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Multiple Intelligences for Classroom Teaching
Theory of multiple intelligences
 Each person possesses all the eight .
 Everyone has the capacity to develop all the
 All the intelligences function together in ways
unique to each person.
 Intelligences usually work together in complex
Multiple Intelligences for Classroom Teaching
Who are Auditory Learners?
 They learn through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things
through and listening to what others have to say.
 Interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone
of voice, pitch, speed.
 Make speeches and presentations
 Use a tape recorder during lectures instead of taking notes.
 Benefit from reading text aloud.
 Create musical jingles to aid memorization
 Create mnemonics to aid memorization
 Use verbal analogies, and story telling to demonstrate their point
Auditory Learning Styles
Who are Visual Learners?
 See the teacher's body language and facial expression to fully
understand the content of a lesson .
 Use visual materials such as pictures, charts, maps, graphs,
diagrams, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies, videos,
flipcharts and hand-outs etc.
 Use colour to highlight important points in text
 Take notes or asks teacher to provide handouts
 Illustrate their ideas as a picture or brainstorming bubble before
writing them down
 Often prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information.
 Use multi-media (e.g. computers, videos, and filmstrips)
 Study in a quiet place away from verbal disturbances
 Visualize information as a picture to aid memorization
Multiple Intelligences for Classroom Teaching
Multiple Intelligences for Classroom Teaching
Illustrated Text Books
I look like
Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners
 learn through , moving, doing and touching
 Take frequent study breaks
 They learn through a hands-on approach, actively
exploring the physical world around them
 They may find it hard to sit still for long periods , chew gum
while studying
 Use bright colors to highlight reading material
 Dress up their work space with posters
 Listen to music while they study.
 Skim through reading material to get a rough idea what it is
about before settling down to read it in detail.
Verbal/Linguistic This learner focuses
on words and language to express
themselves and to remember
information. The student will do best at
oral presentations and written tasks
Ideal Profession: a writer, lawyer or poet
Multiple Intelligences for Classroom Teaching
Multisensory Methods
The creative process and learning process, if not the same
thing are so closely associated, we will never be able to
separate them.
-Ron Davis
VAKT Spelling Method
 Say the word clearly
 Say the syllables while tracing the words
 Say the word clearly
 Turn the flashcard over and say the word clearly
 Write the word while saying the syllables
 Say the word clearly
 Check the spelling
 Repeat steps if the word is incorrect
Multiple Intelligences for Classroom Teaching
Multiple Intelligences for Classroom Teaching
What is Logical Intelligence?
Logical intelligence means ability to use
reason, logic and numbers.
Ability to think in patterns making
connections between pieces of
It is generally associated with scientific
and mathematical thinking.
Characteristics of
Logical/Mathematical Learner
They tend to learn better by
Recording information systematically
Setting up experiments (What if?)
Analyzing data
Asking logical questions
Students will be better equipped in
Listing or organizing facts
Applying deductive reasoning skills
Analyzing data
Using graphic organizers
Working with number sequences
Deciphering codes
Creating or finding pattern
Conducting an experiment
Compare & contrast different periods of
Create number sequences & have
a partner find the pattern
Use of "Math manipulatives," such as
pattern blocks, cubes, and geo-boards
Learn to read, write, & decipher
code language
Predict what will happen in
several current-event stories
Environmental movement
Narmada Bachao Andolan
Land reform movement
 Capacity to think in images
and pictures, to visualize
accurately and abstractly.
Visual-Spatial Intelligence
Characteristics of a visual/spatial
These type of learners think in,
 creating pictures in their head to help
them remember information.
 Sometimes they enjoy looking at maps,
charts, pictures, videos, and movies.
Teaching Activities:
: visual presentations, art
activities, imagination games, mind-mapping,
metaphor, visualization, etc.
Spatial Learners
Teaching Materials: graphs, maps, video, art
materials, optical illusions, cameras, picture library,
Instructional Strategies: see it, draw it, visualize
it, color it, mind-map it.
Using highlighters and markers to
colorize parts of a story
Feeling the visual patterns that
appear in the natural world.
