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MuhammadSheraz Khan
Civil Engineer
Cell: +92 332-9423737
Email: sherazkhandawar@gmail.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/engrsheraz
I have more than 35 years of professional experience in Government civil Engineering
Departments coupled with supervising private consultants like NESPAK and NDC etc; and others,
I am a degree qualified professional civil engineer with extensive experience in Roads; pre stress
concrete bridges, irrigation canal including canals allied structure, supervision of construction of
multiple Projects, operation of canals/ Dams, Headworks, earthen embankment, irrigation
related drainage system, river Training Works/ flood protection works, , guide bunds, spurs in
Rivers ,Irrigation canal roads, in Irrigation Department, as well as projects in communication and
works department of Government Khyber Pakhtunkhawa Pakistan. Supervision of Construction
of different projects, like pre stressed concrete bridge 9 span, each span35 meters length, main
Chashma right bank canal Phase #3, having discharge capacity of 4800 cu sec, constructed by
international firm Texcer, Turkish owned including canal allied flood embankment, flood carrier
channel, siphon, super passages, estimation, billing of Quantity, surveying, leveling , Quality
control, contract agreement, contract TOR, supervision of canal networks system lay out , and
Supervision of construction drainage network, having more than 500 K.M length with field
supervisory , etc Staff of 1000 Engineers and others engineering associate and revenue staff for
supervision on construction works and collection of canal revenue abiana respectively. Worked
in Government communication & Works Department, As well As in irrigation Departments at
various post with different nature of jobs / responsibility tenure.
Road Building & Canal design, superviseconstructionof multiple project,
projects Management.,
Canal project management, operation, design, maintenance, supervision of construction Pre
stressed concrete bridges, supervised Project management in Government Irrigation and
Communication and Works Departments Pakistan respectively.
Page 2 of 8
1. Conducted construction of project under constructions as Projects Director, Project
Manager, Deputy Director, and supervised Canal project Design, surveying, hydraulic and
soil investigation for foundation, pile load testing for bridges, Roads canals , Geotechnical
Investigation, etc.
2. Prepared Punching list of the project under completion, billing & payment, security
release, inception report, monthly progress report of the project under constructions,
specification, supervision of canal roads, bridges and building works construction,
regulate irrigation water distribution in river flow through Head Works ,maintenance of
canal, drains , Supervision construction of new canals named, Main Wada, Thatal, Khano
Khell, Chashma right bank canals etc.
3. Conducted river model study of Indus, kurram river flow for River training Works, spurs,
bunds, Dams, bridges, Headworks Regulator at institute of model testing Nandipur at
Lahore. Supervised design construction of canals, Dams by international firms &
attended wide range discussion, approval of tendering, billing payment, estimation, TOR,
Rate assessment / analyses of rates and specification, surveying, drawing, variation
order, work order, Dumping stone in galvanized iron wire crate 6x 9 mesh in running
water during flood season in river Indus.
4. Administration and financial control of project management, exercise power delegated
to drawing and disbursing officer as Executive Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Deputy
Project Director, Section Officer, Deputy Director Design, Superintending Engineer Head
Quarter in Government engineering Department.
i. Remains from 1980 to 1988 in road in building department as assistant project
management manager.
ii. Remains from 1988 to 2003 in irrigation department as assistant Engineer
through passing Public Service Commission examination of Assistant Engineer in
BPS 17, Government Department.
iii. Remain from 2003 to 2015 in irrigation department as Project management
Manager / Divisional Engineer in BPS 18 , Deputy project Director , Deputy
Director Design, superintending Engineer head Quarter.
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1. Construction of spurs in rivers, flood protection works, guide bund, canal /drains for
irrigation water supply and discharging excess water from water logged area to out flow
point respectively, distribution water through canal net work system having CCA 100000
acre agriculture land as well as collection of Abiana though revenue staff to Government
exchequer Pakistan, amounting to PK Rs. 35.0 (M).
2. 16 years on posted on different post of sub divisional irrigation officer in
Basic pay Scale -17.
3. Completed various projects feasibility study surveying, designing of projects, of canal
roads , Dams, as well as framed PC-1 for projects, processed & got approval from the
competent forum.
4. Supervised Construction of spurs (Flood protection works to cater/Deflect one million
cusec river flood water in Indus river, the biggest river of Pakistan and 16th of the world.
5. Supervise Construction of 3 No. irrigation canal projects 20 to 60 cusec capacity for
irrigation, an area 4500 to 6000 acre of land .Canal names are (Main Wada, thathal &
Khano Khell minor in District D.I Khan).
