This document discusses multiplayer online gaming. It defines multiplayer online games as games that can be played over the internet with players around the world, connected via a game server. It provides examples of popular online games and notes the advantages of online gaming include connecting to multiplayer games for free and the wide variety of games available. However, it also lists some disadvantages such as online gaming being time consuming and potentially limiting family interaction or encouraging dishonesty.
2. Meaning of Multiplayer Online Gaming
A multiplayer online game is a multiplayer video game which can be
played via a game server over the Internet, with other players around the world.
Online Game is a technology or a mechanism for connecting players together
rather than a particular pattern of gameplay.
Online games are played over some form of computer network, typically on the
Playing Online Games is increasing popularity especially among the young
generation because of the advantages that it offers.
4. Advantages of online games:
Online games is the ability to connect to multiplayer games, although single-
player online games are quite common as well.
Online games is that a great percentage of games dont require payment.
Online games is worth nothing is the availability of wide variety of games for all
type of game players.
5. Online multiplayer gaming attracts millions of gamers around the world that share a
common experience by playing together on a virtual environment that extends beyond
the boundaries of a normal LAN.
Online games support hundreds of players in the same session and this made
possible by the specific architecture used to forward interactions that is based on game
log processing .
Players update the game server, hosting the game session and the server integrates
all the updates into a log that is made available to all the players through the TCP
The client software used for the game connects to the log port and by reading the
log updates ,the local user can interface with actions of other players.
7. Continue
The processing of game logs is a potentially compute intensive operation that
strongly depends on the number of players online and the number of games
Gaming portals are web applications and therefore might suffer from the spiky
behavior of users that can randomly generate large amount of volatile workloads
that do not justify capacity planning.
The use of Cloud Computing technology can provide the required elasticity for
seamlessly processing these workloads and scale as required when the number
of users increases.
A prototypal implementation of Cloud-based game log processing has been
implemented by Titan Inc.(now Xfire)- a company based in california that extended
its gaming portal to offload game log processing to the cloud by using Aneka.
8. Continue
The prototype has utilized a private cloud deployment that has allowed Titan
Inc. to process concurrently multiple logs and sustain a larger number of users.
9. Disadvantages of Online Games:
They even tell lies to their parents or play truant to have more time in the
internet shops.
Time consuming
Lack of communication and family interaction.
Some games can be aggressive and violent.