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health social machines
a quick overview for SOCIAM-Soton
by eMax & dan
Tuesday, 7 May 13
device support networks
support networks
putting it together
Tuesday, 7 May 13
personal biometric sensors
blood pressure
env. temp
body fat
Tuesday, 7 May 13
facial expressions, affect and brain-waves
low cost EEG
Tuesday, 7 May 13
temperature, heat 鍖ux,
galvanic skin response
and 3-axis
accelerometer sensors
calorie burn,
exercise intensity,
stress & sleep
core 2
Tuesday, 7 May 13
Tuesday, 7 May 13
activity classi鍖cation using GPS and Accelerometers
Tuesday, 7 May 13
Tuesday, 7 May 13
Heart rate from camera
Tuesday, 7 May 13
zensorium tinke
Tuesday, 7 May 13
zensorium tinke
Heart rate, Respiratory Rate,
Heart rate variability, Blood oxygen level, stress index
Tuesday, 7 May 13
nike+ fuelband
Tuesday, 7 May 13
nike+ fuelband
Tuesday, 7 May 13
nike+ fuelband
simple gamei鍖cation
Tuesday, 7 May 13
social gamei鍖cation
Tuesday, 7 May 13
鍖tocracy points (fuel/calories burned)
levels (titles/badgets/awards)
programmes (quests)
f2f competition (duels)
teams & team competition
discussion (chatter)
support (fans/cheerleading)
social gamei鍖cation
Tuesday, 7 May 13
鍖tocracy points (fuel/calories burned)
levels (titles/badgets/awards)
programmes (quests)
f2f competition (duels)
teams & team competition
discussion (chatter)
support (fans/cheerleading)
social gamei鍖cation
Fitbit, Nike+, Zeo, Traineo, dailyburn, earnedit, FitFiend,
FitByFun, FitLink, ExtraPounds, SparkPeople
Tuesday, 7 May 13
support networks
Tuesday, 7 May 13
support networks
24/7 access
Peer support and counseling through discussion
Professional support (BWW staff)
Full engagement, safety and anonymity of all
Requires prescription
Collective sensemaking through crowdsourced reports
of treatments and experiences and insight
Free to all
Non-anonymous, non-professionally staffed
Tuesday, 7 May 13
 Switch by Chip Heath & Dan Heath
 Carrots and Sticks by Ian Ayres
 The Tipping Point by Malclom Gladwell
 Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
 Drive by Daniel Pink
 Sway by Ori Brafman
 Nudge Richard Thaler & Cass Sunstein
 Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely
 Upside of Irrationality by Dan Ariely
 The Art of Game Design by Jesse Schell
 Gami鍖cation by Design by Gabe Zichermann
 Reality is Broken by Jane McGonigal
 Rock Paper Scissors by Len Fisher
 Immunity to change by Robert Kegan
 Cognitive Surplus by Clay Shirky
 The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki
 Descartes' Error by Antonio Damasio
 The Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz
 How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer
 Don't Shoot The Dog by Karen Pryor
 The Social Animal by David Brooks
 Punished by Rewards by Al鍖e Kohn
Thomas Goetz
executive director of WIRED
Public Health at UC Berkeley
Kevin Kelly
Executive editor of WIRED
Editor of Whole Earth Catalogue
Tuesday, 7 May 13
Framingham Heart Study
1948-ongoing , 5,208 adult subjects
Much of the now-common knowledge concerning heart disease,
such as the effects of diet, exercise, and common medications
such as aspirin, is based on this longitudinal study.
1000+ medical papers
High Blood Pressure / Hypertension not healthy
Genetic risk factors identi鍖ed
Behavioural risk factors (e.g., cigarette smoking) identi鍖ed
Gender-speci鍖c risk factors identi鍖ed
Stanford Marshmallow Experiment
1972-2012 , 600-800 participants
China-Cornell-Oxford Nutrition Study
Busselton Health Study
Impulsive behaviour correlated with behavioural characteristics
later in life
1988 "preschool children who delayed grati鍖cation longer in the self-imposed
delay paradigm, were described more than 10 years later by their parents as
adolescents who were signi鍖cantly more competent".
prefrontal cortex / ventral striatum
obesity, SAT scores, professional salaries, marital happiness ....
Tuesday, 7 May 13
challenges for longitudinal use
Tuesday, 7 May 13
challenges for longitudinal use
no longitudinal study of effects of
gamei鍖cation + behavioural ints.
device tied to providers silo+app ; dif鍖cult to pull data out
no integration across devices;
logging is an investment good (Thaler & Susstein) -
costs now, bene鍖ts later; sustaining logging is dif鍖cult
high-res, multi-dimensional
temporal data
low-effort, almost forgettable
not clinically validated
disagreement among units
fuel points calories
increases awareness of
everyday activities
bridges estimation gap
Tuesday, 7 May 13
Analysis of An Online Health Social Network,
Ma et al (2010) ACM International Health
107,000 User Empirical Analysis
If a users friend makes signi鍖cant progress on weight loss, the
probability of that users own weight-loss success is much greater
than a user whose friends are not making progress.
A users weight loss may positively in鍖uence those separated as
far as four-degree away in the social network.
