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Music Magazine Pre Production
          Kieran Raza
 I decided to make my magazine an indie music
  magazine. However although indie music is its
  primary focus, it deals with a range of different
  genres and artists rather than focusing on just
  one. I made the title of the magazine, XM. This is
  a snappy title, that relates to the magazine as X
  can stand for any genre of music. I also thought it
  would be easy to create a mast head that has
  impact of bold lettering that stands out large on
  the page, similar to NME magazine or Q.
Mood Board
   Here is a mood board that compiles
    photos, covers and double page spreads
    that have inspired me for my own
    magazine. My feature will be about one
    person, so I looked to photo-shoots of
    solo artists rather than bands. The
    photographs of Ed Sheeran show a good
    example of the kind of presentation I
    intend to achieve in my magazine, as he
    is a similar artist to my genre of indie
    music. The double page spreads show
    the effect I want to use, of keeping the
    artist separate to put more focus on
    them. The headlines are presented in
    bold and basic fonts, and the body copy
    is presented into columns. I like these
    front covers, as they present the cover
    lines around the main cover photo. They
    act as a frame, and put more focus on
    the individual artist.
Pre Production Sketches
                    Here is the flat plan I
                    have drawn
                    up, showing my ideas
                    for my front
                    cover, double page
                    spread, contents page
                    and mast head. These
                    designs I have
                    chosen, have been
                    primarily inspired by
                    NME magazine. I
                    intend to produce a
                    similar publication, so
                    used it as my main
Five Line Paragraph
 XM is a music magazine with a target audience of 16
  to 24 year olds, who are always looking for the next
  big thing in music. The USP is that, unlike some
  music magazines it is not defined by a specific genre.
  It deals with a variety of types of music, rather than
  narrowing it down to one. The magazine is renowned
  for giving honest opinions on the quality of
  music, rather than focusing on appearance or
  presentation of artists.
List Of Articles
   Regulars                                                           Features
   Word on the street- letters from readers this week
                                                                           50 masterpieces of 2012- a countdown of the
   Youre say!- what you think of the latest releases in music
                                                                           best albums released this year
   Charts- this weeks XM chart, showing the countdown of most            This Time Next year- Exclusive Interview with
    talked about musicians on our forum.
                                                                           Lewis Mokler. How he built up a small fan
   Reviews- 50 reviews of the latest album and single releases
                                                                           base so quickly, and where he hopes to be in
   Next Hype- music news on up and coming artists in the week
                                                                           the future.
   Gig Guide                                                              Living Live- What is so great about Gigs? and
   Playlist- The tracks we love right now.                                how much work goes into them? We find this
   Posters- This week, free Ed Sheeran and Bastille poster                out in an exclusive article.
   Hot or not- Our views on what is good and bad right now                In it to win it- Music producer Sean Jean
   Cross word- this week you could win VIP tickets to see The             enlightens us about his views on the music
    Killers                                                                industry today, including his opinion on reality
   Music Profiles- a summary of your favourite artists in one page.       shows such as The X Factor.
    This week, Florence and the Machine
                                                                           The Future- what we predict will be big next
   XM news- Everything you need to know this week, in 2 pages!            year
   Preview- a taste of what is to come next week in XM                    Battle Of The Bands!- Youd think everyone in
   Final Say- The ponderings of musicians on the back page. This          the music industry is best of friends! Not
    week, Jake Bugg
                                                                           always, we go through the most notorious

                                                                           music feuds in history and today!

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Music magazine pre production planning

  • 1. Music Magazine Pre Production Planning Kieran Raza
  • 2. Title I decided to make my magazine an indie music magazine. However although indie music is its primary focus, it deals with a range of different genres and artists rather than focusing on just one. I made the title of the magazine, XM. This is a snappy title, that relates to the magazine as X can stand for any genre of music. I also thought it would be easy to create a mast head that has impact of bold lettering that stands out large on the page, similar to NME magazine or Q.
  • 3. Mood Board Here is a mood board that compiles photos, covers and double page spreads that have inspired me for my own magazine. My feature will be about one person, so I looked to photo-shoots of solo artists rather than bands. The photographs of Ed Sheeran show a good example of the kind of presentation I intend to achieve in my magazine, as he is a similar artist to my genre of indie music. The double page spreads show the effect I want to use, of keeping the artist separate to put more focus on them. The headlines are presented in bold and basic fonts, and the body copy is presented into columns. I like these front covers, as they present the cover lines around the main cover photo. They act as a frame, and put more focus on the individual artist.
  • 4. Pre Production Sketches Here is the flat plan I have drawn up, showing my ideas for my front cover, double page spread, contents page and mast head. These designs I have chosen, have been primarily inspired by NME magazine. I intend to produce a similar publication, so used it as my main inspiration.
  • 5. Five Line Paragraph XM is a music magazine with a target audience of 16 to 24 year olds, who are always looking for the next big thing in music. The USP is that, unlike some music magazines it is not defined by a specific genre. It deals with a variety of types of music, rather than narrowing it down to one. The magazine is renowned for giving honest opinions on the quality of music, rather than focusing on appearance or presentation of artists.
  • 6. List Of Articles Regulars Features Word on the street- letters from readers this week 50 masterpieces of 2012- a countdown of the Youre say!- what you think of the latest releases in music best albums released this year Charts- this weeks XM chart, showing the countdown of most This Time Next year- Exclusive Interview with talked about musicians on our forum. Lewis Mokler. How he built up a small fan Reviews- 50 reviews of the latest album and single releases base so quickly, and where he hopes to be in Next Hype- music news on up and coming artists in the week the future. Gig Guide Living Live- What is so great about Gigs? and Playlist- The tracks we love right now. how much work goes into them? We find this Posters- This week, free Ed Sheeran and Bastille poster out in an exclusive article. Hot or not- Our views on what is good and bad right now In it to win it- Music producer Sean Jean Cross word- this week you could win VIP tickets to see The enlightens us about his views on the music Killers industry today, including his opinion on reality Music Profiles- a summary of your favourite artists in one page. shows such as The X Factor. This week, Florence and the Machine The Future- what we predict will be big next XM news- Everything you need to know this week, in 2 pages! year Preview- a taste of what is to come next week in XM Battle Of The Bands!- Youd think everyone in Final Say- The ponderings of musicians on the back page. This the music industry is best of friends! Not week, Jake Bugg always, we go through the most notorious music feuds in history and today!