2. Problem
The problem that our
community is facing is that
disabled children arent
being given enough
opportunities to express
themselves. Most people are
judgemental about things
like these and that is
3. Specific Goals
Music 4 Changes goal overall is to help
mental, physical, emotional, or socially
disabled kids express themselves, mostly
through music. We want to change the
mindset of the kids from I cant do
anything, Im stupid and worthless., into
I am able to accomplish anything!
4. Data Required
A place to host the
A time for the
program to meet
each week
Donated or
borrowed musical
School board and
parental permission
5. Root-Caused Barriers
This problem exist mostly
because of society and the
way some people think.
Some people are
judgemental because of a
problem that is not their
fault. Some kids have
started to feel worthless
and not needed in the world
which is unacceptable.
6. Actions Already In Place
Music 4 Change has
already started its
own twitter, facebook,
and instagram
accounts. We have also
looked up facts to
support our ideas
about the power of
musical healing.
7. Action Plan
Our plan is to get our idea
off the ground. Ways to
make our plan be successful
is to maybe start an email,
get the word out more,
contact other organizations
with same passions. We
could also contact the school
board about maybe starting
a morning or afternoon
program in our school
8. Who is Responsible
Natalie: E-mailing potential contacts
Hannah: Putting Music 4 Change in the school
Kiara: Asking teachers for musical instruments and setting
up the Music 4 Change e-mail
All Together: Contact Bettendorf school board for
permission to start Music 4 Change at school
9. Bibliography
N.d. Photograph. Http://tinybuddha.com/blog/what-you-do-matters/. N.p.: n.p., n.d.
N. pag. Web. 1 Oct. 2013.
N.d. Photograph. Web. 2 Oct. 2013.
http://gozamos.com/event/anyone-can-do-anything-art-exhibit/./: n.p. N. pag.
Web. 1 Oct . 2013
pag. Web. 1 Oct . 2013
http://www.moffettpta.org/programs/after-school-programs:./.n.p pag. Web. 1
Oct . 2013