This document provides information on the development of museums and roadside attractions in the United States. It discusses how museums were established in the 1700s and grew in popularity in the mid-1800s to early 1900s. It then outlines how car culture in the 1940s led to the rise of roadside attractions across the country, listing unique attractions by state ranging from giant sculptures to oddity collections. The document aims to showcase the variety of museums and tourist destinations across the US.
The top 5 most expensive cities in the world are Moscow, London, Seoul, Tokyo, and Hong Kong according to Mercer HR Consulting. London is the capital city of the United Kingdom and has a population centered around its historic sites, museums, and as a global financial center despite challenges from Brexit.
The document provides a marketing update and strategy for 2016-2017 for the Isle of Man tourism board. The key points are:
1) The strategy aims to increase visitor spending, retention and numbers through digital campaigns, social media, websites and literature.
2) Marketing activities in 2016-2017 included launching a new website with online booking, increasing digital advertising and PR campaigns featuring Ray Mears that generated over 贈2 million in coverage.
3) Digital efforts like the website, email newsletters, and social media saw large growth, and video is being used more to showcase island activities. Advertising included print, outdoor displays in UK stations, and TV spots in regional networks.
Museology involves the history, collection, research, and preservation of artifacts. It is an interdisciplinary field that draws from subjects like art history, conservation, and museum studies. The document outlines the key areas of various disciplines like biology, physics, chemistry, earth science, and social science. It stresses the importance of understanding different fields of study and respecting colleagues from various disciplines as many areas are interrelated.
This document outlines 10 key digital travel trends for 2017 based on various statistics. The trends include: millennials becoming the top consumer segment; independent and solo travel rising; the growing importance of female travelers; online booking overtaking offline in Europe; increased booking of tours and activities online; consumers prioritizing experiences over material goods; travel planning and booking becoming a multi-device process; heavy online travel content consumption; frequent pre-booking online research; and the rise of video as a content format. It also outlines the typical traveler journey process and recommendations for each stage.
The document describes various techniques for developing and maintaining a medical pathology museum, including collecting, preparing, fixing, restoring, preserving, and presenting specimens. Specimens are fixed using the Kaiserling method to arrest decay and stabilize tissues. The museum exhibits specimens to teach students and is divided into sections like anatomy, histology, and current topics. Plastination allows specimens to be touched and preserved long-term. Proper cataloging and storage helps identify specimens for research and teaching.
The document discusses the origins and founding of the Los Angeles County Museum of History, Science and Art (LACMA). It describes how Agricultural Park, originally a site for gambling and drinking, was transformed into Exposition Park by William M. Bowen. Bowen advocated shutting down Agricultural Park due to its negative influence. The museum was then founded in Exposition Park in 1910 by a board of directors representing local institutions. It opened with diverse exhibits representing the county's history, art, science and more. The museum's opening celebration in 1913 coincided with the opening of the Los Angeles Aqueduct, marking Los Angeles' growth.
Dallas, Texas offers many attractions that celebrate its cowboy culture and history including the Dallas Cowboys stadium, cattle drives downtown, and Southfork Ranch from the TV show Dallas. The document provides overviews of numerous free and low-cost family-friendly activities in and around Dallas such as parks, museums, concerts, sports teams, and more. Dallas has something fun for everyone to discover.
This document provides a summary of various events happening in August and September 2015, including:
- An exhibit on the Gold Rush in British Columbia running through November 1st.
- The USA Pro Challenge, an elite cycling race through Colorado from August 17th-23rd.
- The World Bodysurfing Championships in Oceanside, California on August 22nd-23rd.
- The Hoops for Hope basketball event in Seattle, Washington on August 29th-30th benefiting charity.
- The National Book Festival in Washington D.C. on September 5th.
- The Seattle Mini Maker Faire on September 19th-20th celebrating invention and creativity.
A 7-Day Road Trip to Western United Statesmit Yasin Buz
This document summarizes a 7-day road trip through the western United States, including stops in San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and the Grand Canyon. Some key points visited included Alcatraz Island, Golden Gate Bridge, Apple headquarters, Tesla headquarters, Hollywood Walk of Fame, Universal Studios, Stratosphere Tower, Grand Canyon helicopter tour. A variety of activities were done including sightseeing, visiting museums, attending a basketball game and casino gambling. The total spent on the trip was approximately $2500.
