Tunde Mojeed conducted a survey of mobility behavior in Lagos, Nigeria. The study analyzed trip diary data from Lagos residents to understand their mobility patterns. Key findings included that public transit is the most commonly used mode of transport. Factors like gender, age, and place of work influenced average trip rates. While information technology has substituted some trips, traffic congestion remains a major issue. Respondents prioritized improving transportation affordability, accessibility, and safety. Recommendations focused on regulating public transit, expanding non-motorized options, and continuing investment in transportation infrastructure.
The paper examined Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) within the context of electoral
process in Nigeria, with a view to determining the characteristics of users of technology in the country. Data for
the study were obtained through the primary and secondary sources. Primary source include the use of
questionnaire, interview of respondents and observation. The study revealed that age, education, training,
experience and user involvement are the major demographic variables that can determine acceptance of
technology as its relates to electoral process. User involvement, experience, training need for achievement and
education were equally the most prominent determinants of acceptance of technology across all thesis geopolitical
zones. The study concluded that these determinants should be considered by the Independent National
Electoral Commission in determining the choice of technology for voting in the nearest future.
The document summarizes a study on mobility behavior in Lagos, Nigeria. It collected primary data through surveys in 8 Lagos local government areas. Home-work trips accounted for 36% of trips while non-home trips were 25%. Public transit was the most used mode for 33% of trips. The study found no significant variation in daily trips based on information and communication technology use. It identified financing of transportation as coming mainly from public sources like government allocations. The conclusion recommends providing affordable, convenient, and accessible public transit prioritizing integrated collective modes to support basic needs and traffic flows.
This document discusses law enforcement monitoring in the Albertine Rift region of Africa using the MIST and SMART monitoring systems. It provides context on why conservation organizations use integrated conservation and development projects and ranger-based monitoring. It then summarizes the development, expansion, and uses of the MIST system, including demonstrating patrol coverage, mapping threats, and assessing management effectiveness. Issues with MIST are discussed and the enhanced features of the new SMART system presented, along with plans for training workshops and support.
Shaheen- Information literacy for scanning the external environment- a qualit...IFLA_InfolitRef
This document discusses the importance of information literacy (IL) skills for scanning the external business environment. It begins by establishing that IL instruction aims to develop independent lifelong learners, but most studies focus on academic settings rather than workplaces. The document then defines environment scanning as identifying, collecting, processing, analyzing, and interpreting external information for strategic decision-making. As environment scanning is information-intensive, good IL skills are needed. Survey results from travel agencies in Singapore show limited use of online sources and barriers like lack of time and IL skills. Interviews revealed IL-related problems like inability to identify sources and improper information storage. The study concludes IL training is needed to help employees make quality decisions.
Inter urban trip generation models for the urban centers in akwa ibom state, ...Alexander Decker
This document describes a study that aimed to generate models for predicting future trip patterns between urban centers in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The study identified 11 types of trips based on a travel survey, and analyzed the influence of socioeconomic factors on trip volumes using regression analysis. Models were developed to estimate future school, work, and visiting trips based on factors like the number of institutions, tourism sites, and markets between locations. The models were intended to help transportation planning by forecasting future travel demands.
Today the more and more rapid development of the ICT contributes to the increasing abilities of the mobile devices (cell phones, smart phones, PDAs, laptops) and wireless communications, which are the main parts of the mobile learning. On the other hand for the implementation of mobile learning it is necessary to use a corresponding system for the management of such type of education. Mobile learning through the use of wireless mobile technology allows anyone to access information and learning materials from anywhere and at anytime. As a result, learners have control of when they want to learn and from which location they want to learn. The main aim of the study is to assess the mobile learning activities among post graduate students in Viruudhunagar district. Survey method is employed for this study. The investigator has chosen 200 post graduate students for the study. Finally the investigator concludes; (a) There is no significant difference in mobile learning activities among the postgraduate students with respect to their course in terms (b) There is no significant difference in mobile learning activities among the postgraduate students with respect to their Fathers Educational Qualifications. Etc
IRJET- Mode Choice Behaviour Analysis of Students in Thrissur CityIRJET Journal
This document summarizes a study on analyzing the mode choice behavior of students in Thrissur city, India. The study aims to identify factors that influence students' choice of transportation mode and develop a multinomial logit model to predict future travel demand. Data was collected through surveys of 800 students across urban and rural schools. A multinomial logit model was developed using SPSS to analyze the effects of travel characteristics and student demographics on mode choice. The model found travel time, cost, distance, vehicle ownership, gender, age, and income to be important predictors of whether students walk, take the bus, or use other modes for school trips. The developed model could help transportation planners better understand student travel patterns and inform policies to improve
1. This document discusses a final year project that aims to use GIS to map primary schools in Kebbi State, Nigeria. It outlines challenges in the education system including a lack of infrastructure and analyzes factors like the teacher to pupil ratio.