Check list for Spatial Learner
If you have strong spatial intelligence
you might learn better by
 Studying pictures
 Watching videos
 Using visual, tangible aids
 Doing mazes, puzzles
 Making predictions
 Using the internet
Musical Intelligence
 Produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch and
Why bring music in
our lessons?
Songs strengthens
the learning process
leads to PMA 
Permanent Memory
Multiple Intelligences for Classroom Teaching
Verbal Linguistic Intelligence
(Word Smart)
is the capacity
to use
Pretend you're
orter- Read the
news, natural
and climatic
 Write song
Develop a
brochure on the
Industries of
India, Natural
Resources etc.
Create Mock UN
Sessions ,Trade
 Create Jingles
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
 Ability to control ones body movements
and to handle objects skillfully
 Use different parts of the body to as a
"rule" to measure different things
 Learn the alphabet and/or spelling through
body movements & physical gestures.
 Embody ( Act out) the meaning of
vocabulary words.
Multiple Intelligences for Classroom Teaching
Interpersonal Intelligence
 Strengths: Understanding and
Relating to Other People
 Those who have strong
interpersonal intelligence are
good understanding and
interacting with other people.
These individuals are skilled at
assessing the emotions,
motivations, desires and
intentions of those around them.
Ideas to bring out Interpersonal
 Experiment with joint story-writing- one
starts then pass it on.
 Analyze the message or moral of a story
with a group- reach an agreement.
 Teach & play a series of non-competitive
 Have students work in pairs to learn &
improve sports skills.
Ideas to bring out Interpersonal
 Assume the perspective of another culture &
discuss a current news item.
 Find the relation of geography/climate to
 Solve complex story problems in a group.
 Conduct an interviewing others research
project & calculate result as percentages.
 Each one teach one new math
Intrapersonal Intelligence
 Capacity to be self-aware and in tune with
inner feelings, values beliefs and thinking
 Teaching Activities: individualized instruction,
independent study, options in course of study, self-esteem
building, etc.
 Teaching Materials:
Teaching Materials: self-checking materials,
self-checking materials,
journals, materials for projects, etc.
journals, materials for projects, etc.
 Instructional Strategies:
Instructional Strategies: connect it to your
connect it to your
personal life, make choices with regard to it
personal life, make choices with regard to it
Naturalist Intelligence
 Ability to recognize and categorize plants,
animals and other objects in nature

 Check list for Identification of Learning Difficulties

Always needs individual instructions.
Finds it difficult to comprehends simple instructions
Finds it difficult to recall instructions and work on
assigned task.
Has trouble knowing how to share/express feelings
Cannot sit in one place for more than 2 mins.
Drops or bumps into things frequently.
Has difficulty with self-control when frustrated.
Rarely shows desire to learn new things.
1 Had delays in learning to speak [Pre-primary]
2 Modulates tone of voice inappropriately; speaks in monotone, or too
3 Has problems naming objects or people
4 Uses vague, imprecise language; has a small vocabulary
5 Speech is slow or halting; uses verbal stalling mechanism (uh, um,
you know)
6 Frequently mispronounces words
7 Uses improper grammar.
8 Often uses hand gestures and body language to help convey
9 Avoids talking (especially in front of strangers, authority figures, or
Is confused when identifying alphabets [both small and upper case letters]
Confused between similar letters e.g. b-d, m-w.
Has problems connecting letters to the sounds they make
Has trouble blending letters together
Has trouble blending sounds together to make words
Has difficulty recognizing and remembering common sight words
Reads very slowly and hesitantly/pauses frequently.
Often misses the syllable while reading.
Often misses words [omission] or adds extra words while reading.
Reads words in reverse e.g. on-no, pam-map.
Misreads words of similar visual appearance e.g. led-let, horse-house etc. [Uses
Constantly loses place or misses out whole sentences. [Alignment]
Ignores Punctuations.
Has poor comprehension of main ideas and themes
Has poor retention of new vocabulary
Has awkward and uncomfortable pencil hold.
Has inappropriate writing posture and paper position.
