Every dealer has vehicles that need to sell quickly to avoid losing money at auction. CarSoup's Must Go! feature automatically displays a dealer's oldest inventory on the CarSoup website to generate more exposure and sales leads. Must Go! vehicles are shown on the home page, main landing pages, and within a "Souper Specials" area to give these vehicles one last chance to sell at retail prices. The number of Must Go! spots a dealer can use depends on their CarSoup membership package level.
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Must Go!
1. Must Go!
Must Go!
Selling at retail, even at a slim margin, always beats wholesaling
a vehicle through the auction.
Every dealer has vehicles that simply must go.
That’s why CarSoup.com has. . .Must Go!
Home Page and
Market the vehicles that have been on your lot way too Main Landing Page
long without expending additional energy or resources Exposure for these
in CarSoup.com’s Must Go! content section. vehicles.
Your most aged inventory can be automatically pulled
from your data feed and displayed. Must Go! is
featured within the “Souper Specials” area of the site Your Must Go
and vehicles are also displayed on the CarSoup.com vehicles are also
home page and main landing pages. displayed on your
dealership pro le
Must Go! is one last chance to move vehicles at retail page.
prices before incurring the expense of taking them to
the auction.
Must Go! vehicles are also displayed on your dealer
profile page.
The quantity of vehicles you can display in Must Go! is
based on your CarSoup package level. The automation
feature is available to dealers participating at the
Enhanced or Preferred package level.
Call us today at 1.866.768.7411 or email us at info@carsoup.com. CarSoup.com
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