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The ‘Ultimate Summer Of Music’    The Skyline adds extra information to the
                                              – Persuasive language to entice   cover. It gives the page a finished look and
The Masthead is located in the
                                              the reader.                       included persuasive text about what the
same place on every magazine
                                                                                magazine has to offer.
published by ‘Q’. It is easily
recognisable from a far and
stands out on the white
background.                                                                                    The main image includes
                                                                                               popular music icons, that the
                                                                                               target audience relate to
                                                                                               music, therefore explaining the
The Cover Story stands                                                                         main genre of the magazine.
bolder than the other                                                                          Also the image does not cover
advertised articles within the                                                                 the masthead, this may mean
left third due to it being                                                                     that the magazine does not feel
displayed in a different and                                                                   very recognisable.
much brighter colour. This
attracts not only music fans
                                                                                               The Flash box stands out on the
but Jessie J fans to buy the
                                                                                               page due to it being a different
                                                                                               colour. It stands as a persuasive
                                                                                               device, encouraging the reader
                                                                                               to buy the magazine and be up
The left third is used well in                                                                 to date on what music to listen
advertising the main articles                                                                  to. Also it appeals to the target
within the magazine. This is                                                                   audience.
affective as the way
magazines are displayed in                                                             A side story is advertised claiming that
shops mean the this is the                                                             ‘rock star in death threat!’. This has
first part they would see.                                                             been printed in such small writing as
                                                                                       the magazine may not want to come
                                                                                       across as a gossip magazine. Also it has
                                                                                       been placed on the far side of the
The barcode is displayed at the bottom of the page so that it                          magazine, meaning that it would be the
doesn’t interfere with the cover story. Also it is placed on the                       last thing the readers see on the main
front so that it is not covering the advertisement that is                             page as we read left to right.
usually on the back page of the magazine.
The Masthead is shown once more in the
     same place as it is located on the cover                                         The date and issue number is
     page. This could be used of showing its                                          always shown in the corner
     identity.                                                                        of the contents page to help
                                                                                      readers when making sure
                                                                                      they pick up the right issue.

 The part of the page includes
                                                                                      The main image used in the
 lots of text, however it is neatly
                                                                                      contents page is of a popular
 organised and split up by page
                                                                                      band that links in to the articles
 numbers. The page numbers
                                                                                      included within the issue of the
 are also in red which makes
 them stand out even more.

                                                                                              This page is mainly
                                                                                              textual, however the
 The contents page includes a special
                                                                                              layout is not too cramped.
 section on the featured band within
 the magazine have their own section
 within the contents page, advertising
 their special feature pages to their
 fans. This section stands out to the
 rest and appeals to Oasis Fans                                                             The text within the light
 reading the magazine.                                                                      blue box differs from the
                                                                                            other text within the
                                                                                            contents page. This may be
                                                                                            to suggest that this section
The separate section at the bottom of                                                       is about something else to
the page are for features that occur in                                                     what you would usually
every issue of the magazine and that                                                        expect to find in Q
are there to appeal to regular                  The smaller photo used at the
readers, this helps to break the                bottom of the page is used to break
magazine up.                                    up the text.
A whole page has been used to display the main
           image. This clearly shows that there is some                                     The blue shapes used within the
           importance within the picture and it has been                                    band may be used to suggest that the
           purposely posed. Also the fact that the image is in                              band sings songs to do with bad or
           a dated looking picture may suggest that the band                                sad situations as blue can be related
           within the article has a vintage style.                                          with that emotion.

                                                                                                                The bold black title
                                                                                                                contrasts against the
                                                                                                                white background and
                                                                                                                page looking picture
                                                                                                                making it stand out.

A quotation has
been used within
the middle of the
text to break up                                                                                                 Drop caps are used
the page. Also it                                                                                                to show where the
has been printed                                                                                                 text starts. Also
in blue to match                                                                                                 printed in the same
the colour                                                                                                       blue links to the
scheme of the                                                                                                    overall theme of the
page.                                                              Further drop caps are
                                                                   used to show the
                                                                   start of a new subject
                                                                   to do with the band.
                          The blue shapes have been used to
                          contrast against the light background.
The Masthead is located in the same
 place as every other issue published by                                                  The skyline adds extra information to
 NME. However the colour scheme has                                                       the page, without having to cover up to
 been changed to contrast again the main                                                  much of the main image.
 image of Florence. Usually the NME logo
 is in a bright red but due to Florence’s
 hair being such a bright red the logo
 within this issue has been changed to
 white to contrast again the colour of her                                                    Also within the skyline, it states ‘2
 hair. Also by doing this the magazine                                                        of 10 Special Edition’. This has
 company must believe that their logo is                                                      been used to inform the readers
 memorable enough to change it                                                                that the magazine is currently
 slight, suggesting that their magazine is a                                                  running special editions that would
 successful part of the entertainment                                                         probably include special features
 industry.                                                                                    that are not usually found in the
                                                                                              regular issues. This is used as a
                                                                                              persuasive device to encourage
Good use of left third. This is                                                               readers to buy the collection of
used to attract Florence fans to                                                              special editions.
buy the magazines.

