Equine massage and bodywork has a deeply beneficial effect on the wellness and performance of your horse. Learn more about what Stefanie does.
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Benefits of Equine Bodywork
1. Equine Massage and Integrated Equine Performance Bodywork ™ (Masterson Method) How to improve your horse’s performance by releasing tension
2. Every Horse is an Athlete 60% of the horse’s body weight is muscle The horse uses almost every muscle with every step Some major key junctions in the horse’s skeleton are only supported by soft tissue, not joints! Well Horses Perform Well! ™
3. Relaxation Enables Performance Muscle performance = relaxation and contraction Tense, tight, sore muscles and soft tissues lack flexibility Tense muscles cannot relax sufficiently Only relaxed muscles can function optimally through relaxation and contraction! Well Horses Perform Well! ™
4. The three key junctions of the horse The poll The junction of neck and shoulder The sacroiliac area Well Horses Perform Well! ™
5. … that most affect performance Releasing tension in these junctions (poll, neck/shoulder, sacroiliac) can have an immediate and positive effect on performance Well Horses Perform Well! ™
6. Which horses can benefit? Performance horses Hunter/jumper Dressage horses Endurance horses Trail horses Driving horses All horses with a job! Well Horses Perform Well! ™
7. Most common signs of tension Decline in performance Limited range of motion Stiffness to one side Not picking up a lead Lack of impulsion Not rounding, not stepping under And more Well Horses Perform Well! ™
8. Bad behavior can mean muscle pain Rearing Bucking, crow hopping Refusal to change gaits Throwing up head during gait changes Refusal to ride through corners Clasping bit with teeth Grinding teeth Well Horses Perform Well! ™
9. Why does tension hurt? Tension in muscles and soft tissues can be painful Muscle spasms are always painful and restrict motion, causing secondary pain Well Horses Perform Well! ™
10. Equine Massage and Bodywork Is a gentle, non- invasive method to relieve tension Can lead to improved performance in the healthy horse Should be practiced by a certified, insured practitioner Should be part of an overall wellness program Well Horses Perform Well! ™ Note : Equine massage and bodywork is a wellness modality for healthy horses and does not replace veterinary care.
11. About Stefanie Reinhold Stefanie is a c ertified equine massage practitioner and is certified in Integrated Equine Performance Bodywork™ (Masterson Method). With a background in training (FN trainer apprenticeship, Germany) she understands the demands and challenges that performance horses face. Stefanie lives and works in Madison, Wisconsin and is available for equine bodywork at barns and events and for Horse Wellness Seminars. Well Horses Perform Well! ™ With members of the Madison Mounted at the Horse Wellness Seminar <<With participants of equine massage case studies <<Teaching the Masterson Method with Jim Masterson in Fairfield, IA With Jim Masterson at the Equine Affaire in Ohio, 09>>
12. Reinhold’s Horse Wellness We thank you for stopping by and look forward to seeing you again in the future! Well Horses Perform Well! ™