Bundled conductors can be specified as individual subconductors or by describing the
bundle arrangement.
The program can output the line
s series impedance or shunt admittance matrices directly
in phase quantities or in modal coordinates with the corresponding transformation ma-
For transients analysis, mtLine can calculate in modal coordinates the line
s characteristic
impedance, travelling time and velocity of propagation. This information can then be used
in the transients program MicroTranB for the constant-parameters line model. For the
frequency dependent line model, the companion program fdDataTM should be used.
For steady-state solutions, the program can produce n-nominal circuits. This approximate
representation is valid for 
short lines (e.g., I< y, for the length in km and the fre-
quency in Hz). Short-line sections can be cascaded to simulate longer lines. The 7c-nominal
model should not be used for transient simulations.
The general structure of the input data file for mtLine in shown in Table 111.1.
fd Data
The program fdDataTM produces the frequency dependent line model (FDL) for the tran-
sients program MicroTranB.
The required input data for fdData is basically the same as for mtline, that is, the conduc-
tor characteristics and the geometrical tower configuration. fdData can accept a total of 37
conductors and 37 phases.
The structure of the input file for fdData in shown in Table 111.2. The main difference with
respect to the input file for mtLine is the addition of the MODEL card (item [la] in Table
111.2) placed between the TITLE and UNITS cards. Also, optional cards can be added at
the end of the data deck (item [5] in Table 111.2) for finer control of the model synthesis
procedure and output listing options. Another difference with respect to mtLine is that
reactance type 4(tubular model for skin effect) is recognized in the CONDUCTORS
fdData will produce a 
punch file which contains the parameters for the frequency de-
pendent line model. This file can be read directly by the transients program MicroTran
(MT) for an accurate modelling of the transmission line over a wide range of frequencies in
transient studies.
II. Running mtLine and fdData
The file names needed by mtLine are:
Input File (e.g., case1 . dat)
Output File (e.g., case1 . out)
Additionally a 
Punch File may be needed if punched output is requested in the
FREQUENCY card of the input data case. The file names may be passed to the program
by running the program in prompt mode or in command-line mode.
To run mtLine in prompt mode type
The user will then be prompted for the names of the input and output files. Directory path
names can be included.
After entering the name of the input file, the program prompts for the name of the output
file. A default file name is suggested. If the name of the input file is, for example,
"case1 .dat", the name 
case1 . out" is suggested for the output file. Press the
[return] key to accept the suggested default name or type in a different name.
conas the name of the output file directs the output to the screen (
Accidental overwriting of existing files can be prevented by using the switch 
running the program. For example, entering
instead of just "MTLINE" will prompt the user before overwriting an already existing out-
put file.
File names can be specified directly in the command line, thus by-passing the prompts for
the file names. For example, entering
> MTLINE casel.dat, hiland.out, hiland.pun
will create the file "hiland. out" for the output listing and the file hiland. pun" if a
punch-file request has been specified in the FREQUENCY card.
The files names in the command line must be separated by at least one space or by com-
mas. The maximum length of the command line is 64 characters. Directory paths can be
In command-line mode, only the name of the input file is required. If any of the other file
names is omitted, a default file name is assumed. For example, entering
> MTLINE casel.dat
will read the input data from the file "case1 . dat" and will create the files
"case1 . out" for the output listing, and "case1 . pun" for punched output.
As indicated above for the prompt mode option, the switch 
-0can be included in the
command line to prevent overwriting of existing files. For example, entering
> MTLINE casel.dat, hiland.out -0
will prevent the overwriting of an already existing 
hiland. out" output file.
When invoking mtLine in prompt mode there is no prompting for the name of the punch
file. If punch file output is requested in the FREQUENCY card, the name of the punch file
is internally generated, taking the root name of the input file and adding the extension

. pun". For example, if the input file name is "case 1 . dat", the program will assign
the name "case1 . pun" to the punch file. If a different name is desired for the punch
file, the command-line option should be used.