6. Supervised Construction of CRBC irrigation canal Project, 4800 cusec discharge Including
affiliated construction of cross-drainage works, flood carrier channel and flood
embankment throughout the canal Bank network having a length of 150 K.M, height 10
ft, Road on top and irrigating 0.5 (M) acre of Agriculture land.
7. Supervised construction of Flood protection bund Project 1000 ft around penyala &
Kulachi City for Their protection from the erosion of river flood spill water.
8. Maintenance supervision of the canal network system, providing 1000 cusec in 23
different channel in paharpur tahsil area, of 800 Nos allied staff, Deployed on canal
distribution of water to irrigator,& improvement/ extension of the canal i/c all canal
Road works resealing, drainage infrastructure, earth work de siltation, tile drainage with
sump well & storm water drains infrastructure, slope protection work , controlling the
water through open drain, tile drains 150 K.M length & Nos sump well. & Tube wells
discharging to the open drain for lowering the water table.
9. Supervision of major highways Including surveying, construction ,estimation, tender bid
on BOQ, framing, evaluation, approval, Project Construction from 1980 to 1984 in
Page 4 of 8
Communication and Work Government Department Peshawar as Site Engineer of the
sectional projects work in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa province Pakistan.
10. Supervision of all sub divisional Road, bridges, building work, Project construction,
maintenance, surveying, Load test ,concrete pilling of pre stressed concrete Bridges, of
length 315 (M) and short span bridges 50 meter and remain Assistant Director 1984 to
1988 in communication and works department of Government Khyber Pakhtunkhawa.
11. Administration, supervision of all divisional canals works i/c canals roads & drainage
infrastructure at various divisions at D.I Khan from 1988-2003 in BPS- 17 as Deputy
Project Manager/ Deputy Project Director.
12. All project in the divisional Area related to irrigation canal, & river flood training works,
spurs, guide bunds, Tube Wells, sump Well, canal Road, canal colony, rest houses,
maintenance, surveying, drainage, project inception report, specifications, contract
Agreement, terms of reference, work orders, billing, payment ,drawing and disbursing
officer/Engineer, Project Engineer, Project Manager form 2003 to 2009 in BPS-18.
13. Preparation of project estimate, tendering checking, and contract bid evaluation, award
of contract from 2009 to 2014 as Project Director / Project Manager in Irrigation
Department Peshawar.
Professional of MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Email, Ms Outlook and other internet
January 1980-1988
Sit Engineer/Assistant Director
Communication and Works Department Khyber Pakhtunkhawa
December 1979 to May 1988, Site Engineer/Asstt: Director of Projects of Management
Roads, pre stressed Concrete Bridges, building in Government Department Khyber
Key responsibility were to prepared, Project estimate, drawings, surveying, and
supervised construction ,quality and quantity control of school building, BHU Building,
Page 5 of 8
prestressed concrete bridges at Manduri and Sra khawara respectively in Kurram Agency.
Construction super vision of Alizai Tahsil Building and metal road maintenance of Sadda to
chapari and Khapyanga shingle Road.
Key Responsibility
 To operate all Roads, Building, Bridges, canal.
 To makes survey, prepares estimate, carry out construction works for maintenance
of roads, building as well as new Project schemes and control quality and quantity
and follow drawings.
 To carry out the supervision of Road daily gang staff and distribute monthly salary,
measure new Project work for billing accordingly and supervise working Beldars in
their respective section.
 To maintain Rest Houses in good condition for use of touring officers.
MAY 1988 to 2003
Sub Divisional officer/ Project Control Manager
Khyber PakhtunkhwaIrrigation Department Peshawar
Key Responsibility.
 The operation and maintenance of existing canals net work and Projects supervision
of Roads, buildings, and looking supervisory staff working on sites.
 Supervising project quality control, concrete mixture, and surveying, estimation,
billing, preparing project documentation for approval by the higher ups.
 To prepare estimate for the maintenance of Road in the charge in accordance with
the work plan.
 To supervise and check the work of sub Engineer relating of the survey preparation of
estimate, execution of works and entries in the measurement book according to
instructions issued by the government.
 To maintain stock , T&P register, and maintain works register, for estimate use.
Posted as Assistant director of all Engineering works in sub division of Government
Irrigation Department. Responsible for maintenance of canal networks system, allied
drainage networks systems, flood protection works, Dams, Headworks, Head regulation
Page 6 of 8
point. Project design of canals, surveying and maintenance including allied roads and
buildings ,others structure.
