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Paul Robert Tonks
50 Norfolk Crescent, Aldridge, West Midlands WS9 8RF
Telephone - +44(0)1922 336224 (Home) +44(0)7841 650264 (Mobile)
Email  paulroberttonks@gmail.com
I am a confident, adaptable and successful Administrator, with a background in Highways Consultancy, Finance, and
Transport. Experienced in managing projects and processes, and enjoys new challenges. Has formed effective business
relationships with FTSE 250 companies, identified operational issues affecting their efficiency, and provided effective business
solutions. Possesses excellent technical, organisational and I.T. skills, and is confident in the use of Microsoft Office
applications (Excel, Word, Power-Point, and Access databases), SAP, as well as bespoke systems, e.g. CRM and ABLOADS.
Key Skill Areas
 Data manipulation and Reporting
 Financeand Accounting
 Business Process Analysis and Improvement
 Sales & PurchaseLedger
 Extensive use of Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access,CRM and other databases.
Career Summary
Project Assistant  Kier Highways (Highways Agency)
January 2012  April 2016
Responsiblefor the Abnormal Load function within Area 9 of the Highways Agencys Network.
Involved the checking and routing of 1000+notifications per month, in accordancewith STGO legislation,to ensure the safe
movement of loads from40 tonnes and upwards.
Production of statutory and ad-hoc reports.
Administration of Purchaseand Sales Ledger functions to capture and charge correct fees.
Partnership Engagement Assistant - Serco Group plc. (NTCC)
April 2006  April 2011
The National Traffic Control Centre is a PrivateFinanceInitiativerun by Serco, on behalf of the Highways Agency, which collects
traffic data and provides traffic information for the general public and businesses.This roleinvolved liaisingwith and
management of key strategic-stakeholder relationships within theWest Midlands region and nationally.
Principleaims were to seek out and form business relationships with key decision-makers whoseorganisationsinfluence,or are
influenced by, the movement of traffic around the UK. Identified their issues around trafficand logistical areas,and
market/provide appropriateservices and tools on offer. This was supported by the maintenance and review of Service Level
Agreements, Process Maps,arrangement and facilitation of stakeholder events, and carryingoutpresentations to key clients.
Organised own appointments and diary on a daily/monthly/quarterly basis to achieveand exceed challengingshortand long-
term targets and KPIs.Was home-based and travelled extensively throughout the U.K. Sat on several working-parties,
stakeholder forums, PoliceLiaison Groups and related meetings. Served as Subject Matter Expert for the management of the
movement of Special Order IndivisibleAbnormal Loads through the Highways Agencys ProjectNetwork (Motorways and All -
purpose Trunk Roads),to enable their safe and efficient movement.
Deputy Change and Configuration Manager - Serco Group plc (NTCC)
December 2005  April 2006
Reported to the Change & Configuration Manager,managed the mappingof hardware and software systems at the NTCC,
recordingand managingchanges to the system architectureof their traffic-monitoringplatform.
I took a sabbatical fromNovember 2003 to December 2005 to explore an emigration opportunity in Australia.
Customer Service Manager (Contract Completions/Remarketing)  Lloyds TSB Autolease
April 2001  November 2003
Managed and coached a team of 8 staff responsiblefor the financial termination and reconciliation of vehicleleaseagreements.
We delivered quality Customer Service to ensure that all customers received immediate service.The team handled all enquiries
and requests of customers to resolve their issues swiftly and withi n agreed KPIs and KVIs.
A major partof my rolewas recruiting,trainingand coachingmy team, and providingguidancedealingwith difficultand
challengingissues,to acquirean appropriateresolution for the customer, and company.
 Created and maintained up-to-date scripts,which the associates used whilerespondingto calls.
 Ensured that all clientinformation was preciseand specified the processingand handlingtimes of staff, predicted
staffinglevels,trends, peaks of work and co-ordination and planningof workloads.
 Was responsiveto changingtechnologies,to have a good and comprehensive knowledge of various CRMsystems and
 Analysed key performance and financial data,and produced key M.I reports to present at board-level.
Financial Assistant  Lloyds TSB Autolease
February 1996  April 2001
Administration of purchaseand sales ledger systems to allocatecustomer payments.
 Developed relationshipswith prospects by telephone contacts,sendingliterature, mail shots etc.
 Developed existingaccounts to achievethe maximum potential
 Organised and attended customer visits and made presentations usingthe company sales a nd promotional tools.
 Brought negotiations for new business to successful conclusionswithin agreed profitmargins.
 Worked with customers and with the operations teams to ensure new business was implemented successfully.
Prior to this I worked in a variety of junior finance and accountancy positions.
Qualifications - BTEC HNC Business & Finance(includingBusiness Studies,Commercial Law& Employment Law)
3 A Levels, 7 O Levels.
I am a member of a local fitness club and enjoy participatingin many classes.I haverecently begun trainingas a fitness
instructor in my sparetime so that I can sharemy passion.