Tuesday, 7 May 13
This sharing of
information creates a
more informed and
empowered patient
and can lead to a
radical recon鍖guring
of the doctor/patient
Tuesday, 7 May 13

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Mvk 2013-february -health-social-machines

  • 1. health social machines a quick overview for SOCIAM-Soton by eMax & dan Tuesday, 7 May 13
  • 2. device support networks devices support networks literature putting it together Tuesday, 7 May 13
  • 3. personal biometric sensors weight activity eating temp blood pressure env. temp body fat sleep Tuesday, 7 May 13
  • 4. facial expressions, affect and brain-waves eMotive low cost EEG Tuesday, 7 May 13
  • 5. temperature, heat 鍖ux, galvanic skin response and 3-axis accelerometer sensors calorie burn, exercise intensity, stress & sleep bodymedia core 2 Tuesday, 7 May 13
  • 7. moves activity classi鍖cation using GPS and Accelerometers Tuesday, 7 May 13
  • 9. cardiio Heart rate from camera Tuesday, 7 May 13
  • 11. zensorium tinke Heart rate, Respiratory Rate, Heart rate variability, Blood oxygen level, stress index Tuesday, 7 May 13
  • 16. 鍖tocracy points (fuel/calories burned) levels (titles/badgets/awards) programmes (quests) f2f competition (duels) teams & team competition discussion (chatter) support (fans/cheerleading) social gamei鍖cation Tuesday, 7 May 13
  • 17. 鍖tocracy points (fuel/calories burned) levels (titles/badgets/awards) programmes (quests) f2f competition (duels) teams & team competition discussion (chatter) support (fans/cheerleading) social gamei鍖cation Fitbit, Nike+, Zeo, Traineo, dailyburn, earnedit, FitFiend, FitByFun, FitLink, ExtraPounds, SparkPeople Tuesday, 7 May 13
  • 19. support networks 24/7 access Peer support and counseling through discussion forums Professional support (BWW staff) Full engagement, safety and anonymity of all members Requires prescription Collective sensemaking through crowdsourced reports of treatments and experiences and insight Free to all Non-anonymous, non-professionally staffed Tuesday, 7 May 13
  • 20. Switch by Chip Heath & Dan Heath Carrots and Sticks by Ian Ayres The Tipping Point by Malclom Gladwell Blink by Malcolm Gladwell Drive by Daniel Pink Sway by Ori Brafman Nudge Richard Thaler & Cass Sunstein Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely Upside of Irrationality by Dan Ariely The Art of Game Design by Jesse Schell Gami鍖cation by Design by Gabe Zichermann Reality is Broken by Jane McGonigal Rock Paper Scissors by Len Fisher Immunity to change by Robert Kegan Cognitive Surplus by Clay Shirky The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki Descartes' Error by Antonio Damasio The Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer Don't Shoot The Dog by Karen Pryor The Social Animal by David Brooks Punished by Rewards by Al鍖e Kohn Thomas Goetz executive director of WIRED Public Health at UC Berkeley Kevin Kelly Executive editor of WIRED Editor of Whole Earth Catalogue http://quanti鍖edself.com Tuesday, 7 May 13
  • 21. Framingham Heart Study 1948-ongoing , 5,208 adult subjects Much of the now-common knowledge concerning heart disease, such as the effects of diet, exercise, and common medications such as aspirin, is based on this longitudinal study. 1000+ medical papers High Blood Pressure / Hypertension not healthy Genetic risk factors identi鍖ed Behavioural risk factors (e.g., cigarette smoking) identi鍖ed Gender-speci鍖c risk factors identi鍖ed Stanford Marshmallow Experiment 1972-2012 , 600-800 participants China-Cornell-Oxford Nutrition Study Busselton Health Study Impulsive behaviour correlated with behavioural characteristics later in life 1988 "preschool children who delayed grati鍖cation longer in the self-imposed delay paradigm, were described more than 10 years later by their parents as adolescents who were signi鍖cantly more competent". prefrontal cortex / ventral striatum obesity, SAT scores, professional salaries, marital happiness .... longitudinalhealthstudies Tuesday, 7 May 13
  • 22. challenges for longitudinal use challenges advantages Tuesday, 7 May 13
  • 23. challenges for longitudinal use no longitudinal study of effects of gamei鍖cation + behavioural ints. challenges advantages device tied to providers silo+app ; dif鍖cult to pull data out no integration across devices; logging is an investment good (Thaler & Susstein) - costs now, bene鍖ts later; sustaining logging is dif鍖cult high-res, multi-dimensional temporal data low-effort, almost forgettable not clinically validated disagreement among units fuel points calories increases awareness of everyday activities bridges estimation gap Tuesday, 7 May 13
  • 24. Analysis of An Online Health Social Network, Ma et al (2010) ACM International Health Informatics 107,000 User Empirical Analysis If a users friend makes signi鍖cant progress on weight loss, the probability of that users own weight-loss success is much greater than a user whose friends are not making progress. A users weight loss may positively in鍖uence those separated as far as four-degree away in the social network. Tuesday, 7 May 13
  • 25. This sharing of information creates a more informed and empowered patient and can lead to a radical recon鍖guring of the doctor/patient relationship. Tuesday, 7 May 13