This document provides information on various upcoming events in March and April, including art exhibitions in Vancouver and New York, music festivals in Miami and Boise, a cherry blossom festival in Washington D.C., food and wine events in Santa Barbara and San Antonio, and a production of Phantom of the Opera in Seattle. It also shares details on the Texas Pinball Festival in March and celebrations for Anchorage's 100th anniversary.
This document provides an overview of Wikipedia in museums. It discusses the Children's Museum partnership with Wikipedia, what Wikipedia and GLAM are, and the mission and benefits of museums collaborating with Wikipedia. It outlines initiatives like edit-a-thons, image donations, and featured article collaborations. It also discusses Wikipedia policies and culture, the growth of the GLAM initiative, and resources for museums through the GLAM portal and US consortium. The overall message is that Wikipedia collaboration can help museums increase global access and engagement with their collections and expertise.
The DC IAMCP Chapter is proud to present 3 Perfect Days in Washington DC, a Local Microsoft Partner's Insider Guide to the host city of WPC 2010 Washington DC! More info about IAMCP at More about Washington DC Chapter:
This document provides a summary of upcoming events in March through April in various locations around the United States. Some of the events highlighted include an interactive chess exhibit in St. Louis through September 11th, a music exhibit in Nashville's Country Music Hall of Fame through December 31st, the Kona Brewers Festival in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii on March 12th, and WonderCon, a pop-culture convention in Los Angeles from March 25th-27th. It also mentions a tulip festival in Skagit Valley, Washington from April 1st-30th and the opening of a new penguin exhibit at the Detroit Zoo on April 18th.
The document provides information about various locations and facts about the Northeast region of the United States. It discusses landmarks such as Niagara Falls, the Appalachian Mountains, Plymouth Rock, Harvard University, and Hershey Park. It also notes key facts about New York City, the economy of Rhode Island involving lobsters and cranberries, and dairy cows in New Jersey.
By now you no longer need convincing. Wikipedia is not only a ubiquitous reference platform for our users, but is also home to a thriving, global volunteer community that is eager to distribute the deeper expertise residing in museums. So now what? As a group of Wikipedians who help museums share content, GLAM-Wiki has made great strides in formalizing over the past few years. But how do museum technologists better connect and interface with this resource? How can we work together to more efficiently share our media, research, and expertise?
This presentation shares the current progress of the GLAM-Wiki infrastructure, offering insights into how museums can best connect with the Wikipedia community in order to share cultural resources on the globally accessible platform. The future of GLAM-Wiki will be considered, including a proposed model that will allow museums to support one another in Wikipedia-focused endeavors.
10 Things You Can Only Do in Brooklyn, from Maria HaymandouMaria Haymandou
In the past 20 years, Brooklyn has gone from a borough people often overlooked to one of the hottest spots in New York City. The phrase "only in Brooklyn" has since become a replacement to "only in New York". Here is a list of 10 things that you can do "only in Brooklyn".
Delta Kappa Gamma Has A Passion For Travel Documentasteagall
The document provides a long list of travel tips and destinations for day trips near Corpus Christi, Texas and longer trips around Texas, organized by region. It recommends beaches, museums, parks, small towns and cities to visit, giving details on attractions and suggestions for things to see, do and eat in each location.
Sharing Best Practices, GLAM-Wiki U.S.: Wikimedia Conference 2014Lori Byrd-McDevitt
Co-presented with Dominic McDevitt-Parks at the Wikimedia Chapters Conference, 2014 in Berlin. Methods for sharing best practices within the Wikimedia community as well as broadly to the cultural sector.
This document provides a timeline overview of major events and developments in human history from the formation of Earth 4.6 billion years ago to around 600 CE. It covers early humans and tool use starting around 2.5 million years ago, the advent of farming around 9000 BCE, early civilizations like ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, advances such as writing from 3400 BCE, and the rise and fall of empires including Persia, Greece, and Rome. The timeline also highlights discoveries and inventions like cave art, metallurgy, and wheeled vehicles throughout prehistory and ancient history.
The document provides information about the 2009 symposium titled "People, Prairies, Partners" held in Wichita Falls, Texas. It discusses the region's geography, climate, vegetation, history of human inhabitation, and establishment of the city of Wichita Falls. It also describes field trips taken during the symposium, including to the River Bend Nature Center and its butterfly conservatory, Wee-Chi-Tah Park, Lucy Park, and the Springer Ranch.
