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My accomplished projects as Trade Marketing Executive:
ï‚· In Store Activation in Lotte Mart.
 Educate consumers in Lotte Mart ( Lotte Mart Kuningan City, Gandaria City and Bintaro) with
educative game and related with marketing campaign (#saferunning Pocari Sweat)
 Increase sales of Pocari Sweat in Lotte Mart (Lotte Mart Kuningan City, Gandaria City and
 Maintain relationship with Account
My Responsibilities :
o Promotion and Brand Activities Initiator in this project
o Manage and Select Event Organizer to do the Event
o Supervise Event Implementation
o Responsible for relations with Lotte Mart (account)
ï‚· Lotte Mart Run Clinic
 On ground activities to educate consumer at Lotte Mart with marketing campaign by couching
them about #saferunning with professional instructor (Matias Ibo)
 Maintain relationship with Account
 Maintain relationship with Running Community
My Responsibilities:
o Promotion and Brand Activities Initiator in this project
o Manage and Select Event Organizer to do the Event
o Supervise Event Implementation
o Responsible for relations with Lotte Mart (account) and Community that support the Event
ï‚· Pocari Sweat activation at Sunday Seven Eleven Event
 Educate consumer in Account (Seven Eleven Teluk Betung) with educative games and
related with marketing campaign
 Relationship with Account
 Create Brand Experience
 Increase sales
My Responsibilities:
o Promotion and Brand Activities Initiator in this project
o Manage and Select Event Organizer to do the Event
o Supervise Event Implementation
o Responsible for relations with Seven Eleven (account)
ï‚· Implementation of Product Floor Display in Lotte Mart (Account)
 Educate consumer in account with marketing campaign
 Increase consumer impulse buying of Pocari Sweat in account
 Increase selling out of Pocari Sweat
My Responsibilities:
o Designer of Pocari Sweat Floor Display tool
o Manage production of Pocari Sweat Floor Display tool
o Manage and Select vendor that do production of Pocari Sweat Floor Display Tool
o Supervise Implementation of Pocari Sweat Floor Display tool in store
o Coordination with Sales team about The Implementation
ï‚· Dressing Up Top Gondola for Pocari Sweat in Foodhall
 Educate consumer in account with marketing campaign
 Increase consumer impulse buying of Pocari Sweat in account
 Increase selling out of Pocari Sweat
My Responsibilities:
o Designer of Dressing Up tool for Top Gondola
o Manage production of Dressing Up tool for Top Gondola
o Manage and Select vendor that do production and placement of Dressing Up tool for Top
o Supervise Implementation of Dressing Up tool for Top Gondola in store
o Coordination with Sales team about The Implementation
ï‚· Implementation of Dressing Up Top Gondola for Pocari Sweat in Modern Trade Independent
 Educate consumers in account with marketing campaign
 Increase consumer impulse buying of Pocari Sweat in account
 Increase selling out of Pocari Sweat
My Responsibilities:
o Designer of Dressing Up tool for Top Gondola
o Manage production of Dressing Up tool for Top Gondola
o Manage and Select vendor that do production and placement of Dressing Up tool for Top
o Supervise Implementation of Dressing Up tool for Top Gondola in store
o Coordination with Sales Team about the Implementation
ï‚· Pocari Sweat Digital Activation with Indomaret
 Educate consumers in Indomaret with marketing campaign (#saferunning Pocari Sweat)
 Increase sales in Indomaret with digital activation
 Concept: Buy 3 pcs of Pocari Sweat 350mL, follow @pocariID and @Indomaret, twittpic
moment with Pocari Sweat, the best twittpic will get free ticket for Pocari Sweat Run 2015
ï‚· Pocari Sweat in Store Activation with Carrefour, Hypermart, Giant, Lotte Mart and Foodmart
 Educate consumers in Carrefour, Hypermart, Giant, Lotte Mart and Foodmart with product
benefit and knowledge of Pocari Sweat (via educating and brand experience games)
 Increase sales in accounts (11 stores of Carrefour, 3 stores of Giant, 5 stores of Lotte Mart, 1
stores of Foodmart and 9 stores of Hypermart)
ï‚· Pocari Sweat Digital Activation with Circle K
 Educate consumers of Circle K with marketing campaign (#saferunning Pocari Sweat)
 Increase Sales in Circle K
 Concept: Buy 2 pcs of Pocari Sweat PET 500mL, input unique code from receipt to twitter
and twittpic the moment with Pocari Sweat, 100 best twittpic moment will get special
gimmick from Pocari Sweat (25 pcs free trial 7 days Gold’s Gym, 25 pcs Pocari Sweat USB,
25 pcs Pocari Sweat Jacket and 25 pcs Pocari Sweat Arm band)
ï‚· Pocari Sweat Etalase Display for General Trade
 Increase consumer impulse buying
 Optimize Pocari Sweat Assortment and Display at General Trade
ï‚· Pocari Sweat Freezy Project at General Trade
 Keeping a dominant display in the Chiller of Outlet
 Optimize Pocari Sweat Assortment in the Chiller of Outlet
 Securing the Sales Growth Rate in General Trade Outlets
o This project are implemented at 3000 National General Trade outlets
o Period : June – August 2015
o Selected Outlet will get Money Cash Rp 100.000,- if they can achieve 50% sales increased
based on Average Sales LY 2014 per Month in same period
o Outlets will get weapons to help outlet achieve the target, such as Glass Door Sticker and
shelftalker branding in the chiller.

