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Music magazine research
History of the music magazine
 The first music magazine was founded in 1894, the magazine was called Billboard
 and was an international newsweekly magazine devoted to the music industry.
 Music magazines became really popular in the 1950’s-1960’s when magazines such
 as NME and Rolling Stones were founded.

Biggest music magazine publishers
Although there are many music magazines in the world there are a few that are
   popular in numerous countries, these are the 5 biggest music magazines;
• Rolling stones-The definitive source of music information and popular culture
   trends, one of the most popular magazines of all time in any genre.
• NME- The new music express popularly known by the initialism NME is a music
   publication in the United Kingdom, published weekly since March 1952.
• Smash hits-A pop music magazine, aimed at teenagers and young adults
• KERRANG-a UK-based magazine devoted to rock music, one of the longest running
   music magazines.
• Billboard-You will find award winning and in depth coverage of every aspect of the
   music and entertainment business worldwide.
          One of the most established music magazines in the world is the
          ‘new music express’ more commonly known as NME. Different
          magazines use different colours, layouts and mastheads to help
          audience recognise their magazine straight away. On this cover they
          have chose to go for quite a simple background so that the reader
          focuses on the picture.
          They have used a single image instead of numerous smaller ones
          and have kept the writing on the cover to a minimum. The designer
          of the cover basically just has the main picture the masthead and a
          large brightly coloured sell line that will stand out and catch the
          readers attention.
          the barcode is set at the bottom in a small white box so as it can be
          seen, but doesn't take any attention away from the cover, this is the
          convention of most magazines.
          NME uses similar colours in every issue, numerous magazines use
          the convention of keeping the colour the same in every issue. The
          colour scheme used in this issue is grey in the background and red
          in the front so as the red and grey contrasts and the red stands
          out, also the colour scheme is matching the colours of the cover
          girls clothes and make up.
          On the majority of magazines the masthead or name of the
          magazine stays the same font, not very often but sometimes
          designers change the colour/position of the masthead but never the
          font. In this issue the ‘NME’ is in the typical style of the magazine
          but has been changed to a brighter red to match the colour scheme
          and attract the readers attention. This cover appeals to their
          audience by putting someone on the front they listen to and using
          common conventions of that particular magazine.
            Smash hits is another very popular music magazine, however it
            is very different to the conventions and style of NME. This issue
            is an accurate representation of ‘smash hits’ style and colour
            schemes, the colours used on this cover are bright, cool and
            will appeal to the demographic that this magazine has as its
            audience. Although they do use a large main picture, this cover
            also contains numerous other smaller pictures telling the
            audience what they can expect inside. Instead of solely
            concentrating on the cover girl this cover contains several sell
            lines that attempt to tempt the reader into buying the
            Similarly to most magazines the barcode is discreetly placed in
            the bottom corner, the designer has manipulated the image
            organised the model so that her head is tilted to the side
            looking straight into the camera. This will give the audience the
            impression that the model is looking straight at them with a
            sweet, cute emotion on her face.
            A convention of many magazines is to have the masthead at
            the top of the magazine in large letters, this issue doesn't brake
            that convention and has also put the name of the magazine at
            the top in large, bold letters. The designers of the magazine
            have put the main sell line in this issue in quite small letters,
            mainly because they think the picture is distracting enough to
            catch the readers attention.
            The audience of this magazine is young girls, so the designers
            appeal to their audience by using bright, feminine colours and
            putting features on the cover that will interest them and appeal
            to their age range.
The use of the ‘NME’ logo in big bold red text gives it a centre
  piece in the page. The gives the reader constant reminders of
     the name of the magazine and the resource to research the
   company on the internet or buy more NME merchandise. The
font, colours and house style are all the same type which gives
       the magazine a bold, but effective way of presenting their
             pieces. The layout is also very similar which gives the
  magazine structure and the reader’s a clear understanding of
      where to find what article or piece. The contents pages the
   majority of the time in this magazine are simple and precise.