A pedagogical presentation about the tourism posibilities of California, mainly focused on the city of San Francisco. A good model for BAT students in Spain to be followed when producing their own presentations.
Presented at Wikimania 2012 in Washington DC. Describes the State of GLAM-Wiki collaboration in the US, and the work carried out as US Cultural Partnerships Coordinator. Also includes recommendations for the forthcoming months leading to 2013.
The document summarizes upcoming community events in the Mill City neighborhood of Minneapolis from September 24th to November 12th, including:
1) A farmers market and Oktoberfest celebration on September 24th at the Mill City Farmers Market featuring German food, music and dancing.
2) The Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon on October 2nd, which will pass through the Mill City neighborhood along the Mississippi River.
3) Various arts, music and history programs taking place at locations like the Mill City Museum, MacPhail Center for Music, and Three Rivers Park District throughout October.
4) An art exhibition called "Beautiful Dreamer" opening on October 8th at the Form+Content
This presentation will give you a good overview of the attractions available in the Fort Drum area. The list is by no means comprehensive but go out and see what you can find for yourself!
The document discusses the origins and founding of the Los Angeles County Museum of History, Science and Art (LACMA). It describes how Agricultural Park, originally a site for gambling and drinking, was transformed into Exposition Park by William M. Bowen. Bowen advocated shutting down Agricultural Park due to its negative influence. The museum was then founded in Exposition Park in 1910 by a board of directors representing local institutions. It opened with diverse exhibits representing the county's history, art, science and more. The museum's opening celebration in 1913 coincided with the opening of the Los Angeles Aqueduct, marking Los Angeles' growth.
Dallas, Texas offers many attractions that celebrate its cowboy culture and history including the Dallas Cowboys stadium, cattle drives downtown, and Southfork Ranch from the TV show Dallas. The document provides overviews of numerous free and low-cost family-friendly activities in and around Dallas such as parks, museums, concerts, sports teams, and more. Dallas has something fun for everyone to discover.
This document provides a summary of various events happening in August and September 2015, including:
- An exhibit on the Gold Rush in British Columbia running through November 1st.
- The USA Pro Challenge, an elite cycling race through Colorado from August 17th-23rd.
- The World Bodysurfing Championships in Oceanside, California on August 22nd-23rd.
- The Hoops for Hope basketball event in Seattle, Washington on August 29th-30th benefiting charity.
- The National Book Festival in Washington D.C. on September 5th.
- The Seattle Mini Maker Faire on September 19th-20th celebrating invention and creativity.
A 7-Day Road Trip to Western United Statesmit Yasin Buz
This document summarizes a 7-day road trip through the western United States, including stops in San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and the Grand Canyon. Some key points visited included Alcatraz Island, Golden Gate Bridge, Apple headquarters, Tesla headquarters, Hollywood Walk of Fame, Universal Studios, Stratosphere Tower, Grand Canyon helicopter tour. A variety of activities were done including sightseeing, visiting museums, attending a basketball game and casino gambling. The total spent on the trip was approximately $2500.
This document provides information on various upcoming events in March and April, including art exhibitions in Vancouver and New York, music festivals in Miami and Boise, a cherry blossom festival in Washington D.C., food and wine events in Santa Barbara and San Antonio, and a production of Phantom of the Opera in Seattle. It also shares details on the Texas Pinball Festival in March and celebrations for Anchorage's 100th anniversary.
This document provides an overview of Wikipedia in museums. It discusses the Children's Museum partnership with Wikipedia, what Wikipedia and GLAM are, and the mission and benefits of museums collaborating with Wikipedia. It outlines initiatives like edit-a-thons, image donations, and featured article collaborations. It also discusses Wikipedia policies and culture, the growth of the GLAM initiative, and resources for museums through the GLAM portal and US consortium. The overall message is that Wikipedia collaboration can help museums increase global access and engagement with their collections and expertise.
