Major construction companies located in industrial areas compete with the company by offering similar designing and building services, though their products are around 10% more expensive. While competitors have more manpower allowing jobs to be completed faster, their size could result in low span of control and poor ideas within large businesses.
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Muhammet Mustafa Yılmaz 124042 Civil Engineering
1. Assignment #9Competitor Analysis (Section 7)
Muhammet Mustafa Yılmaz
CivilEngineering 124042
Willyourcustomers buy fromthem?
Majority of ourcustomerswillprobably not buy fromthem as
My competitorsareotherconstructioncompanies.
Theyaremostlylocated in industrialareas.
What do theysell?
Theyofferdesigningandbuildingservices .
How muchdoes it cost?
Theirproduct is 10% moreexpensivethanours
How big is thecompany?
Theyrange in size .
Whataretheir main strengths?
Theirstrength is thattheyhavemoremanpowerthismeansthejob is completedfaster.
Whataretheirweaknesses ?
Theirweakness is thatthere is lowspan of controlwith in a bigbusiness,thoseideasmaybecomepoor .