June 2003 to Jan 2015
Project Manager / Deputy Project Director/ Section Officer
Deputy Project DirectorDesign
Key Responsibility,
Preparation scope of work, feasibility of the project , PC-1 of the project including design,
survey, drawing, BOQ , estimate, complete and subsequent approval.
 To maintain all irrigation channels, drains, flood bunds, tube wells, workshops and
machinery in the divisional command.
 Remain Member of the selection committee of Public Service Commission for
recruitment of officer/official, i.e. Zilladar, Sub Engineer, Assistant Engineer,
Computer operator / Assistant in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar.
 To organize and supervise the execution of Projects works so that these can be
suitably and economically carried out with materials of good quality. For this purpose
laid down procedures and specifications Were to be followed.
 To see that no Project work is undertaken without the sanction of competent
 To carry out systematic touring and to stay some nights outside his headquarters if
 To report to the Superintending Engineer regarding serious damage to any irrigation
facility/network system in the divisional area.
 To maintain and operate all canals with designed discharges, to ensure equitable
distribution of water to the farmers. Should watch that the procedures for equitable
distribution are followed by the Sub ordinate SDO and Sub Engineer.
 To train young and inexperienced officers by exercising patience, tact and
sympathetic treatment.
 To confine official correspondence with the Sub Divisional Officer to the minimum so
that undue correspondence does not interfere with the performance of field duties.
 To inspect Sub ordinate SDO office once a year.
 To take action under section 20 of canal Act for supply of water from a canal through
an existing watercourse or change of source of water supply of any land.
 To take action under section 15 of canal act for entering any land adjacent to a canal.
 To take action under section 33 and 34 of canal Act when water is illegally taken.
 To check 150 Acres of the irrigation recorded by the Patwari.
 To take action under section 39 of canal Act when water is wasted.
 To take action under 65 of canal Act for settlement of disputes of farmers.
Page 7 of 8
 To take action under section 17 of canal Act for panelizing the user of canal water.
 To prepare operation and maintenance plan and budget estimates for the project
works, canal Roads, buildings under his charge.
 To prepare complete report for all completed works
 To monitor the utilization of budget. If some surplus is expected he should surrender
it in time.
 To watch the maintenance standards for canals and Roads followed by SDO.
 To see that there is no encroachment on the government land.
 To investigate new schemes, Projects , survey and prepare estimates, arrange
approved budget and ensure proper execution of schemes and utilization of budget.
Superintending Engineer Head Quarter January 2015 to April 2015
Irrigation Department of KhyberPakhtunkhawaPeshawar Pakistan,
Key responsibilities
To view all circle level developments , approval, forwarding to higher level if required.
The administrative unite of the Irrigation Department is the circle in the charge of a
Superintending Engineer (SE) . Who is responsible to the Chief Engineer for Administration and
General Professional control of public works in charge officer of the Department within the circle
a.) To inspect the state of the various works in his circle and toi satisfy himself that the
system of management for operation and maintenance of Irrigation facilities prevailing is
efficient economical.
b.) To watch that there is no delay in the submission of completion reports of major works.
This report has to be submitted on proper form.
c.) To ascertain and report on the efficiency of the subordinate offices and petty
establishment and to see that the staff employed in each division is actually necessary and
adequate for its management.
d.) To examine the condition of surveying and mathematical instrument at the headquarters
of the divisions.
e. To inspect each divisional office in his circle once a year to examine initial accounts, of
stocks, tools and plants, register of works and other divisional books, mode of preparation of
estimates, contract agreement ,contractor account, system of recording plans, etc.
f.) To transfer and post all members of establishment with in his circle with the following
Divisional Officers, Accountants.
g.) Officers others than above who have been specifically posted by the chief engineer to a
particular post or due to special reason.
Page 8 of 8
h.) To arrange mutual transfer of non gazetted establishment outside the circle.
i.) To collect and submit to the chief engineer Yearly statistics relating to expenditure and
revenue receipts for the canal system under his charge.
j.) He is the appellate authority in respect of warabandies.
k.) He is inter divisional coordinator for all matters.
1974 - 1979 Bachelors of science, Civil Engineering,
University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan ,
Major Subjects; Transportation and Highway Engineering, Estimation and Costing
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC)
 English  Fluent
 Urdu/ Panjabi- Fluent
 Pashto  Fluent
 Arabic / Persian  semi Learner / fluent writing
References will be furnished on request.