2. GIS and GPS technologies are introduced as tools to efficiently collect, store, and analyze spatial data on school locations and facilities. This data can help inform planning and management decisions around educational resources.
3. The project seeks to create an interactive school map to identify issues related to school placement and infrastructure, in order to assist decision makers in improving education quality and access.
The African Open Science Platform project aims to coordinate open science activities across Africa through establishing core data infrastructure and building capacity. It conducted a landscape study of existing initiatives and engaged stakeholders to develop frameworks for open science policy, data infrastructure, skills development, and incentives. The next phase will launch an open science platform to register African data initiatives, provide network and computing resources, support FAIR data practices, establish a data science institute, and develop education networks - advancing open science across the continent.
UNPOG and its potential contributions to ICTD-ASP are discussed. UNPOG is an UN organization established in 2006 to assist countries in improving governance capacity. It focuses on 3 pillars: research/policy development, capacity development, and communications/outreach. For ICTD-ASP, UNPOG could provide technical assistance, help develop frameworks for resource mobilization, and support knowledge sharing and capacity development activities. Specific contributions mentioned include advisory support, enhancing practitioners' networks, and identifying best practices in e-government.
1) The document discusses travellers' intended future strategies for finding and booking things to do on trips. It analyzes survey results from 893 Finnish travelers on their expected use of online and mobile channels.
2) The results show that frequent travelers and more skilled internet users intend to rely more on personal mobile devices during trips for both finding information and making bookings.
3) This indicates attraction and activity suppliers will increasingly distribute offerings online at destinations. However, pre-trip searching and booking was still preferred by most respondents.
2017.04.06 Transport Liveability Futures for GalwayNUI Galway
Dr Mike Hynes, NUI Galway, gave this presentation entitled "Transport Liveability Futures for Galway" on behalf of the Social Sciences Research Centre as part of the 2017 Whitaker Institute Research Day on the 6th of April 2017 at NUI Galway.
Building Spatial Data Infrastructures for Spatial Planning in Africa: Lagos e...Samuel Dekolo
Lagos is the fastest growing Megacity in Sub-Saharan Africa, with its population estimated to double in the first quarter of this century; it is expected to be the third largest urban agglomerations in the world. This growth is not without challenges, as the city is grappling with myriads of urban management problems. City planners lack the most important ingredient of land use management, which is Information. In spite of huge investment on spatial data infrastructures at the national and state levels of government, most land use planners at both state and local government level agencies are ignorant of existing geospatial technology portals and unlock the full potentials of information and communication technologies. A statewide survey of the spatial data infrastructures of the citys urban and land use management ministry and agencies proves its pathetic state, thereby creating information gap void between urban development and intelligent management. The result is has led to a sporadic growth of slums and unplanned settlements which now accounts for over 60% of the city. To avoid an impasse, it is necessary to review the level of geospatial technologies used at the local level and recommend formidable means of integration in the decision making process. This paper examines the level of geospatial technologies and Spatial Data Infrastructure use in spatial planning agencies and barriers to implementation in the 20 local governments of Lagos State and suggests the way forward.
Innovative Human Factors in Road Transport Safety: CSIR Research Insights
This compelling presentation by Lerato Kgoa from the CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) explores cutting-edge approaches to mitigating human factors in road transport safety.
Delivered at the Transport Forum Webinar in September 2024, this presentation showcases groundbreaking research and technological innovations in transport safety, with a particular focus on the South African context.
First experiences from Tanzania. Monitoring widescale adoption of climate smart agriculture practices using the 5Q approach. Scientists talk in a series of interviews how 5Q is doing in our first pilot.
Development and validation of a psychological scale for work related driversAlexander Decker
This document describes the development and validation of a psychological scale to assess work-related drivers in Nigeria. It involved a pilot study, main study, and validation study with over 700 participants total. Through factor analysis, a 26-item scale was developed measuring 4 dimensions: Compliance (14 items), Aggressive Driving (4 items), Judgment Error (4 items), and Safety Consciousness (4 items). The scale demonstrated good reliability and validity when correlated with other similar measures. The scale can help identify behavioral dispositions of drivers and has implications for selecting, training, and promoting drivers in Nigeria.
The effects of gender and age onnew technology implementatio.docxtodd701
The effects of gender and age on
new technology implementation
in a developing country
Testing the theory of planned behavior (TPB)
Elizabeth White Baker
Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia, USA
Said S. Al-Gahtani
King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia, and
Geoffrey S. Hubona
Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Purpose This paper aims to investigate the effects of gender, age and education on new technology
implementation in Saudi Arabia, a technologically developing country, using the Theory of Planned
Behavior (TPB).
Design/methodology/approach The research was an empirical investigation based on surveys
completed by 1,088 Saudi knowledge workers.
Findings The TPB model performs well in Saudi Arabia. This validation accounts for 37 percent of
the variance in behavioral intention among Saudi knowledge workers. For the moderator variables,
there were no statistically significant interactions, with the exception of the moderation of perceived
behavioral control on behavioral intention by level of education.
