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Early Spring 2011  www.MyWorkSaver.com

                                     Rura ifestyle
                                     IS WELL-SUITED FOR
                                     CONNECTICUT HORSE ENTHUSIASTS

Choosing the
                                          Success Stories

right implement
for soil preparation
                                                                     6                  8                16                  18
8 easy steps                                                David
                                                            CT225 owner
                                                                             T300 and
                                                                                                3400 owner
                                                                                                                    ToolcatTM 5600
to get your compact tractor                                                  CT445 owner                            owner

ready for spring                                                          EARLY SPRING 2011 | WorkSaver Homeowner with Acreage   1
                                                                                                INSIDE: PRODUCT SPECS
Sweet usi cou

     鍖lls the Connecticut

12   WorkSaver Homeowner with Acreage | EARLY SPRING 2011

             A trio of horses
             helps make rural living

untryside    delightful for musician

            Schoolteacher and musician
            Mary Ellen Briga has to carefully
            manage her obligations in order to
            spend time with her horses.
            I try to make it a priority for my
            free time, she says. They are
            living creatures that thrive on our
            attention. Lets put it this way: Its
            easier to play with my horses than
            clean my house.
            Briga and her husband, Janis, own a 9-acre farm near
            Marlborough, Conn., a town of about 6,000 located just
            southeast of Hartford. She teaches elementary string
            music full-time in the Windsor Public School system; he
            is a psychologist for the state of Connecticut.
            They both grew up in Toledo, Ohio. She earned an
            education degree from Bowling Green State University,
            and then a masters degree in violin performance from
            the University of Cincinnati. In addition to teaching in
            elementary school, she is a violinist with the widely
            acclaimed Hartford Symphony Orchestra, Connecticuts
            premier musical organization.
            Although we were raised in the city and now work in
            the city, we really like the rural lifestyle, Briga says.
                                               Continued on next page