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Muhammad Sheraz Khan CV (Updated)

  • 1. Page 1 of 8 MuhammadSheraz Khan Civil Engineer Cell: +92 332-9423737 Email: sherazkhandawar@gmail.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/engrsheraz PROFILE I have more than 35 years of professional experience in Government civil Engineering Departments coupled with supervising private consultants like NESPAK and NDC etc; and others, I am a degree qualified professional civil engineer with extensive experience in Roads; pre stress concrete bridges, irrigation canal including canals allied structure, supervision of construction of multiple Projects, operation of canals/ Dams, Headworks, earthen embankment, irrigation related drainage system, river Training Works/ flood protection works, , guide bunds, spurs in Rivers ,Irrigation canal roads, in Irrigation Department, as well as projects in communication and works department of Government Khyber Pakhtunkhawa Pakistan. Supervision of Construction of different projects, like pre stressed concrete bridge 9 span, each span35 meters length, main Chashma right bank canal Phase #3, having discharge capacity of 4800 cu sec, constructed by international firm Texcer, Turkish owned including canal allied flood embankment, flood carrier channel, siphon, super passages, estimation, billing of Quantity, surveying, leveling , Quality control, contract agreement, contract TOR, supervision of canal networks system lay out , and Supervision of construction drainage network, having more than 500 K.M length with field supervisory , etc Staff of 1000 Engineers and others engineering associate and revenue staff for supervision on construction works and collection of canal revenue abiana respectively. Worked in Government communication & Works Department, As well As in irrigation Departments at various post with different nature of jobs / responsibility tenure. DEMONSTRATED SKILLS & ACHIEVEMENT Road Building & Canal design, superviseconstructionof multiple project, projects Management., Canal project management, operation, design, maintenance, supervision of construction Pre stressed concrete bridges, supervised Project management in Government Irrigation and Communication and Works Departments Pakistan respectively.
  • 2. Page 2 of 8 1. Conducted construction of project under constructions as Projects Director, Project Manager, Deputy Director, and supervised Canal project Design, surveying, hydraulic and soil investigation for foundation, pile load testing for bridges, Roads canals , Geotechnical Investigation, etc. 2. Prepared Punching list of the project under completion, billing & payment, security release, inception report, monthly progress report of the project under constructions, specification, supervision of canal roads, bridges and building works construction, regulate irrigation water distribution in river flow through Head Works ,maintenance of canal, drains , Supervision construction of new canals named, Main Wada, Thatal, Khano Khell, Chashma right bank canals etc. 3. Conducted river model study of Indus, kurram river flow for River training Works, spurs, bunds, Dams, bridges, Headworks Regulator at institute of model testing Nandipur at Lahore. Supervised design construction of canals, Dams by international firms & attended wide range discussion, approval of tendering, billing payment, estimation, TOR, Rate assessment / analyses of rates and specification, surveying, drawing, variation order, work order, Dumping stone in galvanized iron wire crate 6x 9 mesh in running water during flood season in river Indus. 4. Administration and financial control of project management, exercise power delegated to drawing and disbursing officer as Executive Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Deputy Project Director, Section Officer, Deputy Director Design, Superintending Engineer Head Quarter in Government engineering Department. i. Remains from 1980 to 1988 in road in building department as assistant project management manager. ii. Remains from 1988 to 2003 in irrigation department as assistant Engineer through passing Public Service Commission examination of Assistant Engineer in BPS 17, Government Department. iii. Remain from 2003 to 2015 in irrigation department as Project management Manager / Divisional Engineer in BPS 18 , Deputy project Director , Deputy Director Design, superintending Engineer head Quarter. CANAL &ROAD MAINTENANCE&OPERATION, project managements.
