This math activity sheet contains 10 decimal multiplication problems for students to solve. It was downloaded from an educational website and provides the problems, spaces for students to show their work, and a spot for their name. The goal is to have students practice multiplying decimals by finding the product of each statement.
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Multiplying Decimals
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Math 6
This activity sheet was downloaded from Some rights reserved.
Direction: Find the product of each statement below.
1. 5.81 6. 46.578
x 3.9 x 37.2
2. 63.9 7. 0.65753
x 0.38 x 2.49
3. 60.75 8. 7.3328
x 13.3 x 6.53
4. 75 9. 0.976
x 0.88 x 0.675
5. 734.555 10. 0.0032
x 0.862 x 0.09
Activity Sheet No.19: Multiplying Decimals
Name: __________________________________________ Section: ___________________________