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S. Paul Kearley,  CS Personal Best Training Solutions www.mustthinking.com
Understand the MUST cycle Build enthusiasm towards your goals Learn how to create clarity Discuss ways to get into action Learn to strategize Commit to results www.dalecarnegie.ca
The results we get in life come from the decisions and actions we take or dont take. MUST Philosophy
Alea Iacta Est ~Julius Caesar
Developing  future leaders  who drive change and build people油油  Preparing yourself for  change   Becoming more  strategic Surviving and thriving in the economic downturn
Knowledge Attitude Skills
D  M e  o f  m I  e n  n I  t n g MUST Objective Must Factor Gap Procrastination Frustration Incompleted Goals Daily Life
M otive (What must I do? Why?) U ltimatum (What happens if I dont?) S trategy (What will I do about it?) T ake  action. (When will I do it?)
M otive U nderstanding S trategy T aking Action
You cant get inside from the inside. The thinking that has gotten you to where you are today is no longer sufficient to keep you there.
You MUST see it before you can be it.
Be Successful  Work min 70 hrs/wk Unhealthy diets Sacrifice relationships Focus on acquiring things Burnout Obesity Divorce Bankruptcy Long Term Disability Search for balance Look perfect Finance everything Desire to have it all Leads To Leads To Leads To
What will happen if I dont create the desired result? What will it look like when I have created my MUST Objective?
You are pivotal in the future success you are destined for. Do people/peers see the same picture that you do? What do you see?
Know that you will succeed before you begin Have a clear picture of what you want to do and why Have an attitude of success. Commit to the outcome
Our words create our realities You are who you say you are.
Create a blueprint for success Become the artist of your own life
What do I want to create? 4. 3. 2. 1. Action Steps What is my current reality?
Success Rewards Speed Create and follow an Action Plan
The hurrieder I go, the behinder I get. Poor Me Nothing ever works for me
When you dont know what to do just do something.
Write your strategy Make a phone call Find a mentor Write an email Join a club Have a conversation Open a door Close a door Make a decision or a choice
B elief E nthusiasm A ttitude of success T ake Action
Prepare the ground Plant the seed Water it Prune it Fertilize it Harvest it Plant another seed.
Alea Iacta Est ~Julius Caesar
What MUST You Do?
To get a weekly boost of motivation, visit my website at  www.mustthinking.com  and sign up for my free newsletter. For information on Dale Carnegie Training, goto  www.dalecarnegie.ca   To order your copy, goto:   http://www.lulu.com/content/2429084

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Must Webinar

  • 1. S. Paul Kearley, CS Personal Best Training Solutions www.mustthinking.com
  • 2. Understand the MUST cycle Build enthusiasm towards your goals Learn how to create clarity Discuss ways to get into action Learn to strategize Commit to results www.dalecarnegie.ca
  • 3. The results we get in life come from the decisions and actions we take or dont take. MUST Philosophy
  • 4. Alea Iacta Est ~Julius Caesar
  • 5.
  • 6. Developing future leaders who drive change and build people油油 Preparing yourself for change Becoming more strategic Surviving and thriving in the economic downturn
  • 8. D M e o f m I e n n I t n g MUST Objective Must Factor Gap Procrastination Frustration Incompleted Goals Daily Life
  • 9. M otive (What must I do? Why?) U ltimatum (What happens if I dont?) S trategy (What will I do about it?) T ake action. (When will I do it?)
  • 10. M otive U nderstanding S trategy T aking Action
  • 11. You cant get inside from the inside. The thinking that has gotten you to where you are today is no longer sufficient to keep you there.
  • 12. You MUST see it before you can be it.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. Be Successful Work min 70 hrs/wk Unhealthy diets Sacrifice relationships Focus on acquiring things Burnout Obesity Divorce Bankruptcy Long Term Disability Search for balance Look perfect Finance everything Desire to have it all Leads To Leads To Leads To
  • 16. What will happen if I dont create the desired result? What will it look like when I have created my MUST Objective?
  • 17. You are pivotal in the future success you are destined for. Do people/peers see the same picture that you do? What do you see?
  • 18. Know that you will succeed before you begin Have a clear picture of what you want to do and why Have an attitude of success. Commit to the outcome
  • 19. Our words create our realities You are who you say you are.
  • 20.
  • 21. Create a blueprint for success Become the artist of your own life
  • 22. What do I want to create? 4. 3. 2. 1. Action Steps What is my current reality?
  • 23. Success Rewards Speed Create and follow an Action Plan
  • 24. The hurrieder I go, the behinder I get. Poor Me Nothing ever works for me
  • 25. When you dont know what to do just do something.
  • 26. Write your strategy Make a phone call Find a mentor Write an email Join a club Have a conversation Open a door Close a door Make a decision or a choice
  • 27. B elief E nthusiasm A ttitude of success T ake Action
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30. Prepare the ground Plant the seed Water it Prune it Fertilize it Harvest it Plant another seed.
  • 31. Alea Iacta Est ~Julius Caesar
  • 33. To get a weekly boost of motivation, visit my website at www.mustthinking.com and sign up for my free newsletter. For information on Dale Carnegie Training, goto www.dalecarnegie.ca To order your copy, goto: http://www.lulu.com/content/2429084

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Who: tell a little about you and how you came to develop the MUST concept
  • #5: The die is cast, there is no turning back Jan 10, 49 bc
  • #6: Tell Katrina Story, Killed 1600 people, Destroyed 200,000 homes, Displaced 1 million people, Insured property damage at $25.3 billion
  • #8: Airplane qualities get participation words that we use to describe ourselves
  • #9: Accept to accept accept to change. What is the business impact?
  • #10: Describe each one
  • #13: David and goliath
  • #16: False beliefs lead to false expectations which leads to wrong actions which leads to false beliefs. This is what most people see.
  • #18: How do you see the corporate strategy? How will you tell your people about it?
  • #20: Even the signs on the wall can make a difference
  • #24: Have you ever had an idea.