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My Abu Biography
"I was your first music, I used to make beats and say Go Tata, Get Busy, Go Tata..I did that for all of
my children" Abu My Abu likes to think he's Doug E. Fresh, and just in case you're wondering,
Yes, he still says the same rap whenever he sees me. I was born in 1988 to teenagers, my Abu was
17 and my Umi was 18. Being born to teenagers in the late 80s early 90s had its perks and the main
one for me was the rise of HipHop. My Abu was more of the HipHop head, while my Umi was
heavily into R&B. So at any given moment a talent show would break out and bam now we have
a treasure chest of home video gold. Abu: "I remember when BBD "Poison" came out, you loved
that song I think it was 89' or 90' and you used to walk around and just say Poison, poison"...show
more content...
Me: "Wow! I still love that song too, yea I need to see that Me: "Okay, Abu let me go I have to finish
writing this article for my site." Abu: "Okay, just make sure you tell them I was your first
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My Biography Essay
I started my journey of life in the early 90's and ever since I have been up against barriers and met
many different types of characters. All with their personal gain is put first without a thought for
Anyways let's start from the beginning, I started my educational career in 1997 at welbourne primary
school/ boy was it fun it had everything a kid could ever imagine, a massive sand box, shiny new
tricycles, super fast scooters and loads and loads of coloured paint. It was unbelievable we were
given milk and cookies and we got to sing as well as the fundamental steps of life, the alphabet and
I have always been fond of those years and the joy it brought, but the person I will always
remember Ms Kerion, she was the...show more content...
Wow now this stage of my life which made me who I am today, it had the most life changing
experiences up to this date, secondary school. My very first secondary school was Salisbury, it was
said that it was one of the worst performing schools in the country and also one of the worst
behaved. I did not know this and didn't believe it because I and most of my friends had achieved
very good grades in our SATS. I had achieved level five in English, five in science and four in
mathematics. Anyways when I first started the school was the chitter chatter of other pupils and the
smell of school dinners was as always putrid. The grease they used to fry made the air slimy and
un breathable.
When I entered the massive gates the immense building towered over me. I felt tiny in
comparison just like my confidence at the time, I was terrified. My year had started a day earlier
than the rest of the school so that we could get to know each other better. I had already made some
new friends but I had also made enemies. Me and my new friends played some football together and
it was awesome they were unstoppable (I was unstoppable as well) and right there I knew I made
friends for life One of my best friends was a boy called Hanad he was a tall and muscular, he had
fair skin like caramel but was as tough as a nut. Hanad was the coolest boy I had ever met, he was
the best in our whole year at most
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The Story of My Life Essay
This explains the beginning of my life all the way to the end of my life. My life from the
beginning was very fun as I grew up living with my mom's friend and my friend. But there were a
lot of fights and I was very hyper back then. I have ADHD so back then when I was little; I was
very hyper and wouldn't stop moving around the place. I always was annoying back then and
never seemed to get my homework done at school. I was born at Kaiser Hospital during the year
1996. The first place I lived was on the street Via Harriet and was right next to a train. It was
always noisy when the train passed by because it shook the house and scared all the animals. It
wasn't the best place to live, but we eventually moved to the hills, I don't remember...show more
Overall I know that I'm going to graduate because I'm pushing hard and all I need to finish is my
Cyber High and keep up my grades and I will graduate. I want to go to Chabot College because it's
the closest place to go to. I am planning to get my associates degree then transfer to Cal State East
Bay University. I don't exactly know the requirements of classes to get into Cal State, but as long
as I get my AA degree I should be fine. I am focused on technology and computers; I like to choose
classes that can be similar to wiring or soldering. I am not that sure if I would be more focused on
computers or wiring, I think an Internship might help me out. My career would be Technician or
Electrician because I'm focused on electricity and wanting to discover what would happen
without getting electrocuted. I'm still unsure if I just want to work on physical components on
the computer. I used to work on computers a lot, but it got boring and I can't do it as great now.
Soldering is interesting for me because I get to repair broken wires, being able to strip a wire.
When striping a wire, you get to know how the wire is connected. I think a life event for me is to
grab my master's degree, which is what I'm focused on. That's like the best degree to get, but it's
really difficult to receive. I wouldn't like going to years and years of education, but it's totally worth
it. Getting a higher degree affects the amount
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Professional Biography
Let me ask you a question. How are you not incredibly bored by the above professional biography?
I am certainly yawning after writing such nonsense and I hope you are, too.
I am someone who is going to stick her tongue out like a four year old who doesn't like broccoli
when it comes to the format of formal professional biographies. There are thousands of articles with
tips and suggestions on writing guidelines, all of which not only bore me but evoke outrage. I want
to take down this external structure of "describing a professional self" with tiny ninja knives and
chopsticks while wearing a tutu and being photographed for my future profile image. This is
certainly the image of the therapist I would choose to work with from the listing in Psychology
...show more content...
