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Jodie Miners www.jodiem.com.au Presented at Be2Camp Pecha Kucha Session London, October 10, 2008
I was born in Sydney Image: ' Harbour Bridge in Fog '  www.flickr.com/photos/84555819@N00/173590111
In 1973 the Sydney Opera House  was opened I was here http://www.rba.gov.au/Museum/Timeline/_Images/1973_opera_house_big.jpg
My Mum and Dad bought this piece of  Artwork / history at the opening Its a Batik on fabric, and it has wild 70s colours It now hangs in my lounge room
So the Sydney Opera House has Significance to me Image: ' Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge -+B&W '  www.flickr.com/photos/60444977@N00/1968567439
In 1974 we moved to Canberra http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexhdr77/2782802709/
I learned about the history of Canberra and  Walter Burley Griffin www.flickr.com/photos/canberrahouse/2513800556/
And that  Marion Mahoney Griffin  Produced the drawings of Canberra http://www.flickr.com/photos/canberrahouse/2513800556 /
And  Marion Mahoney Griffin  Was a student of  Frank Lloyd Wright
I was in Canberra for the construction of The New Parliament House In Fact I got a tour of the building before completion as a 21st Birthday Present
So Canberra has some significance too
When I was studying construction we were shown a movie of the construction of the Sydney Opera House architecture.about.com/.../blsydneyopera07.htm
It was simply called  Job No 1112 It was about the company Ove Arup and  Their challenges as there were very few drawings produced for the construction http://www.heritage.nsw.gov.au/07_subnav_01_3.cfm?itemid=5054880&imageid=5002982
Of course the Architect for the SOH Is  Jorn Utzon www.smh.com.au/.../2008/04/09/1207420456773.html   Utzon worked with  Frank Lloyd Wright*
Utzons work was inspired by the Mayan Temples (the platform and steps) and  Gaudi  (Gothic Cathedrals)  http://architecture.about.com/cs/architectsw/a/jornutzon.htm  Frank Lloyd Wright  hated Utzon Ludwig Mies van der Rohe  turned his back when introduced to Utzon  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utzon Frank Gehry  praised Utzons work  http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2007/oct/15/architecture1 Harry Seidler  loved the Opera House Louis Kahn  was inspired by Utzon  http://www.sydneyoperahouse.com/uploadedFiles/About_Us/Corporate_Information/Content_AboutUs_WorldHeritage.pdf
Eero Saarinen  was on the Jury for the Design of the Opera House Utzon *  used to work for  Saarinen Saarinen  designed the JFK Terminal  (I also have a huge interest in  JFK ) IM Pei  Designed the  JFK Memorial Library  in Boston (Saarinen  also designed cool chairs and I have a huge interest in chair design) http:// www.caup.washington.edu/vrc/imgs/TWA4.jpg
So  Utzon  and all the associations With his architecture are very significant To me.
