This document provides a first draft script for a music video for the song "Wild and Free" by Wiz Khalifa. The script outlines 12 scenes that will depict the song's message of living freely and having fun. It begins with the main characters Alex and Jack at a golf course where Alex convinces Jack to loosen up. The video then shows them having fun at a high school party and driving cars. Their adventures illustrate the theme of embracing a carefree lifestyle.
Ben witnesses a murder in a grove outside of town and flees on a motorcycle. The next day at school, he sees Celeste rehearsing for a play and is enamored with her. He talks to her after rehearsal and she agrees to go see a movie with him if he cleans up. Later, Ben tries to get a job at a motorcycle shop run by Don but is rejected. He goes home where his father is drunk and yells at him. Ben escapes to smoke with his friend Carlos and fantasizes about the woman on the cover of his motorcycle magazine.
Noah arrives at a house party where she sees three girls walking inside. She notices loud music and many people drinking and dancing. Noah sees two people being intimate but then hears a girl, Riley, telling a drunk guy named James to stop and calm down as he pushes her against a wall. Noah intervenes, pushes James away, spilling his drink, and asks Riley if she's okay. Noah then offers to drive Riley home to get her away from the situation, and they leave together.
The story follows three astronauts, John, Adam and Robinson, who embark on a mission to repair a stranded satellite. During their two month journey, they enjoy spectacular views from the rocket window. When they reach the satellite, Houston warns them of an unidentified object near the satellite and advises them not to make contact. However, Adam sends Robinson to investigate the strange orb attached to the satellite.
1) Alex and his friend Sam attend an exclusive annual party hosted by the mysterious Buer family. Sam convinces Alex to join him at the party.
2) Sam goes upstairs to participate in a drinking contest. Alex hears a loud noise and goes to investigate, worried about Sam.
3) On the upstairs landing, Alex encounters a stranger who claims the noise was Sam passing out drunk in a nearby room. When Alex tries to enter the room, the stranger pushes him inside and locks the door.
The document appears to be a screenplay that follows the story of Emma and James, from their initial meeting and romance to Emma leaving for a job in America, hurting James. Years later, Emma has regrets about leaving and the ending implies she and James may reunite as she picks up a coin on her doorstep that recalls their history together. The screenplay explores the highs and lows of their relationship through scenes showing their early happiness together contrasted with shots of each dealing with pain alone after their separation.
Two teenage boys explore an abandoned house at night. Cameron convinces a nervous Jacob to enter the house. Inside, they hear strange noises and find signs that the house has been recently occupied. While investigating separately, both boys are suddenly attacked by an unseen force and dragged away, screaming for help. Their fate inside the mysterious house is left unknown.
The document appears to be a screenplay that follows the story of Emma and James, from the beginning of their relationship to its end and Emma's move to America for work. It explores their once-in-a-lifetime love through flashbacks and voiceovers showing how much they hurt each other by growing apart, but leaves their story open-ended by suggesting they may find their way back to each other.
A large jet engine has crashed through the roof of the Darko family home in the middle of the night. Donnie Darko is confused by the events and a strange encounter he had the previous night with a figure in a bunny suit named Frank. Investigators from the FAA arrive to speak with Donnie's parents about the mysterious engine crash.
This document provides a first draft script for a music video for the song "Wild and Free" by Wiz Khalifa. The script outlines 12 scenes that will depict the song's message of living freely and having fun. It begins with the main characters Alex and Jack at a golf course where Alex convinces Jack to loosen up. The video then shows them having fun at a high school party and driving cars. Their adventures illustrate the journey from being rule-followers to living life to the fullest.
This document provides information about creating a music ideas generation mood board focused on the rap and hip hop genre. It explains that rap music is powerful and often contains meaningful messages or narratives in the songs. The document chooses to focus on rap because the music videos for rap songs frequently use effects like camera techniques, lighting, costumes and clothing to represent the artist. It then provides brief biographies of two rap artists as examples - Lil Wayne and Wiz Khalifa, including their birth names, dates and locations.
The document discusses different roles in media production, including the director, camera person, and sound recording person. The director oversees the entire production and directs all other roles. The camera person must interact closely with lighting and sound personnel to capture the right angles and zooms. The sound recording person works closely with the director and camera person to balance tempo, speed, clarity and volume of sound to avoid mistakes that could ruin the music video.
1. E-commerce allows companies to target global audiences 24/7 through online marketplaces and websites, increasing potential sales.