    The images used on the contents page feature two big stars
            making the magazine an even greater prospect as the
            audience will feel more engaged and want to read the
               magazine more with music bands like Oasis on the
    contents, this will lure the reader into buying the magazine.
        The audience targeted for this magazine is very clear and
            obviously doesn’t relate to social groups who like bird
  watching or race cars for example. It has specifically targeted
  people who enjoy rock and indie music through the use of an
             Oasis member and features on bands, such as, Arctic
      Monkeys. Also the colours and fonts used on the contents
  page aren't going to appeal to young children, they purposely
choose them colours. The basic magazine structure consists of
         a ‘taster article’ on the contents page giving prospective
         buyers an insight into the content on the magazine. The
pronounced use of ‘subscribe today’ is a sly way of persuading
 and easily showing people how you can get the magazine on a
  regular occasion. The sub-headings are clear and precise and
  show you very easily where you can access that content in the
          magazine. The band index gives the reader and precise
 showing of what bands will be in the magazine. This may give
the readers more purpose to buy the magazine as maybe there
   could be a feature on their favourite band. The layout on this
              content page is the convention usually used in NME.
This magazine contents page is taken from the pop
magazine ‘Smash Hits’, similarly to the NME contents page
the contents of the magazine is set out in a confined
column and shows the reader clearly what to expect in this
issue. The contents page is set out in two columns, there is
a banner running across the bottom with details about
writers and photographers for the magazine. On the right
hand side of the page their are pictures of pop artists with
captions and a letter to the reader from the magazine
editor, the pictures are the main feature on the page. The
magazine has done this because the age range who read
this magazine would prefer pictures of their favorite pop
stars writing about music. The target audience for this
magazine is teenage girls this is apparent because the
main colour used on this page is pink, and we associate the
colour pink with femininity. Also we can tell the target
audience is young, teenage girls from the bands featured in
the magazine, ‘Mcfly’ and ‘Blue’ are bands that have a large
following of young girls so therefore putting them in the
magazine will persuade girls of a certain age range to buy it.
In contrast to NME’s contents page it doesn't have an
advertisement for subscription, suggesting the people who
buy ‘Smash Hits’ don’t have as much disposable income as
people buying NME. Also there is a considerable lot less
writing, added emphasis on the pictures and the captions
which are highlighted to attract the readers attention.
For this double page spread half of the page has been used for a picture. The picture
  includes all the members of the band, however the lead singer is slightly further
  forward highlighting his position in the band. The picture is set behind a quotation in
  bold capital letters, the quote is very arrogant which will make people want to read on
  and the font just emphasises this more. Another picture is set in the middle of the text
  to break it up so that people don't get bored of reading because a lot of reading can
  become dreary. The introduction from the interviewer at the top of the right hand side
  is written in a different font so that it stands out and the reader can establish the
  difference. The writer has picked out certain quotes from the interview that he thinks
  would be appealing to the reader, these quotes has been highlighted in orange so they
  stand out from the rest of the text. The colours used are a common convention in
  NME, black white and then a bright colour to make certain things stand out is a style
  this particular magazine use a lot. All of these factors contribute to producing the
  magazine in a way that this particular magazines target audience will approve of.
The title for this double page spread is clear and gives out a very alarming but clear
  message, as it would make the reader question how she is such a shy girl but can then
  instantly turn to being wild in front of thousands of people, this would encourage
  people to buy the magazine. The writing on the left hand side of the double page
  spread appears to be in an interview format, and it is clear from the question to the
  answer. I feel that having interviews within a magazine is key, as it gives an artists
  perspective and input from their own, It also gives a personal input within the
  magazine instead of the magazine continuing to constantly make their own stories. I
  personally like this idea within a magazine and think more people would buy
  magazines if they had this aspect. If a reader didn’t know who the artist was It isn’t
  particularly clear, yes her name is on a subtitle at first glace it isn't obvious. The main
  picture is very feminine and girly , the beautiful person on the front catches peoples
  attention which will get them interested. This double page spread continues with the
  conventional style the whole way through, and is exceptionally easy to recognize
  because of the bright and bold colors within it. The picture is the main feature on the
  page and there isn’t much writing, this appeals to the target audience and therefore
  ensures the magazine will be bought.

