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My List of
All Important
Faux Amis
by ShopaholicFromHome
who J'adore Lyon & France
Top confusing French and English
words You Need To Know
J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
List of Important Faux Ami
abuse/insulter CONTRA take advantag
accommodate/loger CONTRA prepare
achieve/réaliser CONTRA complete/a
actor (theatre)/le comédien CONTRA c
actually/en fait CONTRA at present/a
ancient/antique CONTRA old/ancien
application(mobile)/l'application CONT
boss/le patron CONTRA patron/le clie
argument (reason)/l'argument CONTR
arm/ un bras CONTRA bra/un soutien
bread/le pain CONTRA pain/la douleu
brewery/une brasserie CONTRA lingeri
bunch of grapes/une grappe de raisins
bus, coach/le bus, le car CONTRA car/
caution/la prudence CONTRA guarant
J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
ge of/abuser
comedian/le comique
NTRA (job) application/la candidature
RA argument (discussion)/la dispute
ie/ une brasserie
CONTRA grape/le raisin
/la voiture
tee/la caution
J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
comprehensive/complet CONTRA underst
condom/le préservatif CONTRA preservati
conductor/contrôleur CONTRA driver/le c
confection/la friandise CONTRA ready-m
consistent/cohérent CONTRA solid, thick/
contemplate/envisager CONTRA gaze at/c
countenance/l’expression (visage) CONTR
curl up/se lover CONTRA love (each oth
day (duration)/la journée CONTRA journ
tower/la tour CONTRA tour/la visite
deadline/le délai CONTRA delay/le retard
deceive/tromper CONTRA disappoint/déc
demonstration (presentation)/la démonstra
desire&wish/l’envie CONTRA envy/envier
disappointment/la déception CONTRA dec
disposese/débarrasser CONTRA arrange/
dispute/le conflit CONTRA quarrel, argum
dress/la robe CONTRA (bath) robe/le pe
driver/le conducteur CONTRA conductor/
engaged/occupé CONTRA committed/en
J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
tive/le conservateur
made clothes/la confection
RA capacity/la contenance
ney/le voyage
ation CONTRA demonstration (political)/la manifestation
ception/la tromperie
ment/la dispute
r/le chef d'orchestre
J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
expertise/la compétence CONTRA expert's
extra/supplémentaire CONTRA first-rate/
Flesh (fruit)/la chair CONTRA chair/la ch
fortunate/chanceux CONTRA wealthy, w
gentle/aimable, doux CONTRA nice, kind/
grand/grandiose CONTRA tall, big/grand
grape/un raisin CONTRA raisin/un raisin
habit/une habitude CONTRA dress, cloth
hazard/un danger CONTRA chance/un h
ice cream/la glace CONTRA glass/le verre
inconvenient/gênant, inopportun CONTRA
indulge/laisser CONTRA leniency/indulg
internship/le stage CONTRA stage/la scèn
invaluable/inestimable CONTRA invalid/v
jacket/la veste CONTRA waistcoat/le gile
kind, likeable (masc., sg.)/ gentil CONTRA
lecture/une conférence CONTRA reading/
main characteristic/le caractère principal C
mechanic/un mécanicien CONTRA engine
medicine/un médicament CONTRA docto
mercy/la compassion, la pitié CONTRA tha
mood/l'humeur CONTRA humour/l'humo
J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
s report/l’expertise
n sec
hes/un habit
A improper/inconvenant
A gentle (masc., sg.)/doux
/une lecture
CONTRA main character/le personnage principal
eering/une mécanique
or/un médecin
J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
notice/un avis, un préavis CONTRA note, in
partition/une séparation CONTRA (musica
petrol/l’essence CONTRA oil, petroleum/u
photographer/le photographe CONTRA ph
phrase/l’expression CONTRA sentence/un
plum/une prune CONTRA prune/un prun
pretty/joli CONTRA jolly/agréable
prevent/empêcher CONTRA warn/préven
proper/adéquat CONTRA clean/propre
bookshop/la librairie CONTRA library/la b
short story/la nouvelle CONTRA novel/le r
nice, pleasant/sympathique CONTRA sympa