Also, the above quote is who I am to my core and every waking moment of my life is devoted to
helping you step into the unedited light that you are, too, and equally so. I will admit that some of
this intention is selfish. Entertaining myself over the last decade has run its course and I want to be
intrigued by you more than I am of myself, which is a rare occurrence.
What a surprise that the above paragraph is certainly going to be judged and classified in terms of
narcissism by some. Again, thank you counseling profession for slapping a wound on my light and
deep respect for who I am.
I am formally trained as a "Psycho"Therapist and I have an incredibly low opinion of my
profession as a whole. Incredibly low. Deeply disappointed and disheartened. Yes, the sentence is a
fragment. Intentionally so. I am emphasizing the fragmentation I experience in my profession as you
are reading.
Moving forward with directness, I think we actually "suck" at healing. We do not understand the
essence of what we are being called to bring forth in the world and, yes, I believe it is our
responsibility to dig deeper. If there is a more sophisticated synonym I could use in replace of
"suck," I'm not interested in your suggestion, but thank you.
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Political Biography Essay
Conor Samuels
9 March 2010
Professor Simon
PSC 101
Political Autobiography In my life I have never had any political enforcement or strict religious
influence. My parents were very lenient when it came too political preaching. I was taught to be
a caring and respectful individual. My political understanding and beliefs have been molded from
my early political memories and socialization experiences. As a young adult I have always strived
to become knowledgeable about political ideals mainly because I was never really taught to
believe in something specific. I eventually was drawn towards many different social and political
perspectives, which is how I came to a logical conclusion of how I view the world politically...show
more content...
It is very important to be aware of what is going on in the world however sometimes reading can
be a better source or information than watching bias television broadcasts. I believe that if
children have to develop their own political opinion at a young age then they will attain values
and beliefs that are more logical. I had structure growing up as a kid and was directed to what was
right and wrong but I was not born into a political dictatorship. My parents were caring people and
emphasized that treating others with respect is more important than following some indoctrinated
code. I am fortunate to have been given the freedom to develop my own social and political views.
Having political guidance from family is important but being told that only one particular political
belief system is infallible is not the ideal way to educate. My parents have always preached equality,
and that all people should have equal opportunity to pursue their goals despite their religion, race,
ethnic background or sexual orientation. At a young age I was taught to recognize that all
Americans have an equal opportunity to aspire to an education regardless of their economic
condition. My parents were a large influence of how I view freedom of speech. They emphasized
that all individuals have the right to express their opinions and advocate their personal beliefs. One
of the key political concepts that I was born into was to fight for a clean environment. The
environment must be protected and
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My Biography Essay

  • 1. My Abu Biography "I was your first music, I used to make beats and say Go Tata, Get Busy, Go Tata..I did that for all of my children" Abu My Abu likes to think he's Doug E. Fresh, and just in case you're wondering, Yes, he still says the same rap whenever he sees me. I was born in 1988 to teenagers, my Abu was 17 and my Umi was 18. Being born to teenagers in the late 80s early 90s had its perks and the main one for me was the rise of HipHop. My Abu was more of the HipHop head, while my Umi was heavily into R&B. So at any given moment a talent show would break out and bam now we have a treasure chest of home video gold. Abu: "I remember when BBD "Poison" came out, you loved that song I think it was 89' or 90' and you used to walk around and just say Poison, poison"...show more content... Me: "Wow! I still love that song too, yea I need to see that Me: "Okay, Abu let me go I have to finish writing this article for my site." Abu: "Okay, just make sure you tell them I was your first Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. My Biography Essay I started my journey of life in the early 90's and ever since I have been up against barriers and met many different types of characters. All with their personal gain is put first without a thought for others. Anyways let's start from the beginning, I started my educational career in 1997 at welbourne primary school/ boy was it fun it had everything a kid could ever imagine, a massive sand box, shiny new tricycles, super fast scooters and loads and loads of coloured paint. It was unbelievable we were given milk and cookies and we got to sing as well as the fundamental steps of life, the alphabet and numbers. I have always been fond of those years and the joy it brought, but the person I will always remember Ms Kerion, she was the...show more content... Wow now this stage of my life which made me who I am today, it had the most life changing experiences up to this date, secondary school. My very first secondary school was Salisbury, it was said that it was one of the worst performing schools in the country and also one of the worst behaved. I did not know this and didn't believe it because I and most of my friends had achieved very good grades in our SATS. I had achieved level five in English, five in science and four in mathematics. Anyways when I first started the school was the chitter chatter of other pupils and the smell of school dinners was as always putrid. The grease they used to fry made the air slimy and un breathable. When I entered the massive gates the immense building towered over me. I felt tiny in comparison just like my confidence at the time, I was terrified. My year had started a day earlier than the rest of the school so that we could get to know each other better. I had already made some new friends but I had also made enemies. Me and my new friends played some football together and it was awesome they were unstoppable (I was unstoppable as well) and right there I knew I made friends for life One of my best friends was a boy called Hanad he was a tall and muscular, he had fair skin like caramel but was as tough as a nut. Hanad was the