  • 3. Page 3 of 8 1. Construction of spurs in rivers, flood protection works, guide bund, canal /drains for irrigation water supply and discharging excess water from water logged area to out flow point respectively, distribution water through canal net work system having CCA 100000 acre agriculture land as well as collection of Abiana though revenue staff to Government exchequer Pakistan, amounting to PK Rs. 35.0 (M). 2. 16 years on posted on different post of sub divisional irrigation officer in Basic pay Scale -17. 3. Completed various projects feasibility study surveying, designing of projects, of canal roads , Dams, as well as framed PC-1 for projects, processed & got approval from the competent forum. 4. Supervised Construction of spurs (Flood protection works to cater/Deflect one million cusec river flood water in Indus river, the biggest river of Pakistan and 16th of the world. 5. Supervise Construction of 3 No. irrigation canal projects 20 to 60 cusec capacity for irrigation, an area 4500 to 6000 acre of land .Canal names are (Main Wada, thathal & Khano Khell minor in District D.I Khan). 6. Supervised Construction of CRBC irrigation canal Project, 4800 cusec discharge Including affiliated construction of cross-drainage works, flood carrier channel and flood embankment throughout the canal Bank network having a length of 150 K.M, height 10 ft, Road on top and irrigating 0.5 (M) acre of Agriculture land. 7. Supervised construction of Flood protection bund Project 1000 ft around penyala & Kulachi City for Their protection from the erosion of river flood spill water. 8. Maintenance supervision of the canal network system, providing 1000 cusec in 23 different channel in paharpur tahsil area, of 800 Nos allied staff, Deployed on canal distribution of water to irrigator,& improvement/ extension of the canal i/c all canal Road works resealing, drainage infrastructure, earth work de siltation, tile drainage with sump well & storm water drains infrastructure, slope protection work , controlling the water through open drain, tile drains 150 K.M length & Nos sump well. & Tube wells discharging to the open drain for lowering the water table. 9. Supervision of major highways Including surveying, construction ,estimation, tender bid on BOQ, framing, evaluation, approval, Project Construction from 1980 to 1984 in
  • 4. Page 4 of 8 Communication and Work Government Department Peshawar as Site Engineer of the sectional projects work in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa province Pakistan. 10. Supervision of all sub divisional Road, bridges, building work, Project construction, maintenance, surveying, Load test ,concrete pilling of pre stressed concrete Bridges, of length 315 (M) and short span bridges 50 meter and remain Assistant Director 1984 to 1988 in communication and works department of Government Khyber Pakhtunkhawa. 11. Administration, supervision of all divisional canals works i/c canals roads & drainage infrastructure at various divisions at D.I Khan from 1988-2003 in BPS- 17 as Deputy Project Manager/ Deputy Project Director. 12. All project in the divisional Area related to irrigation canal, & river flood training works, spurs, guide bunds, Tube Wells, sump Well, canal Road, canal colony, rest houses, maintenance, surveying, drainage, project inception report, specifications, contract Agreement, terms of reference, work orders, billing, payment ,drawing and disbursing officer/Engineer, Project Engineer, Project Manager form 2003 to 2009 in BPS-18. 13. Preparation of project estimate, tendering checking, and contract bid evaluation, award of contract from 2009 to 2014 as Project Director / Project Manager in Irrigation Department Peshawar. COMPUTER SKILLS: Professional of MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Email, Ms Outlook and other internet applications. EMPLOYMENTHISTORY January 1980-1988 Sit Engineer/Assistant Director Communication and Works Department Khyber Pakhtunkhawa December 1979 to May 1988, Site Engineer/Asstt: Director of Projects of Management Roads, pre stressed Concrete Bridges, building in Government Department Khyber Pakhtunkhawa. Key responsibility were to prepared, Project estimate, drawings, surveying, and supervised construction ,quality and quantity control of school building, BHU Building,
  • 5. Page 5 of 8 prestressed concrete bridges at Manduri and Sra khawara respectively in Kurram Agency. Construction super vision of Alizai Tahsil Building and metal road maintenance of Sadda to chapari and Khapyanga shingle Road. Key Responsibility To operate all Roads, Building, Bridges, canal. To makes survey, prepares estimate, carry out construction works for maintenance of roads, building as well as new Project schemes and control quality and quantity and follow drawings. To carry out the supervision of Road daily gang staff and distribute monthly salary, measure new Project work for billing accordingly and supervise working Beldars in their respective section. To maintain Rest Houses in good condition for use of touring officers. MAY 1988 to 2003 Sub Divisional officer/ Project Control Manager Khyber PakhtunkhwaIrrigation Department Peshawar Key Responsibility. The operation and maintenance of existing canals net work and Projects supervision of Roads, buildings, and looking supervisory staff working on sites. Supervising project quality control, concrete mixture, and surveying, estimation, billing, preparing project documentation for approval by the higher ups. To prepare estimate for the maintenance of Road in the charge in accordance with the work plan. To supervise and check the work of sub Engineer relating of the survey preparation of estimate, execution of works and entries in the measurement book according to instructions issued by the government. To maintain stock , T&P register, and maintain works register, for estimate use. Posted as Assistant director of all Engineering works in sub division of Government Irrigation Department. Responsible for maintenance of canal networks system, allied drainage networks systems, flood protection works, Dams, Headworks, Head regulation
