Muse is a rock band from England formed in 1994 that has dipped into multiple genres including grunge, pop, and dubstep. They won a Grammy for Best Rock Album in 2010. The band includes Matthew Bellamy, Dominic Howard, and Chris Wolstenholme. They have released 6 studio albums and 4 live albums. The author is a big fan of Muse and has been to two of their concerts. Muse engages with fans through robust online presences including their website, social media accounts, and a dedicated fan forum. They strive to dedicate themselves to their music and their fans.
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1. Muse and the World
2. What is a " Muse"?
Muse is a rock band from England. They've been together for ages and have
dipped into many different genres of music; grunge, pop, dubstep, etc.
Their main recordings and songs tend to follow the rock genre, so I just labelled
them as that. If anything, they're more eccentric and unique. It's hard to pin
down their exact genre. Also they won 2010's Grammy for Best Rock Album.
Since 2014 marks the 20th anniversary of Muse's formation, I feel like they were
the only choice for me.
Muse includes members: Matthew Bellamy (lead vocals, lead guitar, keytar
(yes keytar, it is amazing), piano), Dominic Howard (percussion) and Chris
Wolstenholme (bass, some vocals, keyboard).
3. Releases
Overall, Muse has released 6 studio albums, and 4
live albums . Here are my highlights.
First Album
Favourite Album
Favourite Track
Black Holes and Revalations
Their latest release, The 2nd Law
has my favourite track, Panic
Muse has sold over 15 million albums worldwide!
4. Social Media Presence
Muse has one of the best websites I've seen for a band. is like a
HUB of information and connections to the Muse world.
? is that band's official site, where it has everything a fandom
needs. Tour dates, merchandise, twitter feeds, social media link, etc.
Speaking of social media, Muse also has accounts for twitter (band as a
whole, and personal accounts), facebook (personal and band accounts),
myspace (who even does that any more, Muse apparently with personal
and band links), youtube, and bebo.
5. The board.
The forum is THE place to be for Muse fans. With over 570,000 members, it is the easiest way to make Muse
6. My Experience
I used to go on the Muse forum all the time, especially when a concert
was coming up. I've been to two Muse shows, both in Toronto, one in 2013
and one in 2010.
I met some good people on there from my hometown, and we bonded
and still talk from time to time on facebook.
As well, I have a few friends from England that enjoy Muse just as much as I
I find the older I get, the less crazy I get about fandoms. I like to enjoy
myself, enjoy the music or tv show or whatever to myself and people I like.
Sometimes little girls and people in general can ruin things or make it
annoying to think about.
7. Engaging your Audience
Does Muse engage their audience?
Sometimes. My friend got a tweet from Dom (drummer) and died a bit.
Matt does not usually tweet at all, nor does he really talk at concerts so that is not surprising. He sticks to
his talent: being an awesome musician.
Chris has a bunch of kids, and tweets on the important days, etc.
Each member also talks about important things and dates on their social media feed.
Their collective band twitter account, @muse is used for updates and important things.
8. Can they Improve?
Sure! It'd be nice to get a tweet from anyone famous, but it is sort of
unrealistic. And to be honest, most of the time people who spend their
lives tweeting tend to annoy people. Your tweet may seem important to
you and important to get to that person but they probably won't see it
and you're clogging my timeline. Stop.
But overall, whoever runs their social media does a great job in ensuring
that fans are informed of the important stuff, and the forum members take
care of all the other stuff. And Muse always does little contests for exclusive
clips and stuff. It is fantastic.
9. Muse's App.
Muse also created a Muse360 app, available in the Apple App store. This is a viewer for their concert, Origin of
Symmetry Live at Reading. This app allows you to zoom in and out on the 5 live 360 cameras they used. It's a pretty
amazing experience.
10. Street teams?
Muse had very humble origins, and they've always done what they wanted to
do. Their styles and songs reflect how they feel about music and what they truly
As a fan this is refreshing. Many bands fall into the wrong hands and go a
completely different direction than they originally started as. They've always
done music for themselves and if people liked it, all the better.
That being said, I don't see Muse going out and pounding the pavement.
Personally I think as a band that's old over 15 million CDs, they don't have too.
They do have people who will place posters, put ads out, etc. As much as
they'd probably like to, their time could be better used relaxing after the
extremely long tours they do, or spending time recording music or with their
11. Muse is completely dedicated to their fans and music, and I personally think that they
don't need to go out and put their name out. They've done tracks for many popular
movies (the Twilight saga for example, as Stephanie Meyer is a huge Muse fan). They
show their dedication and feelings about fans by playing amazing concerts, doing
meet and greets and producing quality music.
Their music of course has grown over time but you can see their roots and influences
with every new album they put out. They're a band that is focused on their music, and
enjoying what they're doing.
Panic Station is one of my favourite songs for this reason, it is a funky song and the
video is hilarious. It is them having a great time in Japan, doing what they want too.
They're all very talented and their work has paid off. As much as I liked being one of
the few people around who knew about them years ago, I love talking to people
about them and being able to find friends who enjoy similar music.
12. The Muse Cycle
Muse works
on a great
Muse gets
some rest
People go to
more than
one per tour)
I feel like this cycle best describes
my experience with Muse.
The album is
People buy
the album
Muse goes on
tour for
They're one of the few bands that
I'm willing to shell out money for,
rather than just streaming the
As well, I'm friends with some
dedicated fans who've went to
three or four shows per tour. One
girl even went to London just to see
them, even after seeing them in
Toronto and Detroit a month prior.
13. First Concert
March 9th 2010
My experience with this concert was unforgettable. I
managed to wrangle two floor tickets for myself and
my boyfriend and we were at the barrier for the entire
show. It was amazing to be RIGHT in front of a band
I'd admired for so long. It was tiring and I was pushed
a lot, but I held my ground and stood in my spot the
entire 2 hour set. It was an incredible concert because
it showed they really loved what they were doing.
My own photo
14. How I feel as a fan...
I feel as if Muse is one of the more accessible bands on the internet. At least the
ones I listen to and enjoy. I tend to stay away from tweeting or posting on their
facebook pages because I don't feel the need too, but the Muse online
community is such a vast one. It's so great to be able to have found friends in my
hometown from one website, and I'm thankful for Muse because they did this.
Through their music and talent, they've brought thousands of people together.
15. My Personal
I feel as if I may not be alone
in this pattern, but may just be
one of many that falls into it.
Find new artist/band
you love.
Get any and all
information on them
Go to a concert/
then fall into Post
concert depression.
Listen to their music
until you can't listen
any more.
Slowly find a new
thing to obsess
about, maintaining
your feelings but
suppress them lightly.
16. Muse in the
I think Muse has a great thing going.
They know, or their PR does, how to
use social media to their
advantage. By having accounts on
all the popular social networks,
they're ensuring that the most
amount of fans can access
information about them. This is the
best thing for any band. You need
to get your information out there
but also make sure that people pay
attention. Muse does just that by
helping their fans come together
from all over the world.
17. Thank you.
Thank you, if you've viewed my power point up until this area. If you go to
the next slide, you'll see a great video, which I may have talked about in
this presentation.