In 1998 I went to the USA I spent 3 months travelling around I looked at lots of Architecture * * * * * * * * * * * These are just some of the states I visited
Chicago Frank Lloyd Wright Frank Lloyd Wright House Including the Desk where  Marion Mahoney Griffin *  Sat Oak Park Houses Robie House http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robie_House
Chicago Ludwig Mies van der Rohe * Illinois Institute of Technology Lake Shore Drive Apartments http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mies_van_der_rohe
Chicago John Hancock Tower Designed by Bangladeshi Structural  Engineer  Fazlur Khan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hancock_Center
New York Frank Lloyd Wright * Guggenheim Museum, New York Image: ' Guggenheim apostrophe '  www.flickr.com/photos/12771303@N00/52695803 Image: ' F.L.Wright from below '  www.flickr.com/photos/58698446@N00/115790331
New York Museum of Modern Art Just to see Blue Poles that was on loan from the Australian National Gallery in Canberra * And the Chair * exhibition featuring  Charles and Ray Eames  chairs And the Impressionists paintings that I had also seen in Canberra * Impressionist art is also another  interest of mine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eames_Lounge_Chair http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_poles
Other Places / Things I Saw JFK  * Washington DC  JFKs Grave JFK Library  in Boston * Dallas, Texas, including the site of the JFK Assassination Kennedy Space Centre in Florida Including a Rocket Launch (The history of Space travel is another area I am very interested in) Construction National Building Museum in  Washington DC Including a fantastic photo exhibit of the decay of the buildings on Ellis Island
So Frank Lloyd Wright and the buildings I saw in the USA have a great deal of  significance also
After USA I moved to Sydney and one As part of my work Ive had the  Opportunity to work on building office Fitouts in a few  Harry Seidler *  Buildings Grosvenor Place Australia Square Plus I have been to Rose Seidler House (a fantastic house,  still in its original format) And,  Harry Seidler  himself travelled the  world to look at architecture http://www.amazon.co.uk/Grand-Tour-Seidlers-Architectural-Sights/dp/3822825557 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Seidler
So that brings me to this trip,  October 2008  travelling the world to Look at architecture London Bilbao Barcelona Paris Dubai
London Not sure what the links are yet...  But Im sure to find some Developing and interest in archaeology (love watching Time Team)  http://www.timeteam.co.uk/ Very interested in the modernist architecture.  Eg Want to see the  Lord Fosters  Gherkin building and the  Richard Rogers  Lloyds Building  Was fascinated by the series The Buildings that shaped Britain  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0866516/ Love watching Grand Designs  http://www.channel4.com/4homes/on-tv/grand-designs/
Bilbao Frank Gehry * The Guggenheim * Museum, Bilbao Also the fascinating movie Sketches of Frank Gehry  http://www.sonyclassics.com/sketchesoffrankgehry/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guggenheim_Museum_Bilbao
Barcelona Antonio Gaudi *  All of his works, but especially the  G端ell Crypt  in the  Col嘆nia G端ell Image: ' Outside Column and Vault 1 '  www.flickr.com/photos/61966064@N00/81462835
Barcelona Mies van der Rohe * Barcelona Pavilion (replica) Including the Barcelona Chair * flickr.com/photos/tscarlisle/105796055/
Barcelona Picasso Museu Picasso I am fascinated by Picassos works and travelled to Melbourne a few years ago to see the Picasso exhibit And first saw Picassos at the Australian National Gallery in Canberra * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pablo_Picasso
So since I am going all the way to Barcelona to see  Gaudis  work mostly, Gaudi  is significant to me also
Paris IM Pei * The Pyramids at the Louvre Renzo Piano  and  Richard Rogers * Centre Georges Pompidou Johann Otto von Spreckelsen  (also a Danish architect *) Arche de la D辿fense Harry Seidler Australian Embassy, Paris
Paris Others The Eiffel Tower It was originally planned to be built in Barcelona for the same exhibition that the Barcelona Pavilion * was constructed And Some Art Mus辿e d'Orsay The impressionist paintings there were on loan to the Australian National Gallery * when I first saw them Mus辿e National Picasso  Another Picasso Museum
