Museums for Children, Play in Museum Spaces, a caser study of work on Play at Eureka carried out by Susan Waltham of Leeds Metropolitan University
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1. Museums For Children: Play and Learning In A Museum
[Semester 2: 15 Credit Points]
Module Aims Learning Outcomes Assessment
This module aims to engage students in: On completion of this module, students will Formative:
• Critical analysis and reflection on the have: Presentation using multi media to a
historical and international • Critically analysed and reflected on the selected audience in Eureka! The National
development of museums for children; historical and international Children’s Museum
• Critical review of developmentally and development of museums for children; Peer and tutor assessed.
culturally appropriate provision, design • Critically reviewed developmentally
and resourcing of museums for and culturally appropriate provision, Summative:
children; design and resourcing of museums for (100%)
• Research and critically reflect on children; A written report.
appropriate strategies, knowledge and • Researched and critically reflected on The title and format is student negotiated.
understanding for working with or for appropriate strategies, knowledge and The equivalent of 2000 words for 15 CATs
children in a museum setting. understanding for working with or for Level 3 undergraduate.
This module is hosted at Eureka! The children in a museum setting.
National Children’s Museum which is
located adjacent to the rail station in
Halifax. There are six afternoon sessions
which will run towards the end of the
semester. Each session will include an
opportunity to investigate the museum
environment and work alongside museum
The sessions are delivered by a multi-
disciplinary team that includes managers
of Eureka!
carnegie faculty of sport and education
Learning Outcomes
Module Aims
Module Aims Learning Outcomes Assessment
carnegie faculty of sport and education
Learning Outcomes
Module Aims