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Munmi Talukdar
Software QA Engineer
Mobile: +919731218057
Email: munmitalukdar@gmail.com
To work in a challenging and performance oriented position with a reputed organization where my
knowledge, expertise and skills can positively impact the organizations productivity and growth.
Professional Training and certification:
 Software developement training in JSpiders Bangalore for 6 months.
Work Experience
 Presently working in Pixelette Technology pvt ltd from 6 months as contract engineer.
Test Automation :
 Extensively worked in Java.
 Good knowledge in Core java.
 Good knowledge of html,css.
Selenium Web Driver:
 Extensively involved in Selenium WebDriver
 Good Experience in Debugging, Executing and Finding the issues in script.
 Expertise in developing Functions for the Frame work.
 Having Experience in Web applications using Selenium Web driver.
 Extensive understanding of ATLC (Automation Testing Life Cycle).
 Extensive work in SQL .
 Good understanding of Agile Methodology
Database Skills :
 Very good understanding of RDBMS concepts like tables, constraints and normalization.
 Strong Knowledge in SQL, using sub-queries, joins, grouping, in-line views etc.
 Ability to write simple, medium & complex SQL queries.
Manual testing experience:
 Extensively worked on Software Test Life Cycle.
 Experience in writing Test cases.
 Extensive knowledge in Execution of Test cases.
 Extensively worked on Functional, Integration and System Testing.
 Ability to handle multiple tasks and work independently as well as in a team.
Technology Profile
Operating System Windows, Unix, Linux
RDBMS Oracle 11g,Oracle 10g
Tools Selenium WebDriver.
Languages Java ,SQL.
Project Summary
#Project 1:
Title: Acadics
Description: This is a college management software which is intended to automate every aspect of
operations and day to day activities of the Institution. By covering aspects means - every aspects, it
includes day to day transactions occurs in a front office, all admission processes of students etc .In short By
using this software means securing the routine activities of the College . College management system is a
simple yet powerful one integrated platform that connects all the departments of an institution namely
office, fees counter, library, hostel, Academi ,events etc.
Environment : Windows 7,Java
Testing Approach : Manual Testing
Duration : Ongoing
Team size : 4 members
Environment : Windows 7,Mysql, java
#Project 2:
Title: Acube
Description: It is a web based application. It is actually a charity page where user have to register first. Then
they can view the images, contact no, their functions and also how to contribute to the charity etc.
Environment : Windows 7, Java
Testing Approach : Manual Testing
Duration : Ongoing
Team size : 4 members
Environment : Windows 7,Mysql, java
Roles and responsibility
1. Writing functional, integration, system test cases for given modules in the application.
2. Verifying the requirement coverage by traceability matrix of linked between requirement and test
Academic profile:
 Completed M.Tech degree(7.92 cgpa) from RCC Institute of Information Technology under West
Bengal Technical University,2015.
 Completed B.E(Applied Electronics & Instrumentation) under Gauhati University from Assam.
 Completed Higher Secondary from Darrang College from Assam.
 Completed High school leaving certificate exam from Tezpur Town Girls Higher Secondary School
from Assam.
Personal Details:
Gender : Female
Marital status : Single
Present Address: Munmi Talukdar
Kacharakanahalli ,hennur cross,560084
Permanent Address: Munmi Talukdar.
Jyoti nagar,mazgaon

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  • 1. Munmi Talukdar Software QA Engineer Mobile: +919731218057 Email: munmitalukdar@gmail.com Objective: To work in a challenging and performance oriented position with a reputed organization where my knowledge, expertise and skills can positively impact the organizations productivity and growth. Professional Training and certification: Software developement training in JSpiders Bangalore for 6 months. Work Experience Presently working in Pixelette Technology pvt ltd from 6 months as contract engineer. Test Automation : Extensively worked in Java. Good knowledge in Core java. Good knowledge of html,css. Selenium Web Driver: Extensively involved in Selenium WebDriver Good Experience in Debugging, Executing and Finding the issues in script. Expertise in developing Functions for the Frame work. Having Experience in Web applications using Selenium Web driver. Extensive understanding of ATLC (Automation Testing Life Cycle). Extensive work in SQL . Good understanding of Agile Methodology Database Skills : Very good understanding of RDBMS concepts like tables, constraints and normalization. Strong Knowledge in SQL, using sub-queries, joins, grouping, in-line views etc. Ability to write simple, medium & complex SQL queries. Manual testing experience: Extensively worked on Software Test Life Cycle. Experience in writing Test cases. Extensive knowledge in Execution of Test cases. Extensively worked on Functional, Integration and System Testing. Ability to handle multiple tasks and work independently as well as in a team.
  • 2. Technology Profile Operating System Windows, Unix, Linux RDBMS Oracle 11g,Oracle 10g Tools Selenium WebDriver. Languages Java ,SQL. Project Summary #Project 1: Title: Acadics Description: This is a college management software which is intended to automate every aspect of operations and day to day activities of the Institution. By covering aspects means - every aspects, it includes day to day transactions occurs in a front office, all admission processes of students etc .In short By using this software means securing the routine activities of the College . College management system is a simple yet powerful one integrated platform that connects all the departments of an institution namely office, fees counter, library, hostel, Academi ,events etc. Environment : Windows 7,Java Testing Approach : Manual Testing Duration : Ongoing Team size : 4 members Environment : Windows 7,Mysql, java #Project 2: Title: Acube Description: It is a web based application. It is actually a charity page where user have to register first. Then they can view the images, contact no, their functions and also how to contribute to the charity etc. Environment : Windows 7, Java Testing Approach : Manual Testing Duration : Ongoing Team size : 4 members Environment : Windows 7,Mysql, java Roles and responsibility 1. Writing functional, integration, system test cases for given modules in the application. 2. Verifying the requirement coverage by traceability matrix of linked between requirement and test cases. Academic profile: Completed M.Tech degree(7.92 cgpa) from RCC Institute of Information Technology under West Bengal Technical University,2015. Completed B.E(Applied Electronics & Instrumentation) under Gauhati University from Assam. Completed Higher Secondary from Darrang College from Assam.
  • 3. Completed High school leaving certificate exam from Tezpur Town Girls Higher Secondary School from Assam. Personal Details: Gender : Female Marital status : Single Present Address: Munmi Talukdar Kacharakanahalli ,hennur cross,560084 Permanent Address: Munmi Talukdar. Jyoti nagar,mazgaon Nikamul,pin-784001,Assam