This multigenre story is dedicated to the author's daughter Bayleigh and documents her birth and early years through journal entries, poems, and other short pieces of writing. It describes the author finding out she was pregnant, telling the father and her reaction. It shares the excitement of learning the baby's gender and choosing her name. Further sections detail Bayleigh's labor and delivery, welcome her arrival, and celebrate her first three birthdays. The story provides a loving look at their relationship and Bayleigh's development from infancy through age three.
2. The day I found out you would be joining our lives
It was Saturday May 9th, 2009. I woke up that morning and started getting ready for a
day at Carowinds with one of my girlfriends. Once I got out of the shower, something
came over me and I was feeling very strange. I was a little weary about it because I had
never felt that way before. It came to my mind that I was pregnant but I really didn't think
so. I took a pregnancy test just to ease my mind, setting it aside to finish getting ready
because I was absolutely positive it wasn't positive. About 20 minutes went by before I
remembered to check it again. I was suddenly eager and ran into the bathroom. I picked
it up quickly seeing a plus mark and threw it away with instinct that I wasn't pregnant. As
soon as the test left my hand I realized I was wrong. I was pregnant.
I wasn't completely sure how I felt. Those first minutes are a blur to me. I walked in to my
bedroom in a daze to my phone ringing. It was Christopher, my boyfriend. Without
thinking I picked up the phone and said, "Hello." He had been at work and cut himself
really bad and was on his way to the hospital. I don't think I even heard that at the time
though because I just told him I had to go and hung up.
Moments later, my friend I was going to be spending the day with at Carowinds walked in
and she instantly knew something was going on. She didn't get a word out of her mouth
before I started crying. I was scared and didn't know what to think. I was 26, with a job,
and in a great relationship but it was just so unexpected.
It took me 5 more pregnancy tests before I would call Christopher to tell him that
evening. He was ecstatic. I still was in disbelief the following Tuesday when we had made
a doctors appointment to confirm. I never actually believed it was real until the doctor
walked in the room and said, "Congratulations you two!"
3. Is it a boy or girl?
Your daddy didnt want to know
your sex. He wanted it to be a big
surprise. I won that battle, I could
not wait to start buying you stuff
and I wasnt going with a neutral
theme. We compromised. We did
not want to find out in the doctors
office, so we had the nurse hide
the sex and put it in a sealed
envelope. We had these big plans
to have a family BBQ and open it
there so that everyone found out
all together. Daddy and I couldnt
wait. As soon as we got into the
car, sitting in the parking lot of the
doctors office, we opened that
envelope and read Its a
4. Dear Bayleigh Elizabeth,
I am so over being pregnant! I am patiently awaiting your arrival. I think I
have everything ready, all I need now is you.
To help pass some time I want to tell you about your name. Thank
goodness you are a girl. Otherwise, your daddy and I may have had a
knock down drag-out. Your middle name was easy. You have my middle
name. If you would have been a boy, you would have had your daddys
middle name, Ryan. It was the first name that would have been the
battle. I wanted to name you Tripp Ryan and your daddy wasnt having
it. He was leaning more towards Ethan or Logan. You must have been
meant to be because the second I said the name Bayleigh Elizabeth, for
a girl option, your daddy loved it. We were both sold and agreed
instantly. I let daddy pick the spelling and I love what he came up with.
Its so girly and beautiful. I cant wait to meet you Bayleigh Elizabeth,
hurry up and get here so we can hug, kiss, and hold you.
Love, Your Mommy
December 2009
5. Labor and Delivery day
January 5th
5:00 p.m. I started having some light contractions but nothing serious, Im heading out with your Aunts
and Grammie to eat some Mexican and do some laps around the mall to push you along. Contraction got
real close while walking.
6:30 p.m. We called the doctor and they told me to go to the hospital. Once arrived I was checked.
Although, I was having contractions I was not dilating. Since they can not admit anyone till at least dilated
to 3, they gave me some sleeping medicine to get some rest and sent me home around 8:00 p.m.
January 6th
12:30 a.m. I am having contractions every two minutes and in a lot of pain. Its time to go back to the
hospital. I get there and they instantly admit me and get me my epidural (thank goodness). I sent your
very excited daddy away so I could get some rest. Once I was relaxed and ready to sleep, so I would have
energy for your arrival the nurse came in with an ultrasound machine. After doing a quick ultrasound she
announced to me that I needed a cesarean because you had flipped.
3:30 a.m. I was prepped and ready to go into surgery. Your daddy was acting so goofy in his big
marshmallow looking suit he had to wear to go into surgery with me.
5:05 a.m. You were finally here!! I couldnt be more excited to hold you but I need to go to recovery first
and you need to get cleaned up.
6:30 a.m. you are all cleaned up and are brought into recovery with mommy. I was exhausted and
struggling to keep my eyes open. I hear the nurse tell daddy to come feed you your first bottle. I was so
mad. I just went through all of that and he gets to feed you your first bottle. All my jealousy passed when
the nurse place you in my arms and rolled us back to our room.
6. Bayleigh Elizabeth
Welcome to the world!
Born January 6th at 5:05 a.m.
6 pounds 12 ounces
20 inches long
I know exactly what love is now.
7. Happy First Birthday!
Our first year together went by
so fast! I felt like you were
doing something new everyday.
We had a party for you at the
house. Mommy made your cake
along with some cupcakes all
with big Bs on them for our
little Bayleigh. Our color theme
was pink and brown. Nice and
girly for our precious little girl.
8. Happy 2nd Birthday!
Seriously, you are two? You
are the best little girl. I cant
say that I have gotten any of
the terrible twos. You are
just a sweet little girl. You
love Elmo. We had an Elmo
themed party for your
birthday at the house and
we took you to see Elmo Live
at the Bojangles coliseum.
9. Happy 3rd Birthday!
You love Dora the Explorer so
that was your birthday theme
this year. Remember when I
said you were a perfect little
girl and I had no ideas what
terrible twos were? Well, you
have introduced to me the
horrible threes. Thank you for
not making this parenting thing
as easy as I was making it out to
be. We love you baby girl. Stop
growing up so fast.
10. As I Watch You Grow
Do you know how much you mean to me?
As you grow into what you will be.
You came from within, from just beneath my heart
it's there you'll always be though your own life will
now start.
You're growing so fast it sends me awhirl,
With misty eyes I ask, Where's my little girl?
I know sometimes to you I seem harsh and so unfair,
But one day you will see, I taught you well because I
The next few years will so quickly fly,
With laughter and joy, mixed with a few tears to cry.
As you begin your growth to womanhood, this fact
you must know,
You'll always be my source of pride, no matter where
you go.
You must stand up tall and proud, within you feel no
For all you dreams and goals, sit before you very
With god's love in your heart and the world by its
You'll always be my winner, and victory will prevail.
11. Authors Page
My name is Pamela Williams, I am
the mother of Bayleigh. I am a
Elementary Education major at The
University of North Carolina
Charlotte and will graduate in May
2013. I dedicate this story to my
first and only child, Bayleigh. She is
my heart and my entire