Research limitations/implications Saudi Arabia is an exemplar for many developing nations
characterized by distinct intellectual and cultural traditions that differ from Western cultures.
Demographic variables (e.g. gender and age) that have been reported to be significant moderators of
the influences of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control on behavioral intention in
other cultural samples were found to be non-significant in this Saudi Arabian sample.
Practical implications System developers using user-centered design approaches have different
design criteria for the successful workforce adoption of information technology (IT) systems in a
technologically developing nation, as compared to the workforce of a technologically developed nation.
Originality/value This paper validates TPB as a multi-cultural model for investigating the impact
of attitudes, beliefs, and subjective norms on technology adoption, and, in contrast to previous studies,
indicates the (non)effects of select demographic moderators on the model using a non-Western sample.
Keywords Demographics, Developing countries, Communication technologies, Culture, Behaviour,
Saudi Arabia
Paper type Research paper
The adoption and use of technology in organizational settings is a topic of intense
interest germane to developing countries. Whereas the implementation and use of
organizational information technologies (ITs) have been widely researched in
developed nations, these findings are not necessarily applicable to less developed
regions of the world. With the increasing trend towards the transnational globalization
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
Information Technology & People
Vol. 20 No. 4, 2007
pp. 352-375
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/09593840710839798
Jose An.
This document summarizes a study on the lived experiences of traffic enforcers in Ozamiz City, Philippines. Seven traffic enforcers were interviewed. Two main themes emerged: 1) Adversity in fulfilling duties, such as dealing with undisciplined drivers in the rain or during collisions. 2) Encountering harassment, resistance, and threats from motorists, as some are uncooperative and insist they did not break laws. The study found traffic enforcement to be challenging due to factors outside of enforcers' control and disrespectful motorists. It recommended traffic enforcers continue approaching motorists with patience and respect.
Towards performance measures of transportation networks in nigeria lessons fr...Alexander Decker
This document summarizes the use of performance measures to evaluate transportation networks in developed countries and lessons that can be applied in Nigeria. It discusses how agencies in countries like the US, UK, Canada, France and Germany have established standardized processes to conduct cost-benefit analyses and evaluate projects based on user costs, infrastructure costs, and external impacts. It provides examples of performance measures used by transportation departments in Canada, including metrics to evaluate road safety, network reliability/efficiency, and construction costs. The document recommends that Nigeria establish similar agencies to collect public feedback and properly evaluate existing networks to improve transportation system performance.
IRJET- Fuzzy Logic based Route Choice Behaviour ModellingIRJET Journal
This document describes a study that uses fuzzy logic to model route choice behavior in Thrissur City, India. Household surveys were conducted to collect data on travelers' socioeconomic characteristics and their reasons for choosing routes between origin-destination pairs in the city. Fuzzy logic concepts were then used to analyze the data and predict the most chosen routes. The results identified the mostly chosen routes between specific origin zones like Punkunnam and destination zones like Thekkinkadu. Key factors affecting route choice that were identified include travel cost, distance, travel time, and type of employment.
Running head: CELL PHONES 1
Annotated Bibliography Importance of Cell Phones
Fulton, A. (November 17, 2012). Young Men, Frequent Drivers Most Likely to Get Distracted While
Driving. Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/11/17/564779900/young-men-frequent-drivers-most-likely-get-distracted-while-driving
Fulton argues that distracted attention from insistent blinking and beeping of the cellphone accounts for approximately 12% and 14% of car accidents worldwide and in the United States respectively. Yes, everyone can get distracted
if you're reading this on your phone while driving, stop it. Especially if you're a young neurotic extroverted guy who drives a lot.
Two seconds of attention to the insistent beeping and blinking of our mobile phones or simply changing the radio station accounts for at least 12 percent of car accidents worldwide and油14 percent油of them in the U.S., according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.
While anyone can get distracted behind the wheel, some people may be more prone than others, according to油a study油published Friday in油Frontiers in Psychology油by油Ole Johansson, a researcher at Norway's油Institute of Transport Economics.
The study looks at the driving habits and personalities of hundreds of Norwegian high schoolers and adults. While few reported distracted driving was a problem for them, some patterns about who was more likely to be distracted emerged.
Young men were among the most likely to report distraction due to phones but also people talking in the car or flipping through the radio dial. The study found that the more distraction-prone included frequent drivers, and those with neurotic and extroverted personalities.
Also, people who felt that distracted driving was socially acceptable or didn't feel they could control distractions were also more likely to report distracted driving, the study shows. Older women and those who felt that they could control their behavior were less likely to report distraction.
The study also looked at potential interventions, such as giving drivers a quiz of sorts, asking them "If/Then" questions designed to make them think about distracted driving. For example, "If I find myself wondering whether someone has sent me a text, then I will __" (remind myself it's against the law, remember it's dangerous to do so, etc.) However, this particular intervention did not cause a big dip in distracted driving.
