The document discusses the journey of becoming a polyglot, including definitions of what a polyglot is, languages that were learned like JavaScript, Ruby, C#, Go, and ML/functional programming, as well as principles like Parkinson's law, Conway's law, and the benefits of knowing multiple languages. It also touches on potential drawbacks like the 80/20 rule and challenges of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
6. Parkinsons law
Work expands so as to fill the time available for
its completion.
7. Conways law
organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce
designs which are copies of the communication structures of these
12. ML / Functional
If you aren't in over your head, how
do you know how tall you are?
T.S. Eliot
13. Knowing other languages makes
you better at other languages
Diversity Principle: The usual
suspects tend to have the same
conversation and reach the same
Peggy Holman,
19. Challenge
DunningKruger effect: Is a cognitive
bias wherein unskilled individuals suffer
from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their
ability much higher than is accurate.
Editor's Notes
#2: Fallen in love with computers and programming
My name is Theo and I am a Software developer at Driven Alliance
Encounters with different languages and the lessons these languages have taught me
#3: Command of English and Afrikaans
Start with Zulu
In software development terms, a person that can code in many different languages
#4: As I said I started with Vb when I was 12
Remember dragging text boxes
Moving to varsity: tutorials, drag & drop
Nobody mentioned bad design
#5: Who here thinks that VB Sucks?
Vb is an easy language to learn, close to natural language
Everyone has to start somewhere.
#6: Started work in vb
Like all good professionals
Learnt in 1 week
Curly braces
Still doing most of my professional development therein
C# is intended to be a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language.
#7: Stock-Sanford: If you wait until the last minute, it only takes a minute to do.
Monolithic class
Poor design, against solid
It compiles, now move on
Good elements too, very focused on value
#9: Doing Web dev for while I ran into javascript
Similar to C# and Different
No need to specify type
Static vs dynamic
Felt like Rebel
Rebel consequences, harder to read old code.
Just because language gives you freedom doesnt mean you can do whatever you want to
#10: Language developed by fellow humans
Brendan Eich, Matz, Anders
#11: Matz wanted it to be fun.
Everything object, splat, push operator, if after assignment
Grin, smart and different
Community is very passionate
Ruby Dcamp Young Strong
Same issues discussed as C#
#12: Rails is not a language
Jump straight into code
Spent a lot of hours on frameworks in career
Frameworks are not bad
#13: ML is general purpose functional programming language
Remember coursework and being challenged
Concepts different:
Heavy recursion ,no if else statements, Immutable values, Half completed functions
Challenged my beliefs that OO is only way
Other languages are visitors to functional concepts
Dabbling in other languages, not settled on one yet but will
#14: My code has less side effects; return new world
Diversity principle: Same conversations and same conclusions
#15: Dont get to write code together
Didnt do justice to language but knew we had to know more
#17: Benefits outweighs Disadvantages
Never be good in my own languages
Not cheating on Ruby
#18: Different ways to solve a problem, not just with code (why a lot of us started to programme in the first place)
Right tool for the job
Stock app
More learn, faster pickup
#19: Ruby started with book, forgot and boring
Ruby online videos
Hello World boring, Code Katas
Open source, mentors
Small experiments
#20: Dunning Kruger effect?
Just try, spend half an hour every morning
Hambani Gahle