I also enjoy the cinema, theatre and travel.

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  • 1. Paul Robert Tonks 50 Norfolk Crescent, Aldridge, West Midlands WS9 8RF Telephone - +44(0)1922 336224 (Home) +44(0)7841 650264 (Mobile) Email paulroberttonks@gmail.com I am a confident, adaptable and successful Administrator, with a background in Highways Consultancy, Finance, and Transport. Experienced in managing projects and processes, and enjoys new challenges. Has formed effective business relationships with FTSE 250 companies, identified operational issues affecting their efficiency, and provided effective business solutions. Possesses excellent technical, organisational and I.T. skills, and is confident in the use of Microsoft Office applications (Excel, Word, Power-Point, and Access databases), SAP, as well as bespoke systems, e.g. CRM and ABLOADS. Key Skill Areas Data manipulation and Reporting Financeand Accounting Business Process Analysis and Improvement Sales & PurchaseLedger Extensive use of Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access,CRM and other databases. Career Summary Project Assistant Kier Highways (Highways Agency) January 2012 April 2016 Responsiblefor the Abnormal Load function within Area 9 of the Highways Agencys Network. Involved the checking and routing of 1000+notifications per month, in accordancewith STGO legislation,to ensure the safe movement of loads from40 tonnes and upwards. Production of statutory and ad-hoc reports. Administration of Purchaseand Sales Ledger functions to capture and charge correct fees. Partnership Engagement Assistant - Serco Group plc. (NTCC) April 2006 April 2011 The National Traffic Control Centre is a PrivateFinanceInitiativerun by Serco, on behalf of the Highways Agency, which collects traffic data and provides traffic information for the general public and businesses.This roleinvolved liaisingwith and management of key strategic-stakeholder relationships within theWest Midlands region and nationally. Principleaims were to seek out and form business relationships with key decision-makers whoseorganisationsinfluence,or are influenced by, the movement of traffic around the UK. Identified their issues around trafficand logistical areas,and market/provide appropriateservices and tools on offer. This was supported by the maintenance and review of Service Level Agreements, Process Maps,arrangement and facilitation of stakeholder events, and carryingoutpresentations to key clients. Organised own appointments and diary on a daily/monthly/quarterly basis to achieveand exceed challengingshortand long- term targets and KPIs.Was home-based and travelled extensively throughout the U.K. Sat on several working-parties, stakeholder forums, PoliceLiaison Groups and related meetings. Served as Subject Matter Expert for the management of the movement of Special Order IndivisibleAbnormal Loads through the Highways Agencys ProjectNetwork (Motorways and All - purpose Trunk Roads),to enable their safe and efficient movement.
  • 2. Deputy Change and Configuration Manager - Serco Group plc (NTCC) December 2005 April 2006 Reported to the Change & Configuration Manager,managed the mappingof hardware and software systems at the NTCC, recordingand managingchanges to the system architectureof their traffic-monitoringplatform. I took a sabbatical fromNovember 2003 to December 2005 to explore an emigration opportunity in Australia. Customer Service Manager (Contract Completions/Remarketing) Lloyds TSB Autolease April 2001 November 2003 Managed and coached a team of 8 staff responsiblefor the financial termination and reconciliation of vehicleleaseagreements. We delivered quality Customer Service to ensure that all customers received immediate service.The team handled all enquiries and requests of customers to resolve their issues swiftly and withi n agreed KPIs and KVIs. A major partof my rolewas recruiting,trainingand coachingmy team, and providingguidancedealingwith difficultand challengingissues,to acquirean appropriateresolution for the customer, and company. Created and maintained up-to-date scripts,which the associates used whilerespondingto calls. Ensured that all clientinformation was preciseand specified the processingand handlingtimes of staff, predicted staffinglevels,trends, peaks of work and co-ordination and planningof workloads. Was responsiveto changingtechnologies,to have a good and comprehensive knowledge of various CRMsystems and functionality. Analysed key performance and financial data,and produced key M.I reports to present at board-level. Financial Assistant Lloyds TSB Autolease February 1996 April 2001 Administration of purchaseand sales ledger systems to allocatecustomer payments. Developed relationshipswith prospects by telephone contacts,sendingliterature, mail shots etc. Developed existingaccounts to achievethe maximum potential Organised and attended customer visits and made presentations usingthe company sales a nd promotional tools. Brought negotiations for new business to successful conclusionswithin agreed profitmargins. Worked with customers and with the operations teams to ensure new business was implemented successfully. Prior to this I worked in a variety of junior finance and accountancy positions. Qualifications - BTEC HNC Business & Finance(includingBusiness Studies,Commercial Law& Employment Law) 3 A Levels, 7 O Levels. Personal I am a member of a local fitness club and enjoy participatingin many classes.I haverecently begun trainingas a fitness instructor in my sparetime so that I can sharemy passion. I also enjoy the cinema, theatre and travel.