Still, the Norwegian study is the first of its kind to look at the connections between intentions and behavior when it comes to distracted driving, and it adds to emerging data on the impact of personalities and gender.
But it's very preliminary, says油Ken Kolosh, manager of the statistics group at the U.S. National Safety Council. The NSC advocates for avoiding deaths and unintentional injuries in the workplace and ...
IRJET- Pedestrian Risk Analysis at Uncontrolled MidblockIRJET Journal
This study analyzed pedestrian behavior and risk factors at uncontrolled midblock crossings in Ernakulam, India. Over 1,800 pedestrian crossings were observed and data was collected on demographics, behaviors, waiting times, and other factors. Statistical analysis found that males and middle-aged pedestrians engaged in riskier behaviors like running across streets. Pedestrians waiting for buses or crossing alone also showed riskier behaviors. The study concluded with recommendations for safer crossing behaviors like crossing in groups or not accepting gaps from buses. Future studies could explore improving pedestrian infrastructure and driver yielding behavior.
This document is the editorial board and table of contents for a journal on social and management sciences. It lists the editor-in-chief, editors, and advisory board members. It also outlines the aim, scope, and guidelines for authors submitting papers to the journal. The table of contents provides an overview of 16 papers in the issue, covering topics like crime analysis in Bayelsa State, Nigeria; climate change and conflicts; industrial pollution; tourism sites; asset valuation; auditing; economic growth; technology transfer; financial reforms; and more.
1) The document summarizes a study that evaluated non-clinical HIV/AIDS activities in Lagos State, Nigeria through surveys of secondary school and university students.
2) The study found gaps in HIV/AIDS awareness related to behavioral challenges, understanding of sexually transmitted infections, lack of transmission awareness, condom use, and fear of HIV/AIDS stigma.
3) To address these gaps, the study proposed a validated knowledge management framework to enhance HIV/AIDS information sharing and awareness of transmission and prevention factors in Lagos State.
IRJET- Pedestrian Safety Analysis at School ZonesIRJET Journal
This document summarizes a study on pedestrian safety analysis at school zones. The study analyzed pedestrian crossing behavior and safety at different types of schools through video surveys and questionnaires. An accident data analysis found that pedestrian accidents at school zones were more common during evenings. Questionnaire results showed students were less alert crossing in groups. A regression model was developed to predict a Pedestrian Safety Score based on factors like timing, crossing length, waiting time, and traffic volumes. The model was validated and found to accurately predict safety scores, demonstrating it could help evaluate pedestrian safety.
This document provides a summary report of a road safety survey conducted by the Stonnington Survey Group in March 2015. Some key findings from the survey include:
- The majority of respondents were concerned about pedestrian (80%) and cyclist (73%) safety.
- The top road safety concerns for pedestrians were reported as pedestrian behavior/awareness of vehicles (66%), driver awareness of pedestrians (61%), and speeding vehicles (52%).
- The top suggested measures to improve pedestrian safety were improving footpaths (46%), more median line markings (34%), and reducing speed limits (32%).
- The top road safety concerns for cyclists were reported as driver awareness of cyclists (73%),
The African Open Science Platform project aims to coordinate open science activities across Africa through establishing core data infrastructure and building capacity. It conducted a landscape study of existing initiatives and engaged stakeholders to develop frameworks for open science policy, data infrastructure, skills development, and incentives. The next phase will launch an open science platform to register African data initiatives, provide network and computing resources, support FAIR data practices, establish a data science institute, and develop education networks - advancing open science across the continent.
UNPOG and its potential contributions to ICTD-ASP are discussed. UNPOG is an UN organization established in 2006 to assist countries in improving governance capacity. It focuses on 3 pillars: research/policy development, capacity development, and communications/outreach. For ICTD-ASP, UNPOG could provide technical assistance, help develop frameworks for resource mobilization, and support knowledge sharing and capacity development activities. Specific contributions mentioned include advisory support, enhancing practitioners' networks, and identifying best practices in e-government.
1) The document discusses travellers' intended future strategies for finding and booking things to do on trips. It analyzes survey results from 893 Finnish travelers on their expected use of online and mobile channels.
2) The results show that frequent travelers and more skilled internet users intend to rely more on personal mobile devices during trips for both finding information and making bookings.
3) This indicates attraction and activity suppliers will increasingly distribute offerings online at destinations. However, pre-trip searching and booking was still preferred by most respondents.
2017.04.06 Transport Liveability Futures for GalwayNUI Galway
Dr Mike Hynes, NUI Galway, gave this presentation entitled "Transport Liveability Futures for Galway" on behalf of the Social Sciences Research Centre as part of the 2017 Whitaker Institute Research Day on the 6th of April 2017 at NUI Galway.