recover/se rétablir, se remettre CONTRA co
regard/considérer CONTRA look at/regard
relieve/soulager CONTRA raise/relever
rental/un location CONTRA location/un e
resume/recommencer CONTRA sum up/ré
route/un itinéraire CONTRA road/une rou
J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
nstructions/une notice
al) score/une partition
un pétrole
hotograph/la photographie
ne phrase
pathetic (male, singular)/compatissant
J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
socket/une douille CONTRA (ankle) sock/
spot/un bouton CONTRA button/un bout
store/un grand magasin CONTRA blind, sh
suit/un costume CONTRA rest/une suite
summary/le résumé CONTRA résumé (abb
supplies/les fournitures CONTRA furniture/
supply/fournir CONTRA implore/supplier
survey/examiner CONTRA supervise/surve
sympathetic/compatissant CONTRA nice, fr
take an exam/passer (un examen) CONTRA
tall/grand CONTRA great person/gr
tedious (masc., sg.) /fastidieux CONTRA fas
ticket (underground, bus)/le ticket CONTRA
tie/la cravate CONTRA cravat/le foul
trainers/les baskets CONTRA basket/la cor
undershirt (baby)/la brassière CONTRA bra
vegetable/un légume CONTRA legume
wagon/chariot CONTRA carriage, ca
wait/attendre CONTRA attend/assiste
warning/l'avertissement CONTRA advertise
J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
/une socquette
hade/un store
breviation)/le CV
/les meubles
A pass an exam/ être reçu(e) à, réussir
astidious (masc., sg.)/ minutieux
A banknote/le billet
a(ssiere)/le soutien-gorge
me/un légume sec
ar/le wagon
ter à
ement/la publicité
J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome

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My list of all important faux amis

  • 1. My List of All Important Faux Amis by ShopaholicFromHome who J'adore Lyon & France Top confusing French and English words You Need To Know J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
  • 2. List of Important Faux Ami abuse/insulter CONTRA take advantag accommodate/loger CONTRA prepare achieve/réaliser CONTRA complete/a actor (theatre)/le comédien CONTRA c actually/en fait CONTRA at present/a ancient/antique CONTRA old/ancien application(mobile)/l'application CONT boss/le patron CONTRA patron/le clie argument (reason)/l'argument CONTR arm/ un bras CONTRA bra/un soutien bread/le pain CONTRA pain/la douleu brewery/une brasserie CONTRA lingeri bunch of grapes/une grappe de raisins bus, coach/le bus, le car CONTRA car/ caution/la prudence CONTRA guarant J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
  • 3. is ge of/abuser re/accommoder achever comedian/le comique actuellement NTRA (job) application/la candidature ient RA argument (discussion)/la dispute n-gorge ur ie/ une brasserie CONTRA grape/le raisin /la voiture tee/la caution J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
  • 4. comprehensive/complet CONTRA underst condom/le préservatif CONTRA preservati conductor/contrôleur CONTRA driver/le c confection/la friandise CONTRA ready-m consistent/cohérent CONTRA solid, thick/ contemplate/envisager CONTRA gaze at/c countenance/l’expression (visage) CONTR curl up/se lover CONTRA love (each oth day (duration)/la journée CONTRA journ tower/la tour CONTRA tour/la visite deadline/le délai CONTRA delay/le retard deceive/tromper CONTRA disappoint/déc demonstration (presentation)/la démonstra desire&wish/l’envie CONTRA envy/envier disappointment/la déception CONTRA dec disposese/débarrasser CONTRA arrange/ dispute/le conflit CONTRA quarrel, argum dress/la robe CONTRA (bath) robe/le pe driver/le conducteur CONTRA conductor/ engaged/occupé CONTRA committed/en J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
