The document summarizes photos taken for a music magazine cover featuring a model. The photos were meant to portray the model as mysterious yet powerful by having him face down with his hands together. A long shot was used to give a creative front cover design. Headphones were included to imply the model was creating music. The goal was for the audience to focus on the type of music rather than the identity of the artist.
For these pictures I had my
model dress up in these
clothes as they represent what I thought this would
I want him to be perceived as be interesting as it
perfectly. has a lot of the
studio in the
I had him face down as I background but still
wanted him to seem focuses firmly on my
mysterious and yet powerful so model.
he is also holding his hands
together. I had him war the
headphones as it
I made it a long shot of him as made it look like he
it gave me a different kind of was creating music.
way to structure my front cover
that I thought was creative.
This shows that my audience
aren’t supposed to mind about
who the artist is, only what their
music is like
This front cover for
slices magazine uses a
long shot to create an
effect like mine
This photo from slice
magazine shows a
producer in the studio,
like mine. This one
doesn’t have any
effects like mine