Building Spatial Data Infrastructures for Spatial Planning in Africa: Lagos e...Samuel Dekolo
Lagos is the fastest growing Megacity in Sub-Saharan Africa, with its population estimated to double in the first quarter of this century; it is expected to be the third largest urban agglomerations in the world. This growth is not without challenges, as the city is grappling with myriads of urban management problems. City planners lack the most important ingredient of land use management, which is Information. In spite of huge investment on spatial data infrastructures at the national and state levels of government, most land use planners at both state and local government level agencies are ignorant of existing geospatial technology portals and unlock the full potentials of information and communication technologies. A statewide survey of the spatial data infrastructures of the citys urban and land use management ministry and agencies proves its pathetic state, thereby creating information gap void between urban development and intelligent management. The result is has led to a sporadic growth of slums and unplanned settlements which now accounts for over 60% of the city. To avoid an impasse, it is necessary to review the level of geospatial technologies used at the local level and recommend formidable means of integration in the decision making process. This paper examines the level of geospatial technologies and Spatial Data Infrastructure use in spatial planning agencies and barriers to implementation in the 20 local governments of Lagos State and suggests the way forward.
Innovative Human Factors in Road Transport Safety: CSIR Research Insights
This compelling presentation by Lerato Kgoa from the CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) explores cutting-edge approaches to mitigating human factors in road transport safety.
Delivered at the Transport Forum Webinar in September 2024, this presentation showcases groundbreaking research and technological innovations in transport safety, with a particular focus on the South African context.
First experiences from Tanzania. Monitoring widescale adoption of climate smart agriculture practices using the 5Q approach. Scientists talk in a series of interviews how 5Q is doing in our first pilot.
Development and validation of a psychological scale for work related driversAlexander Decker
This document describes the development and validation of a psychological scale to assess work-related drivers in Nigeria. It involved a pilot study, main study, and validation study with over 700 participants total. Through factor analysis, a 26-item scale was developed measuring 4 dimensions: Compliance (14 items), Aggressive Driving (4 items), Judgment Error (4 items), and Safety Consciousness (4 items). The scale demonstrated good reliability and validity when correlated with other similar measures. The scale can help identify behavioral dispositions of drivers and has implications for selecting, training, and promoting drivers in Nigeria.
The effects of gender and age onnew technology implementatio.docxtodd701
The effects of gender and age on
new technology implementation
in a developing country
Testing the theory of planned behavior (TPB)
Elizabeth White Baker
Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia, USA
Said S. Al-Gahtani
King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia, and
Geoffrey S. Hubona
Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Purpose This paper aims to investigate the effects of gender, age and education on new technology
implementation in Saudi Arabia, a technologically developing country, using the Theory of Planned
Behavior (TPB).
Design/methodology/approach The research was an empirical investigation based on surveys
completed by 1,088 Saudi knowledge workers.
Findings The TPB model performs well in Saudi Arabia. This validation accounts for 37 percent of
the variance in behavioral intention among Saudi knowledge workers. For the moderator variables,
there were no statistically significant interactions, with the exception of the moderation of perceived
behavioral control on behavioral intention by level of education.
Research limitations/implications Saudi Arabia is an exemplar for many developing nations
characterized by distinct intellectual and cultural traditions that differ from Western cultures.
Demographic variables (e.g. gender and age) that have been reported to be significant moderators of
the influences of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control on behavioral intention in
other cultural samples were found to be non-significant in this Saudi Arabian sample.
Practical implications System developers using user-centered design approaches have different
design criteria for the successful workforce adoption of information technology (IT) systems in a
technologically developing nation, as compared to the workforce of a technologically developed nation.
Originality/value This paper validates TPB as a multi-cultural model for investigating the impact
of attitudes, beliefs, and subjective norms on technology adoption, and, in contrast to previous studies,
indicates the (non)effects of select demographic moderators on the model using a non-Western sample.
Keywords Demographics, Developing countries, Communication technologies, Culture, Behaviour,
Saudi Arabia
Paper type Research paper
The adoption and use of technology in organizational settings is a topic of intense
interest germane to developing countries. Whereas the implementation and use of
organizational information technologies (ITs) have been widely researched in
developed nations, these findings are not necessarily applicable to less developed
regions of the world. With the increasing trend towards the transnational globalization
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
Information Technology & People
Vol. 20 No. 4, 2007
pp. 352-375
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/09593840710839798
Jose An.
This document summarizes a study on the lived experiences of traffic enforcers in Ozamiz City, Philippines. Seven traffic enforcers were interviewed. Two main themes emerged: 1) Adversity in fulfilling duties, such as dealing with undisciplined drivers in the rain or during collisions. 2) Encountering harassment, resistance, and threats from motorists, as some are uncooperative and insist they did not break laws. The study found traffic enforcement to be challenging due to factors outside of enforcers' control and disrespectful motorists. It recommended traffic enforcers continue approaching motorists with patience and respect.
