This document discusses the importance of a unique selling point (USP) for a business. The author states that life and safety are most important to their business, more so than money. They emphasize honesty and will be there to complete any construction project, with money being a secondary concern. The USP is truncated at the end of the document.
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Muhammet Mustafa Yılmaz 124042 Civil Engineering
1. Assignment #11UniqueSelling Point [USP] (Section 7)
Muhammet Mustafa Yılmaz
124042 CivilEngineering
Thereasonthatmakes it workdifferentfromtheothers, is
theimportantwegivetoourbusiness.Life is safetyimportantto us.
Themoney is not importantetous.Ofcourse, themoney it is
importanttakes in moneyto us thesecond plan.Ifyouhavemade a
constructionwe'll be there.Honesty is always a uniquewealth of data,
oruniquesellingpoint is truncated.