The document summarizes the creative producer and director's work on several site-specific, immersive music events and festivals that brought orchestral music to life through storytelling and partnerships with various arts organizations. It provides statistics on audience numbers and participating artists and volunteers. Testimonials from audience members and partners praise the events for their unique combination of arts, ability to bring people together in the community, and for challenging perceptions of dance and music.
3. The Name? WE ARE MUSIC
The Game? Site specific, immersive concerts, bringing to life
orchestral music and the stories from which it springs.
My Role? Creative Producer and Director
So? e.g. Recruiting these partners: National Theatre,
Christ Church Spitalfields, Islington Library Service, Pimlico
Academy, Islington Arts and Media School, Gateways Primary
School, Thames Festival, Blue Mission, Sonik Attak Video.
Some Stats? #6 Events #115 Emerging Artists #25 Volunteers
#211 Young People & Children #1200 Audience
4. An intoxicating combination of arts, visuals,
music and storytelling, a rare treat
**** Huffington Post
To sit in the middle of an orchestra, so close to the
pulse of the music, was joyous and thrilling
Joan, Audience Member
7. The Name? CASA Festival
The Game? 2 week Latin American Arts and Culture Festival
inc. 6 leading companies from South America, 3 exhibitions, 4 gigs, 1
Community Night, 1 Scratch Night, 6 Workshops, huge Volunteering
Programme and La Cantina, our own Pop Up Peruvian Restaurant
My Role? Associate Producer
So? e.g.* Supporting Artistic, Exec, Marketing Directors
* Running La Cantina (Festival Restaurant)
* Set up and coordinating Volunteer Programme
* Liaison bet ween venue, artists, production, FOH
Some Stats? #18 Events #31 Companies/Artists #45 Volunteers
# 10/14 days sold out # LUKAS Festival of Year 2012
# transferring to Barbican and Rich Mix in 2013
The Game? Transforming school into neighbourhood venue after-hours
My Role? Co-Founding Director
So? e.g.* Community Organising to build local relationships
* Development of strategy and vision
* Design and delivery of Marketing & PR Campaigns
* Line managing staff and freelancers
Some Stats? Within first pilot year:
#4500-5000 weekly guests #贈475k turnover, 贈250k profit
#Open 360 days #5 Events #15 Resident Artists #8 Local Jobs
10. Youve done wonders for the wider
community, thank you
Cliff Wilton, South West Area Net work
This project is about building relationships,
building community, finding a way to connect
and communicate and create in ways that
benefit everyone.
Emma Luffingham, BBC
12. 'I thought it was totally fab! It has really challenged my
perception of dance which I thought I hated!
George, Audience Member
Something remarkable... superbly managed and
enthusiastically implemented, an influential model for
other organisations including ours
Tarek Iskander, Co-Director The Yard