Towards performance measures of transportation networks in nigeria lessons fr...Alexander Decker
This document summarizes the use of performance measures to evaluate transportation networks in developed countries and lessons that can be applied in Nigeria. It discusses how agencies in countries like the US, UK, Canada, France and Germany have established standardized processes to conduct cost-benefit analyses and evaluate projects based on user costs, infrastructure costs, and external impacts. It provides examples of performance measures used by transportation departments in Canada, including metrics to evaluate road safety, network reliability/efficiency, and construction costs. The document recommends that Nigeria establish similar agencies to collect public feedback and properly evaluate existing networks to improve transportation system performance.
IRJET- Fuzzy Logic based Route Choice Behaviour ModellingIRJET Journal
This document describes a study that uses fuzzy logic to model route choice behavior in Thrissur City, India. Household surveys were conducted to collect data on travelers' socioeconomic characteristics and their reasons for choosing routes between origin-destination pairs in the city. Fuzzy logic concepts were then used to analyze the data and predict the most chosen routes. The results identified the mostly chosen routes between specific origin zones like Punkunnam and destination zones like Thekkinkadu. Key factors affecting route choice that were identified include travel cost, distance, travel time, and type of employment.
Running head: CELL PHONES 1
Annotated Bibliography Importance of Cell Phones
Fulton, A. (November 17, 2012). Young Men, Frequent Drivers Most Likely to Get Distracted While
Driving. Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/11/17/564779900/young-men-frequent-drivers-most-likely-get-distracted-while-driving
Fulton argues that distracted attention from insistent blinking and beeping of the cellphone accounts for approximately 12% and 14% of car accidents worldwide and in the United States respectively. Yes, everyone can get distracted
if you're reading this on your phone while driving, stop it. Especially if you're a young neurotic extroverted guy who drives a lot.
Two seconds of attention to the insistent beeping and blinking of our mobile phones or simply changing the radio station accounts for at least 12 percent of car accidents worldwide and油14 percent油of them in the U.S., according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.
While anyone can get distracted behind the wheel, some people may be more prone than others, according to油a study油published Friday in油Frontiers in Psychology油by油Ole Johansson, a researcher at Norway's油Institute of Transport Economics.
The study looks at the driving habits and personalities of hundreds of Norwegian high schoolers and adults. While few reported distracted driving was a problem for them, some patterns about who was more likely to be distracted emerged.
Young men were among the most likely to report distraction due to phones but also people talking in the car or flipping through the radio dial. The study found that the more distraction-prone included frequent drivers, and those with neurotic and extroverted personalities.
Also, people who felt that distracted driving was socially acceptable or didn't feel they could control distractions were also more likely to report distracted driving, the study shows. Older women and those who felt that they could control their behavior were less likely to report distraction.
The study also looked at potential interventions, such as giving drivers a quiz of sorts, asking them "If/Then" questions designed to make them think about distracted driving. For example, "If I find myself wondering whether someone has sent me a text, then I will __" (remind myself it's against the law, remember it's dangerous to do so, etc.) However, this particular intervention did not cause a big dip in distracted driving.
Still, the Norwegian study is the first of its kind to look at the connections between intentions and behavior when it comes to distracted driving, and it adds to emerging data on the impact of personalities and gender.
But it's very preliminary, says油Ken Kolosh, manager of the statistics group at the U.S. National Safety Council. The NSC advocates for avoiding deaths and unintentional injuries in the workplace and ...
IRJET- Pedestrian Risk Analysis at Uncontrolled MidblockIRJET Journal
This study analyzed pedestrian behavior and risk factors at uncontrolled midblock crossings in Ernakulam, India. Over 1,800 pedestrian crossings were observed and data was collected on demographics, behaviors, waiting times, and other factors. Statistical analysis found that males and middle-aged pedestrians engaged in riskier behaviors like running across streets. Pedestrians waiting for buses or crossing alone also showed riskier behaviors. The study concluded with recommendations for safer crossing behaviors like crossing in groups or not accepting gaps from buses. Future studies could explore improving pedestrian infrastructure and driver yielding behavior.
This document is the editorial board and table of contents for a journal on social and management sciences. It lists the editor-in-chief, editors, and advisory board members. It also outlines the aim, scope, and guidelines for authors submitting papers to the journal. The table of contents provides an overview of 16 papers in the issue, covering topics like crime analysis in Bayelsa State, Nigeria; climate change and conflicts; industrial pollution; tourism sites; asset valuation; auditing; economic growth; technology transfer; financial reforms; and more.
1) The document summarizes a study that evaluated non-clinical HIV/AIDS activities in Lagos State, Nigeria through surveys of secondary school and university students.
2) The study found gaps in HIV/AIDS awareness related to behavioral challenges, understanding of sexually transmitted infections, lack of transmission awareness, condom use, and fear of HIV/AIDS stigma.
3) To address these gaps, the study proposed a validated knowledge management framework to enhance HIV/AIDS information sharing and awareness of transmission and prevention factors in Lagos State.