Dubai Just Because ! Burj Al Arab The Palm Atlantis, The Palm The World Burj Dubai (under construction) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubai http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palm_Islands http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burj_Dubai http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World_Islands
Whats Next Other places and things that are on  my must see list Fallingwater Frank Lloyd Wright  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallingwater Parliament Buildings, Bangladesh Louis Kahn    from the film My Architect http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Architect Mayan Pyramids As they inspired  Jorn Utzon * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesoamerican_pyramids Anything by any of the Modernist movement artists and architects  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modernism
The End! This whole series of links around travel and architecture was inspired by the Sydney Architecture Walk I went on in 2005 about the Sydney Opera House And Utzon. If you are in Sydney this is a MUST DO!) http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/11/10/1068329493877.html http://www.sydneyarchitecture.org/pages/saw_TOUR_DESCRIPTIONS_main.html#saw2

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My Architecture Inspired Travels

  • 1. Jodie Miners www.jodiem.com.au Presented at Be2Camp Pecha Kucha Session London, October 10, 2008
  • 2. I was born in Sydney Image: ' Harbour Bridge in Fog ' www.flickr.com/photos/84555819@N00/173590111
  • 3. In 1973 the Sydney Opera House was opened I was here http://www.rba.gov.au/Museum/Timeline/_Images/1973_opera_house_big.jpg
  • 4. My Mum and Dad bought this piece of Artwork / history at the opening Its a Batik on fabric, and it has wild 70s colours It now hangs in my lounge room
  • 5. So the Sydney Opera House has Significance to me Image: ' Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge -+B&W ' www.flickr.com/photos/60444977@N00/1968567439
  • 6. In 1974 we moved to Canberra http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexhdr77/2782802709/
  • 7. I learned about the history of Canberra and Walter Burley Griffin www.flickr.com/photos/canberrahouse/2513800556/
  • 8. And that Marion Mahoney Griffin Produced the drawings of Canberra http://www.flickr.com/photos/canberrahouse/2513800556 /
  • 9. And Marion Mahoney Griffin Was a student of Frank Lloyd Wright
  • 10. I was in Canberra for the construction of The New Parliament House In Fact I got a tour of the building before completion as a 21st Birthday Present
  • 11. So Canberra has some significance too
  • 12. When I was studying construction we were shown a movie of the construction of the Sydney Opera House architecture.about.com/.../blsydneyopera07.htm
  • 13. It was simply called Job No 1112 It was about the company Ove Arup and Their challenges as there were very few drawings produced for the construction http://www.heritage.nsw.gov.au/07_subnav_01_3.cfm?itemid=5054880&imageid=5002982
  • 14. Of course the Architect for the SOH Is Jorn Utzon www.smh.com.au/.../2008/04/09/1207420456773.html Utzon worked with Frank Lloyd Wright*
  • 15. Utzons work was inspired by the Mayan Temples (the platform and steps) and Gaudi (Gothic Cathedrals) http://architecture.about.com/cs/architectsw/a/jornutzon.htm Frank Lloyd Wright hated Utzon Ludwig Mies van der Rohe turned his back when introduced to Utzon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utzon Frank Gehry praised Utzons work http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2007/oct/15/architecture1 Harry Seidler loved the Opera House Louis Kahn was inspired by Utzon http://www.sydneyoperahouse.com/uploadedFiles/About_Us/Corporate_Information/Content_AboutUs_WorldHeritage.pdf
  • 16. Eero Saarinen was on the Jury for the Design of the Opera House Utzon * used to work for Saarinen Saarinen designed the JFK Terminal (I also have a huge interest in JFK ) IM Pei Designed the JFK Memorial Library in Boston (Saarinen also designed cool chairs and I have a huge interest in chair design) http:// www.caup.washington.edu/vrc/imgs/TWA4.jpg
  • 17. So Utzon and all the associations With his architecture are very significant To me.
