Yaakov Boussidan, a multi-faceted artist, is prominent in the field of painting, artistic printing and calligraphy.油His works have been exhibited in many countries and may be found in private collections and museums throughout the world, among them the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the Metropolitan in New York, and the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Has received several awards, among them the Jesselson Prize for Judaica from the Israel Museum and an honorary prize at the Biennale in Monte Carlo.
Yaakov Boussidan was born in Port Said, Egypt, a melting-pot of cultures and languages. 油As a child he emigrated with his parents to Israel and was educated in the framework of Youth Aliyah in Kibbutz Givat Chaim. Studied art under Prof. Joseph Schwarzmann, Rudi Lehmann and Hedwig Grossman, and went to England to further his studies at Goldsmiths College, London, graduating with distinction.
Art is a product of human experience that captures and preserves both beautiful and ugly aspects of life. It serves several functions, including bringing order to human experiences, enriching life by intensifying experience, and acting as a witness and record of the times and places that produced it. Art reflects the essence of societies through use of various elements like color, form, line, shape, space, texture and value. It guides viewers' eyes through compositional lines and communicates information and emotions. Art also depicts war in different ways like through pictorial records, propaganda, or protest against violence and suffering.
The document is a description of the sculpture "Sweet City" by artist Gita Meh. The sculpture depicts a mosque surrounded by two tall apartment buildings, all made of nabat (Persian spun rock candy). The candy material represents the sweetness of God and faith. The evolving Islamic architecture from traditional to modern is embodied in the sculpture's adaptation of architectural forms like minarets into apartment towers.
This document announces a painting exhibition and sale taking place in 2017. It discusses the goals of highlighting creativity and building bridges between artists around the world. The annual exhibition provides a platform for over 100 local artists to showcase their work, with over 10,000 visitors attending last year to see the variety of exhibits and support the artists. This year's exhibition aims to reach new heights and create more awareness about art while serving the local community. Interested sponsors can support the event through various sponsorship packages starting at 3000 rupees, providing exposure to over 10,000 attendees.
The document discusses gadgets and new technologies, mentioning that smartphones can now process information faster than computers from 10 years ago. It also talks about how certain gadgets and apps have made tasks like communication and entertainment more accessible on mobile devices. Overall, the document highlights recent technological advances and how they have impacted daily life.
This document provides tips for strengthening your professional brand on LinkedIn to help with recruiting passive job candidates. It recommends using your profile to promote your skills, knowledge, personality and tell a credible story. Specific tips include borrowing from good marketers by using an authentic voice and active language, writing a personal tagline, incorporating your elevator pitch into your profile summary, distinguishing yourself from others with additional information, and building valuable connections.
This document provides an overview and commentary on Yaakov Boussidan's artistic Passover Haggadah. The Haggadah took Boussidan seven years to complete with the help of 30 students. It uses etching techniques to interpret the stories and themes of Passover, from the ten plagues to the Exodus from Egypt. The Haggadah received international acclaim and has been exhibited in museums around the world. Boussidan is a renowned Israeli painter, printer, and calligrapher who has received several awards for his work in Judaica art.
The document provides information on various artworks by Israeli artist Ya'akov Boussidan. It includes the titles, mediums, dimensions and in some cases years or series for 24 different artworks. These include etchings from the 1960s-1970s with titles like "The Strip", "Around the Table" and works from the "Motion" series. It also lists several oil paintings from the 2000s-2010s with landscapes and figures as subjects, such as "Undressing", "Rising Man", and scenes of Jaffa. The curator notes Boussidan was influenced by memories of his mother sewing at night surrounded by shadows.
Hope is defined as a feeling of expectation and desire for something to happen or wanting something to occur. It involves trusting and anticipating a certain outcome. Both Martin Luther King Jr. and Emily Dickinson reference hope in their quotes - King says we must accept disappointment but never lose infinite hope, while Dickinson describes hope as a thing with feathers that sings in the soul without words.
This document provides an introduction to options trading. It begins by promising to make options clear and simple to understand. It then discusses how options trading has grown enormously in recent decades as more traders have sought ways to hedge risk and generate income. The document outlines some basic options terminology and strategies to get readers started in understanding options. It emphasizes that getting approved for options trading is straightforward and aims to remove fears about the paperwork involved.