The DC IAMCP Chapter is proud to present 3 Perfect Days in Washington DC, a Local Microsoft Partner's Insider Guide to the host city of WPC 2010 Washington DC! More info about IAMCP at More about Washington DC Chapter:
This document provides a summary of upcoming events in March through April in various locations around the United States. Some of the events highlighted include an interactive chess exhibit in St. Louis through September 11th, a music exhibit in Nashville's Country Music Hall of Fame through December 31st, the Kona Brewers Festival in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii on March 12th, and WonderCon, a pop-culture convention in Los Angeles from March 25th-27th. It also mentions a tulip festival in Skagit Valley, Washington from April 1st-30th and the opening of a new penguin exhibit at the Detroit Zoo on April 18th.
The document provides information about various locations and facts about the Northeast region of the United States. It discusses landmarks such as Niagara Falls, the Appalachian Mountains, Plymouth Rock, Harvard University, and Hershey Park. It also notes key facts about New York City, the economy of Rhode Island involving lobsters and cranberries, and dairy cows in New Jersey.
By now you no longer need convincing. Wikipedia is not only a ubiquitous reference platform for our users, but is also home to a thriving, global volunteer community that is eager to distribute the deeper expertise residing in museums. So now what? As a group of Wikipedians who help museums share content, GLAM-Wiki has made great strides in formalizing over the past few years. But how do museum technologists better connect and interface with this resource? How can we work together to more efficiently share our media, research, and expertise?
This presentation shares the current progress of the GLAM-Wiki infrastructure, offering insights into how museums can best connect with the Wikipedia community in order to share cultural resources on the globally accessible platform. The future of GLAM-Wiki will be considered, including a proposed model that will allow museums to support one another in Wikipedia-focused endeavors.
10 Things You Can Only Do in Brooklyn, from Maria HaymandouMaria Haymandou
In the past 20 years, Brooklyn has gone from a borough people often overlooked to one of the hottest spots in New York City. The phrase "only in Brooklyn" has since become a replacement to "only in New York". Here is a list of 10 things that you can do "only in Brooklyn".
Delta Kappa Gamma Has A Passion For Travel Documentasteagall
The document provides a long list of travel tips and destinations for day trips near Corpus Christi, Texas and longer trips around Texas, organized by region. It recommends beaches, museums, parks, small towns and cities to visit, giving details on attractions and suggestions for things to see, do and eat in each location.
Sharing Best Practices, GLAM-Wiki U.S.: Wikimedia Conference 2014Lori Byrd-McDevitt
Co-presented with Dominic McDevitt-Parks at the Wikimedia Chapters Conference, 2014 in Berlin. Methods for sharing best practices within the Wikimedia community as well as broadly to the cultural sector.
This document provides a timeline overview of major events and developments in human history from the formation of Earth 4.6 billion years ago to around 600 CE. It covers early humans and tool use starting around 2.5 million years ago, the advent of farming around 9000 BCE, early civilizations like ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, advances such as writing from 3400 BCE, and the rise and fall of empires including Persia, Greece, and Rome. The timeline also highlights discoveries and inventions like cave art, metallurgy, and wheeled vehicles throughout prehistory and ancient history.
The document provides information about the 2009 symposium titled "People, Prairies, Partners" held in Wichita Falls, Texas. It discusses the region's geography, climate, vegetation, history of human inhabitation, and establishment of the city of Wichita Falls. It also describes field trips taken during the symposium, including to the River Bend Nature Center and its butterfly conservatory, Wee-Chi-Tah Park, Lucy Park, and the Springer Ranch.
A pedagogical presentation about the tourism posibilities of California, mainly focused on the city of San Francisco. A good model for BAT students in Spain to be followed when producing their own presentations.
Presented at Wikimania 2012 in Washington DC. Describes the State of GLAM-Wiki collaboration in the US, and the work carried out as US Cultural Partnerships Coordinator. Also includes recommendations for the forthcoming months leading to 2013.
The document summarizes upcoming community events in the Mill City neighborhood of Minneapolis from September 24th to November 12th, including:
1) A farmers market and Oktoberfest celebration on September 24th at the Mill City Farmers Market featuring German food, music and dancing.
2) The Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon on October 2nd, which will pass through the Mill City neighborhood along the Mississippi River.
3) Various arts, music and history programs taking place at locations like the Mill City Museum, MacPhail Center for Music, and Three Rivers Park District throughout October.
4) An art exhibition called "Beautiful Dreamer" opening on October 8th at the Form+Content
This presentation will give you a good overview of the attractions available in the Fort Drum area. The list is by no means comprehensive but go out and see what you can find for yourself!