This document describes an automatic stopwatch system for motocross using infrared transmission. The system has two main modules: a transmitter module that generates infrared pulses and a main module that calculates lap times, displays data on an LCD, and stores lap times in an SD card. The main module uses an infrared receiver to detect pulses from the transmitter and calculates lap times and performance metrics. Validation testing with an oscilloscope confirmed the system accurately detects transmitted pulses and measures lap times. The stored lap time data can be analyzed with graphs to evaluate a rider's performance over a season.
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MX Lap Timer - An automatic stopwatch for Motocross
1. MX Lap Timer
An automatic stopwatch for
Guilherme Pohl
Applied Electronics
Professor Walter Gontijo
December 9, 2014
2. Objective
Develop an automatic stopwatch using an Infrared (IR) transmitter and
receiver to be used in Motocross
Create an easy way to analyze your seasons
3. Functionalities
Calculate and display the current lap time
Calculate the time difference between the current lap and the previous lap
Display the best lap
Software brighlight adjust
Store the lap times in a .csv file
Plot a lap time x lap graph in Excel
4. Project Overview
This project can be divided into two modules:
Transmitter module: Responsible for generating the pulse sequence
Main Module: Responsible for calculate the lap time, the difference
between the previous lap, display the data on the LCD Display and store
the lap time into the SD Card
16. Infrared (IR) Receptor
Infrared(IR) Receptor Input
Infrared(IR) Transmitter Output
Stop the transmission required by the
receptor to confirm the codes receipt
17. LCD 20x4 Display
The display has a parallel interface, this means the Arduino needs to control
many pins of the display at the same time in order to display the messages.
Pins Utilized Connection
VE Potentiometer Signal Pin
Register Select (RS) D9
Read/Write (RD/WR) GND
Enable (E) D8
D4,D5,D6,D7 D7, D6, D5, D4
Backlight Anode +5v
Backlight Cathode Collector of BC546
18. SD Card Module
This module communicate with the microcontroller using a serial peripheral
interface bus (SPI), that is a synchronous protocol used by the Arduino to
communicate with other peripherals and microcontrollers.
SD Cards Pin Arduinos Pin
CS D10
20. System Validation
The validation of the system was made analyzing the output of the IR
Transmissor and the input of IR Receptor signal pin utilizing an oscilloscope.
24. Computational Analysis
Analyzing the graph generated with the data acquired in one season is possible to
verify the rider's performance for each lap.