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My accomplished projects as Trade Marketing Executive

  • 1. My accomplished projects as Trade Marketing Executive: ï‚· In Store Activation in Lotte Mart.  Educate consumers in Lotte Mart ( Lotte Mart Kuningan City, Gandaria City and Bintaro) with educative game and related with marketing campaign (#saferunning Pocari Sweat)  Increase sales of Pocari Sweat in Lotte Mart (Lotte Mart Kuningan City, Gandaria City and Bintaro)  Maintain relationship with Account My Responsibilities : o Promotion and Brand Activities Initiator in this project o Manage and Select Event Organizer to do the Event o Supervise Event Implementation o Responsible for relations with Lotte Mart (account) ï‚· Lotte Mart Run Clinic Objectives:  On ground activities to educate consumer at Lotte Mart with marketing campaign by couching them about #saferunning with professional instructor (Matias Ibo)  Maintain relationship with Account  Maintain relationship with Running Community My Responsibilities: o Promotion and Brand Activities Initiator in this project o Manage and Select Event Organizer to do the Event o Supervise Event Implementation o Responsible for relations with Lotte Mart (account) and Community that support the Event ï‚· Pocari Sweat activation at Sunday Seven Eleven Event Objective:  Educate consumer in Account (Seven Eleven Teluk Betung) with educative games and related with marketing campaign  Relationship with Account  Create Brand Experience  Increase sales
  • 2. My Responsibilities: o Promotion and Brand Activities Initiator in this project o Manage and Select Event Organizer to do the Event o Supervise Event Implementation o Responsible for relations with Seven Eleven (account) ï‚· Implementation of Product Floor Display in Lotte Mart (Account) Objectives:  Educate consumer in account with marketing campaign  Increase consumer impulse buying of Pocari Sweat in account  Increase selling out of Pocari Sweat My Responsibilities: o Designer of Pocari Sweat Floor Display tool o Manage production of Pocari Sweat Floor Display tool o Manage and Select vendor that do production of Pocari Sweat Floor Display Tool o Supervise Implementation of Pocari Sweat Floor Display tool in store o Coordination with Sales team about The Implementation ï‚· Dressing Up Top Gondola for Pocari Sweat in Foodhall Objectives:  Educate consumer in account with marketing campaign  Increase consumer impulse buying of Pocari Sweat in account  Increase selling out of Pocari Sweat My Responsibilities: o Designer of Dressing Up tool for Top Gondola o Manage production of Dressing Up tool for Top Gondola o Manage and Select vendor that do production and placement of Dressing Up tool for Top Gondola o Supervise Implementation of Dressing Up tool for Top Gondola in store o Coordination with Sales team about The Implementation
  • 3. ï‚· Implementation of Dressing Up Top Gondola for Pocari Sweat in Modern Trade Independent (Supermarket) Objectives:  Educate consumers in account with marketing campaign  Increase consumer impulse buying of Pocari Sweat in account  Increase selling out of Pocari Sweat My Responsibilities: o Designer of Dressing Up tool for Top Gondola o Manage production of Dressing Up tool for Top Gondola o Manage and Select vendor that do production and placement of Dressing Up tool for Top Gondola o Supervise Implementation of Dressing Up tool for Top Gondola in store o Coordination with Sales Team about the Implementation ï‚· Pocari Sweat Digital Activation with Indomaret Objectives:  Educate consumers in Indomaret with marketing campaign (#saferunning Pocari Sweat)  Increase sales in Indomaret with digital activation  Concept: Buy 3 pcs of Pocari Sweat 350mL, follow @pocariID and @Indomaret, twittpic moment with Pocari Sweat, the best twittpic will get free ticket for Pocari Sweat Run 2015
  • 4. ï‚· Pocari Sweat in Store Activation with Carrefour, Hypermart, Giant, Lotte Mart and Foodmart Objective:  Educate consumers in Carrefour, Hypermart, Giant, Lotte Mart and Foodmart with product benefit and knowledge of Pocari Sweat (via educating and brand experience games)  Increase sales in accounts (11 stores of Carrefour, 3 stores of Giant, 5 stores of Lotte Mart, 1 stores of Foodmart and 9 stores of Hypermart) ï‚· Pocari Sweat Digital Activation with Circle K Objective:  Educate consumers of Circle K with marketing campaign (#saferunning Pocari Sweat)  Increase Sales in Circle K  Concept: Buy 2 pcs of Pocari Sweat PET 500mL, input unique code from receipt to twitter and twittpic the moment with Pocari Sweat, 100 best twittpic moment will get special gimmick from Pocari Sweat (25 pcs free trial 7 days Gold’s Gym, 25 pcs Pocari Sweat USB, 25 pcs Pocari Sweat Jacket and 25 pcs Pocari Sweat Arm band)
  • 5. ï‚· Pocari Sweat Etalase Display for General Trade Objective:  Increase consumer impulse buying  Optimize Pocari Sweat Assortment and Display at General Trade ï‚· Pocari Sweat Freezy Project at General Trade Objective:  Keeping a dominant display in the Chiller of Outlet  Optimize Pocari Sweat Assortment in the Chiller of Outlet  Securing the Sales Growth Rate in General Trade Outlets Mechanism: o This project are implemented at 3000 National General Trade outlets o Period : June – August 2015 o Selected Outlet will get Money Cash Rp 100.000,- if they can achieve 50% sales increased based on Average Sales LY 2014 per Month in same period o Outlets will get weapons to help outlet achieve the target, such as Glass Door Sticker and shelftalker branding in the chiller.