IRJET- Pedestrian Safety Analysis at School ZonesIRJET Journal
This document summarizes a study on pedestrian safety analysis at school zones. The study analyzed pedestrian crossing behavior and safety at different types of schools through video surveys and questionnaires. An accident data analysis found that pedestrian accidents at school zones were more common during evenings. Questionnaire results showed students were less alert crossing in groups. A regression model was developed to predict a Pedestrian Safety Score based on factors like timing, crossing length, waiting time, and traffic volumes. The model was validated and found to accurately predict safety scores, demonstrating it could help evaluate pedestrian safety.
This document provides a summary report of a road safety survey conducted by the Stonnington Survey Group in March 2015. Some key findings from the survey include:
- The majority of respondents were concerned about pedestrian (80%) and cyclist (73%) safety.
- The top road safety concerns for pedestrians were reported as pedestrian behavior/awareness of vehicles (66%), driver awareness of pedestrians (61%), and speeding vehicles (52%).
- The top suggested measures to improve pedestrian safety were improving footpaths (46%), more median line markings (34%), and reducing speed limits (32%).
- The top road safety concerns for cyclists were reported as driver awareness of cyclists (73%),
Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research for development: Experiences fr...ILRI
1. Universit辰t Stuttgart
Institut f端r Straen- und Verkehrswesen
Lehrstuhl f端r Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrsleittechnik
Pfaffenwaldring 7 70569 Stuttgart Tel. +49 (0)711 685-82482 www.isv.uni-stuttgart.de/vuv/
Tunde Mojeed, YISAU
Matric Nr.: 2894515
2. Contents
General Introduction
Brief Introduction
Statement of Problem
Aim and Specific Objectives
Scope, Area of Study and Research Methodology
Scope of the Study
Area of Study
Research Methodology
Presentation and Discussion of Results
Test of Hypothesis
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
3. Brief Introduction
How can we ensure that transportation systems and services
adequately meet the needs of an increasingly diverse population of
Transportation planners need a firm understanding of the mobility
behaviour of people.
Mobility behaviour: Who, When, Where, Why, How, How often
Mobility behaviour is closely related to study of Travel Demand
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
4. Statement of Problem
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
Statement of
Lack of Non-
facilities and
other modes
of transport
Lack of high
capacity PuT
5. Aim and Specific Objectives
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
Analyse trip diary survey of Lagos residents with a view to achieving a
better understanding of the mobility behaviour of the people in the area
Examine the socio-economic characteristics of
Lagos residents in relation to mobility behaviour
(mode choice and trip rate)
Identify most commonly adopted mode choice in
relation to various activities
Study the impact of Information and
Communication Technology on trip-making ability
Investigate the transportation needs and wants of
Lagosians, as well as the sources of finance and
the obstacles to achieve effective mobility system
Proffer palliative measures to enhance sustainable
and effective mobility system
6. Scope of the Study
Conceptually, the study focuses mainly on mode choice and trip
frequency as an aspect of mobility behaviour.
The study is limited to land transport. The occurrence of other modes
was by chances and reference was only made to other modes where
it is necessary
The study is household survey in which a representative from each
household was selected.
Geographically, the study was conducted in Lagos State, and Lagos
metropolitan areas form the study area in which Ikeja administrative
division is the main focus and area for data collection.
Ikeja administrative division comprises of eight local government
areas for the study: Agege, Alimosho, Ifako-Ijaye, Ikeja, Kosofe,
Mushin, Oshodi-Isolo, Shomolu.