                       EARLY SPRING 2011 | WorkSaver Homeowner with Acreage   13

                                      {   Using the tractor for all these jobs is way better than
                                           what we did previously  either using a wheelbarrow
                                           or not getting the work done.  Mary Ellen Briga                                                            {
                                          Working around the farm is a partnership.                with Acreage edition of WorkSaver速 arrived
                                          Owning horses has been my dream since I was               in the mail and my husband said I should take
                                          a little kid. We 鍖nally made it happen in the last        a look at Bobcat速 tractors. We drove by the
                                          10 years.                                                Bobcat of Connecticut location in East Hartford
                                          With land prices higher than they were used               on a Sunday and liked what we saw. I contacted
                                          to in the Midwest, it took the Brigas a while             the dealership and soon thereafter purchased
                                          to 鍖nd this property. Originally it was part of           a CT225. To get all the same features on other
                                          a 50-acre parcel of Arbor Acres, a farm that              brands, I would have had to spend $3,000 to
                                          was disbanded.                                            $4,000 more. The Bobcat tractor was the best
                                                                                                    value by far.
                                          We visited just after the driveway was cut
                                          through the property, walked around and knew              The 27-horsepower compact tractor, when
                                          this was the place right away, Briga says. We           equipped with a front-end loader, is the perfect
                                          made a deposit and have been developing the               replacement for manual labor. With 19.5 PTO
                                          property ever since.                                     horsepower it delivers top-rated performance
                                                                                                    from 3-point hitch implements.
                                          They named the farm Brigadoon. It is home
                                          to three horses, three collies (Rocky, Ruby and           The arrival of the CT225 made routine chores
                                          their offspring Remy), a 鍖ock of chickens, a              around the farm much easier. It is used to move
                                          couple of beehives and a cat. Two of the horses           manure, drag the 80-foot-by-180-foot riding
                                          are retired thoroughbreds (Woody and Lily);               arena and the 5 acres of pasture, clean up rocks
                                          the other is a three-year-old Cleveland Bay               around the property and move materials, such
                                          (Chillson Royalton), an English breed that is             as a truckload of stone that was delivered to be
                                          rare in the United States.                                added to the driveway and to build up a footing
                                                                                                    under the porch. They purchased a manure
                                          I think there are only about 200 purebreds in            spreader recently to spread compost over the
                                          this country, Briga says. They are the horse            pasture land.
                                          of choice to pull the carriage for the Queen of
                                          England. The breed is suited for many activities.         Using the tractor for all these jobs is way better
                                          I expect Chillson to be trained in dressage,              than what we did previously  either using
     Full line of                                                                                   a wheelbarrow or not getting the work done,
                                          hopefully for competition.
     compact equipment                                                                              Briga says.
                                          Eighteen-year-old Lily has reached second level
     Bobcat Company has                                                                             She notes that the work-saving bene鍖ts of the
                                          in dressage and will be retired for all but trail
     the largest selection of                                                                       compact tractor are matched by the ease of
                                          riding. She is the best trail horse ever, Briga
     compact equipment.                                                                             operation. I need to feel comfortable when I
                                          says. Woody had a successful racing career and
     That means theres likely                                                                      am operating a machine. The CT225 has all
                                          is husband Janis trail horse.
     a product suited for you                                                                       the controls in a logical place, which makes it
     and your needs, with the             I like to ride all my horses on trails, she says.       both easy to operate and comfortable. Some of
     right size, horsepower,              It is both mentally and physically healthy for           the other tractors I looked at came up short in
     lifting ability and                  them to regularly ride over the many beautiful            those areas.
     attachment options to                trails we have in Connecticut.
                                                                                                    Briga, who uses the compact tractor most days
     help you do just about
                                                                                                    after school and frequently during her time off
     anything. Bobcat has 24              Time for a compact tractor                                in the summer, says, It is wonderful for general
     unique compact loaders;
                                          After doing farm chores by hand for a couple of           maintenance around the farm. I will be keeping
     11 excavators; four
                                          years, the Brigas decided they needed a compact           it busy later this year clearing another acre or so
     telehandlers; four utility
                                          tractor, especially when the manure began piling          for additional turnout pasture.
     vehicles; two Toolcat
     utility work machines;               up and was not being composted regularly.                 As they continue to make improvements around
     eight compact tractors;              As a teacher who knows the value of                      the property, the Brigas look forward to many
     and more than 80                     homework, I tested all the brand name tractors,          healthy and happy years at Brigadoon.
     unique attachments and               Briga says. About this time the Homeowner                Its our paradise here, she says, work and all.
     implements with hundreds
     of models. Visit the                  If youre ready to buy your 鍖rst compact tractor, visit www.MyWorkSaver.com/tractor to learn more about
     Bobcat website today to               the eight models available from Bobcat Company. Try the online buying tools, including the Build & Quote tool,
     learn more.                           to customize your own compact tractor and get a quote from your local Bobcat dealer, whose name is on the
                                           back cover.