  The Cover story stands bold in
  comparison to the other text on
                                                                                             Like most other magazines the
  the page. This has been done to
                                                                                             barcode has been placed on the
  make it stand out and to appeal
                                                                                             front so that it does not cover
  to not only NME readers but
                                               The extra articles are positioned within      the advertisement that would be
  Florence fans.
                                               the lower part of the page. This may          placed on the back page. Also it
                                               have been done to adds emphasis on            has been positioned at the
                                               Florence’s bold eyes within the main          bottom of the page so that it
                                               image.                                        wouldn’t interfere with the any
                                                                                             of the articles quotations.
The black heading contrasts             The page itself is split up through the use of a
         against the white background.           table. This breaks the page up with rows and                The date is shown in the
                                                 columns that make the page seem more                        top right hand corner of
 A Band Index is included within                 organised.                                                  the contents page to show
 the NME contents page. This                                                                                 the reader what issue they
 appeals to the target audience                                                                              are reading.
 as it allows them to quickly and
 easily find the section within
 the magazine they are probably                                                                          The NME logo is positioned in
 most interested in. Also this                                                                           the same place as the front
 section is split away from the                                                                          cover. This may be done to
 rest of the page through the                                                                            show the magazine’s identity
 use of the table.                                                                                       and to show readers how it is
                                                                                                         different compared to other
                                                                                                         music magazines on the
The main image has been                                                                                  market.
used to break up the page
and to further advertise one
of the main cover stories
within the issue.

                                                                                                         Arrows are used to show
                                                                                                         the readers what articles
 The text below supports the                                                                             were advertised on the
 main image within the                                                                                   cover.
 contents page.

                                                                                                        This section of the table layout
The flash box used is placed at the bottom of the page so that it              A further flash box is   has lots of text within
doesn’t interfere with the rest of the page. The purpose of it is to           used to advertise        it, however it is not cramped.
advertise the magazines subscription as well as promoting a                    more articles that       The use of the bold black
website that allows you to subscribe to any magazine on the                    would appeal to the      headings contrast again the
market. It uses persuasive language when it stats ‘..for just £5.57            readers of NME           white background making this
a month..’ suggesting that this is a good deal.                                magazine.                section look organised.
The text used within the article
    title is bold and reflects Lily Allen’s                                The overall colour scheme links into the magazines look.
    personality. Also it links in to the                                   The red and black used on NME magazines front cover
    colour of her hair and                                                 links into Lily Allen’s shirt that she is wearing in the
    complements the black stripes on                                       picture.
    her shirt.

                                                                                                        Whole page used to
                                                                                                        display the main image.
                                                                                                        This clearly shows that the
                                                                                                        image has some
                                                                                                        importance and is
                                                                                                        purposely posed. This mid
                                                                                                        shot of Lily Allen shows off
                                                                                                        her fashion sense which
Drop cap used to show                                                                                   may be one of things
where the article starts.                                                                               people criticise as well her

    Lily Allen’s name is printed in a                                                            Magazines colour scheme
    different font as well as the NME                                                            colours
    red to link in with the colour            The text within the main double page
    scheme. Also it informs the               spread looks very small in comparison to
    readers who the article is about.         the large title and main image. However
                                              it does include a lot of information or
                                              what could be seen as gossip on people
                                              views and opinions of Lily Allen.

