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Yaakov Boussidan
   Tsur Hadassah 2012
Moshe Daddon, Mateh Yehudah
 Council Mayor and Benny Granit,
  .Chair of the local Council of Tsur
Hadassah, at the inauguration of the
     sculpture, November 2012
For years I have     Twelve Doves,
                                                Model for a totem
                                                   Bronze, 62 cm

                               worked with           
Preparatory drawings
                               doves in my
My dove in the cleft of the rock
Ink on paper

                              painting and
On rooftops in Europe and North America, one can see weather vanes
embellished with roosters and other animals. The two doves in My Dove in
the Cleft of the Rock are the compass for the direction of our hearts: One
  dove faces Jerusalem and the other faces the center of our village.
Preparatory drawings
My dove in the cleft of the rock

Two Doves
Bronze, h 12 cm
Benny Granit, chair of the local council, and Irit Horwitz, cultural
coordinator, lent their encouragement to the creation of the sculpture
                                          Benny Granit, Chair of Tsur Hadassahs council
Winching the sculpture

    Irit Horwitz cultural coordinator
   and Moshe Hazan, assistant
Moshe Hazan dedicated his talented hands to building the
 sculpture. Working alongside an artist demands sensitivity and skill.
The artisan must build and cast the sculpture under the watchful eye
 of the artist, in keeping with his guidance and the spirit of the work.

       Yaakov Boussidan with assistant Moshe Hazan
Assistant Moshe Hazan in the workshop
Preperatory drawings                             When
My dove in the cleft of the rock
                                               there are
                                              amongst us,
                                              we need to
                                                pray for
                                               and My
                                     Mabua magazine,
                                       summer 2005
As I worked on My Dove in the Cleft of the Rock,
   I preserved the soft lines characteristic of Tsur Hadassahs
landscape. The play of light and shadow echo the hilly terrain.
I chose the color white to bring to life
  the sharp contrasts provided by the
sun, and at night, the sculpture shines.

I created
  to Tsur
  spirit of
Yaakov Boussidan
                                                                      with Assistant

                                                                                          Graphic design: Ruth Boussidan
After 40 years of creative work, study and teaching in London, artist Yaakov Boussidan
    returned to Israel in 2011 to establish his studio in Tsur Hadassah, a village near
Jerusalem. During his years overseas, Yaakovs award-winning work has been acquired
by London's Victoria and Albert Museum, New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, the
          Boston Museum of Fine Arts and the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

                                息 Ya'akov Boussidan 2012

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"My dove in the cleft of the rock", Statue in Tsur Hadassah

  • 1. Yaakov Boussidan Tsur Hadassah 2012
  • 2. Moshe Daddon, Mateh Yehudah Council Mayor and Benny Granit, .Chair of the local Council of Tsur Hadassah, at the inauguration of the sculpture, November 2012
  • 3. For years I have Twelve Doves, Model for a totem Bronze, 62 cm worked with Preparatory drawings doves in my drawing, My dove in the cleft of the rock Ink on paper painting and sculpture.
  • 4. On rooftops in Europe and North America, one can see weather vanes embellished with roosters and other animals. The two doves in My Dove in the Cleft of the Rock are the compass for the direction of our hearts: One dove faces Jerusalem and the other faces the center of our village.
  • 5. Preparatory drawings My dove in the cleft of the rock Two Doves Bronze, h 12 cm
  • 6. Benny Granit, chair of the local council, and Irit Horwitz, cultural coordinator, lent their encouragement to the creation of the sculpture Benny Granit, Chair of Tsur Hadassahs council
  • 7. Winching the sculpture Irit Horwitz cultural coordinator and Moshe Hazan, assistant
  • 8. Moshe Hazan dedicated his talented hands to building the sculpture. Working alongside an artist demands sensitivity and skill. The artisan must build and cast the sculpture under the watchful eye of the artist, in keeping with his guidance and the spirit of the work. Yaakov Boussidan with assistant Moshe Hazan
  • 9. Assistant Moshe Hazan in the workshop
  • 10. Preperatory drawings When My dove in the cleft of the rock there are disputes amongst us, we need to pray for peace among ourselves, between Myself and My people Mabua magazine, summer 2005
  • 11. As I worked on My Dove in the Cleft of the Rock, I preserved the soft lines characteristic of Tsur Hadassahs landscape. The play of light and shadow echo the hilly terrain.
  • 12. I chose the color white to bring to life the sharp contrasts provided by the sun, and at night, the sculpture shines.
  • 14. I created this sculpture in homage to Tsur Hadassah and natures spirit of renewal
  • 15. Yaakov Boussidan with Assistant Abu-Khader Graphic design: Ruth Boussidan After 40 years of creative work, study and teaching in London, artist Yaakov Boussidan returned to Israel in 2011 to establish his studio in Tsur Hadassah, a village near Jerusalem. During his years overseas, Yaakovs award-winning work has been acquired by London's Victoria and Albert Museum, New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. 息 Ya'akov Boussidan 2012 yboussidan@gmail.com www.boussidan-y.com