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
7. Area of Study
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
8. Research Methodology
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
9. Modal Share of all Trips by Respondents Characteristics
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
Gender Age Marital Status Educational Status
Male Female 18-30 31-44 45-60 Above
Single Married Pry
3% 9% 13% 4% 5% 2% 12% 4% 7% 8% 2%
9% 9% 21% 10% 6% 5% 22% 7.7% 15% 11% 7%
35% 21% - 24% 41% 51% 23% 31% 15% 22% 38%
7% 8% 2% 11% 4% 7% 6% 8% 15% 8% 6%
46% 52% 64% 50% 44% 35% 37% 49% 48% 51% 46%
- 1% - 1% - - - 0.3% - - 1%
10. Modal Share of all Trips by Respondents Characteristics
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
Occupation Monthly Income Household Size Place of work
1-3 4-6 Above
Home Within
- 8% 2% 12% 3% 8% 10% 3% 4% 4% 10% 2%
2% 11% 7% 15% 8% 8% 8% 10% 6% 4% 18% 4%
38% 19% 45% 10% 34% 69% 21% 27% 55% 19% 27% 36%
17% 8% 5% 8% 7% 4% 10% 8% 2% 9% 5% 7%
43% 53% 41% 55% 48% 4% 51% 51% 33% 64% 40% 50%
- 1% - - - 7% - 1% - - - 1%
11. Proportion of Trip Rate by Respondents
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
12. Mean Trip Rate and Share of Mobile Person by
Respondents Characteristics
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
Mean Trip Rate Share of Mobile Person (%) ANOVA (P-Value)
Overall Mean trip per day 2.7 98
Gender Male
Age 18 30
31 44
45 60
> 60
Marital Status Single
Education Pry
Sec/Post Sec
Not Significant
Occupation Unemployed
Full-Time Worker
Not Significant
Monthly Income Low
Not Significant
Household Size 1 - 3
4 6
> 6
Place of Work Home
Within Neighbourhood
Outside Neighbourhood
13. Modal Share of all Respondent Trips
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
14. Proportion of Respondents using at least
Public Transit in the entire Trip
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
15. Pictures Showing different Modes of Transport in Lagos
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
Public Transit
Okada Private Car
16. Modal Share of Work Commute
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
17. Trip Purpose Matrix
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
Home Work Business Shopping Others Total
Home - 134 46 18 46 244
Work 97 - 9 28 27 161
Business 46 7 - 7 16 76
Shopping 36 14 8 - 6 64
Others (Education,
Visitation, Medical,
Leisure, Sport,
Bank, Private,)
63 12 9 11 - 95
18. Respondent Reasons for Various Mode Choice
(Public Transit)
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
Yes No
Reason Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Most Convenient
5 2 15 6
Most Available 45 19 4 2
Most Affordable 11 5 2 1
Most Available & Affordable 54 23 4 2
Most Available & Convenient
6 3 3 1
Most Convenient & Privacy
- - 33 14
Most Convenient & Fast
- - 15 6
7 3 3 1
Short Distance & Exercise
- - 7 3
3 1 10 4
Traffic Congestion
5 2 4 2
Total 136 58 100 42
19. Respondent Readiness to Use Public Transit if
Improvements are Made
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
20. Impact of ICT Use on Trip-Making Ability
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
Substituted Trip Complemented Trip Eliminated Trip
Activity Frequency Percent Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Work 30 12.5 44 18.3 10 4.2
Business 41 17.1 61 25.4 18 7.5
Education 20 8.30 23 9.6 3 1.3
47 19.6 33 13.8 40 16.7
19 7.9 15 6.3 26 10.8
9 3.8 3 1.3 2 0.8
Private 22 9.2 9 3.8 41 17.1
28 11.7 20 8.3 90 37.5
Backhome 17 7.1 24 10.0 5 2.5
7 2.9 8 3.3 4 1.7
Total 240 100.0 240 100.0 240 100.0
21. Trip Rate by the Use of ICT
Mean trip: Daily 2.8, 1-2 times a week 2.7, Once in a week 2.5, and Not at all 2.6.
From the ANOVA result (P=0.305), It was deduced that there is no significant variation in
trip frequency by the use of ICT . This actually influenced or depended on the exact
impact of ICT on travel behaviour.
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
22. Ranking of Transportation Objectives of Lagosian
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
23. Ranking of Measures to Achieve Transportation Objectives
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
24. Rating of Obstacles to Achieve Transportation Objectives
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
25. Respondents Opinion on Sources of Finance for
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
26. Hypothesis: Mode choice availability does not influence trip
frequency of Lagosians
A multiple regression analysis was conducted to predict the trip rate
(y) from the availability and influences of different modes (walking
(x1), cycling (x2), biking (x3), taxi-cab (x4), private car (x5), public
transit (x6), rail transport (x7), air transport (x8) and water transport
(x9)) on trip.
Having satisfied all the assumptions of multiple regression, analysis
shows that these variables are not statistically significantly predict
trip rate, F (9, 230) = 1.728, p-value = 0.084. R2 = 0.063, which
means the variation in trip rate can only be explained by 6% of
independent variables (mode choice) while the remaining 94% can
be explained by other factors outside this study.
Cycling is the only variable contributed to the model with p=0.003 but
with negative coefficient values. That is, availability of cycling is
inversely proportional to trip rate.
= 2.630 + 0.008 1 0.162 2 + 0.125 3 + 0.055 4 0.037 5 +
0.008 6 0.010 7 0.041 8 0.037 9
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
27. Recommendations
Policy to regulate the services of LAGBUS and other Public Transit.
Policy to incorporate & implement non-motorisation transport.
Extension of BRT network to some other parts of Lagos.
Safety and comfort must be encouraged for all Public Transits.
Policy to regulate the issuance of drivers卒 license.
Policy to invest more on transportation (especially road and rail).
Communication strategies for the available modes should be built.
Policy to encourage telecommuting and teleshopping.
Policy to curb corruption at every sectors of organisation
(government, private and individual).
Continuity in government projects and political stability is very crucial
to development.
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich
28. Thank you
Surveying and Analysing Mobility Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria by Tunde Mojeed, YISAU. Supervised by Prof. Markus Friedrich