In case of multiple punch file requests within the same data file (for example, for stacked
data cases or for multiple frequency cards), the program will internally generate successive
file names for the punch files. These files will be named "hhmmss .pun". where
"hh : mm : s sis the time of the day in 24-hour notation when the file opening request is
fd Data
The file names needed by fdData are:
Input File (e.g., case1 . dat)
Output File (e.g., case1 . out)
Punch File (e.g., casel.pun)
As in the case of mtline, fdData can be run both in prompt mode and in command-line
To run fdData in prompt mode, type
The program will prompt for the required file names. Press [return] to accept the sug-
gested file names, or type in the desired names. Typing 
condirects the output to the
screen. !command enters a DOS command. Overwriting of existing names can be pre-
vented using the switch 
-0at the command line.
Specifying the file names directly in the command line
by-passes the program prompts. For
> FDDATA casel.dat, hiland.out, hiland.pun
specifies "case1 . dat" as the input file, 
hiland. outas the output listing file, and
"hi 1 and. pun" as the punch file for the frequency dependent line model. If only the in-
put file name is given, e.g.,
> FDDATA casel.dat
default names are internally generated for the output file ("case1 . out") and for the
punch file ("case1 .pun"). Adding the switch U- 0to the command line will prevent
overwriting of existing file names.
III. Input Formats
The format for an mtLine data input file is shown in Table 111.1. The detailed description of
the different items is given in the corresponding section of this manual.
The TITLE card contains any comment between columns 1 and 80. The first four col-
umns may not be blank.
The UNITS card indicates whether the units are S.I. metric or British.
The CONDUCTOR cards specify the type and geometry of the line conductors. The total
number of conductors (phase conductors plus ground wires) cannot exceed 100. (Note:
An N-subconductor bundle counts as N conductors.)
A MARKER card (&END or blank line) is used to indicate the end of the CONDUCTOR
The FREQUENCY cards are used to indicate the frequencies at which the line parameters
are calculated and to request output options. There may be any number of FREQUENCY
A MARKER card (&END or blank line) is used to indicate the end of the FREQUENCY
cards. At this point, another data case can be added, beginning with the new TITLE card.
A MARKER card (&END or blank line) is needed to indicate that there are no additional
data cases.
(Note: The end of the data file will have two MARKER cards, one to indicate the end of
the FREQUENCY cards and one to indicate that this is the last data case.)
fd Data
The format of the fdData input file is shown in Table 111.2.
The main difference with the mtLine input file is the insertion of an extra card, the MODEL
fdData accepts only one FREQUENCY card and there can be only one data case per file.
As a result, there is no need for MARKERS after the FREQUENCY card and to terminate
the data cases.
Optional request cards (. KEYWORD cards) can be added after the FREQUENCY card to
fine tune the model
s synthesis process.
The line-model file produced by fdData is used by MicroTran for the frequency dependent
line model.