Teks tersebut memberikan penjelasan mengenai berbagai istilah yang sering digunakan dalam dunia perbankan. Beberapa istilah yang dijelaskan antara lain agunan, anjungan tunai mandiri, kartu kredit, bunga, cek, dan rekening bank.
This document provides an overview of LinkedIn Recruiter and social media recruiting best practices. It discusses building a personal brand on LinkedIn, using Recruiter's search and outreach tools to find and contact candidates, collaborating with teams, and getting support. The presentation aims to help recruiters leverage LinkedIn effectively in their sourcing and hiring.
The document provides information on various artworks by Israeli artist Ya'akov Boussidan. It includes the titles, mediums, dimensions and in some cases years or series for 24 different artworks. These include etchings from the 1960s-1970s with titles like "The Strip", "Around the Table" and works from the "Motion" series. It also lists several oil paintings from the 2000s-2010s with landscapes and figures as subjects, such as "Undressing", "Rising Man", and scenes of Jaffa. The curator notes Boussidan was influenced by memories of his mother sewing at night surrounded by shadows.
Hope is defined as a feeling of expectation and desire for something to happen or wanting something to occur. It involves trusting and anticipating a certain outcome. Both Martin Luther King Jr. and Emily Dickinson reference hope in their quotes - King says we must accept disappointment but never lose infinite hope, while Dickinson describes hope as a thing with feathers that sings in the soul without words.
This document provides an introduction to options trading. It begins by promising to make options clear and simple to understand. It then discusses how options trading has grown enormously in recent decades as more traders have sought ways to hedge risk and generate income. The document outlines some basic options terminology and strategies to get readers started in understanding options. It emphasizes that getting approved for options trading is straightforward and aims to remove fears about the paperwork involved.
Teks tersebut memberikan penjelasan mengenai berbagai istilah yang sering digunakan dalam dunia perbankan. Beberapa istilah yang dijelaskan antara lain agunan, anjungan tunai mandiri, kartu kredit, bunga, cek, dan rekening bank.
This document provides an overview of LinkedIn Recruiter and social media recruiting best practices. It discusses building a personal brand on LinkedIn, using Recruiter's search and outreach tools to find and contact candidates, collaborating with teams, and getting support. The presentation aims to help recruiters leverage LinkedIn effectively in their sourcing and hiring.
2. Moshe Daddon, Mateh Yehudah
Council Mayor and Benny Granit,
.Chair of the local Council of Tsur
Hadassah, at the inauguration of the
sculpture, November 2012
3. For years I have Twelve Doves,
Model for a totem
Bronze, 62 cm
worked with
Preparatory drawings
doves in my
My dove in the cleft of the rock
Ink on paper
painting and
4. On rooftops in Europe and North America, one can see weather vanes
embellished with roosters and other animals. The two doves in My Dove in
the Cleft of the Rock are the compass for the direction of our hearts: One
dove faces Jerusalem and the other faces the center of our village.
6. Benny Granit, chair of the local council, and Irit Horwitz, cultural
coordinator, lent their encouragement to the creation of the sculpture
Benny Granit, Chair of Tsur Hadassahs council
8. Moshe Hazan dedicated his talented hands to building the
sculpture. Working alongside an artist demands sensitivity and skill.
The artisan must build and cast the sculpture under the watchful eye
of the artist, in keeping with his guidance and the spirit of the work.
Yaakov Boussidan with assistant Moshe Hazan
10. Preperatory drawings When
My dove in the cleft of the rock
there are
amongst us,
we need to
pray for
and My
Mabua magazine,
summer 2005
11. As I worked on My Dove in the Cleft of the Rock,
I preserved the soft lines characteristic of Tsur Hadassahs
landscape. The play of light and shadow echo the hilly terrain.
12. I chose the color white to bring to life
the sharp contrasts provided by the
sun, and at night, the sculpture shines.
14. I created
to Tsur
spirit of
15. Yaakov Boussidan
with Assistant
Graphic design: Ruth Boussidan
After 40 years of creative work, study and teaching in London, artist Yaakov Boussidan
returned to Israel in 2011 to establish his studio in Tsur Hadassah, a village near
Jerusalem. During his years overseas, Yaakovs award-winning work has been acquired
by London's Victoria and Albert Museum, New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, the
Boston Museum of Fine Arts and the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.
息 Ya'akov Boussidan 2012