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Music magazine research

  • 2. MUSIC MAGAZINE RESEARCH History of the music magazine The first music magazine was founded in 1894, the magazine was called Billboard and was an international newsweekly magazine devoted to the music industry. Music magazines became really popular in the 1950’s-1960’s when magazines such as NME and Rolling Stones were founded. Biggest music magazine publishers Although there are many music magazines in the world there are a few that are popular in numerous countries, these are the 5 biggest music magazines; • Rolling stones-The definitive source of music information and popular culture trends, one of the most popular magazines of all time in any genre. • NME- The new music express popularly known by the initialism NME is a music publication in the United Kingdom, published weekly since March 1952. • Smash hits-A pop music magazine, aimed at teenagers and young adults • KERRANG-a UK-based magazine devoted to rock music, one of the longest running music magazines. • Billboard-You will find award winning and in depth coverage of every aspect of the music and entertainment business worldwide.
  • 3. MUSIC MAGAZINE RESEARCH One of the most established music magazines in the world is the ‘new music express’ more commonly known as NME. Different magazines use different colours, layouts and mastheads to help audience recognise their magazine straight away. On this cover they have chose to go for quite a simple background so that the reader focuses on the picture. They have used a single image instead of numerous smaller ones and have kept the writing on the cover to a minimum. The designer of the cover basically just has the main picture the masthead and a large brightly coloured sell line that will stand out and catch the readers attention. the barcode is set at the bottom in a small white box so as it can be seen, but doesn't take any attention away from the cover, this is the convention of most magazines. NME uses similar colours in every issue, numerous magazines use the convention of keeping the colour the same in every issue. The colour scheme used in this issue is grey in the background and red in the front so as the red and grey contrasts and the red stands out, also the colour scheme is matching the colours of the cover girls clothes and make up. On the majority of magazines the masthead or name of the magazine stays the same font, not very often but sometimes designers change the colour/position of the masthead but never the font. In this issue the ‘NME’ is in the typical style of the magazine but has been changed to a brighter red to match the colour scheme and attract the readers attention. This cover appeals to their audience by putting someone on the front they listen to and using common conventions of that particular magazine.
  • 4. MUSIC MAGAZINE RESEARCH Smash hits is another very popular music magazine, however it is very different to the conventions and style of NME. This issue is an accurate representation of ‘smash hits’ style and colour schemes, the colours used on this cover are bright, cool and will appeal to the demographic that this magazine has as its audience. Although they do use a large main picture, this cover also contains numerous other smaller pictures telling the audience what they can expect inside. Instead of solely concentrating on the cover girl this cover contains several sell lines that attempt to tempt the reader into buying the magazine. Similarly to most magazines the barcode is discreetly placed in the bottom corner, the designer has manipulated the image organised the model so that her head is tilted to the side looking straight into the camera. This will give the audience the impression that the model is looking straight at them with a sweet, cute emotion on her face. A convention of many magazines is to have the masthead at the top of the magazine in large letters, this issue doesn't brake that convention and has also put the name of the magazine at the top in large, bold letters. The designers of the magazine have put the main sell line in this issue in quite small letters, mainly because they think the picture is distracting enough to catch the readers attention. The audience of this magazine is young girls, so the designers appeal to their audience by using bright, feminine colours and putting features on the cover that will interest them and appeal to their age range.