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  • 3. Contents Using the Programs I. Introduction II. Running mtLine and fdData III. Input Formats 1. Evaluation of the Line Parameters 1.1. Series Impedance 1.2. Shunt Capacitance 1.3. Elimination of Ground Wires and Bundling 1.4. Symmetrical Components 1.5. Modal Parameters 1.6. Equivalent E-Circuits 1.7. Electric Field Strength at Ground Level Across Right-of-Way 1.8. Frequency Dependent Line Model: fdData 2. Description of the Data Deck 2.1. Title Card 2.2. Units Card 2.2.1. Data in Units Card 2.2.2. Example 2.3. Conductor Cards 2.3.1. Data Description 2.3.2. Example 2.4. Frequency Cards 2.4.1. Data Description 2.4.2. Example 2.5. fdData .Keyword Cards 2.5.1. .NODES 2.5.2. .CTLFIT 2.5.3. .DBGFIT 2.5.4. .OUTFIT I II v l-l l-3 14 l-5 l-6 l-6 1-7 1-9 2-l 2-3 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-l 2 2-14 2-14 2-24 2-26 2-26 2-27 2-28 2-28
  • 4. 3. Description of the Output 3.1. Listing of Conductor Characteristics 3.1.1. Line Parameters 4. Error Messages 4.1. Fatal Error Messages 4.2. Non-Fatal Error Messages 5. Appendix A: Geometric Mean Radius and Internal Impedance 6. Appendix B: Carson s Correction Terms 7. Appendix C: Output Samples 8. Appendix D: Internal Impedance of Stranded Conductors 9. Appendix E: Formula by Gary, Deri et al 10. References 3-l 3-1 4-1 4-1 A-l B-l C-I D-l E-l Ref-1
  • 5. USING THE PROGRAMS I. Introduction mtLine The program mtLineTM calculates the parameters of an overhead transmission line based on the conductor characteristics and the geometrical tower configuration. The program can accept any combination of line circuits, phase conductors, and ground wires up to a total of 100 conductors and 50 phases. Bundled conductors can be specified as individual subconductors or by describing the bundle arrangement. The program can output the line s series impedance or shunt admittance matrices directly in phase quantities or in modal coordinates with the corresponding transformation ma- trices. For transients analysis, mtLine can calculate in modal coordinates the line s characteristic impedance, travelling time and velocity of propagation. This information can then be used in the transients program MicroTranB for the constant-parameters line model. For the frequency dependent line model, the companion program fdDataTM should be used. For steady-state solutions, the program can produce n-nominal circuits. This approximate representation is valid for short lines (e.g., I< y, for the length in km and the fre- quency in Hz). Short-line sections can be cascaded to simulate longer lines. The 7c-nominal model should not be used for transient simulations. The general structure of the input data file for mtLine in shown in Table 111.1. fd Data The program fdDataTM produces the frequency dependent line model (FDL) for the tran- sients program MicroTranB. The required input data for fdData is basically the same as for mtline, that is, the conduc- tor characteristics and the geometrical tower configuration. fdData can accept a total of 37 conductors and 37 phases. The structure of the input file for fdData in shown in Table 111.2. The main difference with respect to the input file for mtLine is the addition of the MODEL card (item [la] in Table 111.2) placed between the TITLE and UNITS cards. Also, optional cards can be added at the end of the data deck (item [5] in Table 111.2) for finer control of the model synthesis I
  • 6. procedure and output listing options. Another difference with respect to mtLine is that only reactance type 4(tubular model for skin effect) is recognized in the CONDUCTORS card. fdData will produce a punch file which contains the parameters for the frequency de- pendent line model. This file can be read directly by the transients program MicroTran (MT) for an accurate modelling of the transmission line over a wide range of frequencies in transient studies. II. Running mtLine and fdData mtLine The file names needed by mtLine are: Input File (e.g., case1 . dat) Output File (e.g., case1 . out) Additionally a Punch File may be needed if punched output is requested in the FREQUENCY card of the input data case. The file names may be passed to the program by running the program in prompt mode or in command-line mode. PROMPT- MODE: To run mtLine in prompt mode type > MTLINE The user will then be prompted for the names of the input and output files. Directory path names can be included. After entering the name of the input file, the program prompts for the name of the output file. A default file name is suggested. If the name of the input file is, for example, "case1 .dat", the name case1 . out" is suggested for the output file. Press the [return] key to accept the suggested default name or type in a different name. Typing conas the name of the output file directs the output to the screen ( console ). Accidental overwriting of existing files can be prevented by using the switch -0when running the program. For example, entering > MTLINE -0 instead of just "MTLINE" will prompt the user before overwriting an already existing out- put file. II