Demonstrates poor ability to color or write within the lines
Finds it difficult to form letters correctly.
Writes mirror images/ reversals
Uses uneven spacing between letters and words, and has trouble staying on
the line.
Finds it difficult to copy correctly from the board/book.
Disregards punctuations/ capital letters
Has illegible handwriting.
Demonstrates delays in learning to copy and write.
Finds it difficult to complete any written work in allotted time.
Has difficulty in writing letters in correct sequence.
Spells words as they sound e.g. busy- bizzy.
Omits letters e.g. trip tip.
Adds letters e.g. want  whant.
Is confused in spellings e.g. bad-bed, son-sun
Has difficulty with spellings in general.
Has difficulty in discriminating right from left and vice versa.
Cannot spot errors in his own work
Finds it difficult to frame and write simple complete sentences.
Has messy and incomplete writing,
Has difficulty in identifying and reading numerals correctly.
Has trouble in putting numerals in proper sequence.
Writes numbers in mirror images
Has trouble counting numbers backward and forward
Has difficulty recognizing quantities without counting
Has difficulty with comparisons (e.g., less than, greater than).
Has trouble positioning numbers in the correct places (e.g., one on top
of the other), resulting in computation errors
Has trouble distinguishing between symbols i.e. [<, >, =, +, --, 歎, ]
Has difficulty in understanding the concept of carrying over.
Has difficulty in understanding the concept of borrowing
Is confused about basic arithmetic operations & applications. i.e. [+, --,
歎,  ]
Finds it difficult to decode word problems into mathematical symbols
and solve them.
Has difficulty sustaining attention in play activities and work
tasks Is able to pay attention and concentrate.
Does not appear to listen when spoken to directly
Does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish
schoolwork, activities or assigned task.
Has difficulty organizing tasks and activities
Finds it difficult to organize and integrate thoughts.
Consistently loses things. Does not take responsibility for his
Is forgetful in daily/routine activities.
Gives up on assigned task easily.
Is constantly seeking attention.
Is impulsive
Is easily frustrated [Tends to get angry or cries easily]
Finds it difficult to wait for his turn.
Finds it difficult to interacts freely with his peers
Likes to mingle with children younger than him/her.

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Multiple Intelligences for Classroom Teaching

  • 2. Theory of multiple intelligences Each person possesses all the eight . Everyone has the capacity to develop all the intelligences. All the intelligences function together in ways unique to each person. Intelligences usually work together in complex ways.
  • 4. Who are Auditory Learners? They learn through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say. Interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed. Make speeches and presentations Use a tape recorder during lectures instead of taking notes. Benefit from reading text aloud. Create musical jingles to aid memorization Create mnemonics to aid memorization Use verbal analogies, and story telling to demonstrate their point
  • 6. Who are Visual Learners? See the teacher's body language and facial expression to fully understand the content of a lesson . Use visual materials such as pictures, charts, maps, graphs, diagrams, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies, videos, flipcharts and hand-outs etc. Use colour to highlight important points in text Take notes or asks teacher to provide handouts Illustrate their ideas as a picture or brainstorming bubble before writing them down Often prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information. Use multi-media (e.g. computers, videos, and filmstrips) Study in a quiet place away from verbal disturbances Visualize information as a picture to aid memorization
  • 12. Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners learn through , moving, doing and touching Take frequent study breaks They learn through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them They may find it hard to sit still for long periods , chew gum while studying Use bright colors to highlight reading material Dress up their work space with posters Listen to music while they study. Skim through reading material to get a rough idea what it is about before settling down to read it in detail. Verbal/Linguistic This learner focuses on words and language to express themselves and to remember information. The student will do best at oral presentations and written tasks Ideal Profession: a writer, lawyer or poet
  • 16. The creative process and learning process, if not the same thing are so closely associated, we will never be able to separate them. -Ron Davis
  • 17. VAKT Spelling Method Say the word clearly Say the syllables while tracing the words Say the word clearly Turn the flashcard over and say the word clearly Write the word while saying the syllables Say the word clearly Check the spelling Repeat steps if the word is incorrect
  • 20. What is Logical Intelligence? Logical intelligence means ability to use reason, logic and numbers. Ability to think in patterns making connections between pieces of information. It is generally associated with scientific and mathematical thinking.