  • 6. Page 6 of 8 point. Project design of canals, surveying and maintenance including allied roads and buildings ,others structure. June 2003 to Jan 2015 Project Manager / Deputy Project Director/ Section Officer Deputy Project DirectorDesign Key Responsibility, Preparation scope of work, feasibility of the project , PC-1 of the project including design, survey, drawing, BOQ , estimate, complete and subsequent approval. To maintain all irrigation channels, drains, flood bunds, tube wells, workshops and machinery in the divisional command. Remain Member of the selection committee of Public Service Commission for recruitment of officer/official, i.e. Zilladar, Sub Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Computer operator / Assistant in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar. To organize and supervise the execution of Projects works so that these can be suitably and economically carried out with materials of good quality. For this purpose laid down procedures and specifications Were to be followed. To see that no Project work is undertaken without the sanction of competent authority. To carry out systematic touring and to stay some nights outside his headquarters if necessary. To report to the Superintending Engineer regarding serious damage to any irrigation facility/network system in the divisional area. To maintain and operate all canals with designed discharges, to ensure equitable distribution of water to the farmers. Should watch that the procedures for equitable distribution are followed by the Sub ordinate SDO and Sub Engineer. To train young and inexperienced officers by exercising patience, tact and sympathetic treatment. To confine official correspondence with the Sub Divisional Officer to the minimum so that undue correspondence does not interfere with the performance of field duties. To inspect Sub ordinate SDO office once a year. To take action under section 20 of canal Act for supply of water from a canal through an existing watercourse or change of source of water supply of any land. To take action under section 15 of canal act for entering any land adjacent to a canal. To take action under section 33 and 34 of canal Act when water is illegally taken. To check 150 Acres of the irrigation recorded by the Patwari. To take action under section 39 of canal Act when water is wasted. To take action under 65 of canal Act for settlement of disputes of farmers.
  • 7. Page 7 of 8 To take action under section 17 of canal Act for panelizing the user of canal water. To prepare operation and maintenance plan and budget estimates for the project works, canal Roads, buildings under his charge. To prepare complete report for all completed works To monitor the utilization of budget. If some surplus is expected he should surrender it in time. To watch the maintenance standards for canals and Roads followed by SDO. To see that there is no encroachment on the government land. To investigate new schemes, Projects , survey and prepare estimates, arrange approved budget and ensure proper execution of schemes and utilization of budget. Superintending Engineer Head Quarter January 2015 to April 2015 Irrigation Department of KhyberPakhtunkhawaPeshawar Pakistan, Key responsibilities To view all circle level developments , approval, forwarding to higher level if required. The administrative unite of the Irrigation Department is the circle in the charge of a Superintending Engineer (SE) . Who is responsible to the Chief Engineer for Administration and General Professional control of public works in charge officer of the Department within the circle a.) To inspect the state of the various works in his circle and toi satisfy himself that the system of management for operation and maintenance of Irrigation facilities prevailing is efficient economical. b.) To watch that there is no delay in the submission of completion reports of major works. This report has to be submitted on proper form. c.) To ascertain and report on the efficiency of the subordinate offices and petty establishment and to see that the staff employed in each division is actually necessary and adequate for its management. d.) To examine the condition of surveying and mathematical instrument at the headquarters of the divisions. e. To inspect each divisional office in his circle once a year to examine initial accounts, of stocks, tools and plants, register of works and other divisional books, mode of preparation of estimates, contract agreement ,contractor account, system of recording plans, etc. f.) To transfer and post all members of establishment with in his circle with the following exception; Divisional Officers, Accountants. g.) Officers others than above who have been specifically posted by the chief engineer to a particular post or due to special reason.
  • 8. Page 8 of 8 h.) To arrange mutual transfer of non gazetted establishment outside the circle. i.) To collect and submit to the chief engineer Yearly statistics relating to expenditure and revenue receipts for the canal system under his charge. j.) He is the appellate authority in respect of warabandies. k.) He is inter divisional coordinator for all matters. Qualification 1974 - 1979 Bachelors of science, Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan , Major Subjects; Transportation and Highway Engineering, Estimation and Costing PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) LANGUAGES English Fluent Urdu/ Panjabi- Fluent Pashto Fluent Arabic / Persian semi Learner / fluent writing REFERENCES: References will be furnished on request.