  • 5. The use of the ‘NME’ logo in big bold red text gives it a centre piece in the page. The gives the reader constant reminders of the name of the magazine and the resource to research the company on the internet or buy more NME merchandise. The font, colours and house style are all the same type which gives the magazine a bold, but effective way of presenting their pieces. The layout is also very similar which gives the magazine structure and the reader’s a clear understanding of where to find what article or piece. The contents pages the majority of the time in this magazine are simple and precise. The images used on the contents page feature two big stars making the magazine an even greater prospect as the audience will feel more engaged and want to read the magazine more with music bands like Oasis on the contents, this will lure the reader into buying the magazine. The audience targeted for this magazine is very clear and obviously doesn’t relate to social groups who like bird watching or race cars for example. It has specifically targeted people who enjoy rock and indie music through the use of an Oasis member and features on bands, such as, Arctic Monkeys. Also the colours and fonts used on the contents page aren't going to appeal to young children, they purposely choose them colours. The basic magazine structure consists of a ‘taster article’ on the contents page giving prospective buyers an insight into the content on the magazine. The pronounced use of ‘subscribe today’ is a sly way of persuading and easily showing people how you can get the magazine on a regular occasion. The sub-headings are clear and precise and show you very easily where you can access that content in the magazine. The band index gives the reader and precise showing of what bands will be in the magazine. This may give the readers more purpose to buy the magazine as maybe there could be a feature on their favourite band. The layout on this content page is the convention usually used in NME.
  • 6. This magazine contents page is taken from the pop magazine ‘Smash Hits’, similarly to the NME contents page the contents of the magazine is set out in a confined column and shows the reader clearly what to expect in this issue. The contents page is set out in two columns, there is a banner running across the bottom with details about writers and photographers for the magazine. On the right hand side of the page their are pictures of pop artists with captions and a letter to the reader from the magazine editor, the pictures are the main feature on the page. The magazine has done this because the age range who read this magazine would prefer pictures of their favorite pop stars writing about music. The target audience for this magazine is teenage girls this is apparent because the main colour used on this page is pink, and we associate the colour pink with femininity. Also we can tell the target audience is young, teenage girls from the bands featured in the magazine, ‘Mcfly’ and ‘Blue’ are bands that have a large following of young girls so therefore putting them in the magazine will persuade girls of a certain age range to buy it. In contrast to NME’s contents page it doesn't have an advertisement for subscription, suggesting the people who buy ‘Smash Hits’ don’t have as much disposable income as people buying NME. Also there is a considerable lot less writing, added emphasis on the pictures and the captions which are highlighted to attract the readers attention.
  • 7. For this double page spread half of the page has been used for a picture. The picture includes all the members of the band, however the lead singer is slightly further forward highlighting his position in the band. The picture is set behind a quotation in bold capital letters, the quote is very arrogant which will make people want to read on and the font just emphasises this more. Another picture is set in the middle of the text to break it up so that people don't get bored of reading because a lot of reading can become dreary. The introduction from the interviewer at the top of the right hand side is written in a different font so that it stands out and the reader can establish the difference. The writer has picked out certain quotes from the interview that he thinks would be appealing to the reader, these quotes has been highlighted in orange so they stand out from the rest of the text. The colours used are a common convention in NME, black white and then a bright colour to make certain things stand out is a style this particular magazine use a lot. All of these factors contribute to producing the magazine in a way that this particular magazines target audience will approve of.
  • 8. The title for this double page spread is clear and gives out a very alarming but clear message, as it would make the reader question how she is such a shy girl but can then instantly turn to being wild in front of thousands of people, this would encourage people to buy the magazine. The writing on the left hand side of the double page spread appears to be in an interview format, and it is clear from the question to the answer. I feel that having interviews within a magazine is key, as it gives an artists perspective and input from their own, It also gives a personal input within the magazine instead of the magazine continuing to constantly make their own stories. I personally like this idea within a magazine and think more people would buy magazines if they had this aspect. If a reader didn’t know who the artist was It isn’t particularly clear, yes her name is on a subtitle at first glace it isn't obvious. The main picture is very feminine and girly , the beautiful person on the front catches peoples attention which will get them interested. This double page spread continues with the conventional style the whole way through, and is exceptionally easy to recognize because of the bright and bold colors within it. The picture is the main feature on the page and there isn’t much writing, this appeals to the target audience and therefore ensures the magazine will be bought.