  • 21. Characteristics of Logical/Mathematical Learner They tend to learn better by Recording information systematically Setting up experiments (What if?) Analyzing data Asking logical questions
  • 22. Students will be better equipped in Listing or organizing facts Applying deductive reasoning skills Analyzing data Using graphic organizers Working with number sequences Deciphering codes Creating or finding pattern Conducting an experiment
  • 23. Compare & contrast different periods of history
  • 24. Create number sequences & have a partner find the pattern
  • 25. Use of "Math manipulatives," such as pattern blocks, cubes, and geo-boards
  • 26. Learn to read, write, & decipher code language
  • 27. Predict what will happen in several current-event stories Environmental movement Narmada Bachao Andolan Land reform movement
  • 28. Capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualize accurately and abstractly. Visual-Spatial Intelligence
  • 29. Characteristics of a visual/spatial learner These type of learners think in, creating pictures in their head to help them remember information. Sometimes they enjoy looking at maps, charts, pictures, videos, and movies.
  • 30. Teaching Activities: : visual presentations, art activities, imagination games, mind-mapping, metaphor, visualization, etc. Spatial Learners Teaching Materials: graphs, maps, video, art materials, optical illusions, cameras, picture library, etc. Instructional Strategies: see it, draw it, visualize it, color it, mind-map it.
  • 31. Using highlighters and markers to colorize parts of a story
  • 32. Feeling the visual patterns that appear in the natural world.
  • 33. Check list for Spatial Learner If you have strong spatial intelligence you might learn better by Studying pictures Watching videos Using visual, tangible aids Doing mazes, puzzles Making predictions Using the internet
  • 34. Musical Intelligence Produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch and timber
  • 35. Why bring music in our lessons? Songs strengthens the learning process and leads to PMA Permanent Memory Acquisition.
  • 37. Verbal Linguistic Intelligence Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart) is the capacity to use language.
  • 38. Pretend you're a newsreader/rep orter- Read the geographical news, natural phenomenon and climatic reports. Write song Develop a brochure on the Industries of India, Natural Resources etc. Create Mock UN Sessions ,Trade Fairs. Create Jingles
  • 39. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Ability to control ones body movements and to handle objects skillfully Use different parts of the body to as a "rule" to measure different things Learn the alphabet and/or spelling through body movements & physical gestures. Embody ( Act out) the meaning of vocabulary words.
  • 41. Interpersonal Intelligence Strengths: Understanding and Relating to Other People Those who have strong interpersonal intelligence are good understanding and interacting with other people. These individuals are skilled at assessing the emotions, motivations, desires and intentions of those around them.
  • 42. Ideas to bring out Interpersonal Intelligence Experiment with joint story-writing- one starts then pass it on. Analyze the message or moral of a story with a group- reach an agreement. Teach & play a series of non-competitive games. Have students work in pairs to learn & improve sports skills.
  • 43. Ideas to bring out Interpersonal Intelligence Assume the perspective of another culture & discuss a current news item. Find the relation of geography/climate to customs/values. Solve complex story problems in a group. Conduct an interviewing others research project & calculate result as percentages. Each one teach one new math processes/operations
  • 44. Intrapersonal Intelligence Capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings, values beliefs and thinking processes
  • 45. Intrapersonal Teaching Activities: individualized instruction, independent study, options in course of study, self-esteem building, etc. Teaching Materials: Teaching Materials: self-checking materials, self-checking materials, journals, materials for projects, etc. journals, materials for projects, etc. Instructional Strategies: Instructional Strategies: connect it to your connect it to your personal life, make choices with regard to it personal life, make choices with regard to it
  • 46. Naturalist Intelligence Ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals and other objects in nature
  • 47. LD CHECKLIST LEARNING DIFFICULTIES CHECKLIST Check list for Identification of Learning Difficulties GENERAL 1 Always needs individual instructions. 2 Finds it difficult to comprehends simple instructions 3 Finds it difficult to recall instructions and work on assigned task. 4 Has trouble knowing how to share/express feelings 5 Cannot sit in one place for more than 2 mins. 6 Drops or bumps into things frequently. 7 Has difficulty with self-control when frustrated. 8 Rarely shows desire to learn new things.