coolest boy I had ever met, he was the best in our whole year at most Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. The Story of My Life Essay This explains the beginning of my life all the way to the end of my life. My life from the beginning was very fun as I grew up living with my mom's friend and my friend. But there were a lot of fights and I was very hyper back then. I have ADHD so back then when I was little; I was very hyper and wouldn't stop moving around the place. I always was annoying back then and never seemed to get my homework done at school. I was born at Kaiser Hospital during the year 1996. The first place I lived was on the street Via Harriet and was right next to a train. It was always noisy when the train passed by because it shook the house and scared all the animals. It wasn't the best place to live, but we eventually moved to the hills, I don't remember...show more content... Overall I know that I'm going to graduate because I'm pushing hard and all I need to finish is my Cyber High and keep up my grades and I will graduate. I want to go to Chabot College because it's the closest place to go to. I am planning to get my associates degree then transfer to Cal State East Bay University. I don't exactly know the requirements of classes to get into Cal State, but as long as I get my AA degree I should be fine. I am focused on technology and computers; I like to choose classes that can be similar to wiring or soldering. I am not that sure if I would be more focused on computers or wiring, I think an Internship might help me out. My career would be Technician or Electrician because I'm focused on electricity and wanting to discover what would happen without getting electrocuted. I'm still unsure if I just want to work on physical components on the computer. I used to work on computers a lot, but it got boring and I can't do it as great now. Soldering is interesting for me because I get to repair broken wires, being able to strip a wire. When striping a wire, you get to know how the wire is connected. I think a life event for me is to grab my master's degree, which is what I'm focused on. That's like the best degree to get, but it's really difficult to receive. I wouldn't like going to years and years of education, but it's totally worth it. Getting a higher degree affects the amount Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. Professional Biography Let me ask you a question. How are you not incredibly bored by the above professional biography? I am certainly yawning after writing such nonsense and I hope you are, too. I am someone who is going to stick her tongue out like a four year old who doesn't like broccoli when it comes to the format of formal professional biographies. There are thousands of articles with tips and suggestions on writing guidelines, all of which not only bore me but evoke outrage. I want to take down this external structure of "describing a professional self" with tiny ninja knives and chopsticks while wearing a tutu and being photographed for my future profile image. This is certainly the image of the therapist I would choose to work with from the listing in Psychology ...show more content... Also, the above quote is who I am to my core and every waking moment of my life is devoted to helping you step into the unedited light that you are, too, and equally so. I will admit that some of this intention is selfish. Entertaining myself over the last decade has run its course and I want to be intrigued by you more than I am of myself, which is a rare occurrence. What a surprise that the above paragraph is certainly going to be judged and classified in terms of narcissism by some. Again, thank you counseling profession for slapping a wound on my light and deep respect for who I am. I am formally trained as a "Psycho"Therapist and I have an incredibly low opinion of my profession as a whole. Incredibly low. Deeply disappointed and disheartened. Yes, the sentence is a fragment. Intentionally so. I am emphasizing the fragmentation I experience in my profession as you are reading. Moving forward with directness, I think we actually "suck" at healing. We do not understand the essence of what we are being called to bring forth in the world and, yes, I believe it is our responsibility to dig deeper. If there is a more sophisticated synonym I could use in replace of "suck," I'm not interested in your suggestion, but thank you. Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. Political Biography Essay Conor Samuels 9 March 2010 Professor Simon PSC 101 Political Autobiography In my life I have never had any political enforcement or strict religious influence. My parents were very lenient when it came too political preaching. I was taught to be a caring and respectful individual. My political understanding and beliefs have been molded from my early political memories and socialization experiences. As a young adult I have always strived to become knowledgeable about political ideals mainly because I was never really taught to believe in something specific. I eventually was drawn towards many different social and political perspectives, which is how I came to a logical conclusion of how I view the world politically...show more content... It is very important to be aware of what is going on in the world however sometimes reading can be a better source or information than watching bias television broadcasts. I believe that if children have to develop their own political opinion at a young age then they will attain values and beliefs that are more logical. I had structure growing up as a kid and was directed to what was right and wrong but I was not born into a political dictatorship. My parents were caring people and emphasized that treating others with respect is more important than following some indoctrinated code. I am fortunate to have been given the freedom to develop my own social and political views. Having political guidance from family is important but being told that only one particular political belief system is infallible is not the ideal way to educate. My parents have always preached equality, and that all people should have equal opportunity to pursue their goals despite their religion, race, ethnic background or sexual orientation. At a young age I was taught to recognize that all Americans have an equal opportunity to aspire to an education regardless of their economic condition. My parents were a large influence of how I view freedom of speech. They emphasized that all individuals have the right to express their opinions and advocate their personal beliefs. One of the key political concepts that I was born into was to fight for a clean environment. The environment must be protected and Get more content on HelpWriting.net