Evangeline Neo shares her creative process for making webcomics. She draws inspiration from her personal experiences and observations. Her process involves traditional sketching methods as well as digital drawing and coloring using a Wacom Cintiq tablet. She spends the most time on sketches, which can take days or weeks to develop. Completed comic strips typically take a full day to finish from sketch to final adjustments. Neo advises aspiring artists to persevere, accept criticism from trusted friends, gain real-world experiences, and promote their work before and after releasing a book.
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My Creative Process in making comics
1. My Creative Process
Makers Meetup, 25th April 2014
Singapore Polytechnic
息 2014 Evangeline Neo, EvaworksPte Ltd http://www.eva.sg
Version for
the web!
2. Topics
1. Introduction
2. My Comics
3. My Creative Process
4. FAQ
息 2014 Evangeline Neo, EvaworksPte Ltd http://www.eva.sg
6. Evangeline Neo (Eva)
1. Introduction
Bachelor of Fine Arts
(BFA), 2007
Academy of Art University,
San Francisco, CA, USA
Masters in Business
Administration (MBA), 2013
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Been drawing webcomics
(part-time) for 7 years.
Worked full-time at
NYP for 5 years.
Singaporean who speaks English,
Chinese and Japanese (N1).
12. Unfortunately the number of
Facebook fans remained
stagnant (around 600), so I
gathered feedback from friends
on what they were interested to
read and they said:
Why not draw about your
experience in Japan?
18. Inspirations
Personal Experience & Observation
Current Affairs
Conversation & Stories from Friends
Seldom from movies, comics, anime, etc.
3. My Creative Process
33. Usually takes up to
one day to complete a
comic strip from sketch
procrastination & final
3. My Creative Process: Digital Method
34. 4. FAQ
Many people do not understand
how much time, effort & money
it takes to create an
Original & Entertaining comic
that can evoke an Emotion
and convey a Story.
That is why people should try to make and
experience for themselves. Develop
appreciation for our art & craft.
37. Evolve
Is your content
(improve content)
Q: How do you obtain 39k
Facebook likes without an Ad?
4. FAQ
Who are your target
readers? What are they
interested in?
(develop content)
How can Social Media
work for you?
(build engagement)
What is your skill &
(find niche area)
The MAKE framework for social media marketing
Not just
38. Q: What advise can you give to
an aspiring comic artist?
Give up.
But if you still dont give up
Get real feedback & accept criticism (mainly from friends
whom you trust that give you honest feedback)
Gain more first-hand experience
Hang around with normal people (non-artists) too
Start drawing on a part-time basis first, only venture out after you
gain reputation, fame & connections.
Promote your book before your book is out
4. FAQ
Luck is important
39. setup a blog shop
do a Kickstarter/ Indiegogo
setup booths at conventions?
Q: Why dont you
4. FAQ
manpower &
40. Q: How to prevent Writers Block
Go out to relax
Release Stress
Talk to people
Have time for yourself
Jot down ideas when you have one
Write/draw often
4. FAQ