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  • 1. The ‘Ultimate Summer Of Music’ The Skyline adds extra information to the – Persuasive language to entice cover. It gives the page a finished look and The Masthead is located in the the reader. included persuasive text about what the same place on every magazine magazine has to offer. published by ‘Q’. It is easily recognisable from a far and stands out on the white background. The main image includes popular music icons, that the target audience relate to music, therefore explaining the The Cover Story stands main genre of the magazine. bolder than the other Also the image does not cover advertised articles within the the masthead, this may mean left third due to it being that the magazine does not feel displayed in a different and very recognisable. much brighter colour. This attracts not only music fans The Flash box stands out on the but Jessie J fans to buy the page due to it being a different magazine. colour. It stands as a persuasive device, encouraging the reader to buy the magazine and be up The left third is used well in to date on what music to listen advertising the main articles to. Also it appeals to the target within the magazine. This is audience. affective as the way magazines are displayed in A side story is advertised claiming that shops mean the this is the ‘rock star in death threat!’. This has first part they would see. been printed in such small writing as the magazine may not want to come across as a gossip magazine. Also it has been placed on the far side of the The barcode is displayed at the bottom of the page so that it magazine, meaning that it would be the doesn’t interfere with the cover story. Also it is placed on the last thing the readers see on the main front so that it is not covering the advertisement that is page as we read left to right. usually on the back page of the magazine.
  • 2. The Masthead is shown once more in the same place as it is located on the cover The date and issue number is page. This could be used of showing its always shown in the corner identity. of the contents page to help readers when making sure they pick up the right issue. The part of the page includes The main image used in the lots of text, however it is neatly contents page is of a popular organised and split up by page band that links in to the articles numbers. The page numbers included within the issue of the are also in red which makes magazine. them stand out even more. This page is mainly textual, however the The contents page includes a special layout is not too cramped. section on the featured band within the magazine have their own section within the contents page, advertising their special feature pages to their fans. This section stands out to the rest and appeals to Oasis Fans The text within the light reading the magazine. blue box differs from the other text within the contents page. This may be to suggest that this section The separate section at the bottom of is about something else to the page are for features that occur in what you would usually every issue of the magazine and that expect to find in Q are there to appeal to regular The smaller photo used at the magazine. readers, this helps to break the bottom of the page is used to break magazine up. up the text.
  • 3. A whole page has been used to display the main image. This clearly shows that there is some The blue shapes used within the importance within the picture and it has been band may be used to suggest that the purposely posed. Also the fact that the image is in band sings songs to do with bad or a dated looking picture may suggest that the band sad situations as blue can be related within the article has a vintage style. with that emotion. The bold black title contrasts against the white background and page looking picture making it stand out. A quotation has been used within the middle of the text to break up Drop caps are used the page. Also it to show where the has been printed text starts. Also in blue to match printed in the same the colour blue links to the scheme of the overall theme of the page. Further drop caps are band. used to show the start of a new subject to do with the band. The blue shapes have been used to contrast against the light background.
  • 4. The Masthead is located in the same place as every other issue published by The skyline adds extra information to NME. However the colour scheme has the page, without having to cover up to been changed to contrast again the main much of the main image. image of Florence. Usually the NME logo is in a bright red but due to Florence’s hair being such a bright red the logo within this issue has been changed to white to contrast again the colour of her Also within the skyline, it states ‘2 hair. Also by doing this the magazine of 10 Special Edition’. This has company must believe that their logo is been used to inform the readers memorable enough to change it that the magazine is currently slight, suggesting that their magazine is a running special editions that would successful part of the entertainment probably include special features industry. that are not usually found in the regular issues. This is used as a persuasive device to encourage Good use of left third. This is readers to buy the collection of used to attract Florence fans to special editions. buy the magazines. The Cover story stands bold in comparison to the other text on Like most other magazines the the page. This has been done to barcode has been placed on the make it stand out and to appeal front so that it does not cover to not only NME readers but The extra articles are positioned within the advertisement that would be Florence fans. the lower part of the page. This may placed on the back page. Also it have been done to adds emphasis on has been positioned at the Florence’s bold eyes within the main bottom of the page so that it image. wouldn’t interfere with the any of the articles quotations.
  • 5. The black heading contrasts The page itself is split up through the use of a against the white background. table. This breaks the page up with rows and The date is shown in the columns that make the page seem more top right hand corner of A Band Index is included within organised. the contents page to show the NME contents page. This the reader what issue they appeals to the target audience are reading. as it allows them to quickly and easily find the section within the magazine they are probably The NME logo is positioned in most interested in. Also this the same place as the front section is split away from the cover. This may be done to rest of the page through the show the magazine’s identity use of the table. and to show readers how it is different compared to other music magazines on the The main image has been market. used to break up the page and to further advertise one of the main cover stories within the issue. Arrows are used to show the readers what articles The text below supports the were advertised on the main image within the cover. contents page. This section of the table layout The flash box used is placed at the bottom of the page so that it A further flash box is has lots of text within doesn’t interfere with the rest of the page. The purpose of it is to used to advertise it, however it is not cramped. advertise the magazines subscription as well as promoting a more articles that The use of the bold black website that allows you to subscribe to any magazine on the would appeal to the headings contrast again the market. It uses persuasive language when it stats ‘..for just £5.57 readers of NME white background making this a month..’ suggesting that this is a good deal. magazine. section look organised.
  • 6. The text used within the article title is bold and reflects Lily Allen’s The overall colour scheme links into the magazines look. personality. Also it links in to the The red and black used on NME magazines front cover colour of her hair and links into Lily Allen’s shirt that she is wearing in the complements the black stripes on picture. her shirt. Whole page used to display the main image. This clearly shows that the image has some importance and is purposely posed. This mid shot of Lily Allen shows off her fashion sense which Drop cap used to show may be one of things where the article starts. people criticise as well her personality. Lily Allen’s name is printed in a Magazines colour scheme different font as well as the NME colours red to link in with the colour The text within the main double page scheme. Also it informs the spread looks very small in comparison to readers who the article is about. the large title and main image. However it does include a lot of information or what could be seen as gossip on people views and opinions of Lily Allen.