  • 5. tanding/compréhensif tive/le conservateur conducteur made clothes/la confection /consistant contempler RA capacity/la contenance her)/s'aimer ney/le voyage d cevoir ation CONTRA demonstration (political)/la manifestation r ception/la tromperie /disposer ment/la dispute eignoir r/le chef d'orchestre ngagé J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
  • 6. expertise/la compétence CONTRA expert's extra/supplémentaire CONTRA first-rate/ Flesh (fruit)/la chair CONTRA chair/la ch fortunate/chanceux CONTRA wealthy, w gentle/aimable, doux CONTRA nice, kind/ grand/grandiose CONTRA tall, big/grand grape/un raisin CONTRA raisin/un raisin habit/une habitude CONTRA dress, cloth hazard/un danger CONTRA chance/un h ice cream/la glace CONTRA glass/le verre inconvenient/gênant, inopportun CONTRA indulge/laisser CONTRA leniency/indulg internship/le stage CONTRA stage/la scèn invaluable/inestimable CONTRA invalid/v jacket/la veste CONTRA waistcoat/le gile kind, likeable (masc., sg.)/ gentil CONTRA lecture/une conférence CONTRA reading/ main characteristic/le caractère principal C mechanic/un mécanicien CONTRA engine medicine/un médicament CONTRA docto mercy/la compassion, la pitié CONTRA tha mood/l'humeur CONTRA humour/l'humo J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
  • 7. s report/l’expertise /extra haise well-off/fortuné /gentil d n sec hes/un habit hasard e A improper/inconvenant gence ne valable et A gentle (masc., sg.)/doux /une lecture CONTRA main character/le personnage principal eering/une mécanique or/un médecin anks/merci our J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
  • 8. notice/un avis, un préavis CONTRA note, in partition/une séparation CONTRA (musica petrol/l’essence CONTRA oil, petroleum/u photographer/le photographe CONTRA ph phrase/l’expression CONTRA sentence/un plum/une prune CONTRA prune/un prun pretty/joli CONTRA jolly/agréable prevent/empêcher CONTRA warn/préven proper/adéquat CONTRA clean/propre bookshop/la librairie CONTRA library/la b short story/la nouvelle CONTRA novel/le r nice, pleasant/sympathique CONTRA sympa recover/se rétablir, se remettre CONTRA co regard/considérer CONTRA look at/regard relieve/soulager CONTRA raise/relever rental/un location CONTRA location/un e resume/recommencer CONTRA sum up/ré route/un itinéraire CONTRA road/une rou J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
  • 9. nstructions/une notice al) score/une partition un pétrole hotograph/la photographie ne phrase neau nir bibliothèque roman pathetic (male, singular)/compatissant over/recouvrir der emplacement ésumer oute J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
  • 10. socket/une douille CONTRA (ankle) sock/ spot/un bouton CONTRA button/un bout store/un grand magasin CONTRA blind, sh suit/un costume CONTRA rest/une suite summary/le résumé CONTRA résumé (abb supplies/les fournitures CONTRA furniture/ supply/fournir CONTRA implore/supplier survey/examiner CONTRA supervise/surve sympathetic/compatissant CONTRA nice, fr take an exam/passer (un examen) CONTRA tall/grand CONTRA great person/gr tedious (masc., sg.) /fastidieux CONTRA fas ticket (underground, bus)/le ticket CONTRA tie/la cravate CONTRA cravat/le foul trainers/les baskets CONTRA basket/la cor undershirt (baby)/la brassière CONTRA bra vegetable/un légume CONTRA legume wagon/chariot CONTRA carriage, ca wait/attendre CONTRA attend/assiste warning/l'avertissement CONTRA advertise J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
  • 11. /une socquette ton hade/un store breviation)/le CV /les meubles er eiller friendly/sympathique A pass an exam/ être reçu(e) à, réussir rand astidious (masc., sg.)/ minutieux A banknote/le billet lard rbeille a(ssiere)/le soutien-gorge me/un légume sec ar/le wagon ter à ement/la publicité J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome
  • 12. and read more at www.shopaholicfromhome.com merci! J'adore Lyon by Shopaholicfromhome