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Must, Mustn't and Don'tMust, Mustn't and Don't
need toneed to.
08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 2
1. Must
Must is commonly used to express
certainty. It can also be used as an internal
obligation or it's necessary to do
This must be the right address (certainty)
That must be Jerry. He's tall and blond.
08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 3
2. Mustn't
Mustn't or "Must not" suggests that you are
prohibited from doing something. It means that
something is not allowed; it is forbidden, and
you definitely shouldn't do it.
My little brother mustn't enter to my room.
You mustn't smoke in any school.
(They mean "entering and smoking are not allowed in the room or any school.")
08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 4
3. Don't need to
Don't need to suggests that someone is not
required to do something. It means that
something is not necessary, but you can do it if
you want to -- It's up to you!
You don't need to eat that.
(You can if you want to, but it is not necessary.)
You don't need to pass the test.
(It means "It's OK if you pass the test, but it's also OK if you don't pass it.")
08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 5
Don't forget...
Affirmative Sentence:
You must take your medicine.
Negative Sentences:
She mustn't go to that party.
I don't need to eat guatitas.
08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 6
Let's Practice!!!
08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 7
Complete the sentences with Don't need to, Must and
1. You ______________ smoke in a gas station.
2. You ______________ pass a test to drive a car.
3. You ______________ open up the computer while it
is plugged in.
4. Shops ______________ sell cigarettes to children.
5. This bus is free! You ____________ use it.
08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 8
Complete the sentences with Don't need to
and Mustn't.
1. You mustn't smoke in a gas station.
2. You must pass a test to drive a car.
3. You mustn't open up the computer while it
is plugged in.
4. Shops mustn't sell cigarettes to children.
5. This bus is free! You must use it.
08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 9
6.You ________ live in Canada to study at the
University of Victoria. You can take a course by
7. In Canada, employers _________ discriminate
against women or minorities. It's against the law.
8. You ________ buy the text book for this course. It's
against the school rules don't do it.
9. Canadians ______ get a visa to travel to India.
10. You ________ be late for class, or the teacher
will be angry.
08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 10
6.You don't need to live in Canada to study at the
University of Victoria. You can take a course by
7. In Canada, employers mustn't discriminate
against women or minorities. It's against the law.
8. You must buy the text book for this course. It's
against the school rules don't do it.
9. Canadians must get a visa to travel to India.
10. You mustn't be late for class, or the teacher
will be angry.
08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 11
Material created and selected
Danitza Lazcano Flores
Teacher of English
Master in Education
Educational Counselor

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Must, mustn't and don't need to

  • 1. Must, Mustn't and Don'tMust, Mustn't and Don't need toneed to. 2014
  • 2. 08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 2 1. Must Must is commonly used to express certainty. It can also be used as an internal obligation or it's necessary to do something. Examples: This must be the right address (certainty) That must be Jerry. He's tall and blond.
  • 3. 08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 3 2. Mustn't Mustn't or "Must not" suggests that you are prohibited from doing something. It means that something is not allowed; it is forbidden, and you definitely shouldn't do it. Examples: My little brother mustn't enter to my room. You mustn't smoke in any school. (They mean "entering and smoking are not allowed in the room or any school.")
  • 4. 08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 4 3. Don't need to Don't need to suggests that someone is not required to do something. It means that something is not necessary, but you can do it if you want to -- It's up to you! Examples: You don't need to eat that. (You can if you want to, but it is not necessary.) You don't need to pass the test. (It means "It's OK if you pass the test, but it's also OK if you don't pass it.")
  • 5. 08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 5 Don't forget... Affirmative Sentence: PERSON + MUST + INFINITIVE VERB + COMPLEMENT You must take your medicine. Negative Sentences: PERSON + MUSTN'T + INFINITIVE VERB + Complement DON'T NEED TO She mustn't go to that party. I don't need to eat guatitas.
  • 6. 08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 6 Let's Practice!!!
  • 7. 08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 7 Complete the sentences with Don't need to, Must and Mustn't. 1. You ______________ smoke in a gas station. 2. You ______________ pass a test to drive a car. 3. You ______________ open up the computer while it is plugged in. 4. Shops ______________ sell cigarettes to children. 5. This bus is free! You ____________ use it.
  • 8. 08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 8 Complete the sentences with Don't need to and Mustn't. 1. You mustn't smoke in a gas station. 2. You must pass a test to drive a car. 3. You mustn't open up the computer while it is plugged in. 4. Shops mustn't sell cigarettes to children. 5. This bus is free! You must use it.
  • 9. 08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 9 6.You ________ live in Canada to study at the University of Victoria. You can take a course by Internet. 7. In Canada, employers _________ discriminate against women or minorities. It's against the law. 8. You ________ buy the text book for this course. It's against the school rules don't do it. 9. Canadians ______ get a visa to travel to India. 10. You ________ be late for class, or the teacher will be angry.
  • 10. 08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 10 6.You don't need to live in Canada to study at the University of Victoria. You can take a course by Internet. 7. In Canada, employers mustn't discriminate against women or minorities. It's against the law. 8. You must buy the text book for this course. It's against the school rules don't do it. 9. Canadians must get a visa to travel to India. 10. You mustn't be late for class, or the teacher will be angry.
  • 11. 08/22/14 Free template from www.brainybetty.com 11 Material created and selected by Danitza Lazcano Flores Teacher of English Master in Education and Educational Counselor