  • 18. In 1998 I went to the USA I spent 3 months travelling around I looked at lots of Architecture * * * * * * * * * * * These are just some of the states I visited
  • 19. Chicago Frank Lloyd Wright Frank Lloyd Wright House Including the Desk where Marion Mahoney Griffin * Sat Oak Park Houses Robie House http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robie_House
  • 20. Chicago Ludwig Mies van der Rohe * Illinois Institute of Technology Lake Shore Drive Apartments http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mies_van_der_rohe
  • 21. Chicago John Hancock Tower Designed by Bangladeshi Structural Engineer Fazlur Khan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hancock_Center
  • 22. New York Frank Lloyd Wright * Guggenheim Museum, New York Image: ' Guggenheim apostrophe ' www.flickr.com/photos/12771303@N00/52695803 Image: ' F.L.Wright from below ' www.flickr.com/photos/58698446@N00/115790331
  • 23. New York Museum of Modern Art Just to see Blue Poles that was on loan from the Australian National Gallery in Canberra * And the Chair * exhibition featuring Charles and Ray Eames chairs And the Impressionists paintings that I had also seen in Canberra * Impressionist art is also another interest of mine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eames_Lounge_Chair http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_poles
  • 24. Other Places / Things I Saw JFK * Washington DC JFKs Grave JFK Library in Boston * Dallas, Texas, including the site of the JFK Assassination Kennedy Space Centre in Florida Including a Rocket Launch (The history of Space travel is another area I am very interested in) Construction National Building Museum in Washington DC Including a fantastic photo exhibit of the decay of the buildings on Ellis Island
  • 25. So Frank Lloyd Wright and the buildings I saw in the USA have a great deal of significance also
  • 26. After USA I moved to Sydney and one As part of my work Ive had the Opportunity to work on building office Fitouts in a few Harry Seidler * Buildings Grosvenor Place Australia Square Plus I have been to Rose Seidler House (a fantastic house, still in its original format) And, Harry Seidler himself travelled the world to look at architecture http://www.amazon.co.uk/Grand-Tour-Seidlers-Architectural-Sights/dp/3822825557 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Seidler
  • 27. So that brings me to this trip, October 2008 travelling the world to Look at architecture London Bilbao Barcelona Paris Dubai
  • 28. London Not sure what the links are yet... But Im sure to find some Developing and interest in archaeology (love watching Time Team) http://www.timeteam.co.uk/ Very interested in the modernist architecture. Eg Want to see the Lord Fosters Gherkin building and the Richard Rogers Lloyds Building Was fascinated by the series The Buildings that shaped Britain http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0866516/ Love watching Grand Designs http://www.channel4.com/4homes/on-tv/grand-designs/
  • 29. Bilbao Frank Gehry * The Guggenheim * Museum, Bilbao Also the fascinating movie Sketches of Frank Gehry http://www.sonyclassics.com/sketchesoffrankgehry/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guggenheim_Museum_Bilbao
  • 30. Barcelona Antonio Gaudi * All of his works, but especially the G端ell Crypt in the Col嘆nia G端ell Image: ' Outside Column and Vault 1 ' www.flickr.com/photos/61966064@N00/81462835
  • 31. Barcelona Mies van der Rohe * Barcelona Pavilion (replica) Including the Barcelona Chair * flickr.com/photos/tscarlisle/105796055/
  • 32. Barcelona Picasso Museu Picasso I am fascinated by Picassos works and travelled to Melbourne a few years ago to see the Picasso exhibit And first saw Picassos at the Australian National Gallery in Canberra * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pablo_Picasso
  • 33. So since I am going all the way to Barcelona to see Gaudis work mostly, Gaudi is significant to me also
  • 34. Paris IM Pei * The Pyramids at the Louvre Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers * Centre Georges Pompidou Johann Otto von Spreckelsen (also a Danish architect *) Arche de la D辿fense Harry Seidler Australian Embassy, Paris
  • 35. Paris Others The Eiffel Tower It was originally planned to be built in Barcelona for the same exhibition that the Barcelona Pavilion * was constructed And Some Art Mus辿e d'Orsay The impressionist paintings there were on loan to the Australian National Gallery * when I first saw them Mus辿e National Picasso Another Picasso Museum
  • 36. Dubai Just Because ! Burj Al Arab The Palm Atlantis, The Palm The World Burj Dubai (under construction) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubai http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palm_Islands http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burj_Dubai http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World_Islands
  • 37. Whats Next Other places and things that are on my must see list Fallingwater Frank Lloyd Wright http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallingwater Parliament Buildings, Bangladesh Louis Kahn from the film My Architect http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Architect Mayan Pyramids As they inspired Jorn Utzon * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesoamerican_pyramids Anything by any of the Modernist movement artists and architects http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modernism
  • 38. The End! This whole series of links around travel and architecture was inspired by the Sydney Architecture Walk I went on in 2005 about the Sydney Opera House And Utzon. If you are in Sydney this is a MUST DO!) http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/11/10/1068329493877.html http://www.sydneyarchitecture.org/pages/saw_TOUR_DESCRIPTIONS_main.html#saw2