14    WorkSaver Homeowner with Acreage | EARLY SPRING 2011

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  • 1. NEW PRODUCTS Early Spring 2011 www.MyWorkSaver.com Rura ifestyle IS WELL-SUITED FOR CONNECTICUT HORSE ENTHUSIASTS Choosing the Success Stories right implement for soil preparation 6 8 16 18 8 easy steps David Howard CT225 owner Bob Moio T300 and Richard Shire 3400 owner Susan Gumpher ToolcatTM 5600 to get your compact tractor CT445 owner owner ready for spring EARLY SPRING 2011 | WorkSaver Homeowner with Acreage 1 INSIDE: PRODUCT SPECS
  • 2. Sweet usi cou COVER STORY 鍖lls the Connecticut 12 WorkSaver Homeowner with Acreage | EARLY SPRING 2011
  • 3. COVER STORY A trio of horses helps make rural living untryside delightful for musician S Schoolteacher and musician Mary Ellen Briga has to carefully manage her obligations in order to spend time with her horses. I try to make it a priority for my free time, she says. They are living creatures that thrive on our attention. Lets put it this way: Its easier to play with my horses than clean my house. Briga and her husband, Janis, own a 9-acre farm near Marlborough, Conn., a town of about 6,000 located just southeast of Hartford. She teaches elementary string music full-time in the Windsor Public School system; he is a psychologist for the state of Connecticut. They both grew up in Toledo, Ohio. She earned an education degree from Bowling Green State University, and then a masters degree in violin performance from the University of Cincinnati. In addition to teaching in elementary school, she is a violinist with the widely acclaimed Hartford Symphony Orchestra, Connecticuts premier musical organization. Although we were raised in the city and now work in the city, we really like the rural lifestyle, Briga says. Continued on next page EARLY SPRING 2011 | WorkSaver Homeowner with Acreage 13
  • 4. COVER STORY { Using the tractor for all these jobs is way better than what we did previously either using a wheelbarrow or not getting the work done. Mary Ellen Briga { Working around the farm is a partnership. with Acreage edition of WorkSaver速 arrived Owning horses has been my dream since I was in the mail and my husband said I should take a little kid. We 鍖nally made it happen in the last a look at Bobcat速 tractors. We drove by the 10 years. Bobcat of Connecticut location in East Hartford With land prices higher than they were used on a Sunday and liked what we saw. I contacted to in the Midwest, it took the Brigas a while the dealership and soon thereafter purchased to 鍖nd this property. Originally it was part of a CT225. To get all the same features on other a 50-acre parcel of Arbor Acres, a farm that brands, I would have had to spend $3,000 to was disbanded. $4,000 more. The Bobcat tractor was the best value by far. We visited just after the driveway was cut through the property, walked around and knew The 27-horsepower compact tractor, when this was the place right away, Briga says. We equipped with a front-end loader, is the perfect made a deposit and have been developing the replacement for manual labor. With 19.5 PTO property ever since. horsepower it delivers top-rated performance from 3-point hitch implements. They named the farm Brigadoon. It is home to three horses, three collies (Rocky, Ruby and The arrival of the CT225 made routine chores their offspring Remy), a 鍖ock of chickens, a around the farm much easier. It is used to move couple of beehives and a cat. Two of the horses manure, drag the 80-foot-by-180-foot riding are retired thoroughbreds (Woody and Lily); arena and the 5 acres of pasture, clean up rocks the other is a three-year-old Cleveland Bay around the property and move materials, such (Chillson Royalton), an English breed that is as a truckload of stone that was delivered to be rare in the United States. added to the driveway and to build up a footing under the porch. They purchased a manure I think there are only about 200 purebreds in spreader recently to spread compost over the this country, Briga says. They are the horse pasture land. of choice to pull the carriage for the Queen of England. The breed is suited for many activities. Using the tractor for all these jobs is way better I expect Chillson to be trained in dressage, than what we did previously either using Full line of a wheelbarrow or not getting the work done, hopefully for competition. compact equipment Briga says. Eighteen-year-old Lily has reached second level Bobcat Company has She notes that the work-saving bene鍖ts of the in dressage and will be retired for all but trail the largest selection of compact tractor are matched by the ease of riding. She is the best trail horse ever, Briga compact equipment. operation. I need to feel comfortable when I says. Woody had a successful racing career and That means theres likely am operating a machine. The CT225 has all is husband Janis trail horse. a product suited for you the controls in a logical place, which makes it and your needs, with the I like to ride all my horses on trails, she says. both easy to operate and comfortable. Some of right size, horsepower, It is both mentally and physically healthy for the other tractors I looked at came up short in lifting ability and them to regularly ride over the many beautiful those areas. attachment options to trails we have in Connecticut. Briga, who uses the compact tractor most days help you do just about after school and frequently during her time off anything. Bobcat has 24 Time for a compact tractor in the summer, says, It is wonderful for general unique compact loaders; After doing farm chores by hand for a couple of maintenance around the farm. I will be keeping 11 excavators; four years, the Brigas decided they needed a compact it busy later this year clearing another acre or so telehandlers; four utility tractor, especially when the manure began piling for additional turnout pasture. vehicles; two Toolcat utility work machines; up and was not being composted regularly. As they continue to make improvements around eight compact tractors; As a teacher who knows the value of the property, the Brigas look forward to many and more than 80 homework, I tested all the brand name tractors, healthy and happy years at Brigadoon. unique attachments and Briga says. About this time the Homeowner Its our paradise here, she says, work and all. implements with hundreds of models. Visit the If youre ready to buy your 鍖rst compact tractor, visit www.MyWorkSaver.com/tractor to learn more about Bobcat website today to the eight models available from Bobcat Company. Try the online buying tools, including the Build & Quote tool, learn more. to customize your own compact tractor and get a quote from your local Bobcat dealer, whose name is on the back cover. 14 WorkSaver Homeowner with Acreage | EARLY SPRING 2011