2. Operating costs are much lower for e-commerce businesses compared to physical stores, as they do not have expenses like rent, utilities, and staffing physical locations.
3. Websites provide useful search functions and fluid pricing that allow customers to easily find products and see up-to-date pricing, improving the customer experience.
South Africa has a shortage of engineers compared to other countries, with only 1 engineer for every 3,100 citizens, whereas Germany has 1 for every 200 citizens and Japan/UK have 1 for every 300 citizens. The document discusses supply and demand for wind skills in South Africa and includes an engineering salary survey.
Customer Loan Origination System - Part 2 (Web)Sandeep Verma
This document outlines the customer loan origination process across multiple stages from lead generation to disbursement tracking. It includes details on the roles of various teams like the Hunter, Gatherer, and Branch Manager at each stage. It also provides performance tracking reports measuring key metrics by loan advisor, gatherer, branch, and over time. These reports track metrics like files originated, sanctioned, rejected, cancelled, and disbursed.
The document provides details on the customer loan origination system for an Android module. It outlines the process flow and roles of different participants like Hunters, Gatherers, and Branch Managers. It describes the lead generation, application drafting, processing and sanctioning process in a step-by-step manner. Key elements include lead qualification criteria, application stages, and responsibilities of different roles. The system aims to provide a digital platform to streamline the end-to-end loan origination process.
This document provides a first draft script for a music video for the song "Wild and Free" by Wiz Khalifa. The script outlines 12 scenes that will depict the song's message of living freely and having fun. It begins with the main characters Alex and Jack at a golf course where Alex convinces Jack to loosen up. The video then shows them having fun at a high school party and driving cars. Their adventures illustrate the journey from being rule-followers to living life to the fullest.
This document provides information about creating a music ideas generation mood board focused on the rap and hip hop genre. It explains that rap music is powerful and often contains meaningful messages or narratives in the songs. The document chooses to focus on rap because the music videos for rap songs frequently use effects like camera techniques, lighting, costumes and clothing to represent the artist. It then provides brief biographies of two rap artists as examples - Lil Wayne and Wiz Khalifa, including their birth names, dates and locations.
The document discusses different roles in media production, including the director, camera person, and sound recording person. The director oversees the entire production and directs all other roles. The camera person must interact closely with lighting and sound personnel to capture the right angles and zooms. The sound recording person works closely with the director and camera person to balance tempo, speed, clarity and volume of sound to avoid mistakes that could ruin the music video.
1. E-commerce allows companies to target global audiences 24/7 through online marketplaces and websites, increasing potential sales.
2. Operating costs are much lower for e-commerce businesses compared to physical stores, as they do not have expenses like rent, utilities, and staffing physical locations.
3. Websites provide useful search functions and fluid pricing that allow customers to easily find products and see up-to-date pricing, improving the customer experience.
South Africa has a shortage of engineers compared to other countries, with only 1 engineer for every 3,100 citizens, whereas Germany has 1 for every 200 citizens and Japan/UK have 1 for every 300 citizens. The document discusses supply and demand for wind skills in South Africa and includes an engineering salary survey.
Customer Loan Origination System - Part 2 (Web)Sandeep Verma
This document outlines the customer loan origination process across multiple stages from lead generation to disbursement tracking. It includes details on the roles of various teams like the Hunter, Gatherer, and Branch Manager at each stage. It also provides performance tracking reports measuring key metrics by loan advisor, gatherer, branch, and over time. These reports track metrics like files originated, sanctioned, rejected, cancelled, and disbursed.
The document provides details on the customer loan origination system for an Android module. It outlines the process flow and roles of different participants like Hunters, Gatherers, and Branch Managers. It describes the lead generation, application drafting, processing and sanctioning process in a step-by-step manner. Key elements include lead qualification criteria, application stages, and responsibilities of different roles. The system aims to provide a digital platform to streamline the end-to-end loan origination process.