  • 7. COMMAND-LINE MODE: File names can be specified directly in the command line, thus by-passing the prompts for the file names. For example, entering > MTLINE casel.dat, hiland.out, hiland.pun will create the file "hiland. out" for the output listing and the file hiland. pun" if a punch-file request has been specified in the FREQUENCY card. The files names in the command line must be separated by at least one space or by com- mas. The maximum length of the command line is 64 characters. Directory paths can be included. In command-line mode, only the name of the input file is required. If any of the other file names is omitted, a default file name is assumed. For example, entering > MTLINE casel.dat will read the input data from the file "case1 . dat" and will create the files "case1 . out" for the output listing, and "case1 . pun" for punched output. As indicated above for the prompt mode option, the switch -0can be included in the command line to prevent overwriting of existing files. For example, entering > MTLINE casel.dat, hiland.out -0 will prevent the overwriting of an already existing hiland. out" output file. When invoking mtLine in prompt mode there is no prompting for the name of the punch file. If punch file output is requested in the FREQUENCY card, the name of the punch file is internally generated, taking the root name of the input file and adding the extension . pun". For example, if the input file name is "case 1 . dat", the program will assign the name "case1 . pun" to the punch file. If a different name is desired for the punch file, the command-line option should be used. In case of multiple punch file requests within the same data file (for example, for stacked data cases or for multiple frequency cards), the program will internally generate successive file names for the punch files. These files will be named "hhmmss .pun". where "hh : mm : s sis the time of the day in 24-hour notation when the file opening request is processed.
  • 8. fd Data The file names needed by fdData are: Input File (e.g., case1 . dat) Output File (e.g., case1 . out) Punch File (e.g., casel.pun) As in the case of mtline, fdData can be run both in prompt mode and in command-line mode. PROMPT MODE: To run fdData in prompt mode, type > FDDATA The program will prompt for the required file names. Press [return] to accept the sug- gested file names, or type in the desired names. Typing condirects the output to the screen. !command enters a DOS command. Overwriting of existing names can be pre- vented using the switch -0at the command line. COMMAND-LINE MODE: Specifying the file names directly in the command line example, by-passes the program prompts. For > FDDATA casel.dat, hiland.out, hiland.pun specifies "case1 . dat" as the input file, hiland. outas the output listing file, and "hi 1 and. pun" as the punch file for the frequency dependent line model. If only the in- put file name is given, e.g., > FDDATA casel.dat default names are internally generated for the output file ("case1 . out") and for the punch file ("case1 .pun"). Adding the switch U- 0to the command line will prevent overwriting of existing file names. IV
  • 9. III. Input Formats mtLine The format for an mtLine data input file is shown in Table 111.1. The detailed description of the different items is given in the corresponding section of this manual. The TITLE card contains any comment between columns 1 and 80. The first four col- umns may not be blank. The UNITS card indicates whether the units are S.I. metric or British. The CONDUCTOR cards specify the type and geometry of the line conductors. The total number of conductors (phase conductors plus ground wires) cannot exceed 100. (Note: An N-subconductor bundle counts as N conductors.) A MARKER card (&END or blank line) is used to indicate the end of the CONDUCTOR cards. The FREQUENCY cards are used to indicate the frequencies at which the line parameters are calculated and to request output options. There may be any number of FREQUENCY cards. A MARKER card (&END or blank line) is used to indicate the end of the FREQUENCY cards. At this point, another data case can be added, beginning with the new TITLE card. A MARKER card (&END or blank line) is needed to indicate that there are no additional data cases. (Note: The end of the data file will have two MARKER cards, one to indicate the end of the FREQUENCY cards and one to indicate that this is the last data case.) fd Data The format of the fdData input file is shown in Table 111.2. The main difference with the mtLine input file is the insertion of an extra card, the MODEL card. fdData accepts only one FREQUENCY card and there can be only one data case per file. As a result, there is no need for MARKERS after the FREQUENCY card and to terminate the data cases. Optional request cards (. KEYWORD cards) can be added after the FREQUENCY card to fine tune the model s synthesis process. The line-model file produced by fdData is used by MicroTran for the frequency dependent line model.