  • 48. SPEAKING SKILLS 1 Had delays in learning to speak [Pre-primary] 2 Modulates tone of voice inappropriately; speaks in monotone, or too loud 3 Has problems naming objects or people 4 Uses vague, imprecise language; has a small vocabulary 5 Speech is slow or halting; uses verbal stalling mechanism (uh, um, you know) 6 Frequently mispronounces words 7 Uses improper grammar. 8 Often uses hand gestures and body language to help convey message 9 Avoids talking (especially in front of strangers, authority figures, or groups)
  • 49. READING SKILLS Is confused when identifying alphabets [both small and upper case letters] Confused between similar letters e.g. b-d, m-w. Has problems connecting letters to the sounds they make Has trouble blending letters together Has trouble blending sounds together to make words Has difficulty recognizing and remembering common sight words Reads very slowly and hesitantly/pauses frequently. Often misses the syllable while reading. Often misses words [omission] or adds extra words while reading. Reads words in reverse e.g. on-no, pam-map. Misreads words of similar visual appearance e.g. led-let, horse-house etc. [Uses Substitutes] Constantly loses place or misses out whole sentences. [Alignment] Ignores Punctuations. Has poor comprehension of main ideas and themes Has poor retention of new vocabulary
  • 50. HANDWRITING Has awkward and uncomfortable pencil hold. Has inappropriate writing posture and paper position. Demonstrates poor ability to color or write within the lines Finds it difficult to form letters correctly. Writes mirror images/ reversals Uses uneven spacing between letters and words, and has trouble staying on the line. Finds it difficult to copy correctly from the board/book. Disregards punctuations/ capital letters Has illegible handwriting. Demonstrates delays in learning to copy and write. Finds it difficult to complete any written work in allotted time.
  • 51. WRITING SKILLS Has difficulty in writing letters in correct sequence. Spells words as they sound e.g. busy- bizzy. Omits letters e.g. trip tip. Adds letters e.g. want whant. Is confused in spellings e.g. bad-bed, son-sun Has difficulty with spellings in general. Has difficulty in discriminating right from left and vice versa. Cannot spot errors in his own work Finds it difficult to frame and write simple complete sentences. Has messy and incomplete writing,
  • 52. MATHS SKILLS Has difficulty in identifying and reading numerals correctly. Has trouble in putting numerals in proper sequence. Writes numbers in mirror images Has trouble counting numbers backward and forward Has difficulty recognizing quantities without counting Has difficulty with comparisons (e.g., less than, greater than). Has trouble positioning numbers in the correct places (e.g., one on top of the other), resulting in computation errors Has trouble distinguishing between symbols i.e. [<, >, =, +, --, 歎, ] Has difficulty in understanding the concept of carrying over. Has difficulty in understanding the concept of borrowing Is confused about basic arithmetic operations & applications. i.e. [+, --, 歎, ] Finds it difficult to decode word problems into mathematical symbols and solve them.
  • 53. STUDY SKILLS Has difficulty sustaining attention in play activities and work tasks Is able to pay attention and concentrate. Does not appear to listen when spoken to directly Does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, activities or assigned task. Has difficulty organizing tasks and activities Finds it difficult to organize and integrate thoughts. Consistently loses things. Does not take responsibility for his belongings. Is forgetful in daily/routine activities. Gives up on assigned task easily.
  • 54. BEHAVIOURAL DIFFICULTIES Is constantly seeking attention. Is impulsive Is easily frustrated [Tends to get angry or cries easily] Finds it difficult to wait for his turn. Finds it difficult to interacts freely with his peers Likes to mingle with children younger than him/her.

Editor's Notes

  • #23: Pictures of students field trip to Lothal to understand the drainage system of harappen civilization and now.