A surprising cause of fibromyalgia everyone should knowtompkinstucson
Music skript draft
1. First draft Music Video Script by
Jack Rogers
Song: wild and free
Song artist: Wiz Khalifa
2. First draft Music Video Script by
Jack Rogers
Song: wild and free
Song artist: Wiz Khalifa
Video Title:
1. The opening scene starts with just Alex follow through
dialog in a car park as Alex is jack 2 inches to the left nephew
teaching Alex how to play golf it jack All right I think I got this
zooms in with a close up shot of jack we need to get something cracking
the golf club with a close up shot. pout here and I really need something to
As the stress of Wiz cannot hit the calm me down so I can get this right u feel
golf ball he wants to have fun and me sound FX of a alarm tone
take his mind off it so he call his
friends and this is where the next
section starts (0:00 0:15)
2. At this point it then goes to a Music starts at this point after both
high school called Exhale high artists have stopped talking.
school and the message begins of Jack and Alex so what we get drunk so
having fun and the music begins at what we smoke weed were just havin fun we
this point jack Khalifa is just a dont care who sees
geek a student who follows by the
rules and is just board of it. He
meets a person Alex who is a bit Jack is walking past a college bus and Alex
of a rebel and has fun all the time on a bike nearly run him over jack has to
and he convincesjack who follows slam himself up the bus.
the rules to do the opposite and
enjoy himself this is where the
title of the song comes in living
young wild and free(0:16 0:30)
3. Alex is roaming the corridors on
the same bike that he nearly ran
jack over with at this point Alex
is chilling with 2 nerds whilst
riding with a snapback cap on.
(0:31 0:45)
4. At this point Alex and jack are Alex throws popcorn in the air when it says
just resting on the car bonnet of a living youngthen when it says and wild
yellow car and as it says living jack throws it straight at the camera and
young Alex throw one hand full of finally it saysand freeAlex throws the
popcorn up in the air and then when popcorn in the air but this time its the
it says and wild there is an angle whole bucket so it is in time with the
shot from mid air ground about 90 chorus
centimeters from the ground then
jack throws popcorn straight at the
camera (0:31 0:45)
3. First draft Music Video Script by
Jack Rogers
Song: wild and free
Song artist: Wiz Khalifa
5. At this point they are at the side
of the school called N.Hale and
Alex is giving Jack a donkey scrub
on the head at the side of the
school. (0:46 1:00)
6. As soon as this part is over they Jack and Alex start to mime the lyrics of
go back to the car park and this is the first section of the rap.
the beginning of when Jack and Alex
are mime rapping to the lyrics at
this point there is a shot where
you can not only see the 2 actors
of Alex and jack but you can see
the movement of the cars behind
each one being a nice good looking
car so you can see the rappers and Focus cameras on the carsand add car noises
the movement of the cars behind. and fx and sound effects of the cars cars
(1:00 0:1:15) revving.
Then it focuses on the cars and it
shows angles that the camera is at
the side of the car on an angle
looking at the driver from the
lower left of the car. With the
sunlight in the background.
(1:15 0:1:30)
7. At this point Alex and jack are Beginning of Alex miming rappingAlex you
still at the car park but this time know what its like Im 17 again peach fuzz
its dark and on the yellow car on my face
this is the first time in the music
video that we get to hear Alex
miming rapping of the artist snoop
dog. And of course they are wearing
different clothing however jack is
wearing a snapback and woolly hat
(1:30 1:45)
8. At this point mid 2 shot where the
camera is at the front window of
the car and looking back on Alex
and having fun driving with a girl
in the passenger. (1:45 2:00)
4. First draft Music Video Script by
Jack Rogers
Song: wild and free
Song artist: Wiz Khalifa
9. Then the scene will go back to the Having jack measuring different liquids and
high school and jack the nerd is measuring them
getting away from this strike life
and follow rules and he eats and
Alex the cool older who is trying
to change him to enjoy life and
after all the title is living young
and wild and free. (2:00 2:15)
10. At this point it then goes back to Foam flying everywhere
the car park at this time it is Also have the women holding sparklers as
dark and it is a shot of Alex and well. But also blowing bubbles as well
jack surrounded by loads of girls
in bikinis and foam flying
everywhere. And the women holding
sparklers. And blowing bubbles.
(2:15 2:30)
After this has happened it will
then go back into the school with
jack out of his head thinking that
the school is underwater and he is
swimming in it and a female walks
past him like what a weirdo. (2:31
11. Then it is coming to the end as living youngand wild and free
this is where they all sing the
chorus and well like the title
having fun living young and wildand
free. And during this 15 minuet
section there is a panning from
left to right camera shot.
Then the girls and are holding a
banner saying Hale and then it is a
close up shot. (3:00 3:45)
12. At this point there we will have Camera will have a long medium shot and the
long medium shot where Alex and camera when jack and Alex are walking
jack and Danny are walking up a toward the cameras will fade away.
street with a small hill and the
camera fades away. (3:45 4:00)